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Mega Man 3


Rockman 3: Dr. Wily no Saigo!?
ロックマン3 Dr.ワイリーの最期!?

Platforms: Family Computer, NES
Year: 1990
Developed by: Capcom
Published by: Capcom

Number of Files: 24
Total Filesize: 37 MB (MP3), 96 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Jun 1st, 2022   | Change Log
Album type: Gamerip

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Title 1:27 1.63 MB 4.56 MB get_app
2. Pass Word 0:39 0.75 MB 1.85 MB get_app
3. Stage Select 0:30 0.58 MB 1.35 MB get_app
4. Game Start 0:06 0.12 MB 0.33 MB get_app
5. Needle Man Stage 2:17 2.74 MB 7.11 MB get_app
6. Magnet Man Stage 1:22 1.61 MB 4.14 MB get_app
7. Gemini Man Stage 2:01 2.32 MB 6.23 MB get_app
8. Hard Man Stage 1:43 2.07 MB 5.12 MB get_app
9. Top Man Stage 1:47 2.03 MB 5.24 MB get_app
10. Snake Man Stage 1:30 1.80 MB 4.53 MB get_app
11. Spark Man Stage 1:14 1.48 MB 3.86 MB get_app
12. Shadow Man Stage 2:10 2.54 MB 6.06 MB get_app
13. Proto Man 0:13 0.30 MB 0.72 MB get_app
14. Boss 1:12 1.40 MB 3.58 MB get_app
15. Stage Clear 0:04 0.07 MB 0.16 MB get_app
16. Get A Weapon 1:14 1.44 MB 3.90 MB get_app
17. Dr. Wily Stage Map 0:19 0.35 MB 0.99 MB get_app
18. Dr. Wily Stage 1 1:45 2.12 MB 5.40 MB get_app
19. Dr. Wily Stage 2 1:28 1.91 MB 4.40 MB get_app
20. Dr. Wily Stage 3 1:34 1.84 MB 4.84 MB get_app
21. Dr. Wily Stage Boss 0:49 0.97 MB 2.40 MB get_app
22. All Stage Clear 0:05 0.09 MB 0.27 MB get_app
23. Ending 3:44 4.23 MB 11.72 MB get_app
24. Credit Roll 2:22 2.69 MB 7.69 MB get_app


Mega Man 3 retains the platforming and action game elements established by the two Mega Man games released before it. The player controls the protagonist Mega Man as he traverses eight selectable stages. The player's primary blaster weapon is used to fend off the game's numerous enemies. Several power-ups can be picked up in each stage, including life energy, special weapon ammunition, extra lives, and "E-Tanks", which are stored and can be selected to completely refill the player's life energy. At the end of every stage the player must defeat a Robot Master boss: Magnet Man, Hard Man, Top Man, Shadow Man, Spark Man, Snake Man, Gemini Man, or Needle Man. Each Robot Master features a unique weapon and stage related to the weapon's power. After defeating a boss, their signature weapon is added to Mega Man's arsenal. The Robot Masters are weak to the weapons of certain other Robot Masters, allowing the player to ease the boss battles by clearing some stages before others.

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10:02 Nov 8th, 2024Offline

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People say this game was "rushed", but 9 months of development was a lot back then. DQ2 had 5 months of development, and that game was fairly polished (as in "no obvious glitches", game balance was questionable). Sega typically only allowed devs up to 3 months for each game. And Mega Man 2 WAS MADE IN 3 MONTHS WITH ONLY FREE TIME, and still is polished (same definition as DQ2, game balance is also questionable here). So why does this game have so much slowdown, tons of obvious glitches, and overall lack of polish?


03:59 Nov 4th, 2023Offline

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While I'm not the biggest fan of Mega Man 3 (I think 2 and 4 outclass it pretty heavily), I do think the soundtrack is great. All of the tunes are very memorable, fit their stages well, and have a unique style that fits in well with the previous two games. Snake Man's and Shadow Man's themes, the Weapon Get theme, and the Wily Castle boss theme have always been favorites of mine!

My favorite themes from Mega Man 3 are the title screen, the stage select, Spark Man, Top Man, Snake Man, Magnet Man, Shadow Man, the weapon get screen, the wily castle boss theme, and the end credits theme.


