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Mega Man 7


Rockman 7: Shukumei no Taiketsu!
ロックマン7 宿命の対決!

Platforms: 3DS, PS4, SNES, Windows, Xbox One
Year: 1995
Developed by: Capcom
Published by: Capcom

Number of Files: 45
Total Filesize: 96 MB (MP3), 283 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: May 5th, 2021   | Change Log
Album type: Gamerip

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Capcom Logo 0:05 0.11 MB 0.21 MB get_app
2. Opening (part 1) 1:24 2.48 MB 6.81 MB get_app
3. Opening (part 2) 0:35 0.94 MB 2.51 MB get_app
4. Title Screen 0:16 0.43 MB 1.28 MB get_app
5. Ruined Highway 1:50 3.13 MB 10.89 MB get_app
6. New Helmet 0:04 0.07 MB 0.24 MB get_app
7. Bass and Treble 1:24 2.63 MB 6.83 MB get_app
8. Password 0:28 0.82 MB 2.32 MB get_app
9. Stage Select 0:42 1.24 MB 3.34 MB get_app
10. Stage Start 0:09 0.21 MB 0.63 MB get_app
11. Burst Man's Stage 1:40 3.03 MB 8.60 MB get_app
12. Cloud Man's Stage 3:35 6.39 MB 21.00 MB get_app
13. Junk Man's Stage 2:00 3.72 MB 10.07 MB get_app
14. Freeze Man's Stage 2:26 4.23 MB 14.62 MB get_app
15. Slash Man's Stage 1:36 2.86 MB 8.18 MB get_app
16. Spring Man's Stage 1:48 3.31 MB 9.99 MB get_app
17. Shade Man's Stage 1:50 3.31 MB 9.13 MB get_app
18. Turbo Man's Stage 1:21 2.41 MB 7.59 MB get_app
19. Boss Battle 1:40 2.99 MB 9.86 MB get_app
20. Stage Clear 0:05 0.11 MB 0.33 MB get_app
21. Dr. Light's Lab 0:37 1.12 MB 3.29 MB get_app
22. New Weapon 0:32 1.00 MB 2.87 MB get_app
23. Auto's Shop 0:32 0.91 MB 3.29 MB get_app
24. Protoman's Whistle 0:06 0.11 MB 0.20 MB get_app
25. Robot Museum 3:03 5.49 MB 17.60 MB get_app
26. Lab Destroyed 1:30 2.65 MB 7.47 MB get_app
27. Dr. Wily's Castle 0:12 0.31 MB 0.86 MB get_app
28. Dr. Wily 1 2:30 4.61 MB 13.49 MB get_app
29. Dr. Wily 2 2:34 4.75 MB 13.10 MB get_app
30. Dr. Wily 3 2:03 3.70 MB 10.30 MB get_app
31. Dr. Wily 4 1:10 2.03 MB 6.35 MB get_app
32. Castle Boss 1:04 1.88 MB 5.74 MB get_app
33. Final Battle 1:08 2.11 MB 5.83 MB get_app
34. All Clear 0:07 0.16 MB 0.48 MB get_app
35. Staff Roll/Ending 2:04 3.71 MB 10.94 MB get_app
91. Unused Song 1:02 1.87 MB 5.91 MB get_app
92. New Weapon (Prototype) 0:32 0.99 MB 2.95 MB get_app
93. Dr. Wily 1 (Prototype) 2:30 4.66 MB 11.87 MB get_app
93. Dr. Wily 2 (Prototype) 2:28 4.58 MB 13.41 MB get_app
93. Protoman's Whistle (Prototype) 0:06 0.11 MB 0.19 MB get_app
94. Enter the Graveyard! 0:07 0.14 MB 0.38 MB get_app
94. The Haunted Graveyard 2:24 4.42 MB 11.70 MB get_app
95. Selection Jingle 0:03 0.06 MB 0.10 MB get_app
95. Special Item 1 0:04 0.07 MB 0.16 MB get_app
95. Special Item 2 0:04 0.08 MB 0.19 MB get_app


Mega Man 7 is an action platform video game developed and published by Capcom for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It is the seventh game in the original Mega Man series. The game was released in Japan on March 24, 1995, and was localized later in the year in North America and Europe.

