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Mega Man



Platforms: Family Computer, NES
Year: 1987
Developed by: Capcom
Published by: Capcom

Number of Files: 16
Total Filesize: 16 MB (MP3), 39 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Jun 1st, 2022   | Change Log
Album type: Gamerip

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Stage Select 0:19 0.36 MB 0.72 MB get_app
2. Game Start 0:06 0.12 MB 0.29 MB get_app
3. Cutman Stage 1:30 1.88 MB 4.70 MB get_app
4. Gutsman Stage 1:04 1.28 MB 2.95 MB get_app
5. Iceman Stage 1:19 1.53 MB 3.67 MB get_app
6. Bombman Stage 1:17 1.53 MB 4.07 MB get_app
7. Fireman Stage 1:06 1.30 MB 3.21 MB get_app
8. Elecman Stage 1:30 1.69 MB 4.49 MB get_app
9. Boss 0:26 0.58 MB 1.14 MB get_app
10. Stage Clear 0:06 0.11 MB 0.37 MB get_app
11. Dr. Wily Stage 1 1:14 1.53 MB 3.52 MB get_app
12. Dr. Wily Stage 2 0:55 1.08 MB 2.60 MB get_app
13. Dr. Wily Stage Boss 0:36 0.75 MB 1.67 MB get_app
14. All Stage Clear 0:14 0.29 MB 0.82 MB get_app
15. Ending 1:33 1.88 MB 4.95 MB get_app
16. Game Over 0:03 0.06 MB 0.13 MB get_app


Mega Man consists of six side-scrolling platform levels freely chosen by the player. In each level, the player-character, Mega Man, fights through various enemies and obstacles before facing a "Robot Master" boss at the level's end. Upon defeating the boss, the player assimilates the Robot Master's signature attack, or "Special Weapon", into Mega Man's arsenal for the rest of the game. Unlike the standard Mega Buster (Rock Buster in Japan), the Robot Master powers have limited ammunition replenished by collecting ammunition cells dropped by defeated enemies at random. Enemies also drop energy cells that replenish Mega Man's health gauge. While the player is free to proceed through the game in any order, each Robot Master is especially vulnerable to a specific weapon, which encourages the player to complete certain stages before others. The player can also revisit cleared levels. Besides the weapons taken from the Robot Masters, the player is able to pick up a platform generator item known as the "Magnet Beam" in Elec Man's stage.

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Mega Man 7 (SNES, 3DS, Windows, PS4, Xbox One) (gamerip) (1995)

Mega Man X (gamerip) (1993)

Mega Man 5 (Family Computer, NES) (gamerip) (1992)

Mega Man 6 (NES, Family Computer) (gamerip) (1993)

Mega Man 8 (Saturn) (gamerip) (1997)

Mega Man: The Wily Wars (Genesis) (gamerip) (1994)

Super C (Family Computer, NES) (gamerip) (1990)

Super C (Family Computer, NES) (gamerip) (1990)

Mega Man X4 (PS1) (gamerip) (1997)


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Toan Cloud

12:19 Oct 14th, 2023Offline

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I have a shirt with the first image shown for the album on it. I made a great choice.


03:06 Apr 15th, 2023Offline

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Omega Rockmanロックマン

I have found memories with this one, it wasn't my first Mega Man game, that was 2, but I still enjoy it to this day. The game can be tough, and gravity isn't always the most reliable, but the designs of the robot masters and their stages are great. And while the soundtrack is only okay in my opinion, with songs with some terrible short loops (Looking at you Guts Man!), but overall it does its job. I still only beat the Yellow Devil once without using that I frame oversight!
Cut Man
Elec Man (Me telling Google elec is a word...)
Dr. Wily Stage 1
Dr. Wily Stage 2


I think Mega Man 1 is a prime example of first game syndrome. It has all the mechanics the later games do, but it doesn't do anything memorable. But hey, it had a good set of Robot Masters and a good soundtrack for the first game in the series.