09:47 Oct 31st, 2023Offline

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While I'm not the biggest fan of Mega Man 3 (I think 2 and 4 outclass it pretty heavily), I do think the soundtrack is great. All of the tunes are very memorable, fit their stages well, and have a unique style that fits in well with the previous two games. Snake Man's and Shadow Man's themes, the Weapon Get theme, and the Wily Castle boss theme have always been favorites of mine!


04:13 Sep 13th, 2023Offline

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Don't worry about reviewing the same game more then once because I do that kind of thing a lot on this website. In fact, I already reviewed Mega Man 3 on my YouTube Channel when I first started making game reviews back in September of 2017. I plan on re-reviewing the Classic and X games one day, but not now. As for Mega Man 3, It's my favorite Mega Man game of the whole series and my favorite NES game as well. It has amazing stages with fun and memorable setpieces, fun enemies to fight with interesting patterns, a great line up of Robot Masters like Shadow Man or Gemini Man, fun bosses, and of course, the music is freaking amazing and it's in my top 5 Mega Man Soundtracks. The one thing I don't like about Mega Man 3 is that it's weapons are pretty lousy compared to other games in the classic series. Aside from that, Mega Man 3 is a masterpiece even tho it wasn't finished before it's release.

Totally agree.


10:19 May 24th, 2023Offline

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Omega Rockmanロックマン

Did I already review this one? IDK but if I did here it is again!

Mega Man 3 is where Capcom really started to understand how a Mega Man game should be made, and it shows. The bosses and stages are all unique with fun vibes that keep the stages feeling alive. Hard Man being kinda unfortunately named... Speaking of vibes, the music slaps and is probably some of the best in the classic series. And yes, Hard Man's theme is one of the best. The introduction of Proto Man or uh, Break Man, is a interesting one. In some stages he helps you, like in Gemini Man's stage, but in others, like Magnet Man or Shadow Man's stage, he trying to kill you. It really makes you question what side he is on. The game does drag on a little long, with the Doc Robot stages, but nothing that breaks the pacing up that much. Mega Man 3 was a defining point in the series, and it is always a good time to revisit.
Hard Man's Stage
Snake Man's Stage
Spark Man's Stage
Shadow Man's Stage
Dr. Wily Stage Boss

Dr. Wily Stage 3 (It's ominous but just meh.)

Don't worry about reviewing the same game more then once because I do that kind of thing a lot on this website. In fact, I already reviewed Mega Man 3 on my YouTube Channel when I first started making game reviews back in September of 2017. I plan on re-reviewing the Classic and X games one day, but not now. As for Mega Man 3, It's my favorite Mega Man game of the whole series and my favorite NES game as well. It has amazing stages with fun and memorable setpieces, fun enemies to fight with interesting patterns, a great line up of Robot Masters like Shadow Man or Gemini Man, fun bosses, and of course, the music is freaking amazing and it's in my top 5 Mega Man Soundtracks. The one thing I don't like about Mega Man 3 is that it's weapons are pretty lousy compared to other games in the classic series. Aside from that, Mega Man 3 is a masterpiece even tho it wasn't finished before it's release.

Toan Cloud

05:57 May 23rd, 2023Offline

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Did I already review this one? IDK but if I did here it is again!

Mega Man 3 is where Capcom really started to understand how a Mega Man game should be made, and it shows. The bosses and stages are all unique with fun vibes that keep the stages feeling alive. Hard Man being kinda unfortunately named... Speaking of vibes, the music slaps and is probably some of the best in the classic series. And yes, Hard Man's theme is one of the best. The introduction of Proto Man or uh, Break Man, is a interesting one. In some stages he helps you, like in Gemini Man's stage, but in others, like Magnet Man or Shadow Man's stage, he trying to kill you. It really makes you question what side he is on. The game does drag on a little long, with the Doc Robot stages, but nothing that breaks the pacing up that much. Mega Man 3 was a defining point in the series, and it is always a good time to revisit.
Hard Man's Stage
Snake Man's Stage
Spark Man's Stage
Shadow Man's Stage
Dr. Wily Stage Boss

Dr. Wily Stage 3 (It's ominous but just meh.)

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01:02 May 3rd, 2023Offline

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I completely agree with you. Spark Shock is terrible and it's literally a crappy version of Ice Slasher from the first game. The only weapon worse then Spark Shock is Thunder Wool which is barely usable.

sure but thunder wool does damage at least


10:59 Feb 23rd, 2023Offline

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Ah yes, such a great OST, I would put it slightly above Mega Man 2's, although 2 also has a great OST. Snake Man, Top Man, and Spark Man have some of my favorite Robot Master themes ever.

