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Top 12 Albums From 1991

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past


Super Mario World

Super Castlevania IV

Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Capcom CPS JAMMA)

Mega Man 4

Streets of Rage


The Simpsons

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project

Sunset Riders (Konami Sunset Riders)


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Albums From 1991

Found 1587 albums!

Album Platform Type Year
100-in-1-Contra Function 16 (Unlicensed) Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
16t Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
1941: Counter Attack (PC Engine SuperGrafx) TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
1943 Kai TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
1991 Du Ma Racing (Unlicensed) Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
1st Division Manager Amiga Gamerip 1991
2069AD Original CD FM Towns, PC-88, X68000 Soundtrack 1991
31 in 1 (Unlicensed) Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
3x3 EYES Chapter 1 Anime Soundtrack 1991
3×3 EYES -Chi no Maki- Anime Soundtrack 1991
4D Boxing (IBM PC-XT-AT) IBM PC/AT Gamerip 1991
4D Boxing (Tandy 1000 SL-TL-RL) IBM PC Gamerip 1991
4D Sports Boxing (IBM PC/XT/AT, AdLib) IBM PC/AT Gamerip 1991
4D Sports Boxing (Tandy 1000 SL/TL/RL) IBM PC Gamerip 1991
64th Street: A Detective Story (Jaleco Mega System 1-C) Arcade Gamerip 1991
7 Colors Amiga Gamerip 1991
765 MEGA-MIX Arcade Arrangement 1991
A Ressha de Ikou Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
A320 Airbus Amiga Gamerip 1991
Ace of Aces Master System Gamerip 1991
Acid Killer Spectrum Gamerip 1991
Acrobat Mission Arcade Gamerip 1991
Action 52 (Unlicensed) NES Gamerip 1991
Actraiser SNES Soundtrack 1991
Actraiser SNES Gamerip 1991
AD.POLICE File-1 PHANTOM LADY Anime Soundtrack 1991
Adam & Eve (Unlicensed) NES Gamerip 1991
Adrenalin Commodore 64 Gamerip 1991
Adrenalynn Amiga Gamerip 1991
Advanced Daisenryaku Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Hillsfar NES Gamerip 1991
Advanced Fruit Machine Simulator Atari ST Gamerip 1991
Adventure Island GB Gamerip 1991
Aerostar GB Gamerip 1991
Agress: Missile Daisenryaku Arcade Gamerip 1991
Ah Eikou no Koshien (Taito F2 System) Arcade Gamerip 1991
Air Buster Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Airmania! Amiga Gamerip 1991
Akagawa Jirou no Yuurei Ressha Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Alderan Commodore 64 Gamerip 1991
Aldynes (PC Engine SuperGrafx) TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Algarna X68000 Gamerip 1991
Alice Sound Collection CD MSX, PC-88, PC-98 Compilation 1991
Alien Breed Amiga Gamerip 1991
Alien Storm Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Alien Storm Master System Gamerip 1991
All Sounds of Artdink Game Music PC-98 Compilation 1991
ALL SOUNDS OF GDLeen SNES Soundtrack 1991
All Sounds of Mahjong Quest Arcade Soundtrack 1991
All Sounds of SaGa GB Compilation 1991
Alpha Mission II Arcade, Neo Geo Gamerip 1991
AlsharK PC-98 Soundtrack 1991
Alshark PC-98 Gamerip 1991
Alshark X68000 Gamerip 1991
Altered Space - A 3-D Alien Adventure GB Gamerip 1991
Amazing Tater GB Gamerip 1991
America Oudan Ultra Quiz Part 2 GB Gamerip 1991
American Gladiators NES Gamerip 1991
Amnios Amiga Gamerip 1991
Another World Amiga Gamerip 1991
Another World IBM PC, MS-DOS Gamerip 1991
APB (Atari Lynx) Gamerip 1991
Aquales X68000 Gamerip 1991
Arabian Fight (System 32) Arcade Gamerip 1991
Arcus 3 PC-98 Gamerip 1991