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Mega Man 4 (Family Computer, NES) (gamerip) (1991)

Mega Man 6 (NES, Family Computer) (gamerip) (1993)

Mega Man 5 (Family Computer, NES) (gamerip) (1992)

Mega Man X4 (PS1) (gamerip) (1997)

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Mega Man (NES, Family Computer) (gamerip) (1987)

Mega Man X3 (SNES, Switch) (gamerip) (1995)

Mega Man X2 (SNES) (gamerip) (1994)


+ Comment

Groove the Pelican

02:29 Jan 16th, 2025Offline

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Toan Cloud

Now I can't un-hear it...


Because of you saying that, every time I listen to that, I think of thriller, every time

Happy to have started something. ;)

Toan Cloud

08:46 Jan 5th, 2025Offline

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Groove the Pelican

Dr. Wily 2 has [S]the same[/S] a similar baseline to Thriller. 🤔

Now I can't un-hear it...

Groove the Pelican

04:52 Jan 4th, 2025Offline

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Dr. Wily 2 has [S]the same[/S] a similar baseline to Thriller. 🤔

Toan Cloud

01:01 Nov 14th, 2024Offline

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I love the other Mega Man franchises as well with Classic and Zero being my personal favorites. As for the X series, it's all over the place in terms of quality and the ZX games are good, but they aren't the first thing I'll replay the second the Blue Bomber crosses my mind.

I've never played the ZX games.

Mainly because I'm more focused on Star Force when it comes to Mega Man games on the DS.


09:53 Nov 13th, 2024Offline

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i only like classic mega man
for a reason

I love the other Mega Man franchises as well with Classic and Zero being my personal favorites. As for the X series, it's all over the place in terms of quality and the ZX games are good, but they aren't the first thing I'll replay the second the Blue Bomber crosses my mind.


09:49 Nov 13th, 2024Offline

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wait... what has this to do with roblox

I was replying to a different comment that mentioned it.

Toan Cloud

09:46 Nov 13th, 2024Offline

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wait... what has this to do with roblox

That's a good point...

Not saying I don't agree with the statement on a personal level though.


06:09 Nov 10th, 2024Offline

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Yeah, you could say that. My 8 year old brother plays it and a lot of that crap on there is so dumb and boring that I would rather watch paint dry or listen to a teacher giving me a boring lecture about late high school math then watch my brother play dumb crap on Roblox for 5 minutes.

wait... what has this to do with roblox


06:09 Nov 10th, 2024Offline

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i only like classic mega man
for a reason


10:11 May 7th, 2024Offline

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Funny how we both had similar experiences with Mega Man. I remember being a big Roblox player back in 2013-2019, I stopped playing due to a lack of motivation to keep playing and the fact that most of the stuff on the front page was absolute garbage. I heard it's gotten a lot worse now.

Yeah, you could say that. My 8 year old brother plays it and a lot of that crap on there is so dumb and boring that I would rather watch paint dry or listen to a teacher giving me a boring lecture about late high school math then watch my brother play dumb crap on Roblox for 5 minutes.

Toan Cloud

09:51 May 7th, 2024Offline

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Funny how we both had similar experiences with Mega Man. I remember being a big Roblox player back in 2013-2019, I stopped playing due to a lack of motivation to keep playing and the fact that most of the stuff on the front page was absolute garbage. I heard it's gotten a lot worse now.

IDK what the status of Roblox is right now, never played it. My friends are always telling me to play it but I don't want to because everything on there looks half-baked and bad.


08:27 May 4th, 2024Offline

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The Mega Man Legacy Collection on 3DS got me into Mega Man. Though my first time playing Mega Man was on the NES Classic as my uncle had one and we played Mega Man 2, Castlevania, and Super Mario Bros on it all the time. It made me get into retro games along with Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection. Before that I knew Mega Man from some flash animations and games, aswell as Smash 4.