Mega Man 3 has one of the greatest Mega Man Soundtracks I've ever heard. It's not the best in the entire franchise because there's three Mega Man games I can name that beat it.
1.Mega Man X6.
2.Mega Man X1.
3.Mega Man ZX.


07:50 Feb 22nd, 2023Offline

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Ah yes, such a great OST, I would put it slightly above Mega Man 2's, although 2 also has a great OST. Snake Man, Top Man, and Spark Man have some of my favorite Robot Master themes ever.


01:30 Feb 16th, 2023Offline

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Mega Man 3 has a amazing soundtrack! My favorites are the title theme, the stage select, Needle Man, Spark Man, Top Man, Snake Man, Magnet Man, Gemini Man, the boss theme, Dr. Wily stage 1, and the ending theme. As for the game itself, Mega Man 3 is my favorite NES game and my favorite Mega Man game of the whole franchise. For starters, the stages are amazing and they have a lot of fun set pieces and fun enemies. Expect the Doc Robot stages because it's just half of the robot master stages, but they change a few things up. As for the bosses, they're pretty fun and a few of them can give you a run for your money (Shadow Man especially). The one thing I don't like about Mega Man 3 is the weapons. The weapons in this game are either mediocre or awful. The Hard Knuckle moves too slow and does very little damage, the Gemini Laser bounces around the room which slows down the game and you can't pause the game while it's on screen, and the Top Spin which leaves you open to take damage and you have a chance of sending yourself to your own death if your using it in a section that has pits. The worst weapon of this line up and the classic series is Spark Shock which can only freeze one enemy at a time and you can't switch to your Mega Buster to finish the enemy off (What a great weapon). However, there are some good weapons like Magnet Missile which does a lot of damage, but it runs out of ammo very quickly, the Needle Cannon which is rapid fire mode turned into a robot master weapon and it's pretty fun to use, and the Shadow Blade which is a nefted Metal Blade, but it still has it's uses and it's pretty fun to use. Overall, Mega Man 3 is a masterpiece with a amazing soundtrack, great stages, fun bosses, okay weapons, and great enemies.
Soundtrack: 9.4/10.
Game: 9.8/10.


10:38 Jan 17th, 2023Offline

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I used spark shock only on monkeys in hard man stage, magnet man and dr wily machine's 1st form.

The top spin can kill the monkey's in one hit, so you only need to use the spark shock against the bosses that are weak against it.


06:56 Jan 17th, 2023Offline

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I used spark shock only on monkeys in hard man stage, magnet man and dr wily machine's 1st form.


04:53 Jan 16th, 2023Offline

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I feel like Spark Shock is worse. Sure, it's great for bosses, but on regular enemies it does 0 damage and freezes them in place. The enemies still have a hitbox so they can still hit you, so Spark Shock is practically useless against regular enemies.

I completely agree with you. Spark Shock is terrible and it's literally a crappy version of Ice Slasher from the first game. The only weapon worse then Spark Shock is Thunder Wool which is barely usable.

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01:58 Jan 16th, 2023Offline

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Because you leave yourself open to attack. Such as Shadow Man where you have to throw yourself at him to kill him. Sometimes when you hit an enemy next to a pit, it will push you back into it. However, it does kill the annoying monkeys in Hard Man's stage and the penguins in Dr.Wily stage 1.

I feel like Spark Shock is worse. Sure, it's great for bosses, but on regular enemies it does 0 damage and freezes them in place. The enemies still have a hitbox so they can still hit you, so Spark Shock is practically useless against regular enemies.


11:13 Sep 1st, 2022Offline

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My favorite Mega Man game and one of my favorite Mega Man soundtracks.

Mega Man 3 is my favorite game of the whole franchise, but it isn't my favorite soundtrack.


01:36 Jun 14th, 2022Offline

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This album was updated on 1st of June, 2022.

Okay, thanks.

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06:15 Jun 1st, 2022Online

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This album was updated on 1st of June, 2022.


01:34 May 10th, 2022Offline

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Because you leave yourself open to attack. Such as Shadow Man where you have to throw yourself at him to kill him. Sometimes when you hit an enemy next to a pit, it will push you back into it. However, it does kill the annoying monkeys in Hard Man's stage and the penguins in Dr.Wily stage 1.

