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Mega Man 5


Rockman 5: Blues no Wana!?
ロックマン5 ブルースの罠!?

Platforms: Family Computer, NES
Year: 1992
Developed by: Capcom
Published by: Capcom

Number of Files: 27
Total Filesize: 36 MB (MP3), 93 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Jun 1st, 2022   | Change Log
Album type: Gamerip

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Opening 0:36 0.69 MB 1.87 MB get_app
2. Title 0:58 1.13 MB 2.92 MB get_app
3. Pass Word 0:32 0.63 MB 1.40 MB get_app
4. Stage Select 0:27 0.54 MB 1.24 MB get_app
5. Game Start 0:06 0.11 MB 0.33 MB get_app
6. Gravity Man Stage 2:42 3.09 MB 8.32 MB get_app
7. Wave Man Stage 2:06 2.48 MB 6.64 MB get_app
8. Stone Man Stage 1:31 1.77 MB 4.30 MB get_app
9. Gyro Man Stage 1:42 1.90 MB 5.01 MB get_app
10. Star Man Stage 1:46 2.00 MB 5.47 MB get_app
11. Charge Man Stage 2:25 2.89 MB 7.31 MB get_app
12. Napalm Man Stage 1:46 2.09 MB 5.28 MB get_app
13. Crystal Man Stage 1:43 1.96 MB 5.11 MB get_app
14. Boss 1:20 1.62 MB 3.88 MB get_app
15. Stage Clear 0:03 0.07 MB 0.17 MB get_app
16. Get A Weapon 0:21 0.52 MB 0.73 MB get_app
17. Dark Man Stage Map 0:07 0.16 MB 0.40 MB get_app
18. Dark Man Stage 2:02 2.37 MB 6.36 MB get_app
19. Dr. Wily Stage Map 0:07 0.14 MB 0.39 MB get_app
20. Dr. Wily Stage 2:31 2.94 MB 7.93 MB get_app
21. Last Boss 2:23 2.77 MB 7.41 MB get_app
22. All Stage Clear 0:07 0.13 MB 0.36 MB get_app
23. Escape 0:31 0.69 MB 1.12 MB get_app
24. Ending 2:43 3.16 MB 8.68 MB get_app
25. Game Over 0:02 0.05 MB 0.13 MB get_app
26. Dark Man 0:03 0.08 MB 0.18 MB get_app
27. Proto Man 0:03 0.08 MB 0.19 MB get_app


Mega Man 5 is an action-platform game that is very similar to previous titles in the series. Gameplay revolves around the player using the central character Mega Man to run, jump, and shoot his way through a set of stages. If the player takes damage, Mega Man's life meter can be refilled by picking up energy capsules scattered about each level or from fallen enemies. Mega Man's default Mega Buster arm cannon can be fired an unlimited number of times. The Mega Buster's charge feature, introduced in Mega Man 4, has been upgraded to allow its powerful, charged shots to encompass a slightly wider area. Each stage ends with a boss battle with a Robot Master; destroying that Robot Master lets the player copy its special "Master Weapon", which can be toggled and used throughout the remainder of the game. Unlike the Mega Buster, Master Weapons require weapon energy to use and must be replenished if it is depleted in the same selected stage. Other power-ups including extra lives, "Energy Tanks", and a new "Mystery Tank", which fully refills health and all item power, can be picked up as well.

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+ Comment


11:38 Nov 27th, 2024Offline

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Again, you're being unnecessarily rude, it's just a video game.

As much as I love MM5, I just want to point out that stating an opinion objectively isn't rude.


11:37 Nov 27th, 2024Offline

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What is the easiest mega man installment?

People say V, but that game ramps up in difficulty during the Wily stages. I'd say the first one, mostly because of the select trick, but it's still the easiest without it. (no, I didn't count MM2 normal mode)


09:53 Sep 4th, 2024Offline

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What is the easiest mega man installment?

What I was meant to say was that it is a bit easier by Mega Man standards, but maybe normal mode of MM2 (America) might be the easieest


02:21 Jul 30th, 2024Offline

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I'm back on this thread after a few years of not commenting (hehe)! Mega Man 5, despite the criticism I pointed when I last commented, is really great and it feels the most complete. Sure, it's kind of boring and dull, and it's pretty easy for a Mega Man installment, but I think this is the peak of the Mega Man formula (don't attack me please). The soundtrack just brightens the game even more. There are some really great tunes and I do like them all a tiny bit.
Fav: Credits
Game: 7.5/10
Soundtrack: 7/10

MM6 is still my fav tho

Toan Cloud

08:23 Jul 17th, 2024Offline

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First off, that's called criticism. No matter the game, you have to notice and put out the flaws of it if you're reviewing something, you can't make a biased review even if it's one of your favorite games. Second, I'll love to hear your opinion on X7 because you're the second person I ever seen online that likes X7.

