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Mega Man X


Rockman X

Platforms: Android, Mobile, PS2, PS4, PS5, PSP, SNES, Switch, Wii, Wii U
Year: 1993
Developed by: Capcom
Published by: Capcom

Number of Files: 35
Total Filesize: 94 MB (MP3), 250 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Aug 14th, 2022   | Change Log
Album type: Gamerip
Uploaded by: OniiChan7765

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Capcom Logo 0:04 0.56 MB 0.37 MB get_app
2. Title Screen 0:25 1.32 MB 2.78 MB get_app
3. Password Screen 1:23 3.18 MB 9.83 MB get_app
4. Intro Stage 1:37 3.95 MB 10.69 MB get_app
5. Vile Intro 0:24 1.21 MB 2.37 MB get_app
6. Vile Battle 1:09 2.79 MB 7.98 MB get_app
7. Zero 0:40 1.35 MB 2.26 MB get_app
8. Demo 1:09 1.94 MB 4.14 MB get_app
9. Stage Select 1 0:25 1.29 MB 2.43 MB get_app
10. Stage Intro 0:07 0.68 MB 0.88 MB get_app
11. Launch Octopus 1:48 3.97 MB 12.20 MB get_app
12. Chill Penguin 1:30 3.41 MB 9.51 MB get_app
13. Flame Mammoth 1:58 4.61 MB 13.15 MB get_app
14. Boomer Kuwanger 2:15 5.04 MB 16.41 MB get_app
15. Sting Chameleon 1:19 3.17 MB 8.18 MB get_app
16. Spark Mandrill 1:49 4.49 MB 12.94 MB get_app
17. Storm Eagle 1:07 2.67 MB 7.62 MB get_app
18. Armored Armadillo 1:57 4.38 MB 13.18 MB get_app
19. Boss Intro 0:20 0.97 MB 1.53 MB get_app
20. Boss Battle 1:03 2.59 MB 6.43 MB get_app
21. Boss Defeated 0:07 0.69 MB 0.88 MB get_app
22. Weapon Screen 0:21 1.18 MB 2.12 MB get_app
23. Stage Select 2 0:39 1.83 MB 4.22 MB get_app
24. Sigma Fortress 1 2:15 5.03 MB 13.16 MB get_app
25. Sigma Fortress 2 2:11 4.43 MB 11.75 MB get_app
26. Sigma Fortress 3 1:48 4.27 MB 11.38 MB get_app
27. Sigma Fortress 4 0:18 1.03 MB 1.92 MB get_app
28. Sigma Battle 0:41 1.99 MB 4.94 MB get_app
29. Sigma Defeated 0:08 0.72 MB 0.88 MB get_app
30. Sigma Battle 2 1:54 4.35 MB 11.46 MB get_app
31. Dr. Light 0:46 1.93 MB 4.06 MB get_app
32. Ending 1:47 3.78 MB 13.18 MB get_app
33. Castings 2:12 4.86 MB 13.17 MB get_app
34. Credits 1:55 4.07 MB 11.49 MB get_app
999. Test Track 0:08 0.63 MB 0.32 MB get_app


Mega Man is a 1993 action-platformer by Capcom, released for all Super Nintendo/Super Famicom systems. This was Mega Man's shift to the 16-Bit power, and it started perfectly. This makes the first Mega Man sub-series in the franchise and probably the most popular one of the bunch.

The original Mega Man series on the NES consisted of 2D platform games that focus on run-and-gun gameplay. Mega Man X uses the same basic principles as its precursors but with many added options, such as button configuration, audio configuration, many movement options and more.

The game was re-released on multiple systems, including PS2 (see Mega Man X Collection), Wii/WiiU, Switch, and has even been remade for the PSP, named Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X.