Oh, okay thanks for letting me know


09:21 May 6th, 2022Offline

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I personally have never used Top Spin so please tell me why its bad.

Because you leave yourself open to attack. Such as Shadow Man where you have to throw yourself at him to kill him. Sometimes when you hit an enemy next to a pit, it will push you back into it. However, it does kill the annoying monkeys in Hard Man's stage and the penguins in Dr.Wily stage 1.


01:36 May 5th, 2022Offline

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I do

I personally have never used Top Spin so please tell me why its bad.


01:51 Apr 6th, 2022Offline

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Who hates Top spin and who likes Needle man?

I like Top MAN but not Needle Man.


02:04 Mar 13th, 2022Offline

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Is it just me, or is it that Top Spin in Rockman World 2 is better than the one in 3?


10:17 Feb 15th, 2022Offline

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When I used spark shot for the first time, I was like "WHAAAAA-".

Spark shock is my 2nd least favorite weapon in 3. Ice slasher in 1 is way much better. The game itself is my 3rd favorite NES Mega man in my option. When I used spark shock, I was like "Oh... Okay...". Funny ).


01:35 Feb 12th, 2022Offline

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Yeah. Top spin in Mega man maker is way much better than Top spin in 3.
Spark man is my 2nd favorite robot master in 3.

When I used spark shot for the first time, I was like "WHAAAAA-".


06:23 Feb 9th, 2022Offline

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Mega man Maker Makes Top Spin the best Weapon. Favorite is Spark man(accept for his weapon).

Yeah. Top spin in Mega man maker is way much better than Top spin in 3.
Spark man is my 2nd favorite robot master in 3.


01:22 Feb 9th, 2022Offline

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Mega man 3 is great, because robot masters, weapons, yellow devil mk-II are really great! You can't use the pause glitch on yellow devil mk-II, but you can quickly use shadow blade on him. Top spin - my least favorite weapon of all time and it's quite a little bit problem for me. I don't wanna to fight against Proto man (Mega man's brother), but I need to do this, because he is the boss. Soundtrack is amazing!
My favorite robot master is Needle man
My least favorite robot master is Hard man (Top man doesn't sucks at all)
Soundtrack: A
Game: A- (because Top spin really sucks)

Mega man Maker Makes Top Spin the best Weapon. Favorite is Spark man(accept for his weapon).


04:08 Dec 28th, 2021Offline

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Mega man 3 is great, because robot masters, weapons, yellow devil mk-II are really great! You can't use the pause glitch on yellow devil mk-II, but you can quickly use shadow blade on him. Top spin - my least favorite weapon of all time and it's quite a little bit problem for me. I don't wanna to fight against Proto man (Mega man's brother), but I need to do this, because he is the boss. Soundtrack is amazing!
My favorite robot master is Needle man
My least favorite robot master is Hard man (Top man doesn't sucks at all)
Soundtrack: A
Game: A- (because Top spin really sucks)

For me, mega man 3 is a master piece and the best mega man game ever made. The weapons are mediocre, the robot master line up is great (Besides hard man and top man), the Bosses are fun (Besides the quick man doc robot), the stages are great, and the soundtrack is amazing! My favorite themes are the title theme, spark man, gemini man, snake man, the boss theme, the stage select, and the wily boss theme.
Soundtrack: 9/10.
Game: 9.8/10.


04:03 Dec 28th, 2021Offline

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Who hates Top spin and who likes Needle man?

I do


03:41 Dec 26th, 2021Offline

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Favorite songs: Title screen, Spark man, Magnet man, Hard man, Top man, Snake man, Boss, Wily castle 1 + 2 and Wily castle boss.


03:32 Dec 26th, 2021Offline

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Who hates Top spin and who likes Needle man?


03:30 Dec 26th, 2021Offline

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Mega man 3 is great, because robot masters, weapons, yellow devil mk-II are really great! You can't use the pause glitch on yellow devil mk-II, but you can quickly use shadow blade on him. Top spin - my least favorite weapon of all time and it's quite a little bit problem for me. I don't wanna to fight against Proto man (Mega man's brother), but I need to do this, because he is the boss. Soundtrack is amazing!
My favorite robot master is Needle man
My least favorite robot master is Hard man (Top man doesn't sucks at all)
Soundtrack: A
Game: A- (because Top spin really sucks)


01:12 May 11th, 2021Offline

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Everyone has his own opinion...