Yeah, I notice that a lot of people let their personal feelings on a game get in the way of a review. There are tons of games I love but know aren't amazing or anything. A good example is Mega Man 6. Mega Man 6 is my favorite Mega Man game. Even still, I know that other Mega Man games like Mega Man 4, Mega Man X, Mega Man X4, and Mega Man Zero 3 to name a few are better games. Don't even get me started about Super Mario 64. The bias for that game is through the roof.


05:25 Jul 17th, 2024Offline

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literally you diss any other mega man game bacause of some minor flaws, x7, like most major franchises, had a rough start into 3d, it’s still good.

First off, that's called criticism. No matter the game, you have to notice and put out the flaws of it if you're reviewing something, you can't make a biased review even if it's one of your favorite games. Second, I'll love to hear your opinion on X7 because you're the second person I ever seen online that likes X7.

Toan Cloud

02:52 Jul 12th, 2024Offline

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literally you diss any other mega man game bacause of some minor flaws, x7, like most major franchises, had a rough start into 3d, it’s still good.

Hold on a second here.

Look, I can agree that Harpuia can be harsh sometime, but I was shocked reading that you think X7 is good. I have never heard any one utter those words. Look, you can like the game, but saying that the game has minor flaws is a huge understatement. I don't want to go into detail about it here, considering this is the Mega Man 5 forum, but I'm pretty sure I reviewed the game on one of it's albums.


04:11 Jul 12th, 2024Offline

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I don't know how that comes off as rude, but you do you.

literally you diss any other mega man game bacause of some minor flaws, x7, like most major franchises, had a rough start into 3d, it’s still good.


08:29 May 23rd, 2024Offline

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Again, you're being unnecessarily rude, it's just a video game.

I don't know how that comes off as rude, but you do you.


06:19 May 23rd, 2024Offline

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I've had movies/games where I've changed my opinions on them drastically over the course of time. However, Mega Man 5 isn't one of those cases. I've always thought Mega Man 5 was boring since my very first playthrough and my opinion hasn't changed. I think the game has great sprite work, but that's it. It fails in every other category besides graphics. Even music, which for a Mega Man game, is a very surprising thing to screw up. If you want me to give you the quick sum up of my latest post on Mega Man 5, I think it suffers heavily from being just another sequel that doesn't add anything significant, nor does it do anything interesting on it's own.

Again, you're being unnecessarily rude, it's just a video game.


06:51 May 22nd, 2024Offline

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Your opinion is just, "Yeah, no."

I've had movies/games where I've changed my opinions on them drastically over the course of time. However, Mega Man 5 isn't one of those cases. I've always thought Mega Man 5 was boring since my very first playthrough and my opinion hasn't changed. I think the game has great sprite work, but that's it. It fails in every other category besides graphics. Even music, which for a Mega Man game, is a very surprising thing to screw up. If you want me to give you the quick sum up of my latest post on Mega Man 5, I think it suffers heavily from being just another sequel that doesn't add anything significant, nor does it do anything interesting on it's own.


05:14 May 21st, 2024Offline

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I said in my opinion in the beginning of my comment in case you can't read.

Your opinion is just, "Yeah, no."


05:12 May 21st, 2024Offline

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I'm not saying 5 is the BEST, I'm just saying it's a good game.

Toan Cloud

12:34 May 21st, 2024Offline

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So, I played through Mega Man 5 again today after not playing it for about 2 years at this point. I usually try to avoid it and I've always talked about it in a bad light. And honestly, I kinda feel bad. Sure, it doesn't do anything to innovate on the core Mega Man gameplay, but the level design is cool and I like a lot of the stage gimmicks. The gravity switching thing in Gravity Man's stage is pretty cool, and the steam obstacles in Wave Man's stage were a blast to get around when I realized the charge kick allows you to slide right through them. Overall I found the stage design to be very well done and the sprite work is amazing. The bosses weren't too tough, except for Charge Man, who I always hated fighting. The final stages aren't bad and while the final boss was mid, the fight was still enjoyable. I like the plot's focus on Proto Man. 6 is still my favorite but I was always disappointed that Proto Man only ever shows up to give you the energy equalizer. I think that Mega Man 5 is very well made, and it's a shame it gets hated on so much. (Yes, I'm aware of the comment I posted about how the game was bland and forgettable. I'm a new man after acually playing it after 2 years...)

At this point I guess I can officially say that I'm in the minority of Mega Man fans that thinks that the last trilogy on the NES (4, 5, and 6) are the better set of games. Not as iconic, but better made.

Mega Man 5 did add something to the series I guess... It added Beat. Without Mega Man 5 we might still be dying in pit falls!! (And yes... I know Beat wouldn't function as a savior of de fall until Mega Man 7, but still.)


10:11 Jan 11th, 2024Offline

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Omega Rockmanロックマン

I don't think Mega Man 5 is that bad. Sure, it isn't perfect, but it is better than Mega Man 1 at least.

I don't think Mega Man 5 is that bad of a game. I'm just saying it feels very uninspired and unremarkable compared to the last four NES Mega Man games that came before it. In terms of just bad Mega Man games, it's just a real boring game.