Arcus Odyssey Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Arcus Odyssey X68000 Gamerip 1991
Aretha II GB Gamerip 1991
Armadillo Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Armalyte Amiga Gamerip 1991
Art Alive Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Asmik-kun Land Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Asmik-kun World 2 GB Gamerip 1991
ASO II: Last Guardian Arcade, Neo Geo Soundtrack 1991
Asterix Master System Gamerip 1991
Atomino Amiga Gamerip 1991
Australian Pioneers Amiga Gamerip 1991
Auto-Upturn (Unlicensed) NES Gamerip 1991
AV Dragon Mahjong (Unlicensed) NES Gamerip 1991
AV Hanafuda Club (Unlicensed) NES Gamerip 1991
AV Pachi Slot (Unlicensed) Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
AV Soccer (Unlicensed) NES Gamerip 1991
AV Strip Mahjong (Unlicensed) Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Avenging Spirit (Jaleco Mega System 1) Arcade Gamerip 1991
Awesome Atari ST Gamerip 1991
Awesome Golf (Atari Lynx) Gamerip 1991
Aworg - Hero in the Sky Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
B.A.T. Commodore 64 Gamerip 1991
Back to the Future III Commodore 64 Gamerip 1991
Back to the Future Part III Amiga Gamerip 1991
Back to the Future Part III Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Back to the Golden Age Atari ST Gamerip 1991
Bahamut Senki Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijou 2 Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijou 3 Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Ballistix TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Banana Prince Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Banishing Racer GB Gamerip 1991
Barbarian II Amiga Gamerip 1991
Barbie (REV0) NES Gamerip 1991
BARE KNUCKLE Genesis / Mega Drive Soundtrack 1991
Bart Simpson's Escape From Camp Deadly GB Gamerip 1991
Base Wars NES Gamerip 1991
Baseball Fighter Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Bases Loaded 4 Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Batman: Return of the Joker Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Batter Up Game Gear Gamerip 1991
Battle Chess MS-DOS Gamerip 1991
Battle City GB Gamerip 1991
Battle Commander SNES Gamerip 1991
Battle Dodgeball: Toukyuu Daigekitotsu SNES Gamerip 1991
Battle Golfer Yui Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Battle Isle Amiga Gamerip 1991
Battle of Kingdom GB Gamerip 1991
Battle Storm Family Computer Gamerip 1991
Battle Storm NES Gamerip 1991
BattleCry Arcade Gamerip 1991
Battlemaster Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Battletoads GB Gamerip 1991
Battletoads Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Beast Wrestler Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Beauty and the Beast Movie Soundtrack 1991
Beep! Megadrive Best Selection Genesis / Mega Drive Compilation 1991
Beetlejuice NES Gamerip 1991
Bells & Whistles (Konami Sunset Riders) Arcade Gamerip 1991
Berlin no Kabe Game Gear Gamerip 1991
Best Keiba: Derby Stallion Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Big Karnak Arcade Gamerip 1991
Big Nose the Caveman (Unlicensed) NES Gamerip 1991
Big Run Amiga Gamerip 1991
Big Run Atari ST Gamerip 1991
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure Gamerip 1991
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure NES Gamerip 1991
Bill & Ted's Excellent Game Boy Adventure GB Gamerip 1991
Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge NES Gamerip 1991
Bill Elliott's NASCAR Fast Tracks GB Gamerip 1991
Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball SNES Gamerip 1991
