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Mega Man 6


Rockman 6: Shijō Saidai no Tatakai!!
ロックマン6 史上最大の戦い!!

Platforms: Family Computer, NES
Year: 1993
Developed by: Capcom
Published by: Capcom

Number of Files: 37
Total Filesize: 41 MB (MP3), 106 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Jun 1st, 2022   | Change Log
Album type: Gamerip

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Capcom Logo 0:03 0.06 MB 0.16 MB get_app
2. Opening 0:38 0.75 MB 2.04 MB get_app
3. Title 0:23 0.43 MB 1.20 MB get_app
4. Pass Word 0:33 0.58 MB 1.53 MB get_app
5. Stage Select 0:35 0.67 MB 1.67 MB get_app
6. Game Start 0:06 0.12 MB 0.32 MB get_app
7. Blizzard Man Stage 1:49 2.09 MB 5.61 MB get_app
8. Centaur Man Stage 1:30 1.78 MB 4.61 MB get_app
9. Flame Man Stage 2:00 2.37 MB 6.24 MB get_app
10. Knight Man Stage 2:13 2.63 MB 6.80 MB get_app
11. Plant Man Stage 1:37 1.89 MB 4.85 MB get_app
12. Tomahawk Man Stage 2:00 2.35 MB 6.11 MB get_app
13. Wind Man Stage 2:05 2.33 MB 6.51 MB get_app
14. Yamato Man Stage 1:50 2.07 MB 5.67 MB get_app
15. Boss 1:03 1.25 MB 3.14 MB get_app
16. Stage Clear 0:03 0.07 MB 0.16 MB get_app
17. Get A Weapon 0:25 0.60 MB 0.97 MB get_app
18. Mr. X Stage Map 0:07 0.15 MB 0.41 MB get_app
19. Mr. X Stage 1:40 1.88 MB 5.40 MB get_app
20. Dr. Wily Stage Map 0:07 0.15 MB 0.40 MB get_app
21. Dr. Wily Stage 1:46 1.99 MB 5.50 MB get_app
22. Last Boss 0:56 1.06 MB 2.74 MB get_app
23. All Stage Clear 0:05 0.09 MB 0.28 MB get_app
24. Ending (Intro) 0:06 0.11 MB 0.32 MB get_app
25. Ending (Blizzard Man) 0:32 0.60 MB 1.32 MB get_app
26. Ending (Centaur Man) 0:31 0.59 MB 1.23 MB get_app
27. Ending (Flame Man) 0:31 0.60 MB 1.37 MB get_app
28. Ending (Knight Man) 0:34 0.62 MB 1.40 MB get_app
29. Ending (Plant Man) 0:32 0.58 MB 1.32 MB get_app
30. Ending (Tomahawk Man) 0:34 0.63 MB 1.37 MB get_app
31. Ending (Wind Man) 0:34 0.58 MB 1.40 MB get_app
32. Ending (Yamato Man) 0:31 0.56 MB 1.30 MB get_app
33. Ending (Credit Roll) 1:44 2.03 MB 5.40 MB get_app
34. Game Over 0:03 0.06 MB 0.15 MB get_app
35. Rockman 6 - Opening 0:32 0.62 MB 1.72 MB get_app
36. Ending (OST Edit) 4:52 5.61 MB 14.85 MB get_app
37. Proto Man 0:03 0.08 MB 0.19 MB get_app


The gameplay in Mega Man 6 is largely similar to its five NES predecessors. The player takes control of Mega Man to complete a series of side-scrolling platform stages littered with smaller robot enemies and occasional larger mini-bosses. The player's primary method of attack is the "Mega Buster" cannon, which can be charged for more powerful shots. At the end of each of the initial eight stages is a boss battle, where the player inherits that Robot Master's unique "Master Weapon" if successful. These eight levels can be completed in any order, although all Robot Masters are weak to a specific Master Weapon, adding an element of strategy to the order chosen by the player. The player's health is represented by a gauge that can be refilled by picking up energy pellets. Extra lives, reserve energy tanks, and pellets that refill Master Weapon power can also be found throughout each level. Mega Man 6 introduces the "Energy Balancer", which automatically refills the weapon with the lowest energy when picking up Master Weapon power.