10:07 Jan 11th, 2024Offline

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Me when I shove down my opinion down someones throat, like christ dude, learn to respect someone elses opinions or so help me

I said in my opinion in the beginning of my comment in case you can't read.

Toan Cloud

04:30 Jan 11th, 2024Offline

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No matter WHAT you say, Mega Man 5 outclasses 4 in my opinion.
The stages have fun gimmicks, like the Suzy G in Gravity Man’s stage, the bosses have good designs..
If you say the boss designs are bad, you’re blaming the entire world for designing them.

Don't really get the blaming the whole world part, but I see what you're saying. Do I agree about it being better than 4? No, but I still see your point.

Toan Cloud

04:29 Jan 11th, 2024Offline

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"No matter what you say, Mega Man 5 outclasses 4 in my opinion." Yeah, no. In my opinion, 5 falls behind it's NES predecessors in many ways (even the first one which was very mediocre compared to later installments). Mega Man 5 has a dumb story with the whole Proto Man Doppelganger crap and it's bosses are way too easy. They have simple patterns, attacks that take no effort to dodge, and even better, they're weapons suck. None them are good except crystal eye. As for the rest, they're all outclassed by the overpowered Mega Buster. Aside from boss weaknesses, there is no reason to use any weapons in 5. The levels aren't much better. They have boring enemies with uninspired stage segments and setpieces. Well, even if the game sucks, the music will be great. Right? Nope. Even the music sucks because it's so damn dull and none of them are catchy besides Star Man's Theme as well as the Dark Man Levels. Overall, Mega Man 5 is a massive drop in quality after the magnicent Mega Man 3 and 4. Some folks say Mega Man 7 is when they ran out of ideas, but honesty, I'll have to say it's 5 because they clearly had no good ideas for robot masters here.

I don't think Mega Man 5 is that bad. Sure, it isn't perfect, but it is better than Mega Man 1 at least.

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10:01 Jan 10th, 2024Offline

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"No matter what you say, Mega Man 5 outclasses 4 in my opinion." Yeah, no. In my opinion, 5 falls behind it's NES predecessors in many ways (even the first one which was very mediocre compared to later installments). Mega Man 5 has a dumb story with the whole Proto Man Doppelganger crap and it's bosses are way too easy. They have simple patterns, attacks that take no effort to dodge, and even better, they're weapons suck. None them are good except crystal eye. As for the rest, they're all outclassed by the overpowered Mega Buster. Aside from boss weaknesses, there is no reason to use any weapons in 5. The levels aren't much better. They have boring enemies with uninspired stage segments and setpieces. Well, even if the game sucks, the music will be great. Right? Nope. Even the music sucks because it's so damn dull and none of them are catchy besides Star Man's Theme as well as the Dark Man Levels. Overall, Mega Man 5 is a massive drop in quality after the magnicent Mega Man 3 and 4. Some folks say Mega Man 7 is when they ran out of ideas, but honesty, I'll have to say it's 5 because they clearly had no good ideas for robot masters here.

Me when I shove down my opinion down someones throat, like christ dude, learn to respect someone elses opinions or so help me


05:44 Dec 27th, 2023Offline

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"No matter what you say, Mega Man 5 outclasses 4 in my opinion." Yeah, no. In my opinion, 5 falls behind it's NES predecessors in many ways (even the first one which was very mediocre compared to later installments). Mega Man 5 has a dumb story with the whole Proto Man Doppelganger crap and it's bosses are way too easy. They have simple patterns, attacks that take no effort to dodge, and even better, they're weapons suck. None them are good except crystal eye. As for the rest, they're all outclassed by the overpowered Mega Buster. Aside from boss weaknesses, there is no reason to use any weapons in 5. The levels aren't much better. They have boring enemies with uninspired stage segments and setpieces. Well, even if the game sucks, the music will be great. Right? Nope. Even the music sucks because it's so damn dull and none of them are catchy besides Star Man's Theme as well as the Dark Man Levels. Overall, Mega Man 5 is a massive drop in quality after the magnicent Mega Man 3 and 4. Some folks say Mega Man 7 is when they ran out of ideas, but honesty, I'll have to say it's 5 because they clearly had no good ideas for robot masters here.

Yeesh. Didn’t know your opinions were that harsh..


07:17 Dec 25th, 2023Offline

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No matter WHAT you say, Mega Man 5 outclasses 4 in my opinion.
The stages have fun gimmicks, like the Suzy G in Gravity Man’s stage, the bosses have good designs..
If you say the boss designs are bad, you’re blaming the entire world for designing them.

