Mega Man X Corrupteds Soundtrack Is Some Classic Mega Man X Awesomeness. The Game Itself You Can't Play (As Of April 27, 2021). I'll Probably Be Able To Play it When I Reach My 70s. Or Maybe It Won't Be Released Until 22XX.
Why Didn't Capcom Come Up With These Great Ideas But Instead Thought Of Idiotic Ideas Like Snipe AntEator (& Yes Snipe AnterEater Is Spelled With O For Some Reason), Sheild Sheldon, Tornado Tonion, & Bamboo Pandamomium?
I would agree with you on the OST for sure. It's a beautifully composed set of songs that really goes heavy on that SNES nostalgia. As for the Mavericks themselves, I would say they all have good and memorable names with cool designs. And while I think Tornado Tonion and Snipe AntEator, well, really anything out of X7 is a load of garbage, I think that Bamboo Pandemonium and Shield Sheldon aren't that bad. It's all opinion I guess.
The recently uploaded One Hour of Mega Man X Corrupted Gameplay video was amazing and really showed off the detail and effort put into this long anticipated game. The amazing graphics, more open world gameplay, side quests, skill tree for both the player and the obtained weapons, and the absolutely killer soundtrack all make this game an even more impressive fan game. I hope it takes a long time to come out, because the longer it's in development, the better it will hopefully be.
Mega Man X Corrupteds Soundtrack Is Some Classic Mega Man X Awesomeness. The Game Itself You Can't Play (As Of April 27, 2021). I'll Probably Be Able To Play it When I Reach My 70s. Or Maybe It Won't Be Released Until 22XX.
Why Didn't Capcom Come Up With These Great Ideas But Instead Thought Of Idiotic Ideas Like Snipe AntEator (& Yes Snipe AnterEater Is Spelled With O For Some Reason), Sheild Sheldon, Tornado Tonion, & Bamboo Pandamomium?
i like that video game music soundtrack. it reminds me of the original super nintendo video game music album soundtrack of: capcom's mega man x 1 (super nintendo video game music album soundtrack).
Toan Cloud
09:52 Mar 4th, 2025Offline