Bio Force Ape (Prototype) Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Black Heart Arcade Gamerip 1991
Blade Master (Irem M92) Arcade Gamerip 1991
Blades of Steel GB Gamerip 1991
Blaster Master Boy GB Gamerip 1991
Block Block Arcade Gamerip 1991
Block Out (Atari Lynx) Gamerip 1991
Blockout Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Blue Almanac Genesis / Mega Drive Arrangement 1991
Blue Almanac Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Blue Wings: The Special Airforce X68000 Gamerip 1991
Blue's Journey Arcade, Neo Geo Gamerip 1991
Bo Jackson Baseball NES Gamerip 1991
Bo Jackson: Two Games in One GB Gamerip 1991
Bomberman X68000 Gamerip 1991
Bomberman II Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Bonanza Bros Master System Gamerip 1991
Bonanza Bros. (ZX Spectrum 128) Spectrum Gamerip 1991
Bonanza Brothers Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Boomerang Kid (Unlicensed) NES Gamerip 1991
Bouncing Balls Arcade Gamerip 1991
Brain Artifice Commodore 64 Gamerip 1991
Brain Bender GB Gamerip 1991
Brandish PC-98 Gamerip 1991
Breathalyzer Commodore 64 Gamerip 1991
BSS Jane Seymour - Federation Quest I MS-DOS Gamerip 1991
Bubble Bath Babes NES Gamerip 1991
Bubble Dizzy (ZX Spectrum 128) Spectrum Gamerip 1991
Bubblegum Crash - Knight Sabers 2034 TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
BUBBLEGUM CRASH! 1 [ILLEGAL ARMY] Anime Soundtrack 1991
BUBBLEGUM CRASH! 2 [GEO CLIMBERS] Anime Soundtrack 1991
BUBBLEGUM CRASH! 3 [MELT DOWN] Anime Soundtrack 1991
Bugs Bunny's Birthday Ball (Bally Pinball) Arcade Gamerip 1991
Burai "Hachigyoku no Yuushi Densetsu" TurboGrafx-16 Arrangement 1991
Burai: Hachigyoku no Yuushi Densetsu TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
BurgerTime Deluxe GB, Switch Gamerip 1991
Burning Fight & Mutation Nation Arcade, Neo Geo Compilation 1991
Burning Fight Arcade, Neo Geo Gamerip 1991
Buster Bros. (TG-CD) TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Cactus Jack's (Gottlieb Premier Pinball) Arcade Gamerip 1991
Cadash TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Caesars Palace GB Gamerip 1991
Caliber .50 Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Can Can Bunny Spirits PC-98 Gamerip 1991
Captain America and The Avengers (DECO32) Arcade Gamerip 1991
Captain America and the Avengers NES Gamerip 1991
Captain Commando (CP System) Arcade Gamerip 1991
Captain Planet and the Planeteers Amiga Gamerip 1991
Captain Planet and the Planeteers NES Gamerip 1991
Carcharodon: White Sharks Amiga Gamerip 1991
CarVup Amiga Gamerip 1991
Castelian GB Gamerip 1991
Castelian Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Castle of Dr. Brain MS-DOS Gamerip 1991
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse Game Gear Gamerip 1991
Castles Amiga Gamerip 1991
Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge GB Gamerip 1991
Catacomb 3-D IBM PC, IBM PC/AT, MS-DOS Gamerip 1991
Cave Noire GB Gamerip 1991
CD theater Dragon Quest II NES Arrangement 1991
Celceta / Rie Sugimoto PC-88 Arrangement 1991
Chachamaru Boukenki 3: Abyss no Tou GB Gamerip 1991
Chachamaru Panic GB Gamerip 1991
Championship Rally Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Championship Run Commodore 64 Gamerip 1991
Chaos World Family Computer Gamerip 1991
Chaos World NES Gamerip 1991
Chase H.Q. FM Towns Gamerip 1991
Chase H.Q. Game Gear, Master System Gamerip 1991
Chase H.Q. / Special Criminal Investigation Arcade, NES Soundtrack 1991
Checkered Flag Gamerip 1991
Chess Academys (Unlicensed) NES Gamerip 1991
Chessmaster GB Gamerip 1991
Chibi Maruko-chan 2: Deluxe Maruko World GB Gamerip 1991