"No matter what you say, Mega Man 5 outclasses 4 in my opinion." Yeah, no. In my opinion, 5 falls behind it's NES predecessors in many ways (even the first one which was very mediocre compared to later installments). Mega Man 5 has a dumb story with the whole Proto Man Doppelganger crap and it's bosses are way too easy. They have simple patterns, attacks that take no effort to dodge, and even better, they're weapons suck. None them are good except crystal eye. As for the rest, they're all outclassed by the overpowered Mega Buster. Aside from boss weaknesses, there is no reason to use any weapons in 5. The levels aren't much better. They have boring enemies with uninspired stage segments and setpieces. Well, even if the game sucks, the music will be great. Right? Nope. Even the music sucks because it's so damn dull and none of them are catchy besides Star Man's Theme as well as the Dark Man Levels. Overall, Mega Man 5 is a massive drop in quality after the magnicent Mega Man 3 and 4. Some folks say Mega Man 7 is when they ran out of ideas, but honesty, I'll have to say it's 5 because they clearly had no good ideas for robot masters here.


06:56 Dec 25th, 2023Offline

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No matter WHAT you say, Mega Man 5 outclasses 4 in my opinion.
The stages have fun gimmicks, like the Suzy G in Gravity Man’s stage, the bosses have good designs..
If you say the boss designs are bad, you’re blaming the entire world for designing them.

Toan Cloud

01:18 Sep 26th, 2023Offline

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I haven't posted in ages, but I think its time to start up right where I left off. Mega Man 5 is a drop in quality from 4 in its soundtrack and game design. The game isn't bad, the devs just made some poor decisions. Like the boss weapons being worse than usual, seriously, Stone Man's weapon is an absolute joke. How are you supposed to hit anything with that thing!? The boss designs are fairly decent, if you leave out the Napalm Man controversy. Mega Man 5 was banned in Vietnam because of the inclusion of Napalm Man and his theme. I like his design but I can definitely see how people could get offended. Kinda ironic when you consider basically every robot master in 6 is based off of another country, very stereotypically however. Graphically, the game is nice, and the stages has some fun gimmicks. Gravity Man's stage has a gravity gimmick. It borders directly on being a bit annoying and being cool, and I don't think it overstays its welcome. The music is fairly decent. Songs like Stone Man and Wave Man I enjoy, while others like Gyro Man and Star Man I feel aren't as solid. I like to think of things in color, which is odd, and when I think of Mega Man 5 I see browns and grays. Graphically, it looks nice, the art is good, but there isn't a lot of appealing color or set pieces. The levels just feel bland when playing them.. Overall, Mega Man 5 can be described only has flawed in many ways. Music, graphically in some aspects, and in overall design.
Charge Man
Stone Man
Wave Man
Dr. Wily Stage
Gyro Man

Star Man
Crystal Man


02:06 Feb 16th, 2023Offline

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Mega Man 5 has a horrible and bland soundtrack.The only two good theme songs in this game is Star Man's Theme and the Dark Man stages. The rest are either boring or bland. Well, Mega Man 5 somehow managed to ruin a Mega Man Soundtrack, but this can be forgiven if the game is fun to play. Right? Nope. Mega Man 5 also fails at the gameplay department. The stages are very boring with no identity or fun setpieces unlike the last 3 games and even the first game. The only two good stages in this game is Star Man because of the low gravity Gimmick and Gyro Man because of the fun enemy placement and level design. The rest of them suck with boring level design that actually almost put me to sleep on many different playthroughs with no interesting setpieces, enemies, or fun level design. As for the weapons, they suck. No joke, they all suck because they're either too situational, do little damage, or they just plain suck. The only good one is Crystal Eye because it does a good amount of damage and it can split into 3 different projectiles to hit multiple enemies if it hits them. Okay, Mega Man 5 failed at three things already, but it can maybe make a come back if the bosses are fun to fight. Right? Again, no because the bosses are very easy with no interesting patterns. Overall, Mega Man 5 is a snooze fest with boring stages, boring and forgettable bosses, a stupid story I won't talk about until I eventually re-review this game, horrible weapons, and a bland soundtrack.
Soundtrack: 4.4/10.
Game: 4.3/10.
Note: Damn, they really dropped the ball with this one.


12:39 Feb 11th, 2023Offline

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The first half of Gravity Man's theme is good, but it becomes pretty bland half way in and Napalm Man's theme is alight. Mega Man 5's soundtrack for me is one of the lamest soundtracks in the whole franchise. The only two theme songs I like in this game are Star Man's and the Dark Man stages. Aside from those, the rest of this soundtrack blows.

I disagree of course, but respectfully. Although I will say I feel the exact same way about MM4's soundtrack, actually. Skull Man's and Dive Man's themes are pretty good, as well as the Cossack Fortress themes, but the others aren't really my cup of tea.


10:45 Feb 10th, 2023Offline

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While I initially didn't care for MM5's soundtrack, it has grown on me quite a bit. Gravity Man's theme and Napalm Man's theme are some of my favorites :].

The first half of Gravity Man's theme is good, but it becomes pretty bland half way in and Napalm Man's theme is alright. Mega Man 5's soundtrack for me is one of the lamest soundtracks in the whole franchise. The only two theme songs I like in this game are Star Man's and the Dark Man stages. Aside from those, the rest of this soundtrack blows.


03:12 Feb 10th, 2023Offline

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While I initially didn't care for MM5's soundtrack, it has grown on me quite a bit. Gravity Man's theme and Napalm Man's theme are some of my favorites :].