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+ Comment

Toan Cloud

01:34 Sep 26th, 2023Offline

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In my opinion, Mega Man 6 is the best game of the NES games. I've said in the past I liked 3 and 4 better, but after playing this game again after a while, I found it much more enjoyable and much more well crafted. Not to say 3 and 4 are bad, they are far from it, but when playing 6, it shows that Capcom knew what they were doing at that point. The game looks good, it sounds good, it is overflowing with color and creativity, and the new mechanics are interesting and add to the gameplay well. The theme of the robot masters and their stages is different parts of the world. This does lead to a lot of stereotypes in this game, well, not Yamato Man seeing as how he is Japanese themed, but you get the point. And come on, it is funny to see good old 'merica in that wild west phase again. The robot masters have fun designs and the stages are colorful. A nice relief coming off of 5's rather dull color palette. The new Power Adapter allows Mega Man to take on many different forms. While they limit the abilities he usually has like sliding, it gives him new ones like a powerful punch or the ability to fly. Very cool. As for the plot. It is so dumb that its fun in a way. Basically, not Dr. Wily holds a robot world tournament and captures all the robots there to reprogram them. It's stupid sure, but it gives us that cool around the world aesthetic I love about Mega Man 6. As for the music, oh the music! The ost for this game is amazing. Every song is a certified banger. All the music fits each area perfectly and is fun to listen to. If a soundtrack is good enough to listen to outside of game, you know it's good. Mega Man 6 is the perfection of the formula, and clearly wins when it comes to the quality of the NES titles.
All of them. Yes, really.



02:19 Feb 16th, 2023Offline

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Mega Man 6 has a great soundtrack! My favorites are Tomahawk Man, Flame Man, Blizzard Man, Plant Man, Knight Man, Mr. X Stage theme, the boss theme, the weapon get theme, and the staff roll. As for the game itself, it's great. The game has great stages with fun setpieces and fun enemies. Like Tomahawk Man, Flame Man, Blizzard Man, Knight Man, the Mr. X Stages, and the Wily stages. As for the weapons, they're great. My favorite ones to use is the Silver Tomahawk, the Flame Blast, Centuar Flash, and Knight Crush. The only bad ones are Plant Barrier which is hands down, the worst shield of the classic series because it's very weak against enemies. The Wind Storm which is very weak and it takes enemies off the screen and on top of that, they don't drop anything because the weapon doesn't kill them. As for the bosses, they're very easy, but they have fun patterns. Overall, Mega Man 6 is a great end to the NES Era of Mega Man games with fun stages, fun and easy bosses, great weapons, and a amazing soundtrack.
Soundtrack: 7.5/10.
Game: 7.3/10.


02:55 Oct 2nd, 2022Offline

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I always liked this game and enjoyed playing it more than 2 and 3. 2 and 3 were fun but had some parts of stages that were just empty halls, while in 6 every stage feels more full. I also liked the alternate ways to get to the boss in some stages to collect the beat parts. I am very fond of the dumb story. The robot tournament scheme is really cheesy but fun. My favorite tracks are Flame Man and Blizzard Man.

I think Mega Man 6 is a great way to close Mega Man's NES journey. It has great weapons, fun stages, easy bosses, a great soundtrack, useful rush adapters, and a idiotic story. Surprisingly, it's worst then Mega Man 5's story.

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12:55 Oct 1st, 2022Offline

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I always liked this game and enjoyed playing it more than 2 and 3. 2 and 3 were fun but had some parts of stages that were just empty halls, while in 6 every stage feels more full. I also liked the alternate ways to get to the boss in some stages to collect the beat parts. I am very fond of the dumb story. The robot tournament scheme is really cheesy but fun. My favorite tracks are Flame Man and Blizzard Man.


10:28 Sep 17th, 2022Offline

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Yeah, Mega Man 5 is just so much worse.

Ironically, it's the most expensive Mega Man game of the NES era (it's $170+ dollars for a lose cartridge):l


01:53 Sep 16th, 2022Offline

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It has awful voice acting going for it and the anime cutscenes. Mega Man 6's story's is pretty stupid, but I think Mega Man 5's story is much worse then 6.