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Mega Man X2 (SNES) (gamerip) (1994)

Mega Man X3 (SNES, Switch) (gamerip) (1995)

Mega Man X4 (PS1) (gamerip) (1997)

Mega Man 7 (SNES, 3DS, Windows, PS4, Xbox One) (gamerip) (1995)

Mega Man 2 (NES, Family Computer) (gamerip) (1988)

Mega Man X6 (PS1) (gamerip) (2001)

Mega Man 3 (NES, Family Computer) (gamerip) (1990)

Mega Man 8 (Saturn) (gamerip) (1997)

Mega Man X Corrupted (SNES, Windows)

Mega Man (NES, Family Computer) (gamerip) (1987)

Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X (PSP) (gamerip) (2005)

Mega Man 4 (Family Computer, NES) (gamerip) (1991)


+ Comment


01:25 Mar 3rd, 2025Offline

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Wario master of disguise sounds like this.


07:58 Jan 22nd, 2025Offline

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The Seinfeld bass…


10:43 Nov 3rd, 2024Offline

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Not sure what you mean by difficulty spike. Most of the game has a consistent difficultly but some bosses are definitely harder than others like Chill Penguin or Boomer Kuwanger being easier compared to Armored Armadillo and Launch Octopus, but using their weaknesses and going out of your way to look for heart upgrades or Energy Tanks make them much easier. (Especially if you go out of your way to get the armor upgrade in Sting Chameleon's stage.) I've never heard someone call this game's visuals weird, they're excellent and some of the best and most iconic pixel art to come from the 16-bit era. Though I might have to agree with you on the opening stage, it's iconic and cool as hell but gets tiring after replaying this game dozens of times. (Though I feel that way with all the opening stages in the Mega Man games.)

I never hated the spider boss but I also never liked the first phase of Sigma since you have to cheese it in a super mind numbing way. Sigma Wolf gets slack for it being super challenging but I kinda like it, especially if you pay attention to the patterns of the hands you can chain hits on him, and it's pretty satisfying that you can barely go inbetween the plasma balls if you time the dash right.

I hate the spider boss mainly because you have to fire your shot at the exact time he touches the bottom, otherwise he'll just go back up and you lose your opportunity to hit him. I have playthroughs where I kill him pretty easily and others where I struggle on him and proceed to lose a life or two.


07:28 Nov 2nd, 2024Offline

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Mega Man X1 is a solid 6/10, it's very overrated, difficulty spike, weird looking visuals, and a mediocre opening stage. Music's great though

"Weird looking visuals" Those are called sprites/pixels you dingus. As for your difficulty spike claim, the game is easy. It's no push over, but you should be able to get through the game just fine with the exception of a few bosses (namely that annoying spider and Wolf Sigma). I love myself a good hot take once and while, but your not doing much to back up your opinion.

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09:39 Oct 31st, 2024Offline

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Mega Man X1 es un sólido 6/10, está muy sobrevalorado, tiene picos de dificultad, gráficos extraños y una fase inicial mediocre. Sin embargo, la música es genial.

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09:38 Oct 31st, 2024Offline

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Mega Man X1 is a solid 6/10, it's very overrated, difficulty spike, weird looking visuals, and a mediocre opening stage. Music's great though


12:17 Sep 21st, 2024Offline

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Toan Cloud

The best Mega Man game ever made. Speaking of which, here are my top 5.

1. Mega Man X
2. Mega Man Zero 3
3. Mega Man Battle Network 3
4. Mega Man 9
5. Mega Man Zero 2

Here's my Top 5 favorite Mega Man games:
1.Mega Man 3 (1990)
2.Mega Man Zero 2 (2003)
3.Mega Man X (1993)
4.Mega Man Zero 3 (2004)
5.Mega Man X4 (1997)
Note: I haven't played the legends games or the RPG spin offs, so those aren't on here.

Toan Cloud

05:50 Aug 16th, 2024Offline

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The best Mega Man game ever made. Speaking of which, here are my top 5.

1. Mega Man X
2. Mega Man Zero 3
3. Mega Man Battle Network 3
4. Mega Man 9
5. Mega Man Zero 2

Dr. Gimmick

12:00 May 31st, 2023Offline

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Great rip. I was wondering why 'Sigma Intro 1' and 'Sigma Boss Battle' are named that when they are played when fighting Vile, not Sigma. Are those internal names or just a mistake?

This has been fixed.