01:03 Aug 2nd, 2022Offline

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The suckiest games in the series are: Mega Man Xtreme 1, Mega Man II (GB), Mega Man 7 & 8, and Mega Man X7.

I don't agree with Mega Man 7 and as for Mega Man Xtreme 1, I hardly played it to have a opinion on it.


01:38 Jul 31st, 2022Offline

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I wouldn't say it's soundtrack is better then Mega Man 6, but otherwise I agree with your opinion on Mega Man 5. In fact, it's one of my least Mega Man games of the entire franchise along with Mega Man 8, Mega Man II (GB), and Mega Man X7. The only theme songs I like in this game is Dark Man's Theme and Star Man's Theme.

The suckiest games in the series are: Mega Man Xtreme 1, Mega Man II (GB), Mega Man 7 & 8, and Mega Man X7.


01:55 Jul 30th, 2022Offline

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It's like a bootleg game or a horrible game with a loud and annoying soundtrack like Crazy Bus.



02:34 Jul 18th, 2022Offline

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Well that’s because you have to put Mega Man II (GB) and X7 at the back. Mega Man II has an awful screechy soundtrack.

It's like a bootleg game or a horrible game with a loud and annoying soundtrack like Crazy Bus.


01:27 Jul 18th, 2022Offline

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I wouldn't say it's soundtrack is better then Mega Man 6, but otherwise I agree with your opinion on Mega Man 5. In fact, it's one of my least Mega Man games of the entire franchise along with Mega Man 8, Mega Man II (GB), and Mega Man X7. The only theme songs I like in this game is Dark Man's Theme and Star Man's Theme.

Well that’s because you have to put Mega Man II (GB) and X7 at the back. Mega Man II has an awful screechy soundtrack.


04:43 Jul 14th, 2022Offline

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This may be my least favorite Mega Man game (featuring bland Robot Masters and themes, oddly choppy performance, and Dark Man's mess of a castle), but the soundtrack ain't bad. It's better than MM1 and 6, but doesn't hold a candle to 2 through 4. The Wily Stage theme is probably my favorite, followed by Crystal Man and Get a Weapon.

I wouldn't say it's soundtrack is better then Mega Man 6, but otherwise I agree with your opinion on Mega Man 5. In fact, it's one of my least Mega Man games of the entire franchise along with Mega Man 8, Mega Man II (GB), and Mega Man X7. The only theme songs I like in this game is Dark Man's Theme and Star Man's Theme.


04:02 Jul 12th, 2022Offline

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This may be my least favorite Mega Man game (featuring bland Robot Masters and themes, oddly choppy performance, and Dark Man's mess of a castle), but the soundtrack ain't bad. It's better than MM1 and 6, but doesn't hold a candle to 2 through 4. The Wily Stage theme is probably my favorite, followed by Crystal Man and Get a Weapon.

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06:15 Jun 1st, 2022Offline

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This album was updated on 1st of June, 2022.


10:32 Apr 5th, 2022Offline

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The Mega Man II (GB) music all sounds the same Soundtrack: 4/10 Game: 8/10

That and it's plain earrape.


01:34 Apr 5th, 2022Offline

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I wouldn't put Mega Man 5's soundtrack that high or hell, higher then The xtreme games, Mega Man X8, Mega Man II (GB), etc. (Aka, Mega man games with bland or awful soundtracks).

The Mega Man II (GB) music all sounds the same Soundtrack: 4/10 Game: 8/10


04:35 Apr 5th, 2022Offline

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This game has a really solid soundtrack and is one of my favorite soundtracks in the series, after Mega Man 10, Mega Man 6, and Mega Man 2.

I wouldn't put Mega Man 5's soundtrack that high or hell, higher then The xtreme games, Mega Man X8, Mega Man II (GB), etc. (Aka, Mega man games with bland or awful soundtracks).


12:59 Apr 5th, 2022Offline

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This game has a really solid soundtrack and is one of my favorite soundtracks in the series, after Mega Man 10, Mega Man 6, and Mega Man 2.


11:21 Apr 4th, 2022Offline

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I wouldn't say Star Man's boss fight or stage are hard, but the stage is fun to play because of the low gravity gimmick and the theme song.

The theme song is my 3 favorite in Mega Man 5 after Napalm Man Stage and Stone Man Stage.


06:07 Apr 4th, 2022Offline

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In X6 Gate just… y’now has all his creations labeled mavericks and killed, then he creates Zero Nightmare to wreak havoc on the world to frame Zero, but Nooo he’s not done yet, he then creates a robot called HIGH-MAX and rebuilds all his fallen robots to stop the maverick hunters and so called “Investigate Zero Nightmare” as the “Nightmare Investigators”

Why would you try to frame someone who is dead for the first few levels? But hey, at least it isn't Mega Man X4 levels of stupid (plot).


01:48 Apr 4th, 2022Offline

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I think that Star Man is my favorite because it has a good level of challenge to it and the boss is hard.