Chibi Maruko-chan: Harikiri 365-nichi no Maki SNES Gamerip 1991
Chibi Maruko-chan: Uki Uki Shopping Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Chinese Checkers (Unlicensed) Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Chip's Challenge IBM PC/AT Gamerip 1991
Choplifter II: Rescue & Survive GB Gamerip 1991
Chou Jinrou Senki: Warwolf Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Choujin Sentai Jetman Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Chuck Rock Amiga Gamerip 1991
Chuck Rock Atari ST Gamerip 1991
Chuck Rock Game Gear Gamerip 1991
Chuck Rock Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Chuck Rock Master System Gamerip 1991
Chuka Taisen X68000 Gamerip 1991
Circus Lido TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Civilization MS-DOS 1991
CJ's Elephant Antics Amiga Gamerip 1991
CJ's Elephant Antics Atari ST Gamerip 1991
CJ's Elephant Antics Commodore 64 Gamerip 1991
Class of 1812 (Gottlieb Pinball) Arcade Gamerip 1991
Clutch Hitter Arcade Gamerip 1991
Clutch Hitter Game Gear Gamerip 1991
Clystron Commodore 64 Gamerip 1991
Coalminer Commodore 64 Gamerip 1991
Cocoron Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Code-Zero X68000 Gamerip 1991
Columns & Columns 2 Arcade, Genesis / Mega Drive Soundtrack 1991
Columns TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Columns Taisen Mode Tsuki PC-98 Gamerip 1991
Commander Keen - Aliens Ate My Babysitter! (Apogee Software) Windows Gamerip 1991
Commander Keen 4 MS-DOS 1991
Commander Keen 5 MS-DOS 1991
Commander Keen 6 MS-DOS 1991
Commander Keen Episode IV - Secret Of The Oracle (Apogee Software) MS-DOS, Windows Gamerip 1991
Commander Keen Episode V - The Armageddon Machine (Apogee Software) Windows Gamerip 1991
Commander Keen in Aliens Ate My Babysitter! IBM PC/AT Gamerip 1991
Commander Keen in Goodbye, Galaxy! Episode IV - Secret of the Oracle IBM PC/AT Gamerip 1991
Commander Keen in Goodbye, Galaxy! Episode V - The Armageddon Machine IBM PC/AT Gamerip 1991
Connect Four CD-i Gamerip 1991
Coryoon: Child of Dragon TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Cosmic Cop (Irem M72) Arcade Gamerip 1991
Cosmic Fantasy 2 - Bouken Shounen Ban (PC Engine CD) TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
COSMIC PSYCHO PC-98, X68000 Soundtrack 1991
Cosmic Psycho MSX2 Gamerip 1991
Cosmic Psycho PC-88 Gamerip 1991
Cosmic Psycho X68000 Gamerip 1991
COTTON Arcade Soundtrack 1991
Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams (System 16B) Arcade Gamerip 1991
CoverGirl Strip Poker Commodore 64 Gamerip 1991
Cowboy Kid NES Gamerip 1991
Cowboy Kid JP Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Crackout (EA) NES Gamerip 1991
CrackOut (US Prototype) NES Gamerip 1991
Crazy Sue Amiga Gamerip 1991
Crisis Force Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Crisis Force (Unofficial Soundtrack) Family Computer Gamerip 1991
Crossed Swords Arcade, Neo Geo Gamerip 1991
Crossed Swords / Sengoku Densyo Arcade, Neo Geo Compilation 1991
CrossFire Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Cruise For a Corpse Amiga Gamerip 1991
Cruise For a Corpse Atari ST Gamerip 1991
Crystal Quest GB Gamerip 1991
Cuarto X68000 Gamerip 1991
Cubulus Amiga Gamerip 1991
Curse of the Azure Bonds PC-98 Gamerip 1991
Cyber Block Metal Orange PC-98 Gamerip 1991
Cyber Citizen Shockman 2: A New Menace PS4, PS5, Switch, TurboGrafx-16, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Gamerip 1991
Cyber Core X68000 Gamerip 1991
Cyberball NES Gamerip 1991
Cyrus Commodore 64 Gamerip 1991
D-Force SNES Gamerip 1991
D. D. Crew (System 18) Arcade Gamerip 1991