Funny you say that because I was introduced to Mega Man the same way. I played Mega Man 2 and 3 on NES and I didn't get into the franchise until I got the legacy collection on the 3DS as a Christmas present. From that point, it became my favorite video game franchise with Castlevania following three years later. As for retro video games, I didn't get into retro gaming until March 2019 where I finally stopped my horrible Roblox phase (which lasted a whole year).


01:11 May 2nd, 2024Offline

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Toan Cloud

That's around the time I started getting into Mega Man as well. Especially the Battle Network games.

The Battle Network series is something I currently can't play because I own an Xbox Series S (which doesn't have the collection on it), so I'm pretty screwed for the time being unless I decide if I want to own a Switch.

Toan Cloud

11:44 May 2nd, 2024Offline

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Before I came a Mega Man fan in 2017, I was only familiar with two Mega Man games. Those are Mega Man 2 and 3 for the NES. In 2017 and onwards, I became a diehard Mega Man fan and I've played and beaten many entries of the series (that includes the other Mega Man franchises like X, Zero, and ZX).

That's around the time I started getting into Mega Man as well. Especially the Battle Network games.


06:34 Apr 22nd, 2024Offline

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This gives me so much memories when I was 7

Before I came a Mega Man fan in 2017, I was only familiar with two Mega Man games. Those are Mega Man 2 and 3 for the NES. In 2017 and onwards, I became a diehard Mega Man fan and I've played and beaten many entries of the series (that includes the other Mega Man franchises like X, Zero, and ZX).

Toan Cloud

07:27 Jan 21st, 2024Offline

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Updated to add images!

Toan Cloud

12:31 Oct 31st, 2023Offline

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I just realized that this game's opening theme is an arrangement of Mega Man 6's credits theme, much like how MM2's opening is an arrangement of MM1's credits.

Didn't notice that. Pretty cool though!


09:19 Oct 29th, 2023Offline

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I just realized that this game's opening theme is an arrangement of Mega Man 6's credits theme, much like how MM2's opening is an arrangement of MM1's credits.


06:44 Aug 16th, 2023Offline

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Wait, is that my edi-


09:49 May 23rd, 2023Offline

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Omega Rockmanロックマン

By far my favorite game in the classic series. Mega Man 7 has a few problems, but the pros out weigh the cons in my eyes. The game looks beautiful, and sounds beautiful. Even if Mega Man controls a little odd and he's more bulky. The robot masters are all cool with fun designs and the stage design is great. Plenty of secrets like the password for the versus mode and Shade Man's Stage having a secret theme are all nice little additions to the game. The soundtrack is almost perfect with a few of the Wily Stage themes and Shade Man's secret theme being kinda meh. I'd revisit this one in a heart beat.

I absolutely agree. Mega Man 7 was the perfect transition for the classic series from the NES to the SNES. It has great stages with fun setpieces and mini bosses, decent weapons like the Thunder Bolt, Slash Claw, and Junk Shield, fun bosses, a great line up of Robot Masters, a great soundtrack, a ton of fun easter eggs like the Ghosts n' Goblins remix for Shade Man's stage, the 2 player versus mode, and some of the weapons do fun things when you hit a robot master with it. Such as when you hit Freeze Man with his own weapon, he'll do his Robot Master pose again or when you hit Spring Man with Thunder Bolt, you'll turn him into a magnet.

Toan Cloud

12:42 May 23rd, 2023Offline

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By far my favorite game in the classic series. Mega Man 7 has a few problems, but the pros out weigh the cons in my eyes. The game looks beautiful, and sounds beautiful. Even if Mega Man controls a little odd and he's more bulky. The robot masters are all cool with fun designs and the stage design is great. Plenty of secrets like the password for the versus mode and Shade Man's Stage having a secret theme are all nice little additions to the game. The soundtrack is almost perfect with a few of the Wily Stage themes and Shade Man's secret theme being kinda meh. I'd revisit this one in a heart beat.