Toan Cloud

09:02 Apr 12th, 2023Offline

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I have found memories with this one, it wasn't my first Mega Man game, that was 2, but I still enjoy it to this day. The game can be tough, and gravity isn't always the most reliable, but the designs of the robot masters and their stages are great. And while the soundtrack is only okay in my opinion, with songs with some terrible short loops (Looking at you Guts Man!), but overall it does its job. I still only beat the Yellow Devil once without using that I frame oversight!
Cut Man
Elec Man (Me telling Google elec is a word...)
Dr. Wily Stage 1
Dr. Wily Stage 2



12:20 Feb 16th, 2023Offline

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Mega Man 1 has a good soundtrack. My favorites are Elec Man, Cut Man, Guts Man, Stage Select, and the Dr. Wily boss theme. As for the game itself, it suffers a lot from first game syndrome. The stages are alright, but they don't do a lot with them. I think Fire Man, Cut Man, and Elec Man's stages are fun, but the rest, range from okay to bland and boring. The weapons are good, but the only two I use is Elec Beam which kills enemies in no time and the Fire Storm which does the same thing. I only use the Ice Slasher to freeze the Big Eye enemies in the first Wily Stage. As for the bosses, they can be pretty annoying sometimes, but most of them are pretty easy. Overall, Mega Man 1 is a mediocre game with okay stages, a good soundtrack, good weapons, and alright bosses.
Soundtrack: 6.4/10.
Game: 5.5/10.


10:02 Sep 26th, 2022Offline

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The soundtrack is nice and has some good tracks. Most of them repeat to quickly but the game makes up for that. Not only does the game play feel interesting and fun even today, but this game is just plain amazing and a great start for the series. I like Elec Man's theme but prefer the Rockman Complete Works version.

To me, Mega Man one is a mediocre game with stages that don't have a whole lot to them besides platforming (Such as Bomb Man or the last two Wily stages that has nothing memorable about them whatsoever). The soundtrack is good, but it doesn't compare to the later games in the franchise. My favorites are the stage select, Cut Man, Elec Man, Guts Man, and the Wily boss theme. The weapons are great like Fire Storm, Thunder Beam, and Rolling cutter.

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08:03 Sep 25th, 2022Offline

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The soundtrack is nice and has some good tracks. Most of them repeat to quickly but the game makes up for that. Not only does the game play feel interesting and fun even today, but this game is just plain amazing and a great start for the series. I like Elec Man's theme but prefer the Rockman Complete Works version.


01:37 Jun 14th, 2022Offline

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Luke Fitton

Yeah those blobs, like I said MM2 is awesome but I feel as if Wily's Castle really wasn't great in that game. (Besides the great music). And I agree about the Dragon boss.

Mecha Dragon can kill you it one hit!

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06:15 Jun 1st, 2022Online

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This album was updated on 1st of June, 2022.

Luke Fitton

08:31 May 6th, 2022Offline

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You mean those blob things?

Yeah those blobs, like I said MM2 is awesome but I feel as if Wily's Castle really wasn't great in that game. (Besides the great music). And I agree about the Dragon boss.


01:43 Apr 27th, 2022Offline

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Luke Fitton

Mega Man 1 is a highly underrated game in my opinion, I think this game's Robot Masters had solid designs with lots of personality (the fact that they were made by Doctor Light also makes defeating them feel a little more personal), MM1 had not too easy and not too hard Robot Master stages (save for a highly difficult Wily Castle which I think is a good thing), an OST which is sadly small with short tracks but they were very catchy and suited their respective stages incredibly well. For example, Wily Stage 1 sounding very climactic and sinister. Not only could you use Robot Masters weapons effectively against Bosses but they went through the effort into making them all useful at least a couple times through the levels too, like freezing the fire in Fire Man Stage to help with the platforming, and freezing those bouncing enemies that deal huge damage to get past them, and there's the blocks you can pick up in Cut Man's Stage to wipe out those flying enemies, and you can head for Guts Man and Elec Man stages first to find ways to make lots of use of the Magnet Beam in the other four levels. It's a very replayable experience with weapons that are useful throughout each level. (Bomb Man's is a little weak but good against some of the slower enemies) Elec Man, Cut Man and Heat Man weapons are very fun to use. Graphically and Control-wise this game falls a little short compared to future titles but it still plays almost identically to your average Mega Man game and is a short and sweet experience. I also like the lack of E-Tanks, makes beating the game feel far more rewarding. Also the Yellow Devil is awesome, yes I said it. His Boss Music sums up the tensity of his fight well, he looks cool and it requires lots of concentration. I love Mega Man 2, but I find the Yellow Devil and Mega Man Clone boss fights in MM1 far better than the Robot Dragon, Tank Boss and that awful boss you use Crash Man's weapon for in MM2 Wily Castle personally.

Honestly, I say that Mecha Dragon is one of the worst bosses in the NES/Famicom Mega Man/Rock Man series.