Dahna Megami Tanjou Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Dai-2-ji Super Robot Taisen Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Daiku no Gen-san Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Daisenpu Custom (PC Engine CD-ROM2) TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Daisenryaku GB Gamerip 1991
Daitoa Mokushiroku: Goh PC-98 Gamerip 1991
Damage Fight 2 X68000 Gamerip 1991
Danan: The Jungle Fighter Master System Gamerip 1991
Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat Arcade Gamerip 1991
Darius II Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Darius Twin SNES Gamerip 1991
Dark Ages MS-DOS Soundtrack 1991
Dark Castle Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Dark Lord Family Computer Gamerip 1991
Dark Lord NES Gamerip 1991
Darkman Amiga Gamerip 1991
Darkman (NTSC) NES Gamerip 1991
Darkman (PAL) NES Gamerip 1991
Davis Cup Tennis TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
De-Block Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Dead Moon TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Deadlock Commodore 64 Gamerip 1991
DEATH BRADE Arcade Soundtrack 1991
Death Knights of Krynn IBM PC/AT Gamerip 1991
Decap Attack Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Defender Of The Crown (Commodore CDTV) Amiga Gamerip 1991
Deflektor X68000 Gamerip 1991
Desert Assault Arcade Gamerip 1991
DETANA!! TWINBEE Arcade Soundtrack 1991
Detana!! TwinBee X68000 Gamerip 1991
DETONATOR ORGUN 1 Anime Soundtrack 1991
Deuteros Amiga Gamerip 1991
Deuteros Atari ST Gamerip 1991
Devilish Game Gear Gamerip 1991
Devious Designs Amiga Gamerip 1991
Dezaemon Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Dick Tracy GB Gamerip 1991
Die Hard Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Dino Land Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Dinosaur FM Towns Gamerip 1991
Disc Station "Best Of 3-years" MSX2 Arrangement 1991
Disney Christmas Volume 1 Movie Soundtrack 1991
Divine Sealing Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Dizzy - Prince of the YolkFolk (ZX Spectrum 128) Spectrum Gamerip 1991
Dizzy Down the Rapids (Amstrad CPC) Gamerip 1991
Dizzy Down the Rapids (ZX Spectrum 128) Spectrum Gamerip 1991
Dizzy Panic (Amstrad CPC) Gamerip 1991
Dizzy Panic Spectrum Gamerip 1991
Dizzy: Prince of the Yolkfolk Commodore 64 Gamerip 1991
Dodge Boy GB Gamerip 1991
Doom (OPL2) IBM PC, IBM PC/AT Gamerip 1991
Doraemon - Taiketsu Himitsu Dougu!! GB Gamerip 1991
Doraemon: Nobita no Dorabian Night TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Double Dragon 2 GB Gamerip 1991
Double Dragon 2 - The Revenge Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Double Dragon 3 Amiga Gamerip 1991
Double Dragon 3 Commodore 64 Gamerip 1991
Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Double Dragon 3 / The Combatribes Arcade Soundtrack 1991
Double Dragon 4 Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Double Dribble: 5 on 5 GB Gamerip 1991
Down Load 2 (PC Engine CD) TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Drac's Night Out (Prototype) NES Gamerip 1991
Dracula: The Undead (Atari Lynx) Gamerip 1991
Dragon Ball Z II: Gekishin Freeza!! Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Dragon City X Shitei X68000 Gamerip 1991
Dragon Crystal Game Gear Gamerip 1991
Dragon Crystal Master System Gamerip 1991
Dragon Egg! TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Dragon Eyes X68000 Gamerip 1991
Dragon Knight II X68000 Gamerip 1991
DRAGON KNIGHT II / Fantastic Remix! PC-98 Soundtrack 1991
Dragon Knight III PC-98 Gamerip 1991
