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Rockman X3 (Unlicensed)


Mega Man X3

Platforms: Genesis / Mega Drive
Published by: Taiwan Sankyo Fundship

Number of Files: 8
Total Filesize: 14 MB (MP3), 38 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Mar 16th, 2020   | Change Log
Album type: Gamerip

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Title Theme 0:10 0.21 MB 0.55 MB get_app
2. Password 0:46 0.90 MB 1.95 MB get_app
3. Zero 2:53 3.38 MB 10.39 MB get_app
4. Gravity Beetle 2:02 2.56 MB 6.54 MB get_app
5. Blizzard Buffalo 1:39 2.07 MB 5.22 MB get_app
6. Doppler Stage 1 1:21 1.61 MB 4.18 MB get_app
7. Dr Cain Demo 2:12 2.47 MB 8.06 MB get_app
8. Unknown Track 0:16 0.32 MB 0.76 MB get_app


Edited by peppino plays.

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Mega Man X Corrupted (SNES, Windows)

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+ Comment

Toan Cloud

08:01 Nov 10th, 2023Offline

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Honestly, I don't mind the Zero Theme or Dr. Cain Demo that much. I actually played this bootleg before, it was surprisingly promising. Yeah, it wasn't good, but for what they had, it was one of the better bootleg Genesis games I've played. The game is unfinished though, so it doesn't end, or even have a beginning.

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peppino plays

12:35 Oct 16th, 2023Offline

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Lol I edited this.
I added the publisher.
It still sounds like a guitar on drugs.


02:40 Oct 2nd, 2022Offline

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This soundtrack is complete trash. Even for a bootleg. The rest of the game is really bad too and the soundtrack has so many tracks missing on here for some reason. The unknown track is probably a Doppler Stage 1 beta track.

Wait Until you hear Mega Man 8 gameboy's soundtrack.


02:39 Oct 2nd, 2022Offline

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This is just... No... Not only is the game itself bad, but the music is even worse. It sounds terrible and only uses one sound channel at a time most of the time. The other tracks from the game are missing, for better or for worse. Probably better.

I know they missed this up really bad. If it was an official X3 genesis port, it would've been great (It probably would've fixed a couple of X3's flaws like the pink capsule system, barely playable Zero, and it might of had better stage effects). But instead, we got a crappy bootleg.

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02:03 Oct 2nd, 2022Offline

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This soundtrack is complete trash. Even for a bootleg. The rest of the game is really bad too and the soundtrack has so many tracks missing on here for some reason. The unknown track is probably a Doppler Stage 1 beta track.

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09:03 Sep 26th, 2022Offline

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This is just... No... Not only is the game itself bad, but the music is even worse. It sounds terrible and only uses one sound channel at a time most of the time. The other tracks from the game are missing, for better or for worse. Probably better.


02:32 Apr 3rd, 2022Offline

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Ye, pretty bad.

You know what’s EVEN worse?
Actual Mario on Genesis. You can even miraculously kill Boos by jumping on them.


02:04 Apr 3rd, 2022Offline

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To me, it sounds like X3 is crying for help for a better composer and at points, it sounds like it's trying to take the genesis out along with it. You know, a X3 genesis port had so much potential. If it was given to the right people or if it was actually made by Capcom and it wasn't a bootleg, it would've been great.



11:34 Apr 3rd, 2022Offline

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Ya know another bootleg? Sonic Jam 6. ITS JUST MARIO ON GENESIS

Ye, pretty bad.


07:17 Apr 3rd, 2022Offline

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It sounds like the X3 soundtrack throwing up 🤢

To me, it sounds like X3 is crying for help for a better composer and at points, it sounds like it's trying to take the genesis out along with it. You know, a X3 genesis port had so much potential. If it was given to the right people or if it was actually made by Capcom and it wasn't a bootleg, it would've been great.


02:20 Apr 3rd, 2022Offline

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It sounds like the X3 soundtrack throwing up 🤢


03:33 Apr 2nd, 2022Offline

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Why are there only two maverick stages songs? Did they just give up with this stupid “game”? or did khinsider only put two?

I'm not sure, but I'm not curious enough to waste money on a physical cartridge or to watch someone's walkthrough of it.


02:06 Apr 2nd, 2022Offline

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You guys forgot about SONIC ADVENTURE 7, yup another GBC bootleg made by Yong Yong with the same engine as the other bootlegs.

Ya know another bootleg? Sonic Jam 6. ITS JUST MARIO ON GENESIS


02:03 Apr 2nd, 2022Offline

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Did the company shut down after the release of this "game" or did they think that they can't make any good video games? Just curious.

Why are there only two maverick stages songs? Did they just give up with this stupid “game”? or did khinsider only put two?


07:51 Mar 27th, 2022Offline

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Somari Jam 6

the unused song sounds kind of like an earlier version of Doppler Stage 1 that they have, also the company who made this game "Taiwan Sankyo Fundship Co., Ltd." made no other games than this

Did the company shut down after the release of this "game" or did they think that they can't make any good video games? Just curious.