01:42 Apr 27th, 2022Offline

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Luke Fitton

Mega Man 1 is a highly underrated game in my opinion, I think this game's Robot Masters had solid designs with lots of personality (the fact that they were made by Doctor Light also makes defeating them feel a little more personal), MM1 had not too easy and not too hard Robot Master stages (save for a highly difficult Wily Castle which I think is a good thing), an OST which is sadly small with short tracks but they were very catchy and suited their respective stages incredibly well. For example, Wily Stage 1 sounding very climactic and sinister. Not only could you use Robot Masters weapons effectively against Bosses but they went through the effort into making them all useful at least a couple times through the levels too, like freezing the fire in Fire Man Stage to help with the platforming, and freezing those bouncing enemies that deal huge damage to get past them, and there's the blocks you can pick up in Cut Man's Stage to wipe out those flying enemies, and you can head for Guts Man and Elec Man stages first to find ways to make lots of use of the Magnet Beam in the other four levels. It's a very replayable experience with weapons that are useful throughout each level. (Bomb Man's is a little weak but good against some of the slower enemies) Elec Man, Cut Man and Heat Man weapons are very fun to use. Graphically and Control-wise this game falls a little short compared to future titles but it still plays almost identically to your average Mega Man game and is a short and sweet experience. I also like the lack of E-Tanks, makes beating the game feel far more rewarding. Also the Yellow Devil is awesome, yes I said it. His Boss Music sums up the tensity of his fight well, he looks cool and it requires lots of concentration. I love Mega Man 2, but I find the Yellow Devil and Mega Man Clone boss fights in MM1 far better than the Robot Dragon, Tank Boss and that awful boss you use Crash Man's weapon for in MM2 Wily Castle personally.

You mean those blob things?


01:41 Apr 27th, 2022Offline

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Who likes Elec man?

I do

Luke Fitton

01:56 Apr 18th, 2022Offline

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Mega Man 1 is a highly underrated game in my opinion, I think this game's Robot Masters had solid designs with lots of personality (the fact that they were made by Doctor Light also makes defeating them feel a little more personal), MM1 had not too easy and not too hard Robot Master stages (save for a highly difficult Wily Castle which I think is a good thing), an OST which is sadly small with short tracks but they were very catchy and suited their respective stages incredibly well. For example, Wily Stage 1 sounding very climactic and sinister. Not only could you use Robot Masters weapons effectively against Bosses but they went through the effort into making them all useful at least a couple times through the levels too, like freezing the fire in Fire Man Stage to help with the platforming, and freezing those bouncing enemies that deal huge damage to get past them, and there's the blocks you can pick up in Cut Man's Stage to wipe out those flying enemies, and you can head for Guts Man and Elec Man stages first to find ways to make lots of use of the Magnet Beam in the other four levels. It's a very replayable experience with weapons that are useful throughout each level. (Bomb Man's is a little weak but good against some of the slower enemies) Elec Man, Cut Man and Heat Man weapons are very fun to use. Graphically and Control-wise this game falls a little short compared to future titles but it still plays almost identically to your average Mega Man game and is a short and sweet experience. I also like the lack of E-Tanks, makes beating the game feel far more rewarding. Also the Yellow Devil is awesome, yes I said it. His Boss Music sums up the tensity of his fight well, he looks cool and it requires lots of concentration. I love Mega Man 2, but I find the Yellow Devil and Mega Man Clone boss fights in MM1 far better than the Robot Dragon, Tank Boss and that awful boss you use Crash Man's weapon for in MM2 Wily Castle personally.

Luke Fitton

01:37 Apr 18th, 2022Offline

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Yeah... I am aware of the Pause Glitch, but this flaw is sad and really affects Yellow Devil (which I hardly ever defeated without it, on NES).
This boss is so difficult that you have to exploit a bug to defeat it, it's shameful.
Quint is neat in comparison.
MM1's Yellow Devil is the worst boss in the series.

This game does have First Game Syndrome, no one can say otherwise (I don't know about Sonic 1).

Don't get the hate for Yellow Devil personally, his sprite looks badass, the music perfectly matches the tension and difficulty and you only have to learn a pattern I don't think it's anything Game Breaking.


03:56 Dec 26th, 2021Offline

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For me, mega man 1 is mediocre. The music is good, the robot master line up is also good (not including bomb man and guts man), and the stages themselves are either fun, mediocre, or boring.
Soundtrack: 6/10.
Game: 5.4/10.