Dragon Saber: After Story of Dragon Spirit TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes (PC-Engine Redbook) TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes SNES Gamerip 1991
Dragon's Curse TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Dragon's Eye Plus: Shanghai 3 Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Dragon's Fury Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Dragon's Lair: The Legend GB Gamerip 1991
Dragons of Flame PC-98 Gamerip 1991
Drakkhen MS-DOS Gamerip 1991
Drakkhen PC-98 Gamerip 1991
Drakkhen SNES Gamerip 1991
Drift Out (Taito F2 System) Arcade Gamerip 1991
Duotris Commodore 64 Gamerip 1991
Dyna Blaster Amiga Gamerip 1991
Dynamic Country Club (System 24) Arcade Gamerip 1991
Dynamite Duke Master System Gamerip 1991
E.D.F. Arcade, iOS, PS4, Switch Soundtrack 1991
E.D.F.: Earth Defense Force (Jaleco Mega System 1) Arcade Gamerip 1991
Earnest Evans Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Earnest Evans (SCD) Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
EcoQuest: The Search for Cetus MS-DOS Gamerip 1991
Edd the Duck! Amiga Gamerip 1991
Edward Randy / Super Burger Time Arcade Soundtrack 1991
Efera & Jiliora - The Emblem from Darkness (PC-Engine CD) TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Egypt NES Gamerip 1991
Eight Lakes G.C X68000 Gamerip 1991
Eight Man Arcade, Neo Geo Gamerip 1991
El Viento Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Elevator Action GB Gamerip 1991
Elf Amiga Gamerip 1991
Elf Amiga Gamerip 1991
Eliminator Boat Duel NES Gamerip 1991
Elite NES Gamerip 1991
ELLE PC-98 Gamerip 1991
Elvira - The Arcade Game Commodore 64 Gamerip 1991
Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus IBM PC/AT Gamerip 1991
Elvira: The Arcade Game Amiga Gamerip 1991
Escape Kids Arcade Gamerip 1991
Eskimo Games Commodore 64 Gamerip 1991
Eternal City: Toshi Tensou Keikaku TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Eternal Legend: Eien no Densetsu Game Gear Gamerip 1991
Europe Sensen MSX2, PC-88, PC-98 Arrangement 1991
Exile Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Exile TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Exile Toki No Hazama He (PC Engine CD) TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Exodus - Journey to the Promised Land (Unlicensed) NES Gamerip 1991
Extra Innings SNES Gamerip 1991
Eye of the Beholder II - The Legend of Darkmoon IBM PC/AT Gamerip 1991
F-1 Grand Prix Arcade Gamerip 1991
F-117A MS-DOS Gamerip 1991
F1 Circus '91: World Championship TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
F1 Circus MD Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
F1 Exhaust Note (System 32) Arcade Gamerip 1991
F1 Grand Prix Star (Jaleco Mega System 1) Arcade Gamerip 1991
Faara no Toki Kekkai PC-88 Gamerip 1991
Faceball 2000 GB Gamerip 1991
Faery Tale Adventure Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Fail Gate (Unreleased) Arcade Gamerip 1991
Fairy Tale Kaizokuban X68000 Gamerip 1991
Falcom J.D.K. BAND 1 PC-88 Soundtrack 1991
Falcom J.D.K. BAND 2 / Dalk Fukt no Gyakushuu PC-88 Arrangement 1991
Falcom Special Box '92 Anime Soundtrack 1991
Falcom Vocal Collection I Anime Compilation 1991
Falcom Vocal Collection II Compilation 1991
Famicom Igo Nyuumon Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Famicom Jump II - Saikyo no 7-nin Family Computer Gamerip 1991
Famicom Jump II - Saikyou no 7 Nin NES Gamerip 1991
Famicom Jump: Saikyou no 7-nin NES Arrangement 1991
Famicom Shougi - Ryuuousen Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Family Circuit '91 Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Family Feud NES Gamerip 1991
