Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Manhattan Project
ティーンエージ ミュータント ニンジャ タートルズ 2 ザ マンハッタン プロジェクト
Platforms: Family Computer, NES
Year: 1991
Developed by: Konami
Published by: Konami
Number of Files: 31
Total Filesize: 48 MB (MP3), 153 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Nov 21st, 2023
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2023-11-21: -Added FLAC.
Album type: Gamerip
Uploaded by: TheWispGuy, ViviVGM
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III can be played by up to two players simultaneously, with each player controlling a different character. The player can choose between any of the four turtles: Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo and Donatello, each wielding their signature weapon. Two different 2-player modes are featured in the game, the first mode allows both players to hurt each other with their attacks, while the other mode disables this feature.
08:22 Nov 21st, 2023Offline