09:35 Mar 24th, 2023Offline

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Oh man, this game is just great, my favorite Mega Man on the Classic titles.

It's not the best classic title, but it's one of my personal favorites. Honestly, I think Mega Man 3, 9, 4, and 2 are better then 7, but that's just me.


05:09 Mar 24th, 2023Offline

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Oh man, this game is just great, my favorite Mega Man on the Classic titles.


02:01 Feb 18th, 2023Offline

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Mega Man 7 has a good soundtrack. I think all the songs in this game sound good, but it's not something that I'll listen to outside of the game. As for the game itself, it's amazing. It has fun stages with weapons that can effect some things in the stages themselves like the weather in Cloud Man's stage for example. The weapons themselves aren't very good, but the useful ones are quite powerful and fun to use which are the Slash Claw, Junk Shield, and Thunder Bolt. The bosses themselves are great with fun patterns that are hard to dodge and difficult to learn. Also, you can use some weapons on bosses to do some fun things like if you use Thunder Bolt against Spring Man, it'll turn him into a magnet or if you use Freeze Man's weapon against him, he'll do his Robot Master pose again. Overall, Mega Man 7 is a amazing game with great stages, okay weapons excluding three of them, fun and challenging bosses, and a good soundtrack.
Soundtrack: 6.5/10.
Game: 8.1/10


04:57 Oct 8th, 2022Offline

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The password triggers a hidden Versus mode. There is only one stage to fight in but the music is randomized. The two playable characters are Mega Man and Bass. This is the first time Bass was playable in a mega man game.

Oh sweet, I heard about that from Gemini Laser in his Mega Man 7 Bloopers, Glitches, version differences, etc.

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08:16 Oct 7th, 2022Offline

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To me, Mega Man 7 is a great installment in the series with fun bosses, great stages, a great soundtrack, and a decent set of weapons (My favorites are Slash Claw, Thunder Bolt, and Junk Shield). I honestly don't know why Mega Man 7 is hated so much because Classic Mega Man was eventually gonna make his jump to the SNES like so many other franchises did like Mario, Castlevania, Gradius, Metroid, Contra, Zelda, etc. Also, what does that password trigger? Just curious.

The password triggers a hidden Versus mode. There is only one stage to fight in but the music is randomized. The two playable characters are Mega Man and Bass. This is the first time Bass was playable in a mega man game.


02:55 Sep 28th, 2022Offline

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This is my favorite classic Mega Man game. It has graphics I always liked, and bosses and stages that were interesting. The soundtrack is unique like MM8's or MMX4's and I really love it. The soundtrack made the game complete and really elevated it. Some people hate this game, and I can't see why. And that part were Mega Man threatens to kill Dr. Wily, like wow! Slow down there Mega, don't get ahead of yourself there. And also, type in 1415, 5585, 7823, 6251 on the password screen for a nice surprise, and make sure to invite a friend over...

To me, Mega Man 7 is a great installment in the series with fun bosses, great stages, a great soundtrack, and a decent set of weapons (My favorites are Slash Claw, Thunder Bolt, and Junk Shield). I honestly don't know why Mega Man 7 is hated so much because Classic Mega Man was eventually gonna make his jump to the SNES like so many other franchises did like Mario, Castlevania, Gradius, Metroid, Contra, Zelda, etc. Also, what does that password trigger? Just curious.

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08:09 Sep 25th, 2022Offline

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This is my favorite classic Mega Man game. It has graphics I always liked, and bosses and stages that were interesting. The soundtrack is unique like MM8's or MMX4's and I really love it. The soundtrack made the game complete and really elevated it. Some people hate this game, and I can't see why. And that part were Mega Man threatens to kill Dr. Wily, like wow! Slow down there Mega, don't get ahead of yourself there. And also, type in 1415, 5585, 7823, 6251 on the password screen for a nice surprise, and make sure to invite a friend over...


01:52 Sep 16th, 2022Offline

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I love how they were like Uh oh, there's a spinoff called MegaMan X now. We gotta stop using roman numerals, before it's too late!