Yes Indeed. For The Most Part.


05:33 May 10th, 2021Offline

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Blizzard Buffalo

For Me, Mega Man 3 Is My Personal Favorite Mega Man Game Of All Time & In My Top 5 Best Video Games I've Ever Played.

Everyone has his own opinion...


11:24 May 9th, 2021Offline

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Mega Man 3 on NES is a bit better than the previous episode. Adding the slide and rush are great ideas, they make our life easier. The level design is better thought out, but otherwise, my feeling remains identical to Mega Man 2.

A fun adventure to go, well... most of the time (Doc Robot...)

Score for the game and for the soundtrack: 75%

For Me, Mega Man 3 Is My Personal Favorite Mega Man Game Of All Time & In My Top 5 Best Video Games I've Ever Played.


09:37 May 8th, 2021Offline

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Mega Man 3 on NES is a bit better than the previous episode. Adding the slide and rush are great ideas, they make our life easier. The level design is better thought out, but otherwise, my feeling remains identical to Mega Man 2.

A fun adventure to go, well... most of the time (Doc Robot...)
Score for the game and for the soundtrack: 75%

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03:36 Apr 30th, 2021Offline

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Music is great, but what's with the lazy automatic 3 minute long loops of every song? Some themes repeat 10 times in a row before fading out....annoying


01:55 Jan 17th, 2021Offline

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Mega Man 3's Soundtrack Is Almost As Good As Mega Man 2's Soundtrack. My favorites Being Spark Man, Gemini Man, Snake Man, Stage Select, Title Screen, And The Boss Music. The Game Itself Is THE BEST MEGA MAN GAME EVER MADE!!! (In My Opinion) Soundtrack:9.9/10. Game:9.8/10(Probably Overating It by a bit...)

Ryandddher Is Dumb

08:04 Nov 18th, 2020Offline

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In my opinion Mega Man 3 has the best credits theme in the entire series

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01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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What else can be said? One of my favorite NES games, and one of the best NES games ever IMO.

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01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Ther is really nothing to hate about the megaman series

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01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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MEGAMAN, The Best!!! Capcom did magic with 8bits sound

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01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I like the game and I use these song for background music for stopmotion videos.

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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gad dang that whistle concert gets ya after all these years, feels like beating the game all over again in a single instant... ^o^*Joygasm*

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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el mejor soundtrack de todos los tiempos incluso ahora no se ven soundtracks tan buenos apesar de q estos son en bits

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Thankyou verymuch guy This is Classic 8 bit music :-)

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Guest Reviewer

01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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This website's really awesome:-)ive realy mis the old video games and their most beautiful soundtracks n hav been tryin to get them so bad.this site contains good n clear sound quality.U may also try and upload more of the complete colection of the old games.:-)

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Megaman 3 ha sido el mejor juego de mi epoca y para mi no existira juego q supere a este porq ningun otro juego sera capaz de hacer sentir emociones como este. Jamas se olvidara a Megaman3 el mas epico de los juegos

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I've been trying to find these songs EVERYWHERE!! And now, my search is over! Thank you khinsder! You deserve my utmost respect!

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I love Mega Man, but now I'd kick Capcom is the balls man. Right square in the balls

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Gotta Love Snake Man`s Theme.

I Love:
Spark Man
Snake Man
Gemini Man

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Best of the entire series hands down. Almost 30 years later and still the reigning champ. This is MUSIC!

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Wheres that one tune that played before you go into the wily stages? Oh well, still an amazing game and an amazing soundtrack!

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Man, it's impossible to find these in high quality anywhere. These files are all muffled. I need crisp recordings for my ringtones.

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Mega Man 3........the "Best" Mega Man of the whole series.....4 thumbs up.

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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cawlennn! the flood gates of my memory won't close!!! it's a little crazy but all the things i ever had, have and will ever have to say about megaman can indeed surpass 100 characters or words but i think it is best summed up in the title itself MEGAMAN!!!~mexis

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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One of my all-time favorites. I loved it in the 80s and I love it today. It's also the best Megaman soundtrack for the NES.

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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The soundtrack is one of the reasons I played Megaman 3 over and over for countless times. Its really one of the best vi... scratch that... one of the best scores I've ever heard.

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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One of Ojalin Bun Bun's best works for the NES. The music is timeless and very catchy, especially the magnet man theme.