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KHI offers video and PC game soundtracks for download in MP3 and lossless forms. Want to get your favourite game's OST? You have found the right place.

Total albums: 86,085
Total songs: 2,438,696
Total size: 28371 GB

KHInsider's archive contains both music extracted directly from games and converted into MP3 and lossless formats, as well as long lost albums that you can't even find on ebay.

A gamerip is a collection of music that has been extracted directly from the game, and sometimes it has been tagged with correct song names and numbers, and the songs have been looped for a better listening experience. Some gamerips are so good, they function as soundtracks.

An original soundtrack or OST is an album that has been either physically or digitally released by the game's developers. These albums have correct track lengths, loops, track names and numbers, but often are incomplete, as representing every sound in a game can be cumbersome.

Some enjoy a game's music so much, that they want to create their own take on it. These are uploaded as either arrangements, remixes or unofficial soundtracks. Some arrangements are official, as they are done by the game's creators.

Want to participate? You can upload your own albums, make requests or comment on albums in the forums.

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Latest Soundtracks rss_feed

February 22nd, 2025

Album Platform Type Year
-Redemption- Windows Arrangement 2014
100% Windows Arrangement 2010
10th Anniversary Demo (DJTY-0008) Windows Arrangement 2023
1st grow Windows Arrangement 2010
4Q8Q Windows Arrangement 2017
50/50 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2017
5th TAMUSIC Concert ~Touhou Compilation~ Windows Arrangement 2007
6th TAMUSIC Concert SNES, Windows Arrangement 2008
6つの誓約-Six of Pledge Windows Arrangement 2016
777 -The Second Half- Windows Arrangement 2015
7th TAMUSIC Concert ~Touhou Compilation~ Windows Arrangement 2008
9 Windows Arrangement 2008
>>>> Windows Arrangement 2014
a Lack Unity Plastic... Windows Arrangement 2011
a Lack Unity Plastic... 2 Windows Arrangement 2013
a Lack Unity Plastic... 3 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
a Little Little New Step Windows Arrangement 2022
A Midsummer Night's Dream Windows Arrangement 2010
a Pair of Pathways Windows Arrangement 2023
Aayayayaya yayaya! Windows Arrangement 2010
Absolute Zero: Perfect 9 Windows Arrangement 2019
Acoustic Time Windows 2013
Adabana Windows Arrangement 2008
affected Arrangement 2014
after the rain shower Windows Arrangement 2012
AIR Arranged Sound Album ARIA Windows Arrangement 2006
Akashic Records Windows Arrangement 2013
Aki Shizuha Goudou Kikaku Windows Arrangement 2009
Alice in wand-ERR XXXX Windows Arrangement 2015
Alicia PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
All The Flame Windows Arrangement 2010
Amazement Park!! PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
AnimeViolin CLASSIC Anime Arrangement 2015
AnimeViolin EDM Anime Arrangement 2015
Another World Windows Arrangement 2011
Another World2 Windows Arrangement 2013
Another World3 Windows Arrangement 2015
Another World4 Windows Arrangement 2017
Apocalyptic Night Windows Arrangement 2018
Are you sure you want to delete all feelings Windows Arrangement 2020
AREA LEVEL ONE Windows Arrangement 2017
Astral Pulse ~ Touhou Seimyakudou Windows Arrangement 2009
At the Sacrifice Windows Arrangement 2009
Aurum Windows Arrangement 2023
AVALON/Protoreplica Windows Arrangement 2012
AWAY FROM OPIUM HAZE Windows Arrangement 2015
axisX PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
AYAKASHI Windows Arrangement 2012
Ayame Crystal Windows Arrangement 2016
Bad Apple!! Sax & Piano Long ver. (Touhou Classic) Windows Arrangement 2021
Baleful Paradise Windows Arrangement 2020
Baroque Stroke~東方クラシックス2~ Windows Arrangement 2009
beginning Windows Arrangement 2019
Benisome no Oni ga Naku Windows Arrangement 2012
Best of Dramatic Melody PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
Bianco Rosso Windows Arrangement 2013
BigFairy combination2 Windows Arrangement 2011
BILLIONAIRES' LAW Windows Arrangement 2018
BIRTH IN DAWN PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
Blood Blossom / BUCHIGIRE Encode Windows Arrangement 2013
Blue Album Windows Remix 2008
Blue Touhou lullaby Windows Arrangement 2011
Boku ga Ryoume o Nakushita Hi, Kimi no Gaku ga Sotto Netsu o Obita. PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
Boukun PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
Bracing Sky Blue Windows Arrangement 2014
BRAVE Windows Arrangement 2013
BREAKAWAY TO HEAVEN Windows Arrangement 2011
Broken Moon Windows Arrangement 2023
Bullets Master Windows Arrangement 2006
Byougin Kishou PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
C77無料配布CD Windows Arrangement 2009
C82 無料頒布CD Windows Arrangement 2012
CADAVER/REVADAC Windows Arrangement 2018
Cadeau ~ Shinai naru Kimi e Windows Arrangement 2018
Cafe de Starry Windows Arrangement 2023
Caldes 2005
CAUTION Windows Arrangement 2008
CAUTION+ Windows Arrangement 2009
Celestial Spring Windows Arrangement 2010
Ceremony in the Black Windows Arrangement 2021
Cha Vol.1 Windows Arrangement 2010