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01:43 Dec 27th, 2022Offline

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10:30 Nov 26th, 2022Offline

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You're wrong. Writing Dr. Light


03:39 Oct 29th, 2022Offline

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Great rip. I was wondering why 'Sigma Intro 1' and 'Sigma Boss Battle' are named that when they are played when fighting Vile, not Sigma. Are those internal names or just a mistake?

it is a mistake
I used the titles from the original capcom soundtrack

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06:12 Oct 25th, 2022Offline

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Great rip. I was wondering why 'Sigma Intro 1' and 'Sigma Boss Battle' are named that when they are played when fighting Vile, not Sigma. Are those internal names or just a mistake?

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03:21 Oct 20th, 2022Offline

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Wow, the test track is an absolute bop. Best song ever made! :)


03:02 Oct 2nd, 2022Offline

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Mega Man X is hands down the best Mega Man game ever made. Maybe even one of the best games. (Chrono Trigger will forever hold that spot.) Nothing has or will ever be able to match it. Amazing level design and bosses. Useful weapons and well hidden collectibles. Literally hadoken. It's really cool when what you do in other levels effects the others. And the music is amazing. There isn't a thing wrong with this game.

Mega Man X is an incredible game! It has great stages, a absolutely rocking soundtrack, a great armor set, fun bosses, a great story, great collectibles, and amazing weapons (Mega Man X doesn't have a single bad weapon in the game). It also has a great maverick line up and it only has two bad mavericks in it (Which are Sting Chameleon and Flame Mammoth). To me, Mega Man X is an incredible game and it's my third favorite Mega Man game and it's one of my favorite games of all time. The only two Mega Man games that beat it is Mega Man 3 and Mega Man Zero 2.

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01:02 Oct 1st, 2022Offline

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Mega Man X is hands down the best Mega Man game ever made. Maybe even one of the best games. (Chrono Trigger will forever hold that spot.) Nothing has or will ever be able to match it. Amazing level design and bosses. Useful weapons and well hidden collectibles. Literally hadoken. It's really cool when what you do in other levels effects the others. And the music is amazing. There isn't a thing wrong with this game.


01:46 Sep 16th, 2022Offline

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I like most of the tracks in that game, although Sonic 4 is one of my favorite Sonic Soundtracks, so I'm not surprised if I'm in the minority.

I personally don't like Star man that much. 🤷

That’s fine


06:25 Sep 12th, 2022Offline

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Don’t know where else to say this but why isn’t there any mainline sonic music on this site

Sega told them to remove every sonic track on this site last year. It happened in October 2021 if I remember correctly.


02:48 Sep 11th, 2022Offline

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Don’t know where else to say this but why isn’t there any mainline sonic music on this site


05:10 Sep 4th, 2022Offline

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I like most of the tracks in that game, although Sonic 4 is one of my favorite Sonic Soundtracks, so I'm not surprised if I'm in the minority.

I personally don't like Star man that much. 🤷

I don't like Mega Man 5's soundtrack because it sounds so bland and forgettable with the expectation to Star Man and the Dark Man Stages. As for Sonic 4, I never played it and I never will.


10:02 Sep 3rd, 2022Offline

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Stone Man, Star Man, and Napalm Man are good, Gyro Man, Wave Man, and Charge Man are okay, Gravity Man, and Crystal Man suck.

I like most of the tracks in that game, although Sonic 4 is one of my favorite Sonic Soundtracks, so I'm not surprised if I'm in the minority.

I personally don't like Star man that much. 🤷


12:20 Aug 14th, 2022Offline

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This album was updated on 14th of August, 2022.


02:17 Jun 11th, 2022Offline

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I Hardly ever play Mega Man Xtreme 2 and Mega Man 5 has the lamest soundtrack I've ever heard. Most of the songs sound so boring and dull. Aside from Star Man and Dark Man Stage 1. Aside from those two songs, the rest of the soundtrack blows.

Stone Man, Star Man, and Napalm Man are good, Gyro Man, Wave Man, and Charge Man are okay, Gravity Man, and Crystal Man suck.