That's just what I imagined.

Uh huh.


12:23 Sep 2nd, 2022Offline

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I love how they were like Uh oh, there's a spinoff called MegaMan X now. We gotta stop using roman numerals, before it's too late!

That's just what I imagined.

Mega Man X is a sequel series, but that is pretty accurate on what they were thinking. If they kept using Roman numerals, the actual Mega Man 10 would be called Mega Man XII.


12:51 Sep 1st, 2022Offline

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I love how they were like Uh oh, there's a spinoff called MegaMan X now. We gotta stop using roman numerals, before it's too late!

That's just what I imagined.


01:11 Aug 2nd, 2022Offline

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Mega man 7 is great! I like the soundtrack (my favorites: wily stages 1, 3 and 4, spring man stage, opening stage, boss battle, turbo man stage and shop theme)! Beat is also fixed and became more useful (same thing with 11 done). He can grab mega man, after he falls to the pit (beat can be useful in wily stage 1). Rush search is ok and rush can get special items. That's a great idea to mix power and jet adaptors into super adaptor and I use it SOOOOO many times. I sometimes getting angry, cuz' of freeze man stage and wily stage 1... I also like ghost n' goblins (or something) easter egg. Weapon lineup is good. Robot masters are also good. I almost forgot about the story! Story is good, because story begins from wily's escape from the prison. Wily is history (you can also see this in first dialogues)! Probably, great game and good soundtrack.
My favorite robot master is Freeze man
My least favorite robot master is... um... I don't have any least favorites)
Soundtrack: B
Game: A

As for me, Mega Man 7 is a great game with a fantastic robot master line up, fun stages, fine weapons, fun rush adapters, and that great Ghosts n' Goblins Easter egg. The soundtrack is good, but it's not as good as Mega Man 2, 3, 4, or 6. My favorite weapons in this game are thunder bolt, junk shield, and the slash claw. The story is basic, but it's not extremely stupid like Mega Man 5 and 6's stories.
Rating: 7.2/10.
Soundtrack: 6.4/10.


03:52 Jul 31st, 2022Offline

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Mega man 7 is great! I like the soundtrack (my favorites: wily stages 1, 3 and 4, spring man stage, opening stage, boss battle, turbo man stage and shop theme)! Beat is also fixed and became more useful (same thing with 11 done). He can grab mega man, after he falls to the pit (beat can be useful in wily stage 1). Rush search is ok and rush can get special items. That's a great idea to mix power and jet adaptors into super adaptor and I use it SOOOOO many times. I sometimes getting angry, cuz' of freeze man stage and wily stage 1... I also like ghost n' goblins (or something) easter egg. Weapon lineup is good. Robot masters are also good. I almost forgot about the story! Story is good, because story begins from wily's escape from the prison. Wily is history (you can also see this in first dialogues)! Probably, great game and good soundtrack.
My favorite robot master is Freeze man
My least favorite robot master is... um... I don't have any least favorites)
Soundtrack: B
Game: A


08:22 May 23rd, 2022Offline

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Man, the unused weapon get theme is WAY better than the actual. It's amazing what a couple of extra channels can do!


01:52 May 15th, 2022Offline

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For Me, Mega Man 7's Soundtrack Is Good, But Not Great. The Some Of The Level Changing add sets Are Ripped Straight From Mega Man X. Such The Ice Freezing The Heat For Example. This Is Also The Last Game That Has Passwords Of The Classic Series. The Stages Are Still Fun By The Way. Mega Man 7 Brings Back The Difficulty Unlike 5 & 6. That Final Boss Can Go Screw Itself. In My Top 10 Hardest Bosses [Retro], I Put Him On Number 6.

Yeah. Like Freeze Man Stage.


11:25 Apr 4th, 2022Offline

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The MM7 Soundtrack is good except for Shade Man Stage and Wily Stages. Soundtrack: 6/10. Game: 5/10


10:18 May 21st, 2021Offline

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I agree that Mega Man Xtreme lacks new features. Despite this, I really enjoyed this title for reasons that will be specified when I write my review on this game (it will happen soon).