CHANNEL†NODE PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
CHANNEL†NODE II Windows Arrangement 2009
CHANNEL†NODE ~Zero~ Windows Arrangement 2010
Cheerful Dream Windows Arrangement 2010
Cherophilia Windows Arrangement 2018
Chip on Nightmare Windows Arrangement 2017
Chireitachi no Touhou Komoriuta Windows Arrangement 2009
Chiribotan PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
chromatograph Windows Arrangement 2013
Circle of Changes Windows Arrangement 2010
CIRCLE OF FAR EAST Windows Arrangement 2011
Citla re:verse ‐Sono Uta wa Shingon Arawasu Kakera to Narite‐ 2015
Clamantes Monimentum Mortis PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
CLANNAD VIOLIN Windows Arrangement 2008
clarity pastel Windows Arrangement 2016
Claudia (XLPS-0034) PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Clock M Windows Arrangement 2013
Cloud 9 (WECD-0011) Windows Arrangement 2014
Color of Life Windows Arrangement 2010
Complex ~宇佐見蓮子の黒歴史ノート~ Windows Arrangement 2021
con spirito Windows Arrangement 2013
Cosmic Travelers PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2008
Countdown to Distortion~One Years Old~ Windows Arrangement 2010
COURTRITUAL #5 Windows Arrangement 2023
COURTRITUAL Annual Report #1 Windows Arrangement 2023
Crimson Flame Windows Arrangement 2011
CROSSFADE REMIX CD 2019 Windows Arrangement 2019
Crossia 2011
CROW WING Windows Arrangement 2010
CRYMEARIVER PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2018
CURTAINS IN DUSK PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
Dai-Kyuu-Shuu Touhousai Hanpu Yotei Sakuhin Sample Windows Arrangement 2010
Daikyushu Touhousai 2 TAM LIVE Windows Arrangement 2010
Damage Tone Windows Arrangement 2012
Dancer In Haunted Dark Alley EP Windows Arrangement 2010
DAYDREAM TRIPPER Windows Arrangement 2018
Daylight Rabbity Cafe Windows Arrangement 2015
Dead on the Synth Windows Arrangement 2022
Dear Full Moon PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
DEATH Windows Arrangement 2014
Delusional Makai:Lotus Land Square Windows Arrangement 2018
Diamond Avenged Windows Arrangement 2013
DIE-BANG Windows Arrangement 2012
distorted incident Windows Arrangement 2012
Divine Bullets Windows Arrangement 2016
DOPE ICON Windows Arrangement 2020
Double Key Windows Arrangement 2012
Double Key EXTRA Windows Arrangement 2012
Downer Step Windows Arrangement 2022
Dream of Marisa with the Trippers Windows Arrangement 2016
Dream Phonograph -Kubinashi Recollection Original Soundtrack- Windows Soundtrack 2021
Dreaminess Windows Arrangement 2013
Dreamland Windows Arrangement 2022
Drizzle Doll Windows Arrangement 2012
DUO secret paradise Windows Arrangement 2010
Dynamite Rave Windows Arrangement 2008
Early works Windows Arrangement 2011
East Side Lounge Windows Arrangement 2007
Eastend shoegazer Windows Arrangement 2009
Eastend shoegazer outside&instruments Windows Arrangement 2010
Einherjar no Chou to Isekai Genjutsuki Android, Arcade, iOS Soundtrack 2019
El Diablo Windows Arrangement 2016
Elec.East Dance Windows Arrangement 2010
ELECTRET Windows Arrangement 2013
ELECTRIC GARDEN typeA / DJ MURASAME Arcade, Windows Soundtrack 2018
ELECTRIC GARDEN typeB / DJ MURASAME Arcade, Windows Soundtrack 2018
ELEM.FABLE Windows Arrangement 2009
Elements 2006
Eloim Windows Arrangement 2022
Emotional Impenetrability Windows Arrangement 2020
Endless Festival EP Windows Remix 2008
ENTERPRISE PC-98 Arrangement 2005
Espressivo Windows Arrangement 2012
est Windows Arrangement 2008
Eternity Reverie Windows Arrangement 2018
ETHEREAL! -Touhou Reimyougaku- Windows Arrangement 2010
Everlasting Western's Toho Eurobeat Windows Arrangement 2018
Every Missing Mystic Mxxxxxx Windows Arrangement 2019
Everything Will Freeze II Windows Arrangement 2021
exponent - 冪指数 - Windows Arrangement 2018
EXTRACTIVE PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
Extrashu! ~ Stories after Stories PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
EX* Windows Arrangement 2015
f(x)=Unyu Windows Arrangement 2010
Fairy Trance EP Windows Arrangement 2011
Faith and Warfare PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Faith of Shrinemaiden Windows Arrangement 2007
Fallin' Rollin' Swing-bi Windows Arrangement 2023
Falling Star Windows Arrangement 2019
Fancy of Her Nature Windows Arrangement 2017
FANTASTIC FOLKLORE 1.02 YOU ARE (NOT) WITCH Windows Arrangement 2010
FAR EAST OF EAST Windows Arrangement 2009
FAR EAST OF EAST -X- Windows Arrangement 2015
FAR EAST OF EAST -XI- Arcade, Windows Arrangement 2015
FAR EAST OF EAST -XII- Arcade, PC-98, Windows Soundtrack 2016
FAR EAST OF EAST -XIII- Arcade, Windows Soundtrack 2016
FAR EAST OF EAST -XIV- Arcade, PC-98, Windows Soundtrack 2017
FAR EAST OF EAST -XV- Windows Arrangement 2017
FAR EAST OF EAST -XVI- Arrangement 2018
FAR EAST OF EAST -XVII- Windows Arrangement 2018
FAR EAST OF EAST II PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
FAR EAST OF EAST III Windows Arrangement 2010
FAR EAST OF EAST IV PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
FAR EAST OF EAST IX PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
FAR EAST OF EAST V: Touhou Daiseisou Windows Arrangement 2011
FAR EAST OF EAST VI Windows Arrangement 2011
FAR EAST OF EAST VII Windows Arrangement 2012