Yeah, Mega Man 5 is just so much worse.


12:32 Jul 31st, 2022Offline

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Yeah. Especially Tengu Man Stage and the story blows.

It has awful voice acting going for it and the anime cutscenes. Mega Man 6's story's is pretty stupid, but I think Mega Man 5's story is much worse then 6.


01:56 Jul 30th, 2022Offline

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I agree with you on Mega Man 6. Mega Man 6 is the best way for Mega Man to go out on the NES. I wouldn't say Mega Man 7 blows because to me it's a great game. Mega Man 8 on the other hand is pretty stupid.

Yeah. Especially Tengu Man Stage and the story blows.


01:55 Jul 30th, 2022Offline

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Compared to games like Mega Man X4 or Mega Man X7 in terms of story, Mega Man 5 is like a masterpiece.

Yeah, but the story still blows.


02:37 Jul 18th, 2022Offline

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I finally agree with you on something! Mega Man 5’s plot is dumb!

Compared to games like Mega Man X4 or Mega Man X7 in terms of story, Mega Man 5 is like a masterpiece.


02:36 Jul 18th, 2022Offline

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I don’t agree. I think that Mega Man 6 is a misunderstood game with an awesome soundtrack. Oh and my thoughts on Mega Man 7: It blows.

I agree with you on Mega Man 6. Mega Man 6 is the best way for Mega Man to go out on the NES. I wouldn't say Mega Man 7 blows because to me it's a great game. Mega Man 8 on the other hand is pretty stupid.


01:34 Jul 18th, 2022Offline

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You say Mega Man 6 has the dumbest plot while Mega Man 5 has a fake Proto Man robot framing Proto Man while having the real one just run about as he pleases. In fact, that game is the reason why I hate doppelganger plots in Video Games. However, it is the second dumbest plot of NES Mega Man Games.

I finally agree with you on something! Mega Man 5’s plot is dumb!


01:28 Jul 18th, 2022Offline

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Man, this just sounds like Capcom is tired of the NES at this point. The game is probably the weakest of the initial six, the music sounds too limited (and the drums leave something to be desired), and the plot is probably the dumbest in the series. I think it would be better as a SNES game (and would make MM7 look even better), but since it was licensed directly to Nintendo and bundled with the NES top-loader, I think it was made just to "finish" the NES Mega Man series.

I don’t agree. I think that Mega Man 6 is a misunderstood game with an awesome soundtrack. Oh and my thoughts on Mega Man 7: It blows.


04:40 Jul 14th, 2022Offline

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Man, this just sounds like Capcom is tired of the NES at this point. The game is probably the weakest of the initial six, the music sounds too limited (and the drums leave something to be desired), and the plot is probably the dumbest in the series. I think it would be better as a SNES game (and would make MM7 look even better), but since it was licensed directly to Nintendo and bundled with the NES top-loader, I think it was made just to "finish" the NES Mega Man series.

You say Mega Man 6 has the dumbest plot while Mega Man 5 has a fake Proto Man robot framing Proto Man while having the real one just run about as he pleases. In fact, that game is the reason why I hate doppelganger plots in Video Games. However, it is the second dumbest plot of NES Mega Man Games.


04:09 Jul 12th, 2022Offline

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Man, this just sounds like Capcom is tired of the NES at this point. The game is probably the weakest of the initial six, the music sounds too limited (and the drums leave something to be desired), and the plot is probably the dumbest in the series. I think it would be better as a SNES game (and would make MM7 look even better), but since it was licensed directly to Nintendo and bundled with the NES top-loader, I think it was made just to "finish" the NES Mega Man series.


09:02 Jun 1st, 2022Offline

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I've never really cared for Mega Man 6, but the soundtrack is really good. It has one of my favorite end-game stage themes from the series, along with Mega Man's "Wily Stage 1/2".

Favorite Track: Mr. X Stage

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06:16 Jun 1st, 2022Offline

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This album was updated on 1st of June, 2022.


01:51 Apr 26th, 2022Offline

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Yeah compared to the rest of the wind robot masters, he's just a disappointment on so many levels.