06:26 Jun 9th, 2022Offline

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I don’t think I quite agree with that. Mega Man 5 and Mega Man Xtreme 2 have great soundtracks.

I Hardly ever play Mega Man Xtreme 2 and Mega Man 5 has the lamest soundtrack I've ever heard. Most of the songs sound so boring and dull. Aside from Star Man and Dark Man Stage 1. Aside from those two songs, the rest of the soundtrack blows.


01:28 Jun 8th, 2022Offline

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Aside from Mega Man 5, Mega Man 8, and Mega Man Xtreme 1 and 2. Aside from those, Mega Man has a very good track record of kick holy cow music. My favorite soundtracks are Mega Man 2, Mega Man 3, Mega Man X, Mega Man X3, Mega Man X5, Mega Man X6, Mega Man Zero, Mega Man Zero 2, and Mega Man ZX.

I don’t think I quite agree with that. Mega Man 5 and Mega Man Xtreme 2 have great soundtracks.


04:20 Jun 5th, 2022Offline

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With out a doubt one of the best Mega Man OSTs there is, and that's saying a lot seeing as Megaman has never disappointed on kick-ass robot-bustin' music.

Aside from Mega Man 5, Mega Man 8, and Mega Man Xtreme 1 and 2. Aside from those, Mega Man has a very good track record of kick holy cow music. My favorite soundtracks are Mega Man 2, Mega Man 3, Mega Man X, Mega Man X3, Mega Man X5, Mega Man X6, Mega Man Zero, Mega Man Zero 2, and Mega Man ZX.


10:33 Jun 5th, 2022Offline

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With out a doubt one of the best Mega Man OSTs there is, and that's saying a lot seeing as Megaman has never disappointed on kick-ass robot-bustin' music.


01:56 Apr 30th, 2022Offline

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Mega Man X's soundtrack is incredible! The whole soundtrack is great and I always look forward to hearing it when I play the game. As for the game, it's as amazing as I remembered it. The stages are fun, The weapons are great, The bosses are fun, and the armor upgrades are amazing! Besides the head parts because I don't see any use for them. The difficulty is in the middle range and Nothing in this game gave me any trouble besides the spider boss. My one problem with the game is that the story never tells the players about Sigma or why he went maverick. The only time Sigma is brought up is when they're talking about his fortress. (And yes I know Maverick Hunter X and X4 Explains why Sigma went maverick). Overall, Mega Man X is one of the best games I've ever played and the absolute best X game there is.
Soundtrack: 9.5/10.
Game: 9.5/10.

I agree that this game is one of the best in the X series. My favorite songs, (and gosh I have a lot of them) are Boomer Kuwanger, Flame Mammoth, Armored Armadillo, Stage Select 2,
Launch Octopus, Title, Sting Chameleon, and Sigma Stage 2.

来須 蒼真

12:25 Mar 3rd, 2022Offline

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I play this game when i was 5 and even til this day the cartrige still work on my snes

Long live Megaman X



03:56 Feb 21st, 2022Offline

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Mega Man X's soundtrack is incredible! The whole soundtrack is great and I always look forward to hearing it when I play the game. As for the game, it's as amazing as I remembered it. The stages are fun, The weapons are great, The bosses are fun, and the armor upgrades are amazing! Besides the head parts because I don't see any use for them. The difficulty is in the middle range and Nothing in this game gave me any trouble besides the spider boss. My one problem with the game is that the story never tells the players about Sigma or why he went maverick. The only time Sigma is brought up is when they're talking about his fortress. (And yes I know Maverick Hunter X and X4 Explains why Sigma went maverick). Overall, Mega Man X is one of the best games I've ever played and the absolute best X game there is.
Soundtrack: 9.5/10.
Game: 9.5/10.


09:44 Oct 21st, 2021Offline

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Disculpa al reves


07:22 Oct 4th, 2021Offline

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Es mega man x3 y tiene carátula de megaman x


12:20 Sep 18th, 2021Offline

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Yes, but then you come to megaman x4 (which is when megaman x switches to playstation) and you start giving it bad reviews, when the soundtrack is practically the same soundtrack as X1, maybe you are hating the soundtrack of X4 because of the change from Nintendo to Playstation, because in another post you said you were a fan of nintendo but not of playstation, if thats not true, tell me, because this is just my theory.