FAR EAST OF EAST VIII Windows Arrangement 2012
FAR EAST OF EAST-XVIII- Windows Arrangement 2019
FAR-EAST JUMPFREAKZ Windows Arrangement 2011
Farewell- My Girl Windows Arrangement 2014
Fate of 60 Years Windows Arrangement 2021
Fate/stay night & Fate/hollow ataraxia arranged sound album WHITE AVALON Windows Arrangement 2006
Feadan Cridhe Windows Arrangement 2002
ff -THE BEST of ZYTOKINE/CYTOKINE3- Windows Arrangement 2018
Final Exit Windows Arrangement 2010
Five-Faced Mountain Windows Arrangement 2019
Flandre Suite Windows Arrangement 2011
Fledermaus Windows Arrangement 2010
FLEX'N'CORD PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2020
Flood Windows Arrangement 2012
For North From Far East Windows Arrangement 2011
Fortune Music - selection of nachi PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2015
Fortune Stories Windows Arrangement 2018
Four Elegant Colors Windows Arrangement 2006
Four Seasons -Autumn- Night of Soul's Windows Arrangement 2008
Four Seasons -Spring- Dream of Wonder Windows Arrangement 2010
Four Seasons -Summer- Illusion of Sky Windows Arrangement 2009
Four Seasons -Winter- ~remind of snow~ Windows Arrangement 2008
Freudenfest Windows Arrangement 2010
Frisby and the WereWolf Windows Arrangement 2014
Fuujin Kagura Windows Arrangement 2009
Fuurinkazan Windows Arrangement 2010
Game Collection from Touhou Windows Arrangement 2012
Gate of AVALON Arrangement 2012
Gekka Kyouen Windows Arrangement 2012
Gensokyo Forever PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Gensokyo Underground Funk Windows Arrangement 2017
Gensou Garden Windows Arrangement 2009
Gensou Sato Kara Chou Koutetsu Omo Tei Bakuon Windows Arrangement 2010
Ghostly Eyes ~Illusionary Night~ Windows Arrangement 2005
Go Berzerk! Windows Arrangement 2007
GO EASY ON ME Windows Arrangement 2011
Gokutetsu Windows Arrangement 2010
Goodnight EP Windows Arrangement 2018
Greenwich Galaxy Express Windows Arrangement 2017
Hackwork Windows Arrangement 2012
Hakukore Arrangement 2005
Hakurei Jinja no Kamikakushi Windows Arrangement 2009
Half the Beat PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
HANAGATAMI PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2005
HAPPY REBIRTHDAY Windows Arrangement 2010
HARD AND NERD Windows Arrangement 2019
Harukaze no Touhou Komoriuta Windows Arrangement 2012
HEART BEAT FORMULA Windows Arrangement 2012
HEAVY METAL BE-BOP Windows Arrangement 2011
Heikou Jikuu no Ongakkai PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
Heliobless Windows Arrangement 2009
Heliobless demo Windows Arrangement 2009
Heliophobia Windows Arrangement 2020
HEXAGRAM PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Higoku no Touhou Komoriuta Windows Arrangement 2010
himemikono nemuru mitsunaru sekai PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
history One 2003
history Two 2008
HO-ZUKI Windows Arrangement 2004
hundred hundred PC-98 Arrangement 2015
Hyper Diving!? Windows Arrangement 2018
Hypothetical Box Windows Arrangement 2008
Hypothetical Box ACT 2 Windows Arrangement 2010
Hypothetical Box ACT 3 Windows Arrangement 2019
I, SCREAM Windows Arrangement 2013
ice time Windows Arrangement 2021
Ichigeki PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Ichirin Goes to Burger King - Original soundtrack PC-98, Windows Soundtrack 2023
id est Windows Arrangement 2014
Idyllic Fantasy Land Windows Arrangement 2022
In the Name of Hakurei Windows Arrangement 2024
In The Wake Of Scarlet Devil Windows Arrangement 2015
Incantation PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2021
Infinite World Windows Arrangement 2023
instrumental Windows Arrangement 2020
into the blue Windows Arrangement 2019
in/complete Windows Arrangement 2023
Iris:The 20th Anniversary Collab Windows Arrangement 2017
It's My Justice! ~Best Coupling~ Windows Arrangement 2009
JAPANIZED BLUE TRAVELLER Windows Arrangement 2018
Jazz Funk vol.3 Windows Arrangement 2013
Jazz Funk vol.4 Windows Arrangement 2013
Jealousy PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Jealousy Off Vocal Ver. PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
JUBILEE -THE BEST of ZYTOKINE/CYTOKINE4- PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
Junpaku no Touhou Komoriuta Windows Arrangement 2014
JUST FLOWERING PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
K-ON! CLASSIC Anime Arrangement 2009
Kamuy Yukar Windows Arrangement 2002
Kanade Rain Windows Arrangement 2011
KanColle house Arrange Album Arrangement 2014
KanColle Piano Concerto Arrangement 2015
KanColle Violin Rock Arrangement 2015
KanColle Violin Rock 2 Arrangement 2016
Kanon Violin Windows Arrangement 2007
Karanokyoukai imaged sound album VERIDICAL FACTOR Arrangement 2009
KARAOKE/THNQ PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2016
Karei na Touhou Komoriuta Windows Arrangement 2013
Kaze no Kami no Touhou Komoriuta Windows Arrangement 2009
Kazura Nadeshiko Windows Arrangement 2013
KEEP OUT ! Extend Place Windows Arrangement 2010
KEEP OUT! Windows Arrangement 2009
KEEP OUT! 2nd Place!! Windows Arrangement 2010
key classics Kanon version Windows Arrangement 2006
KILLER TUNES Windows Arrangement 2017
Koganeiro Fantastic Windows Arrangement 2010
Koiiro - Touhou Komoriuta PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Komorino no Yogoto PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2005