Wind Man is pretty pathetic, he pulls you towards him so fast.


10:34 Apr 5th, 2022Offline

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You’d expect a robot called “Wind Man” to do better, right?

Yeah compared to the rest of the wind robot masters, he's just a disappointment on so many levels.


01:36 Apr 5th, 2022Offline

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The three crappy robot masters are Wind Man, Plant Man, and Centaur Man. Wind Man because his stage is boring, his boss fight is pathetic, and his weapon sucks. Plant Man because of that annoying fish section, his pathetic boss fight, and his weapon sucks. In fact, it's one of the worst shield weapons in classic Mega Man. Centaur Man because of his crappy design, his pathetic boss fight, and his meh stage.

You’d expect a robot called “Wind Man” to do better, right?


04:50 Apr 5th, 2022Offline

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What are the 3 masters that are crappy? For me, I like Tomahawk Man even though he looks like a massive stereotype, Yamato Man because he’s just plain cool, and Centaur Man cause y’now… he’s just unique.

The three crappy robot masters are Wind Man, Plant Man, and Centaur Man. Wind Man because his stage is boring, his boss fight is pathetic, and his weapon sucks. Plant Man because of that annoying fish section, his pathetic boss fight, and his weapon sucks. In fact, it's one of the worst shield weapons in classic Mega Man. Centaur Man because of his crappy design, his pathetic boss fight, and his meh stage.


12:16 Apr 5th, 2022Offline

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For me, mega man 6 is a great game. The soundtrack is great, the stages are fun, the rush adaptors are fun to use, and the weapons are great... for the most part. However, the bosses are extremely easy, the game is extremely easy (Somehow, it's even easier then mega man 5), and the story is extremely dumb. Yes, I know it's classic mega man and it isn't really important, but you guys couldn't think of another story for the game? As for the robot master line up, it's alright. I say alright because the three bad robot masters in this game are extremely crappy.
Soundtrack: 7.2/10.
Game: 7/10.

What are the 3 masters that are crappy? For me, I like Tomahawk Man even though he looks like a massive stereotype, Yamato Man because he’s just plain cool, and Centaur Man cause y’now… he’s just unique.


06:14 Apr 4th, 2022Offline

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This soundtrack is gooood man, Rating: 10/10

I wouldn't say Mega Man 6's soundtrack is that good. For me, Mega Man 6 has a great soundtrack such as Flame Man, Plant Man, Tomahawk Man, Knight Man, The boss theme, Mr.X Stage 1, Mr.X boss theme, and the final boss theme. Mega Man 6's soundtrack doesn't beat games like Mega Man ZX, Mega Man X6, Mega Man X1, or Mega Man Zero 2. But it ranks somewhere in the teens of all the mega man games I've played (soundtrack).


01:51 Apr 4th, 2022Offline

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This soundtrack is gooood man, Rating: 10/10


01:10 Feb 10th, 2022Offline

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Mega man 6 for me is not really interesting game anymore, but it's pretty good. The robot master line up is not as good as robot master line up in 4, but still pretty great. Rush adaptors are useful in this game. I don't care about the energy balancer anymore. Beat is back (((((((((. Weapons are cool (but not plant barrier and yamato spear). Soundtrack is great (like Plant man, Yamato man, Knight man, Wind man, Flame man, Boss theme, Stage select, Mr X stages, Wily stages and Last boss theme). After credits I saw "To be continued", of course, because Wily escaped the prison in 7. Probably great soundtrack and the game is okay. This game is better than 2, but worse than 3.
My favorite robot master is Knight man.
My least favorite robot master is Plant man (worse than Centaur man).
Soundtrack: A
Game: C+

For me, mega man 6 is a great game. The soundtrack is great, the stages are fun, the rush adaptors are fun to use, and the weapons are great... for the most part. However, the bosses are extremely easy, the game is extremely easy (Somehow, it's even easier then mega man 5), and the story is extremely dumb. Yes, I know it's classic mega man and it isn't really important, but you guys couldn't think of another story for the game? As for the robot master line up, it's alright. I say alright because the three bad robot masters in this game are extremely crappy.
Soundtrack: 7.2/10.
Game: 7/10.