I wouldn't say Star Man's boss fight or stage are hard, but the stage is fun to play because of the low gravity gimmick and the theme song.


01:45 Apr 4th, 2022Offline

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The tigers are the only enemies I hate in mega man 5 because if you don't hit them with a charge shot, you have to charge another shot... that is if you can manage to charge one while the tiger(s) is constantly attacking you.

Stupid tigers are all over in Napalm Man Stage


01:44 Apr 4th, 2022Offline

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Sure Mega Man 1 & 2 Mega Man Just Left Wliy There. Even Somecallmejohnny made a joke about that in his Mega Man Reviews. In Mega Man 3 & 5, Mega Man Couldn't Arrest Dr. Wily Because He Occupied With Something Else. He Had A Chance In 4, But That's Something To Complain About Later. In Mega Man 6, He Finally Arrests Dr. Wily & Brings Him To Justice... For Only One Game. The Story Of 6 Is Stupid, But It Isn't X6 Bad.

In X6 Gate just… y’now has all his creations labeled mavericks and killed, then he creates Zero Nightmare to wreak havoc on the world to frame Zero, but Nooo he’s not done yet, he then creates a robot called HIGH-MAX and rebuilds all his fallen robots to stop the maverick hunters and so called “Investigate Zero Nightmare” as the “Nightmare Investigators”


01:37 Apr 4th, 2022Offline

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For me, it will be crystal man because his stage actually does something interesting and his weapon is actually useful.

I think that Star Man is my favorite because it has a good level of challenge to it and the boss is hard.


07:26 Mar 12th, 2022Offline

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Yea, it was pretty boring. And it's just an opinion, not a fact. Also I quit in Mega man 5 in Dark man stage 1. It's literally filled with tigers.
Soundtrack 5.6/10
Game 5/10

The tigers are the only enemies I hate in mega man 5 because if you don't hit them with a charge shot, you have to charge another shot... that is if you can manage to charge one while the tiger(s) is constantly attacking you.


12:07 Mar 12th, 2022Offline

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First off, That's called a opinion. Ever sense my first playthrough, I found the soundtrack to be boring and dull. And I've beaten this game almost 20 times and the funny thing is, my opinion on mega man 5 never changed (game and soundtrack). My opinion on mega man 5's soundtrack is also my opinion on X4. Expect X4 is a great game unlike mega man 5. Second, I never knew plants vs zombies soundtrack was inspired by mega man 5. Also, I can't say anything about Plants vs zombies soundtrack because I haven't played the game in 3 or 4 years and I'm not interested in playing it again (I'm not saying it's a bad game, I'm just saying I'm not interested in playing it again). Third, Just because I think mega man 5 has a boring as hell soundtrack, doesn't mean I'm also talking about Plants vs zombies soundtrack. Also, Don't attack me just because I have a different opinion then you do.

Yea, it was pretty boring. And it's just an opinion, not a fact. Also I quit in Mega man 5 in Dark man stage 1. It's literally filled with tigers.
Soundtrack 5.6/10
Game 5/10


07:26 Mar 10th, 2022Offline

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Mega Pro 2.0

I see I see I stop criticizing a game that I inspire you know I don't even think you know that plants vs zombies the one that created this music for this plants vs zombies game, was inspired by the music of megaman 5, and you say it's so boring , you don't see how successful the plants vs zombies music was, and don't come out with the story that plants vs zombies has bad music, oh if that were so without offending you would have strange tastes, also something I've always known is that when one is inspired by something, generally the product that one is inspired by is good, how can this man say that it is boring please, it is as if this man said that the music of planst vs zombies is boring hahaha, and if you don't believe me that was inspired by the music of this game, watch this video, go to minute 3:59 and if you don't know Spanish translate it to English and once that's done, you'll realize that it was based on the music of megaman 5 I'll pass you the link with evidence: s

First off, That's called a opinion. Ever sense my first playthrough, I found the soundtrack to be boring and dull. And I've beaten this game almost 20 times and the funny thing is, my opinion on mega man 5 never changed (game and soundtrack). My opinion on mega man 5's soundtrack is also my opinion on X4. Expect X4 is a great game unlike mega man 5. Second, I never knew plants vs zombies soundtrack was inspired by mega man 5. Also, I can't say anything about Plants vs zombies soundtrack because I haven't played the game in 3 or 4 years and I'm not interested in playing it again (I'm not saying it's a bad game, I'm just saying I'm not interested in playing it again). Third, Just because I think mega man 5 has a boring as hell soundtrack, doesn't mean I'm also talking about Plants vs zombies soundtrack. Also, Don't attack me just because I have a different opinion then you do.

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Mega Pro 2.0

12:55 Mar 10th, 2022Offline

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Wow...Just Wow. How do you Make A soundtrack And A video Game So Boring? Mega Man 5 That's how. Soundtrack:4/10. Game:4.3/10.