Konya, Shoujo Ja Irarenai Windows Arrangement 2019
Koumakan no Juushatachi Windows Arrangement 2008
Kuon no Oto ~Ewigkeit~ Windows Arrangement 2011
Kyou Windows Arrangement 2009
L'Ultima Cena Windows Arrangement 2010
Labyrinthe d'amour Windows Arrangement 2022
Lasting Soul Windows Arrangement 2016
LC:VIOLY Remix 2011
Lily White & Black Compilation CD3 Windows Arrangement 2010
Liquid Total Reflection -THE BEST of ZYTOKINE/CYTOKINE2- Windows Arrangement 2016
Little Devil Compilation CD Windows Arrangement 2007
LITTLE WHEEL ALMANDINE Windows Arrangement 2015
LITTLE WHEEL EUCLASE Windows Arrangement 2015
LIVE 2017 CD Windows Arrangement 2017
Live Far East “JAMMING” Night vol.5 Windows Arrangement 2017
Love Dance Fantasy / Dream Spark PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Love in the Dark World Destruction Remixes Windows Arrangement 2019
Love is a Battle Windows Arrangement 2011
LOVE&CLOWNPEACE Windows Arrangement 2018
LOVEANDHATE Windows Arrangement 2020
LOVEANDHATE feat. nachi - ZYTOKINE Remix Windows Arrangement 2020
Luminous Windows Arrangement 2008
MA-LORD PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2006
MAGIQ PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
MajLOVE × MinBABY Windows Arrangement 2010
Major ignition Windows Arrangement 2012
Mandala Retrowave Remixes Windows Arrangement 2017
Mangetsu no Yoru ni Chousenritsuteki Juutei Bakuon Windows Arrangement 2010
Marisa of Staring Windows Arrangement 2022
ME.HER Windows Arrangement 2020
Melancholic Road Windows Arrangement 2009
message Windows Arrangement 2007
Meteoric Stream Windows Arrangement 2009
Metta Ki Windows Arrangement 2015
Michishirube Windows Arrangement 2010
Mikaduki Windows Arrangement 2001
Miseria Kills Slaughterously Windows Arrangement 2013
Mishagguzi Windows Arrangement 2018
missing -Oni ga Miru Yume- Windows Arrangement 2011
MND PREVIEW -A Midsummer Night’s Dream preview- Windows Arrangement 2010
MONOCHROME Windows Arrangement 2010
Monolith"I" 2006
MoNoLoGuE - EP Windows Arrangement 2022
Monotone Flower Windows Arrangement 2009
Moon Tears Windows Arrangement 2009
moonoom Windows Arrangement 2014
MoonRail Windows Arrangement 2023
morningview Windows Arrangement 2014
Ms Windows Arrangement 2009
Muda Chishiki wo Anata ni ~ Touhou Trivia Windows Arrangement 2009
Multiple Far East Windows Arrangement 2007
Mysterious Inked Inventor ~ Monochromatic Laziness Windows Arrangement 2022
Namida no Touhou Komoriuta Windows Arrangement 2013
Namu Arrangement 2009
Nandodemo Kimi/Boku wo Kowa/Aishitai Windows Arrangement 2018
NEO POP STANDARD Windows Arrangement 2019
never knows best Windows Arrangement 2016
new world/live junkie Windows Arrangement 2008
NEWBORN CRYING PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2017
NIRVANA Windows Arrangement 2017
Nishiki no Touhou Komoriuta Windows Arrangement 2015
nostos algos hallucinate Windows Arrangement 2022
Notes. imaged sound album "AFTER IMAGE" 2006
O.Z.U ~ the Scarlet Noble Windows Arrangement 2010
ObiZen Windows Arrangement 2014
October Harvest Yokai Festival Windows Arrangement 2020
Ojou-sama no Touhou Komoriuta Windows Arrangement 2015
OLD FITZGERALD Windows Arrangement 2011
On Your Mark -forked road- Windows Arrangement 2007
Onban Bunbunmarukyuu Windows Soundtrack 2008
One Small Step Windows Arrangement 2009
Oni Togizoushi Windows Arrangement 2011
Onsoku Ranbu!! Windows Arrangement 2009
Orbiter -軌道船- (リメイク) Windows Arrangement 2013
oriental breeze 2 Windows Arrangement 2019
Oriental Energy Windows Arrangement 2015
Othello Windows Arrangement 2017
Otoko Windows Arrangement 2015
Over S 2010
OVERFLOW XXXX PC-98, Windows Remix 2015
p > .05 Windows Arrangement 2015
ParaBox Windows Arrangement 2012
Parallelism・α Windows Arrangement 2012
Parallelism・β Windows Arrangement 2012
Permanence Windows Arrangement 2019
Phantasm Windows Arrangement 2018
phantasmagoria Windows Arrangement 2004
PIANO SKETCHES 2023 Windows Arrangement 2023
piano+α Windows Arrangement 2014
Picnic / tobokegao [Deluxe Edition] 2020
Pleasurable Note PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
PLEIADES PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2016
Poltergeist Windows Arrangement 2009
Prayer -Gebet- Windows Arrangement 2011
Preview #001 Windows Arrangement 2022
Prima Prisma Windows Arrangement 2019
Progressive Overdrive Arrangement 2008
Proof of Existence Windows Arrangement 2013
PULSE² PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2018
QUALIA Windows Arrangement 2010
Rare Tracks Windows Arrangement 2011
RE:ACTANCE PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2008
RE:COLLECTIONS Arcade, PC-98, PS1, PS2, SNES, Windows Arrangement 2008
Re:Entry Windows Arrangement 2010
REBIRTH (ANKM-0001) PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
REBIRTH OFF VOCAL VER. Windows Arrangement 2009
REBIRTH OFF VOCAL VER. 2 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
REBIRTH Revisited PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2015
Red Album Windows Arrangement 2008
Red insanity Windows Arrangement 2009
REDRAVE Windows Arrangement 2019
Reflected Snow EP PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Reitaisai SP Free Distribution CD Windows Arrangement 2010