Somari Jam 6

06:46 Mar 26th, 2022Offline

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And to be honest, they did pretty well in the gravity beetle stage ost. Overall, the soundtrack is a 3.5/10(the unused sound, what is that._.).

the unused song sounds kind of like an earlier version of Doppler Stage 1 that they have, also the company who made this game "Taiwan Sankyo Fundship Co., Ltd." made no other games than this


12:06 Mar 6th, 2022Offline

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I find the music in this version to be ... tolerable. It is far from good, but far from inaudible (except the music of Doppler Stage 1 and Dr. Cain’s lab themes, they are SO high pitched, as if the console would vomit while playing them).

But in real life, Mega Man X3 on Genesis looks pretty good compared to the THIOACETONE DUMP that is Mega Man 8 on GAMEBOY (yes, you're not dreaming, another bootleg, released in 1999 by Makon Soft).

And to be honest, they did pretty well in the gravity beetle stage ost. Overall, the soundtrack is a 3.5/10(the unused sound, what is that._.).


02:56 Mar 6th, 2022Offline

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I find the music in this version to be ... tolerable. It is far from good, but far from inaudible (except the music of Doppler Stage 1 and Dr. Cain’s lab themes, they are SO high pitched, as if the console would vomit while playing them).

But in real life, Mega Man X3 on Genesis looks pretty good compared to the THIOACETONE DUMP that is Mega Man 8 on GAMEBOY (yes, you're not dreaming, another bootleg, released in 1999 by Makon Soft).

You guys forgot about SONIC ADVENTURE 7, yup another GBC bootleg made by Yong Yong with the same engine as the other bootlegs.


06:38 Feb 11th, 2022Offline

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They tried.

I strongly disagree with that. They forgot two bosses and for some reason, the third armor is replaced with the first armor.


05:20 Feb 9th, 2022Offline

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They tried.


09:47 Apr 27th, 2021Offline

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I find the music in this version to be ... tolerable. It is far from good, but far from inaudible (except the music of Doppler Stage 1 and Dr. Cain’s lab themes, they are SO high pitched, as if the console would vomit while playing them).

But in real life, Mega Man X3 on Genesis looks pretty good compared to the THIOACETONE DUMP that is Mega Man 8 on GAMEBOY (yes, you're not dreaming, another bootleg, released in 1999 by Makon Soft).

How Did They Screw It Up So Badly?


02:57 Apr 26th, 2021Offline

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Blizzard Buffalo

Mega Man X3's Knockoff Genesis Soundtrack Sounds Like Complete Dog Sh*t! The Game Itself I haven't played & After seeing Long plays of this "Game". I never will. The PlayStation 1 Did A Better Job Remixing the Game's Soundtrack. Speaking of this game, why is there only 6 Mavericks & Why Does Mega Man X Have His First Armor instead of his third armor? Overall, Crappy Soundtrack That you shouldn't listen to. Soundtrack:2/10. & Yes Genesis Can't Do What Nintendoes. This Game Also Doesn't Have The Blast Processing The Genesis Is Known for.


This soundtrack could have been way much better but instead it is worthless.
And i know what i am saying and genesis hardware is a whole lot stronger than this.
The thing that ruined this is lazy development, Really lazy!
We had wily wars containing 3 games inside without jitters [yes slowdowns may occur but that does not affect the game much] so why not making this game as good as that
game 2/10 soundtrack 1/10

I find the music in this version to be ... tolerable. It is far from good, but far from inaudible (except the music of Doppler Stage 1 and Dr. Cain’s lab themes, they are SO high pitched, as if the console would vomit while playing them).

But in real life, Mega Man X3 on Genesis looks pretty good compared to the THIOACETONE DUMP that is Mega Man 8 on GAMEBOY (yes, you're not dreaming, another bootleg, released in 1999 by Makon Soft).

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05:44 Apr 26th, 2021Offline

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This soundtrack could have been way much better but instead it is worthless.
And i know what i am saying and genesis hardware is a whole lot stronger than this.
The thing that ruined this is lazy development, Really lazy!
We had wily wars containing 3 games inside without jitters [yes slowdowns may occur but that does not affect the game much] so why not making this game as good as that
game 2/10 soundtrack 1/10


12:25 Mar 8th, 2021Offline

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Mega Man X3's Knockoff Genesis Soundtrack Sounds Like Complete Dog Sh*t! The Game Itself I haven't played & After seeing Long plays of this "Game". I never will. The PlayStation 1 Did A Better Job Remixing the Game's Soundtrack. Speaking of this game, why is there only 6 Mavericks & Why Does Mega Man X Have His First Armor instead of his third armor? Overall, Crappy Soundtrack That you shouldn't listen to. Soundtrack:2/10. & Yes Genesis Can't Do What Nintendoes. This Game Also Doesn't Have The Blast Processing The Genesis Is Known for.

ZombieMe X

01:18 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Well, I guess Sega can't do what Nintendoes...


01:18 Apr 25th, 2020Online

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i like that video game music soundtrack. it reminds me of the super nintendo album music soundtrack of: capcom's megaman x 3 (super nintendo video game music album soundtrack).