I see I see I stop criticizing a game that I inspire you know I don't even think you know that plants vs zombies the one that created this music for this plants vs zombies game, was inspired by the music of megaman 5, and you say it's so boring , you don't see how successful the plants vs zombies music was, and don't come out with the story that plants vs zombies has bad music, oh if that were so without offending you would have strange tastes, also something I've always known is that when one is inspired by something, generally the product that one is inspired by is good, how can this man say that it is boring please, it is as if this man said that the music of planst vs zombies is boring hahaha, and if you don't believe me that was inspired by the music of this game, watch this video, go to minute 3:59 and if you don't know Spanish translate it to English and once that's done, you'll realize that it was based on the music of megaman 5 I'll pass you the link with evidence: s


12:07 Feb 27th, 2022Offline

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For me, it will be crystal man because his stage actually does something interesting and his weapon is actually useful.

For me, I think my favorite is gyro man because I love the elevators and personally like the design.


03:00 Jan 30th, 2022Offline

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My personal favorite is Napalm man.

For me, it will be crystal man because his stage actually does something interesting and his weapon is actually useful.


03:00 Jan 30th, 2022Offline

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This game is not really boring anymore.

For me it is. The game is piss easy, the stages are bland (Besides crystal man, star man, and wave man), the Bosses are piss easy, the weapons suck, and the story is extremely stupid because you can't impersonate someone while you have the real one still out there.


11:33 Jan 28th, 2022Offline

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My personal favorite is the title.

My personal favorite is Napalm man.


11:31 Jan 28th, 2022Offline

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This game is not really boring anymore.


11:30 Jan 28th, 2022Offline

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Wow...Just Wow. How do you Make A soundtrack And A video Game So Boring? Mega Man 5 That's how. Soundtrack:4/10. Game:4.3/10.

I don't think so.

Boring? No!
I’m okay to say that this Mega Man is far to be perfect, but I think it don’t merit 4/10.

This game is my 2nd favourite of the 6 NES titles (MM4 is first). Certains songs are very nice and memorable (Napalm Man, Stone Man, Proto Man Castle, Title Screen, Wily Castle). Gravity Man's Stage is one of the most inventive in the series

Why are you thinking that this game is bad?

Mega man 5 is also my 2nd favorite NES Mega man, because the robot master lineup is pretty good (besides Stone man, Charge man and Star man) and the weapon lineup is also pretty good (besides power stone, charge kick, water wave and napalm bomb). You can collect all 8 plates (MEGAMANV) to get beat, but beat is a bit stupid, because he sometimes doesn't defeat enemies. New rush coil is also a bit stupid, because if I will touch new rush coil, he will jumps somehow. Super arrow is pretty good and useful on Wily machine 5. There is no rush marine somehow. Wily machine's weakness is beat, why beat?! Soundtrack is pretty good, like Stone man, Gyro man, Napalm man, Proto man castle and Wily stages. Probably, pretty good soundtrack and good, but a bit broken game.
My favorite robot master is Napalm man
My least favorite robot master is Stone man
Soundtrack: B+
Game: B-


12:43 Jan 25th, 2022Offline

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Guest Reviewer

This music is amazingly epic, although my personal favorite (for most Megaman music too) is the intro.

My personal favorite is the title.


09:13 Nov 18th, 2021Offline

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Bueno igualmente el juego no es tan malo a mi me parecio divertido, yo lo denominaria un juego para pasar el rato que te divierte juego 5,5. Musica 7,7


09:11 Nov 18th, 2021Offline

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Yo vine aqui para ver la pelea.... Continuen


01:42 May 18th, 2021Offline

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Either way, the scenarios in Mega Man 1-6 never flew very high. It is true that for Mega Man 5 he could have done better, The MM4 scenario was better. But is it really worse than Wily wearing sunglasses and a fake beard to pretend to be someone else? The scenarios of MM1 and MM2 are the worst.

I had no intention of going to see Transformers Age Of Extinction at all, mainly because this series leaves me completely indifferent. However, this film looks horrible by your description (all the more reason not to go see it).

Sure Mega Man 1 & 2 Mega Man Just Left Wliy There. Even Somecallmejohnny made a joke about that in his Mega Man Reviews. In Mega Man 3 & 5, Mega Man Couldn't Arrest Dr. Wily Because He Occupied With Something Else. He Had A Chance In 4, But That's Something To Complain About Later. In Mega Man 6, He Finally Arrests Dr. Wily & Brings Him To Justice... For Only One Game. The Story Of 6 Is Stupid, But It Isn't X6 Bad.


11:23 May 18th, 2021Offline

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Blizzard Buffalo

For Me, Mega Man 5 Is The Most Boringest Game I've Ever Played On The Nintendo Entertainment System. The Soundtrack Is Also Extremely Boring Besides Star Man, Napalm Man, & The Dark Man Stages. Even The Plot Is Stupid. You Can't Make A Fake Proto Man & Still Have The Real Proto Man Out There. The Last Time I Found The Plot In A Movie Or Video Game To Make No Sense Was In Transformers Age Of Extinction.
WARNING: Don't Watch It. The Film Is Horrible, There's Way Too Many Plot Holes, Crap Loads Of Product Placement, & Extremely Stupid Plot That Makes No Sense. Also That Film Is 2 Hours & 45 Minutes Long. Anyway, The Ending Reminds Me Of A Castlevania Game. What Makes The Ending Even Better, Is That It Feels Like The Game Never Happened. The Robot Master Line Up Is Great, But It Doesn't Compare To The Last 4 Games.