Reizend Farbe Windows Arrangement 2013
Relinquished Windows Arrangement 2016
Remnants Windows Arrangement 2022
Renko and Mary and the Secret Box Windows Arrangement 2010
REQUIEM Windows Arrangement 2013
Resolution Windows Arrangement 2019
retro future, experiment no.1 Windows Arrangement 2022
Reverse Effect Windows Arrangement 2013
Reverse Regression/Road to the Provicial Windows Arrangement 2016
Reverse World Windows Arrangement 2009
Revolution Windows Arrangement 2010
revolver Windows Arrangement 2008
Rising Sun Windows Arrangement 2019
Ruriiro no Touhou Komoriuta Windows Arrangement 2014
Sabbe Sankhara Anicca Windows Arrangement 2019
Saigyou Mayakashi Windows Arrangement 2012
Sailor Fuku to Yume no Shikisai ni Kansuru Kousatsu Windows Arrangement 2014
Saireco Jealousy PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2018
Sakura Nagashi no Touhou Komoriuta Windows Arrangement 2010
Sakura Tsunagi Windows Arrangement 2009
Sakuya no Shirabe 2003
SANDZ OF TIMEZ Windows Arrangement 2021
SAQURA PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
SAYONARA! Windows Arrangement 2019
Scarlet Breaks - Gensokyo Underground Funk Unreleased Tracks Windows Arrangement 2018
Scarlet Colorium Windows Arrangement 2012
Scarlet insanity Windows Arrangement 2009
Scarlet Ruler's Dream Windows Arrangement 2012
Scintillation Windows Arrangement 2012
SCRAMBLE VERSUS Windows Arrangement 2012
Scream it Windows Arrangement 2018
Seinaru Touhou Komoriuta Windows Arrangement 2016
Sekigan no Eden -A.D.2109- "Eden", the One-eyed 2011
Septet pour une infante defunte Windows Arrangement 2010
Seseragi Windows Arrangement 2012
Setsuna Light Windows Arrangement 2008
Shattered Windows Arrangement 2021
Shiden-issen Windows Arrangement 2012
Shin Touhou Komoriuta Windows Arrangement 2007
Shinigami no Tsutome Windows Arrangement 2018
Shinku no Blaze Windows Arrangement 2013
Shinsoku PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2014
Shiro ni mo Kuro ni mo Narenai Kimi e Arrangement 2019
Shiroi Uchuu Windows Arrangement 2014
Short Trip Windows Arrangement 2019
Shunsatsu Windows Arrangement 2015
Shuukakusai Windows Arrangement 2008
silver† PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
Skywards 2007
SleepWalker PC-98 Arrangement 2015
Smart Module Collection PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Snow Rabbit Express Windows Arrangement 2011
Songs. Windows Soundtrack 2008
spiral galaxy Windows Arrangement 2009
Spoiler Windows Arrangement 2020
Spring Ephemeral 2014
SPUTNIK Windows Arrangement 2011
Star Lotus Windows Arrangement 2009
Star Ocean e.p. Windows Arrangement 2012
STAR ROAD Windows Arrangement 2011
stella mira Windows Arrangement 2016
Sternenhimmel Windows Arrangement 2010
Still Moment Windows Arrangement 2013
STONE HEART Windows Arrangement 2018
Strings of the Scarlet Windows Arrangement 2011
Subterranean・Garbage・Rose Windows Arrangement 2012
SUITS Windows Arrangement 2018
Sumizome no Sakura, Hangon no Chou Windows Arrangement 2010
SUPER HIFU CLUB Windows Arrangement 2010
SURVIVAL IN RUINS PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
Sutured Eye Windows Arrangement 2022
Sweetest breeze Windows Arrangement 2010
Sweets Windows Arrangement 2016
Swingin' Scat Street Windows Arrangement 2012
Sympathy for the Scarlet Devil Windows Arrangement 2014
Symphonic Caprice "Evening Primrose" -Kisou Koukyoushi Tsukimisou- Windows Arrangement 2006
Symphonic Fantasia "Cherry Blossom" -Gensou Koukyoushi Higanzakura- Windows Arrangement 2006
Symphonic Poem "Enterprise Adonis" Windows Arrangement 2010
Symphonic Requiem "Purple heart" Windows Arrangement 2010
Symphonic Rhapsody "Peony" Windows Arrangement 2010
Symphonic Tarantella "Lily" Windows Arrangement 2011
SYSTEMA SOLARE Windows Arrangement 2016
T.Piacere Seiso Best Windows Arrangement 2014
Taisei Project OST Windows Arrangement 2018
Taiwan LIVE ~Touhou Xuanyingzhai 4~ Windows Arrangement 2009
Take it to the limiting Windows Arrangement 2010
TAM no Fukubukuro '10 Windows Arrangement 2009
Tamashii Windows Arrangement 2016
TAMUSIC CROSSFADE REMIX 2014 Windows Arrangement 2014
TAMUSIC CROSSFADE REMIX CD 2017 Windows Arrangement 2017
TaNaBaTa例大祭9手焼きCD Windows Arrangement 2012
TAX 2011
telescope Windows Arrangement 2008
Temporal Distortion Windows Arrangement 2010
Tengu Corp Free Music(Touhou Arrange) Windows Arrangement 2022
Terra Nova Windows Arrangement 2021
The Definitive Tutti Sound vol.1 Windows Arrangement 2013
THE DOLLS CORE Windows Arrangement 2009
THE EARTH TOPOLOGIUM -alpha version- 2013
the end of the world PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
The First Album Windows Arrangement 2017
the last hope PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
THE LEAP // EXTRA Windows Arrangement 2013
THE LEAP // NEXTRA Windows Arrangement 2013
THE LEAP // SHOWDOWN Windows Arrangement 2013
the starry sky Windows Arrangement 2009
The Symphony of the Imperishable Night~やごころを、君に~ Windows Arrangement 2009
The Tales from G​.​S​.​K Windows Arrangement 2023
The True Utnapishtim 2012
there is nothing Windows Arrangement 2010
THICK AND FAST Windows Arrangement 2009
This escape Windows Arrangement 2006
THNQ -THE BEST of ZYTOKINE/CYTOKINE- PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2015