What? I said X4 was a great game and that it's the second best game of the X series. The only thing I hate about X4 is the soundtrack Because a lot of is forgettable. I'm didn't say I was a Nintendo fan. I said that I like the NES, SNES, And Genesis music better than the PlayStation. The only PlayStation soundtracks I enjoy is Mega Man X6 and Castlevania symphony of the night.


03:57 Sep 17th, 2021Offline

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This Is The Best Mega Man X soundtrack There Is! There Are NO Bad Songs In The Whole Game! This Game Is One Of My Favorite Video Games Of All Time! There's Only A Few Games That Are Better Than This. Yoshi's Island, A link To The Past, Castlevania Symphony Of The Night, Sonic The Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles, and Mega Man 3.

Yes, but then you come to megaman x4 (which is when megaman x switches to playstation) and you start giving it bad reviews, when the soundtrack is practically the same soundtrack as X1, maybe you are hating the soundtrack of X4 because of the change from Nintendo to Playstation, because in another post you said you were a fan of nintendo but not of playstation, if thats not true, tell me, because this is just my theory.


08:24 Feb 6th, 2021Offline

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I never Played Super Metroid, Yoshi's Island Is Better Than Mario World, & Mega Man 2 Isn't really the Best Mega Man There is. (I think I just Started a flame war.


09:04 Feb 4th, 2021Offline

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Blizzard Buffalo

This Is The Best Mega Man X soundtrack There Is! There Are NO Bad Songs In The Whole Game! This Game Is One Of My Favorite Video Games Of All Time! There's Only A Few Games That Are Better Than This. Yoshi's Island, A link To The Past, Castlevania Symphony Of The Night, Sonic The Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles, and Mega Man 3.

*cough cough* Mega Man 2, SMW, Super Metroid *cough cough*


01:06 Jan 15th, 2021Offline

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This Is The Best Mega Man X soundtrack There Is! There Are NO Bad Songs In The Whole Game! This Game Is One Of My Favorite Video Games Of All Time! There's Only A Few Games That Are Better Than This. Yoshi's Island, A link To The Past, Castlevania Symphony Of The Night, Sonic The Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles, and Mega Man 3.


08:31 Dec 30th, 2020Offline

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Perfect Music!
10/10 for capcom

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03:29 Oct 19th, 2020Offline

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Dude, that's clearly the mega man X3 box art.

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05:19 May 12th, 2020Online

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You geniuses did it again, the FLAC version of this is just low bitrate MP3 converted to FLAC, not good!

Download the original SPC files from Zophar's Domain
Convert them to FLAC yourself, and check your files in Spek against the files on the site. You'll see that, well, it looks like it just is low bitrate.

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10:48 May 11th, 2020Offline

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You geniuses did it again, the FLAC version of this is just low bitrate MP3 converted to FLAC, not good!


01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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very well done ost video game ever made

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Pika Power

01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Everyone this is the best Snes game best soundtrack,I've beating this game last night jun 2nd Good game good rip. sound treble and bass quality thank you cool Dude.

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01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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One of my favourites soundtracks!!

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Guest Reviewer

01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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OOF! Head-bangingly fantastamazincr edibrilliant!!

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01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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This couldn't be more metal, it would defy the laws of physics

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01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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YES THANK YOU. This is exactly what I was looking for, and at the quality I was looking for.

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Guest Reviewer

01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Came for .wav was disappointed

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Guest Reviewer

01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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boomer kawanger stage music is faulty

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Guest Reviewer

01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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the mp3s of this entire album are glitches beyond belief. they make it unlistenable.

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01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Oh, man! I've been looking for all three of Sigma's boss themes, and they're here! This is great! ?( ??? )?

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Guest Reviewer

01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Sounds perfect and true to the game my friend, excellent work! Never heard the test track and also armor armorage is actually named armored armadillo BUT the sounds seem to be 100% accurate!