07:01 Feb 9th, 2022Offline

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Mega man 6 for me is not really interesting game anymore, but it's pretty good. The robot master line up is not as good as robot master line up in 4, but still pretty great. Rush adaptors are useful in this game. I don't care about the energy balancer anymore. Beat is back (((((((((. Weapons are cool (but not plant barrier and yamato spear). Soundtrack is great (like Plant man, Yamato man, Knight man, Wind man, Flame man, Boss theme, Stage select, Mr X stages, Wily stages and Last boss theme). After credits I saw "To be continued", of course, because Wily escaped the prison in 7. Probably great soundtrack and the game is okay. This game is better than 2, but worse than 3.
My favorite robot master is Knight man.
My least favorite robot master is Plant man (worse than Centaur man).
Soundtrack: A
Game: C+


10:47 May 19th, 2021Offline

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Rush Adaptors are cool, but the animation when choosing one of these gadgets gets annoying. In this opus, the robots are divided into 2 categories, the "elements" (Wind, Flame, Blizzard, Plant) and the "warriors" (Tomahawk, Yamato, Knight, Centaur). I agree with you on the soundtrack.

I Never Really Noticed That In The 3 Years (4 In A Few Months) That They're Divided In Two Categories, But I Did Notice They Tell You What Master They Are. Such As Master Of Snow, Flame, Knight Ball, etc.


12:09 May 19th, 2021Offline

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Blizzard Buffalo

For Me, Mega Man 6 Is Way Too Easy. There's No Challenge In This Game Besides The Optional Path In Mr.X Stage One. I Really Like The Rush Adapters & The Soundtrack, But It Doesn't Compare To Mega Man 2, 3, & 4. The Robot Master Line Up Is Great.

Rush Adaptors are cool, but the animation when choosing one of these gadgets gets annoying. In this opus, the robots are divided into 2 categories, the "elements" (Wind, Flame, Blizzard, Plant) and the "warriors" (Tomahawk, Yamato, Knight, Centaur). I agree with you on the soundtrack.


01:33 May 18th, 2021Offline

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Mega Man 6 on NES is a very good adventure that remains really under-rated.
The addition of Rush armor brings a touch of originality, changing from the traditional R.Coil and R.Jet.For the rest, the game doesn't really change from MM5 in terms of gameplay, except that the Charged Buster has been downsized for some reason.

The soundtrack is good, but very little of the music is great. My favorites are Wind Man, Dr. Wily Castle, Final Boss and Ending Part 10.

Better than MM3, but worse than MM5.
Rating for the game: 75%
Score for the soundtrack: 70%

For Me, Mega Man 6 Is Way Too Easy. There's No Challenge In This Game Besides The Optional Path In Mr.X Stage One. I Really Like The Rush Adapters & The Soundtrack, But It Doesn't Compare To Mega Man 2, 3, & 4. The Robot Master Line Up Is Great.


03:06 May 15th, 2021Offline

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Mega Man 6 on NES is a very good adventure that remains really under-rated.
The addition of Rush armor brings a touch of originality, changing from the traditional R.Coil and R.Jet.For the rest, the game doesn't really change from MM5 in terms of gameplay, except that the Charged Buster has been downsized for some reason.

The soundtrack is good, but very little of the music is great. My favorites are Wind Man, Dr. Wily Castle, Final Boss and Ending Part 10.

Better than MM3, but worse than MM5.
Rating for the game: 75%
Score for the soundtrack: 70%


03:59 Jan 31st, 2021Offline

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Mega Man 6 has A Pretty Good Soundtrack And Is a Solid Game. Even Tho It's one of the easiest games I've ever beaten. Soundtrack:7/10. Game:6.8/10.

Gamer R

06:10 Nov 1st, 2020Offline

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My favorite Megaman's Game

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01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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men i like it all...nice OST themes!

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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You messed up Flame Man's Stage music. You cut off the very first part of the song. Please edit that!

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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One of the megaman games with best soundtrack.

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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mega man 6 in general is cool. the stages, the weapons, the music.

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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what a great music, i like it.

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Guest Reviewer

01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I like this... The boss theme is great, ant the intro is my favorite. Great game, great OST.