Either way, the scenarios in Mega Man 1-6 never flew very high. It is true that for Mega Man 5 he could have done better, The MM4 scenario was better. But is it really worse than Wily wearing sunglasses and a fake beard to pretend to be someone else? The scenarios of MM1 and MM2 are the worst.

I had no intention of going to see Transformers Age Of Extinction at all, mainly because this series leaves me completely indifferent. However, this film looks horrible by your description (all the more reason not to go see it).


02:44 May 15th, 2021Offline

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Mega Man 5 on NES is a fun game, very similar to MM4, but a little worse.

There are improvements, of course, like a more efficient Charged Buster. Actually, I find this opus a bit boring, not always interesting.
The soundtrack is very well worked, my favorite music being Napalm Man, Stone Man, Proto Man Castle, Wily Castle and Final Boss.

But this opus still 2nd favorite NES Mega Man.
Rating for the game: 75%
Score for the soundtrack: 70%

For Me, Mega Man 5 Is The Most Boringest Game I've Ever Played On The Nintendo Entertainment System. The Soundtrack Is Also Extremely Boring Besides Star Man, Napalm Man, & The Dark Man Stages. Even The Plot Is Stupid. You Can't Make A Fake Proto Man & Still Have The Real Proto Man Out There. The Last Time I Found The Plot In A Movie Or Video Game To Make No Sense Was In Transformers Age Of Extinction.
WARNING: Don't Watch It. The Film Is Horrible, There's Way Too Many Plot Holes, Crap Loads Of Product Placement, & Extremely Stupid Plot That Makes No Sense. Also That Film Is 2 Hours & 45 Minutes Long. Anyway, The Ending Reminds Me Of A Castlevania Game. What Makes The Ending Even Better, Is That It Feels Like The Game Never Happened. The Robot Master Line Up Is Great, But It Doesn't Compare To The Last 4 Games.


03:35 May 14th, 2021Offline

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Mega Man 5 on NES is a fun game, very similar to MM4, but a little worse.

There are improvements, of course, like a more efficient Charged Buster. Actually, I find this opus a bit boring, not always interesting.
The soundtrack is very well worked, my favorite music being Title Screen, Napalm Man, Stone Man, Proto Man Castle, Wily Castle and Final Boss.

But this opus still 2nd favorite NES Mega Man.
Rating for the game: 75%
Score for the soundtrack: 70%


01:40 Apr 23rd, 2021Offline

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Boring? No!
I’m okay to say that this Mega Man is far to be perfect, but I think it don’t merit 4/10.

This game is my 2nd favourite of the 6 NES titles (MM4 is first). Certains songs are very nice and memorable (Napalm Man, Stone Man, Proto Man Castle, Title Screen, Wily Castle). Gravity Man's Stage is one of the most inventive in the series

Why are you thinking that this game is bad?

Mega Man 5 Is Boring To Me Because Most Of The Levels Don't Feel Memorable, The Music Is Beyond Bland Besides A few. Such As Star Man, Napalm Man, & Charge Man. That's About The Only Songs I like In This Game. The Bosses Are Piss Easy & So Is The Game Itself. This game's set of robot Master's are really Bland. Keep In Mind I've Beaten This Game 17 Times & By My First Playthrough, I Really Didn't Care For Mega Man 5.


01:04 Apr 22nd, 2021Offline

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Blizzard Buffalo

Wow...Just Wow. How do you Make A soundtrack And A video Game So Boring? Mega Man 5 That's how. Soundtrack:4/10. Game:4.3/10.

Boring? No!
I’m okay to say that this Mega Man is far to be perfect, but I think it don’t merit 4/10.

This game is my 2nd favourite of the 6 NES titles (MM4 is first). Certains songs are very nice and memorable (Napalm Man, Stone Man, Proto Man Castle, Title Screen, Wily Castle). Gravity Man's Stage is one of the most inventive in the series

Why are you thinking that this game is bad?


02:06 Jan 17th, 2021Offline

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Wow...Just Wow. How do you Make A soundtrack And A video Game So Boring? Mega Man 5 That's how. Soundtrack:4/10. Game:4.3/10.

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Guest Reviewer

01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Se escucha el ruido de megaman al empezar ._.

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Guest Reviewer

01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Fuzzy, poor quality overall. Notably #18 for Dark Man's stage doesn't start at the beginning of the track.

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Guest Reviewer

01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Several of these tracks are ruined by the 'warp in' sound near the beginning. Other than that, it'
s well put together.

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Guest Reviewer

01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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This music is amazingly epic, although my personal favorite (for most Megaman music too) is the intro.