Thousand Leaves体験盤 Windows Arrangement 2009
Tôhô Beach Party:Best of Tangentg Surf '21 Windows Arrangement 2022
Toho Celt Sound System Windows Arrangement 2013
TOHO COMPLETE BOX PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
TOHO COMPLETE BOX2 Windows Arrangement 2016
TOHO Conpilation Windows Arrangement 2019
TOHO DRAMATIC VIOLIN -enthusiasm- Windows Arrangement 2014
Toho Film Music Selection - Everlasting Banquet Windows Arrangement 2013
Toho Film Music Selection - Flutter Tune Windows Arrangement 2013
Toho Film Music Selection - Kosenroku PC-98 Arrangement 2014
Toho Film Music Selection - Light Windows Arrangement 2010
Toho Film Music Selection - Poetry of Red Phantom Windows Arrangement 2011
Toho Film Music Selection - The Memoirs of Ayakashi Windows Arrangement 2012
Toho Maniac Genuine Encount PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Tôhô Seaside Surf Windows Arrangement 2019
Toho Symphonic Selection Windows Arrangement 2010
Toho Symphonic Selection - MIYABI Windows Arrangement 2010
Toho Symphonic Selection Demo CD Windows Arrangement 2009
Toho Symphonic Selection ~ Eientei Suite Windows Arrangement 2011
TOHO SYNDROME Windows Arrangement 2019
TOHO TRANCENATION Windows Arrangement 2009
TOHO TRANCENATION Vol.2 -The Ibiza Session- PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
TOHO TRANCENATION Vol.3 -Final Sessions. In Underground.- PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
TOHO-Yutorizm Windows Arrangement 2012
TOHOMOHO Windows Arrangement 2009
TONO PRIMO Windows Arrangement 2011
Tool Windows Arrangement 2019
Tougen Garden Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Breakbeat Vol.3 Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Chaos Magic Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou DayDream Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Fantasy Pieces for Pianoforte Windows Arrangement 2019
Touhou Fuusui Kagetsu Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Gensokyo Party Paradise PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2021
Touhou Gensou Orchestra 1 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2017
Touhou Gensou Orchestra 3 Windows Arrangement 2019
Touhou Gensouka -DIMENSION- Windows Arrangement 2012
Touhou Gensouka -INFINITY- PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
Touhou Gensouka -KATANA- Windows Arrangement 2011
Touhou Gensouka -LAZERAZE- PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
Touhou Gensouka -MESSIAH- PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2017
Touhou Gensouka -NuclearizE- Windows Arrangement 2012
Touhou Gensouka -OCTAVE- Windows Arrangement 2014
Touhou Gensouka -Sacred- Windows Arrangement 2011
Touhou Gensouka -SERPENT- Windows Arrangement 2016
Touhou Gensouka -SHRINE- PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2015
Touhou Gensouka -Sister- PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Gensouka -VARIABLE- Windows Arrangement 2013
Touhou Gensouka -VELOCITY- Windows Arrangement 2015
Touhou Gensoukyoku Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Gensoukyoku 1 Windows Arrangement 2008
Touhou Gensoukyoku 2 Windows Arrangement 2008
Touhou Gensoukyoku 3 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2008
Touhou Gensoukyoku 4 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Gensoukyoku 5 Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Gensoukyoku 6 Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Gensoukyoku 7 Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Gensoukyoku 8 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Gensoukyoku 9 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
TOUHOU HARDSTYLERZ Windows Arrangement 2023
Touhou Healing Lullaby for Pianoforte. Windows Arrangement 2021
Touhou Into Unkown Vol.1 Windows Arrangement 2021
Touhou Izuru Gensoutan Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Jam Jams Windows Arrangement 2019
Touhou Jam Jams 2- Electric Danmaku Windows Arrangement 2020
Touhou Kara ni wa 2 Shurui Shikainai Tatara Kogasa ka Tatara Kogasa Igai Kada! Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Komoriuta Windows Arrangement 2006
Touhou Kouroumu Omake CD Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Kuenka -HAYATE- Windows Soundtrack 2011
Touhou Kuenka -KURENAI- Windows Soundtrack 2012
Touhou Kuenka -SAI- Windows Soundtrack 2012
Touhou Kyuuen Eika - please be well - Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Manga Matsuri Onban Bunbunmaru Windows Arrangement 2006
Touhou Manga Matsuri Onban Bunbunmaru II GB, NES, SNES, Windows Arrangement 2007
Touhou Mixed Rice Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Mugen Chuya -another place dream- Windows Arrangement 2008
Touhou Nocturnes For Piano trio 'Seal' Windows Arrangement 2008
Touhou Nocturnes For Pianoforte 'Dream' Windows Arrangement 2008
Touhou Nocturnes For Pianoforte 'Ju-roku-zakura' Windows Arrangement 2011
Touhou Nocturnes For Pianoforte 'Kwaidan' Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Nocturnes For Pianoforte 'Redemption' Windows Arrangement 2012
Touhou Nocturnes For Pianoforte 'Scarlet' Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Nocturnes For Pianoforte 'Shangri-La' Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Nocturnes For Pianoforte 'Spirit' PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2008