Harpuia. Why do you hate Guts man? For me Guts man is pretty good. He looks really strong and he can also make an earthquake, but someone bad about him is his weapon called Super arm. Super arm - my least favorite weapon from Mega man 1. This weapon only works on Guts blocks and I don't like it. If you play as Guts man in Mega man powered up for Psp, he can make Guts blocks to appear, but it's still really stupid.
Guts man: B-


05:00 Dec 25th, 2021Offline

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Mega man 1 is good and bad, because the music looks really short, but pretty good and the robot masters are OK, just OK. I played the European version of Mega man 1 (because I'm from Russia and I can speak and write English very well) and it's slow, than USA version. Weapons are fine, the pause glitch with thunder beam and the magnet beam are great.
My favorite robot master is Elec man
My least favorite robot master is Bomb man
Soundtrack and game: C

For me, mega man 1 is mediocre. The music is good, the robot master line up is also good (not including bomb man and guts man), and the stages themselves are either fun, mediocre, or boring.
Soundtrack: 6/10.
Game: 5.4/10.


04:57 Dec 25th, 2021Offline

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Who likes Elec man?

I do


06:47 Dec 23rd, 2021Offline

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Favorite songs: Cut man, Fire man a bit, Wily castle 1 and Wily castle boss.


06:41 Dec 23rd, 2021Offline

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Mega Man 1 on NES is a pretty bad game.
The handling is stiff, the graphics are ok and a wobbly difficulty, between very easy and super hard (Yellow Devil).

The music is correct, between good and horrible.

Fortunately, The Wily Wars version is much better, correcting most of the flaws of the one on NES.
Score for the game and the soundtrack: 50%

I like The Wily Wars version on sega genesis, but it's still really stupid, much like the European version of Mega man 1 on Nintendo Entertainment System (Nes).


06:37 Dec 23rd, 2021Offline

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Who likes Elec man?


06:36 Dec 23rd, 2021Offline

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Mega man 1 is good and bad, because the music looks really short, but pretty good and the robot masters are OK, just OK. I played the European version of Mega man 1 (because I'm from Russia and I can speak and write English very well) and it's slow, than USA version. Weapons are fine, the pause glitch with thunder beam and the magnet beam are great.
My favorite robot master is Elec man
My least favorite robot master is Bomb man
Soundtrack and game: C


08:13 May 9th, 2021Offline

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Yeah... I am aware of the Pause Glitch, but this flaw is sad and really affects Yellow Devil (which I hardly ever defeated without it, on NES).
This boss is so difficult that you have to exploit a bug to defeat it, it's shameful.
Quint is neat in comparison.
MM1's Yellow Devil is the worst boss in the series.

This game does have First Game Syndrome, no one can say otherwise (I don't know about Sonic 1).

I Feel The Same Way. I Used to love this Game but the more I played it, the more I started to not care about it.


04:26 May 8th, 2021Offline

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Blizzard Buffalo

You Could Just Use The Pause Glitch To Take Care Of The Yellow Devil. For Me, Mega Man (NES) Suffers From First Game syndrome like Sonic 1.

Yeah... I am aware of the Pause Glitch, but this flaw is sad and really affects Yellow Devil (which I hardly ever defeated without it, on NES).
This boss is so difficult that you have to exploit a bug to defeat it, it's shameful.
Quint is neat in comparison.
MM1's Yellow Devil is the worst boss in the series.

This game does have First Game Syndrome, no one can say otherwise (I don't know about Sonic 1).


06:36 May 7th, 2021Offline

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Mega Man 1 on NES is a pretty bad game.
The handling is stiff, the graphics are ok and a wobbly difficulty, between very easy and super hard (Yellow Devil).
The music is correct, between good and horrible.
Fortunately, The Wily Wars version is much better, correcting most of the flaws of the one on NES.
Score for the game and the soundtrack: 50%

You Could Just Use The Pause Glitch To Take Care Of The Yellow Devil. For Me, Mega Man (NES) Suffers From First Game syndrome like Sonic 1.


11:53 May 6th, 2021Offline

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Mega Man 1 on NES is a pretty bad game.
The handling is stiff, the graphics are ok and a wobbly difficulty, between very easy and super hard (Yellow Devil).

The music is correct, between good and horrible.

Fortunately, The Wily Wars version is much better, correcting most of the flaws of the one on NES.
Score for the game and the soundtrack: 50%


01:44 Jan 17th, 2021Offline

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Mega Man's Soundtrack Is Good Just Good. My Favorites being Elec Man, Ice Man, & The Stage Select. The Game Itself I found A pretty Mediocre experience. Soundtrack:6.4/10. Game:5.7/10.


01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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FYI: These MP3's are all cut off and incomplete.

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Guest Reviewer

01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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good game music. second best megaman game i played love this soundtrack some good ol nes music wouldnt hurt your mp3 player

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Guest Reviewer

01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Insane music for an insane quest! I feel 7 again. Thanks guys.. fllw me @jrfnk