For Me, Mega Man Xtreme 1 & 2 Are Mediocre Or Just Okay At Best For Me. I'm Not Gonna Review These At All Unless Requested.


09:43 May 20th, 2021Offline

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Blizzard Buffalo

Mega Man Xtreme Is Part Of The X Series. You Don't Have To Play Xtreme 1 By The Way Because It's Just X1 & X2 On Gameboy Color.

I agree that Mega Man Xtreme lacks new features. Despite this, I really enjoyed this title for reasons that will be specified when I write my review on this game (it will happen soon).


10:44 May 19th, 2021Offline

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I consider Game Boy games to be part of the classic series because of the content present which is extremely similar to NES games (Same case for Mega Man Xtreme). But that's fine with me if you consider them as another series.

Mega Man Xtreme Is Part Of The X Series. You Don't Have To Play Xtreme 1 By The Way Because It's Just X1 & X2 On Gameboy Color.


10:41 May 19th, 2021Offline

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I'm not sure some (not all) tier-changing add-on sets will be picked up from MMX. It was reportedly planned to be able to use Atomic Fire to burn trees at Wood Man level in MM2, but this idea was dropped due to technical limitations of the NES.
It's so true that the final boss is super tough. I had to use 4 E-Tanks and 1 S-Tank to be successful. In truth, there are much worse, like Singe of Dragon's Lair NES.

Yeah I Watched A YouTube Video On Mega Man 2 Facts. And I Know Of Dragon's Lair From AVGN. (2018).


11:54 May 19th, 2021Offline

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Blizzard Buffalo

I Usually Count The Gameboy Games As A Series Of They're Own.

I consider Game Boy games to be part of the classic series because of the content present which is extremely similar to NES games (Same case for Mega Man Xtreme). But that's fine with me if you consider them as another series.


11:54 May 19th, 2021Offline

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Blizzard Buffalo

For Me, Mega Man 7's Soundtrack Is Good, But Not Great. The Some Of The Level Changing add sets Are Ripped Straight From Mega Man X. Such The Ice Freezing The Heat For Example. This Is Also The Last Game That Has Passwords Of The Classic Series. The Stages Are Still Fun By The Way. Mega Man 7 Brings Back The Difficulty Unlike 5 & 6. That Final Boss Can Go Screw Itself. In My Top 10 Hardest Bosses [Retro], I Put Him On Number 6.

I'm not sure some (not all) tier-changing add-on sets will be picked up from MMX. It was reportedly planned to be able to use Atomic Fire to burn trees at Wood Man level in MM2, but this idea was dropped due to technical limitations of the NES.
It's so true that the final boss is super tough. I had to use 4 E-Tanks and 1 S-Tank to be successful. In truth, there are much worse, like Singe of Dragon's Lair NES.


01:44 May 18th, 2021Offline

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Exactly! Mega Man 7 is my 4th favorite classic Mega Man out of the 16 there are (I'm adding Game Boy games in the "classic" category).

I Usually Count The Gameboy Games As A Series Of They're Own.


01:38 May 18th, 2021Offline

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Mega Man 7 on SNES is an awesome game. The handling is excellent, the level design is original and the graphics are very nice.

This title contains a lot of good ideas, such as the Super Adapter or the possibility of interacting with the scenery thanks to certain special weapons. But contrary to what you might think, this is not the first Mega Man to introduce Weapon Tanks, Special Tanks, and an item purchase system (it comes down to Mega Man World 4).

The music is absolutely beautiful, my favorites being Stage Select, Junk Man, Slash Man, Wily Stage 1 + 3 and Final Boss.

