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Mega Man V


Rockman World 5

Platforms: GB
Year: 1994
Developed by: Minakuchi Engineering
Published by: Capcom

Number of Files: 33
Total Filesize: 43 MB (MP3), 139 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Mar 28th, 2021   | Change Log
Album type: Gamerip

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Cutscene 1 (Intro 1) 0:37 0.83 MB 1.84 MB get_app
2. Cutscene 2 (Intro 2, Terra's Theme) 1:21 1.53 MB 5.32 MB get_app
3. Cutscene 3 (Intro 3, Dr. Wily's Space Station, Sunstar Cutscene) 0:32 0.77 MB 1.66 MB get_app
4. Title Screen 0:59 1.11 MB 3.77 MB get_app
5. Password Screen 0:40 0.82 MB 2.44 MB get_app
6. Dr Light's Instructions 0:24 0.47 MB 1.35 MB get_app
7. Stage Select 1:15 1.42 MB 4.87 MB get_app
8. Boss Selected 0:09 0.17 MB 0.52 MB get_app
9. Mars' Stage 2:25 2.80 MB 9.42 MB get_app
10. Mercury's Stage 1:47 2.05 MB 7.05 MB get_app
11. Neptune's Stage 2:00 2.30 MB 8.00 MB get_app
12. Venus's Stage 1:14 1.46 MB 4.71 MB get_app
13. Boss Battle 0:52 1.55 MB 5.39 MB get_app
14. Stage Clear 0:05 0.08 MB 0.24 MB get_app
15. Weapon Get 0:38 0.74 MB 2.21 MB get_app
16. Dr Light's Shop 0:39 0.75 MB 2.38 MB get_app
17. Dark Moon Cutscene & Wily Star Stage 2:25 3.08 MB 10.12 MB get_app
18. Cutscene 4 (Flight Cutscene) 2:01 2.29 MB 7.80 MB get_app
19. Jupiter's Stage 1:40 1.89 MB 6.33 MB get_app
20. Pluto's Stage 2:00 2.28 MB 7.66 MB get_app
21. Saturn's Stage 1:35 1.81 MB 6.12 MB get_app
22. Uranus' Stage 1:14 1.46 MB 4.76 MB get_app
23. Shooting Stage 1:21 1.48 MB 4.69 MB get_app
24. Sunstar Fight 1:00 1.20 MB 3.82 MB get_app
25. All Clear 0:08 0.12 MB 0.40 MB get_app
26. Ending 1:59 2.24 MB 7.33 MB get_app
27. Game Over 0:26 0.48 MB 1.47 MB get_app
28. Unused 1 1:03 1.20 MB 4.00 MB get_app
29. Unused 2 1:15 1.42 MB 4.79 MB get_app
30. Unused 3 1:46 2.10 MB 6.22 MB get_app
31. Unused Jingle 1 0:07 0.12 MB 0.38 MB get_app
32. Unused Jingle 2 (MM4GB All Clear) 0:12 0.35 MB 1.29 MB get_app
33. Unused Jingle 3 0:09 0.15 MB 0.53 MB get_app


The gameplay in Mega Man V is largely similar to other games in the Mega Man series. As the protagonist Mega Man, the player is presented with a set of action and platform-style levels to complete. Mega Man's primary weapon is his staple arm cannon. However, rather than being able to charge and fire a more powerful blast with the trademark Mega Buster, the Mega Arm is used in essentially the same manner. Charging up and releasing the firing button causes Mega Man's arm to detach, strike an enemy, and then reattach.

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01:56 Feb 20th, 2023Offline

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Mega Man needs to really get rid of the fist thing which was Totally copied off Mega Man 6 and 7.

Actually, Rockman World 5 beat Rockman 7 to release by about a year! (RMW5 in 1994, RM7 in 1995.)

These are really the only 2 games I can think of that had Rock shoot his fist at enemies, with Rockman 6's Power Adapter being more punching than launching IMO.


01:51 May 19th, 2022Offline

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Mega Man needs to really get rid of the fist thing which was Totally copied off Mega Man 6 and 7.


01:39 May 10th, 2022Offline

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This game has an okay soundtrack especially Mercury, Venus, Password, and Stage Select.


02:52 Apr 5th, 2022Offline

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Yeah he’s right


09:29 Feb 23rd, 2022Offline

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Guest Reviewer

Somebody needs to labeled them correctly, go listen for yourself.

It's not wrong.


01:00 Apr 17th, 2021Offline

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Mega Man V is arguably the best Mega Man game on Gameboy and my 2nd in the classic series, behind MM8. This time around we are dealing with a brand new exclusive game for this portable console. The music is completely new and it's really great (like Pluto, Saturn, Uranus and Wily's Death Star) with the cutscenes done extremely well on this console. The game takes the MMIV formula, but enriches it even more, There is even a Shoot Em Up level.
An excellent adventure that you shouldn't miss out on.
Score for the game and the soundtrack: 95%

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01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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The music is great, but I rate this five because of the train wreck labeling.

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01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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The soundtrack names are completely wrong. The final boss theme listed isn't even the one for the penultimate boss.

Howeve r, the soundtrack itself is great and it's pretty good for a Game Boy game.

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01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Somebody needs to labeled them correctly, go listen for yourself.

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01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Intro 1: Stage select

Intro 2: ??? I guess it's Wily's fortress?

In tro 3: Uranus Stage

Title Screen: Unknown song

Passwor d: Neptune Stage

Dr. Light's Instructions: Unknown song

Stage Select: Boss battle theme

Stage Start: Saturn Stage

Mars Stage: Mercury Stage

Mercury Stage: Unknown song

Neptune Stage: Mars Stage

Venus Stage: Jupiter Stage

Boss Battle Theme: Unknown song

Boss Defeated: Pluto Stage

You got a weapon: Wily Star Theme

Dr. Light Shop: Intro 1

Dark Moon Battle & Dr. Wily's Stage: Stage Start

Flight Cutscene: Unknown song

Jupiter Stage: Boss defeated

Pluto Stage: Rockman World 4 Wily defeated

Saturn Stage: You got a weapon

Uranus Stage: Ending theme

Shmup Stage: Unknown fanfare

Fina l Boss Battle: Unknown song

Final Boss defeated: Title theme

Ending theme: Intro 2 (Terra)

Game over: Unknown song

Unused 1: Dr. Light Shop

Unused 2: Intro 3 (Crisis)

Unused 3: Unknown

Unused 4: Last boss theme (SunStar)

Jingle 1: Unknown

Jingle 2: Venus Stage

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01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Some videos are too short for SMBX

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01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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thanks to megaman ost however title is wrong

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01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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This song list needs to be corret, all the songs have incorrect titles

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Guest Reviewer

01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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There's something wrong with the order of the songs, and the names

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01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Great music and good quality, but its all labeled wrong. Unused Song 4 is Sunstar, by the way.