Touhou OVERDRIVE Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Piano Komoriuta (150th CD Commemorative Works) PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2016
Touhou Project Metal Redux Vol. 1:Highly Responsive to Prayers Windows Arrangement 2016
Touhou Reiruiji ~ Ghostly Resemblances Arrangement 2020
Touhou Remixes, Vol. 1 Windows Arrangement 2021
Touhou Remixes, Vol. 2 - Illusion Story PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2021
Touhou Ryoujou Sen Omake CD Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou SAMPLINGVOICE Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Shijuusou Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Shijuusou 2 Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Shijuusou 3 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Shijuusou 4 Windows Arrangement 2011
Touhou Shijuusou 5 Windows Arrangement 2011
Touhou Shijuusou 6 Windows Arrangement 2012
Touhou Shijuusou 7 Windows Arrangement 2012
Touhou Shijuusou 8 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
Touhou Shimogashou Windows Arrangement 2008
Touhou Shoujoushuu Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Shoukyokushuu -Yuigadokuson- Windows Arrangement 2005
Touhou String Quartet Cherry Blossom Windows Arrangement 2014
Touhou String Quartet Flowering Windows Arrangement 2016
Touhou String Quartet Full Moon Windows Arrangement 2016
Touhou String Quartet Rose Windows Arrangement 2014
Touhou Tankoukin Windows Arrangement 2008
Touhou Transcendence For Pianoforte Windows Arrangement 2015
Touhou Transcendence For Pianoforte 2 Windows Arrangement 2016
Touhou Transcendence For Pianoforte 3 Windows Arrangement 2016
Touhou Transcendence For Pianoforte 4 Windows Arrangement 2017
Touhou Transcendence For Pianoforte 5 Windows Arrangement 2017
Touhou Transcendence For Pianoforte 6 Windows Arrangement 2017
Touhou Transcendence For Pianoforte 7 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2018
Touhou ULTIMATE Festival Mix Windows Arrangement 2023
Touhou UnderDrive Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou UnderTronica Windows Arrangement 2012
Touhou Violin 1 Windows Arrangement 2006
Touhou Violin 2 Windows Arrangement 2006
Touhou Violin 3 Windows Arrangement 2006
Touhou Violin 4 Windows 2007
Touhou Violin 5 Windows Arrangement 2007
Touhou Violin 6 Windows Arrangement 2007
Touhou Violin 7 Windows Arrangement 2007
Touhou Violin 8 Windows Arrangement 2008
Touhou Violin 9 Windows Arrangement 2008
Touhou Violin Rock Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Violin Rock -AYA- Windows Arrangement 2016
Touhou Violin Rock -AYAKASHI- Windows Arrangement 2014
Touhou Violin Rock -AYAKASHI- Re Windows Arrangement 2017
Touhou Violin Rock -CHI- I Windows Arrangement 2017
Touhou Violin Rock -HANA- Windows Arrangement 2015
Touhou Violin Rock -HOSHI- Windows Arrangement 2016
Touhou Violin Rock -KAMI- Windows Arrangement 2017
Touhou Violin Rock -KAZE- Windows Arrangement 2015
Touhou Violin Rock -KORI- Windows Arrangement 2016
Touhou Violin Rock -KURENAI- Re Windows Arrangement 2017
Touhou Violin Rock -NAGARAE- Windows Arrangement 2014
Touhou Violin Rock -ZERO- PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2018
Touhou Violin Rock II Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Violin Rock Kurenai Windows Arrangement 2013
Touhou Youren Souku Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Yumekanae Gensou Nikki PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
TouhouAAA! REVENGE!! Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou+α Windows Arrangement 2006
TRACE OF VINE Windows Arrangement 2016
trajektorio Windows Arrangement 2013
Tranquillity Moon Windows Arrangement 2014
transition Windows Arrangement 2013
Traumerei Fabrik Windows Arrangement 2011
Triangle Windows Arrangement 2016
TRIPLE "M" Windows Arrangement 2010
Trouble in Winter Paradise PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2021
Tsuhamono Windows Arrangement 2014
Tsukigatari Windows Arrangement 2002
Tsuyoshi Windows Arrangement 2018
Type:Fairy Windows Arrangement 2009
Type:Ground Windows Arrangement 2009
U&I EUROBEAT REMIX PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
ULTRA VIOLET Windows Arrangement 2019
Unbeatable Accomplice PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Uncharted illusion ~Touhou Shihatsusen~ Windows Arrangement 2010
Underefined Windows Arrangement 2011
Understanders vol.2 Windows Arrangement 2017
Understanders vol.3 Windows Arrangement 2018
Unfinished Windows Arrangement 2020
Unlive Winter ~ Incarnadine Mind Windows Arrangement 2015
Unlive Winter ~ Phantom Kind Windows Arrangement 2017
Unprepared Orchestra PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
untitled Windows Arrangement 2014
untitled Windows Arrangement 2015
untitled Windows Arrangement 2018
Untitled Sounds Windows Arrangement 2007
Untwisted by degrees Windows Arrangement 2022
Unyammer package ~東方彩展線~ Windows Arrangement 2012
Up to date Windows Arrangement 2011
Urban Culture Windows Arrangement 2011
VAMPIR Windows Arrangement 2015
Vampire Girl Windows Arrangement 2022
Veil Of Obscurity Windows Arrangement 2023