A much better opus than the first 6.
Rating for the game and the soundtrack: 85%

For Me, Mega Man 7's Soundtrack Is Good, But Not Great. The Some Of The Level Changing add sets Are Ripped Straight From Mega Man X. Such The Ice Freezing The Heat For Example. This Is Also The Last Game That Has Passwords Of The Classic Series. The Stages Are Still Fun By The Way. Mega Man 7 Brings Back The Difficulty Unlike 5 & 6. That Final Boss Can Go Screw Itself. In My Top 10 Hardest Bosses [Retro], I Put Him On Number 6.


11:24 May 18th, 2021Offline

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Blizzard Buffalo

I Don't See why Some People Hate This Game.

Exactly! Mega Man 7 is my 4th favorite classic Mega Man out of the 16 there are (I'm adding Game Boy games in the "classic" category).


12:38 May 18th, 2021Offline

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Mega Man 7 on SNES is an awesome game. The handling is excellent, the level design is original and the graphics are very nice.

This title contains a lot of good ideas, such as the Super Adapter or the possibility of interacting with the scenery thanks to certain special weapons. But contrary to what you might think, this is not the first Mega Man to introduce Weapon Tanks, Special Tanks, and an item purchase system (it comes down to Mega Man World 4).

The music is absolutely beautiful, my favorites being Stage Select, Junk Man, Slash Man, Wily Stage 1 + 3 and Final Boss.

A much better opus than the first 6.
Rating for the game and the soundtrack: 85%


08:29 May 14th, 2021Offline

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Guest Reviewer

Awesome work it would be even better if you cut out the sound effects.

Replaced now for no SFX. Stage Start added, too.


02:46 May 8th, 2021Offline

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they had covid because one of covid's symptom is lack of taste

Let's Not Talk About "Civid" 19. Anyway, The Same Thing Happened To Wind Waker (The Legend Of Zelda) Just Because Of The Art Style. I Have Played Wind Waker... Yet.


02:42 May 7th, 2021Offline

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Blizzard Buffalo

I Don't See why Some People Hate This Game.

they had covid because one of covid's symptom is lack of taste


11:42 May 6th, 2021Offline

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I'm more than a robot!
Die wily!

This is why I love 7

I Don't See why Some People Hate This Game.


07:00 May 5th, 2021Offline

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Blizzard Buffalo

Mega Man 7's Soundtrack Is Decent. I don't have Any favorites of this. Soundtrack but, I do like The Ghosts N Goblins Easter Egg In Shade Man's stage. Overall, The Game Is Solid And The Soundtrack is okay. Soundtrack:5.9/10. Game:7.2/10.

I'm more than a robot!
Die wily!

This is why I love 7


06:59 May 5th, 2021Offline

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I am truly blown away by the audio quality here. I just hope nintendo doesn't find us here...

Mega man is owned by capcom


04:04 Jan 31st, 2021Offline

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Mega Man 7's Soundtrack Is Decent. I don't have Any favorites of this. Soundtrack but, I do like The Ghosts N Goblins Easter Egg In Shade Man's stage. Overall, The Game Is Solid And The Soundtrack is okay. Soundtrack:5.9/10. Game:7.2/10.

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01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I am truly blown away by the audio quality here. I just hope nintendo doesn't find us here...

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01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Mega Man 7's soundtrack is unique to the classic series. It's the best we could listen to! :)

With BrawlBRSTMS3 terminated 2 days ago, this album is our only chance we can modify and extend the musics all together. Let us all bring back the channel we all know and love.

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Guest Reviewer

01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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It´s a great soundtrack, one of the best of Megaman Classics series.

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Guest Reviewer

01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Best quality and this site is the better.

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Guest Reviewer

01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Mega Man 7 is one of the best in the series.
I still remember the first time l play it
Back in the days.
Nice memories....

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Guest Reviewer

01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Great job with this the only thing is that the stage start theme is missing please add!

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Guest Reviewer

01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Awesome work it would be even better if you cut out the sound effects.

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Guest Reviewer

01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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it is very very excellent website this website is like a rising stat THANK YOU

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Guest Reviewer

01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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In my opinion, this is the best Rockman soundtrack.... even better than RockmanX

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Guest Reviewer

01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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A great title with great music.Thanks kingdom hearts insider for your music!