Family Jockey GB Gamerip 1991
Family Soft Original BGM Collection TESORITO MSX2, PC-88, PC-98, X68000 Arrangement 1991
Famimaga Disk Vol. 3 - All 1 FDS Gamerip 1991
Famimaga Disk Vol. 4 - Clox FDS Gamerip 1991
Famimaga Disk Vol. 5 - Puyo Puyo FDS Gamerip 1991
Famista '92 NES Gamerip 1991
Fangs - The Saga of Wolf Blood PC-88 Gamerip 1991
Fantastic Voyage Amiga Gamerip 1991
Fantasy World Dizzy Amiga Gamerip 1991
Fantasy World Dizzy Atari ST Gamerip 1991
Fantasy World Dizzy IBM PC Gamerip 1991
Fantasy Zone Gear Game Gear Gamerip 1991
Fascination Amiga Gamerip 1991
Fast Food Amiga Gamerip 1991
Fastest 1 Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Fastest Lap GB Gamerip 1991
Fatal Fury 1 & 2 Genesis / Mega Drive Compilation 1991
Fatal Fury: King of Fighters Arcade Gamerip 1991
Fatal Rewind Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Fidelity Ultimate Chess Challenge (Atari Lynx) Gamerip 1991
Fighting Masters Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Fighting Run TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Final Crisis - Terrestrial Defense Police PC-88 Gamerip 1991
Final Fight Amiga Gamerip 1991
Final Match Tennis TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Final Reverse: Saigo no Gyakuten GB Gamerip 1991
Final Soldier TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Final Soldier Suite & Original Soundtrack TurboGrafx-16 Soundtrack 1991
Fire Emblem Gaiden Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Fire Mustang Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Fire Pro Wrestling 2nd Bout TurboGrafx-16 Soundtrack 1991
Fire Pro Wrestling 2nd Bout TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
Fire Prowrestling: 2nd Bout TurboGrafx-16 Gamerip 1991
FireHawk (Unlicensed) NES Gamerip 1991
First Samurai Amiga Gamerip 1991
Fleet Commander VS. GB Gamerip 1991
Flicky Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Flight of the Intruder NES Gamerip 1991
Flying Warriors NES Gamerip 1991
Football International GB Gamerip 1991
Forgotten Worlds Master System Gamerip 1991
Fortified Zone GB Gamerip 1991
Frenetic Amiga Gamerip 1991
Frisky Tom Arcade Gamerip 1991
Frommer's Travel Guide GB Gamerip 1991
Full Contact Amiga Gamerip 1991
Fushigi no Umi no Nadia Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Fushigi no Umi no Nadia Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
Futebol (Unlicensed) NES Gamerip 1991
Future Shock Amiga Gamerip 1991
Fuzzball Amiga Gamerip 1991
Fuzzical Fighter Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1991
G-LOC Air Battle Master System Gamerip 1991
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero NES Gamerip 1991
Gain Ground Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Galaxy 5000 - Racing in the 51st Century NES Gamerip 1991
Galaxy Force II FM Towns Gamerip 1991
Galaxy Force II Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1991
Game Boy Wars GB Gamerip 1991
Game Music Concert -The Best Selection- NES, PC-88, SNES Arrangement 1991
GameWorld 1st Anniversary Commemoration Genesis / Mega Drive, MS-DOS, MSX2 Compilation 1991
Ganbare Goemon - Sarawareta Ebisumaru GB Gamerip 1991
Ganbare Goemon The Super Famicom Collection SNES Compilation 1991
Ganso!! Yanchamaru GB Gamerip 1991
Gateway to the Savage Frontier IBM PC/AT Gamerip 1991
Gauntlet 3 Atari ST Gamerip 1991
Gauntlet II GB Gamerip 1991
Gauntlet III Amiga Gamerip 1991
Gauntlet III Commodore 64 Gamerip 1991
Gauntlet III - The Final Quest (ZX Spectrum 128) Spectrum Gamerip 1991
GD Leen SNES Gamerip 1991
Gem Gem GB Gamerip 1991
Gem'X Commodore 64 Gamerip 1991