velocity PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
Violet Tricker Windows Arrangement 2008
Voyager ~ Touhou Sengikyoku Windows Arrangement 2004
Wake up and go on a trip! Windows Arrangement 2009
Watashi wa Mou Shindeiru? Windows Arrangement 2011
Wave in the east Windows Arrangement 2011
We Are 21st Century lovers 2 E.P Windows Arrangement 2015
Wheel of Green 2006
Where Dream Begins and Ends Windows Arrangement 2015
Why Cross? Windows Arrangement 2022
Wild Road Cat Windows Arrangement 2012
WIND type -Goku- Windows Arrangement 2008
WIND type -報- Windows Arrangement 2008
Winter of Taste to Eat to Walk 2010→2011 Final ~Lunatic East~ LIVE CD Windows Arrangement 2011
Wintry Storm Windows Arrangement 2018
wither. Windows Arrangement 2019
Wounds all over Windows Arrangement 2011
XXX PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
Yakihata Windows Arrangement 2009
Yearning Words Windows Arrangement 2018
Yggdrasil 2004
YOIMACHIBANA Windows Arrangement 2021
Yoru wo Koete Windows Arrangement 2007
Your Name. Arrange Arrangement 2017
Yuuga na Touhou Komoriuta Windows Arrangement 2012
Yuukarin no Ekibyou Saiyaku Windows Arrangement 2009
Yuukarin no Inubashiri Momijikari Windows Arrangement 2009
Yuukarin no Junkan Sozai Windows Arrangement 2009
Yuukarin no Onsen Ryokan Windows Arrangement 2009
Yuukarin no Shitto Kikou Windows Arrangement 2009
ZC -THE BEST of ZYTOKINE/CYTOKINE5- PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2021
Zephill C74 Bonus CD Windows Arrangement 2008
ZEROIZE Windows Arrangement 2023
zillion Windows Arrangement 2011
Zoku Touhou Komoriuta Windows Arrangement 2006
ZOO Windows Arrangement 2023
Zumomomomomomo Momiji Desu! PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
∵Ga[Я]deN∵ Windows Arrangement 2007
♮ NATURAL PC-98 Arrangement 2020
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄24( -c- )Zzz…【1時間】 作業用・睡眠用BGM Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄25( -e- )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄26( -+- )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄27( -z- )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄28( -x- )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄29( -v- )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄30( -n- )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄31( -.- )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄10( ˘x˘ )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄11( ˘c˘ )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄12( ˘v˘ )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄13( ˘n˘ )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄14( ˘.˘ )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄15( ˘=˘ )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄16( ˘~˘ )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄17( ˘_˘ )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄18( ˘A˘ )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄19( -ω- )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄20( -_- )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄21( -o- )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄22( -o- )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄4( ˘-˘ )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄5( ˘q˘ )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄6( ˘e˘ )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄7( ˘o˘ )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄1( ˘ω˘ )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2020
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄2( ˘ω˘ )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2020
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄23( -q- )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2021
【睡眠用】東方ピアノ癒やし子守唄3( ˘ω˘ )Zzz…【1時間】 Windows Arrangement 2020
あいの風 Windows Arrangement 2022
ある永い夜のまほう Windows Arrangement 2012
えくすとろっと Windows Arrangement 2015
おやすみ、ケロちゃん Windows Arrangement 2011
お部屋のBGMにしたい東方アレンジシリーズ4まだお昼休みではないはずですよね Windows Arrangement 2015
お部屋のBGMにしたい東方アレンジシリーズ5連休明けのシャッターチャンス Windows Arrangement 2015
お部屋のBGMにしたい東方アレンジシリーズ6信仰と眠気の狭間 Windows Arrangement 2016
きょうのこうまかん Windows Arrangement 2010
ぐろ~り~ふぁんたずむ Windows Arrangement 2014
けしからん乳めっ!! Windows Arrangement 2008
しめきりまであと1しゅうかんすらない!! Windows Arrangement 2019
すれ違う季節 Windows Arrangement 2009
そして誰もいなくなった Windows Arrangement 2009
たっぷすらっぷだんす! Windows Arrangement 2009
とよ☆ケロ Windows Arrangement 2012
みつめあう Windows Arrangement 2016
ゆうかりんの動作環境 Windows Arrangement 2009
ゆうかりんの妖精観察 Windows Arrangement 2009
ゆうかりんの情騒教育 Windows Arrangement 2009
ゆうかりんの氷闇蛍雀 Windows Arrangement 2009
ゆうかりんの玉菜世代 Windows Arrangement 2009
ゆうかりんの環境会議 Windows Arrangement 2009
ゆうかりんの花見巡行 Windows Arrangement 2009
ゆうかりんの零壱映姫 Windows Arrangement 2009
ゆうかりんの電気式神 Windows Arrangement 2009
キスメ合同企画 Windows Arrangement 2009
キャンディ・トイブロック (Candy Toy Block) Windows Arrangement 2024
グッバイ遣隋使 Windows Arrangement 2011
サンクリ45で申し込みのときジャンルのところ一個ずれたせいで非電源配置になりましたごめんなさいCD Windows Arrangement 2009
サーフィン天国の物語 ~ Tale of an Eastern Paradise Windows Arrangement 2020
ネイティブフェイス Windows Arrangement 2009
ネイティブフェイス リミックス Windows Arrangement 2009
ピアノのための東方超絶技巧曲集9 Windows Arrangement 2019
ピアノのための東方超絶技巧曲集8 Windows Arrangement 2018
フラワリングナイト・オブ・レトロ (Touhou 8bit) Windows Arrangement 2021
フラワリング・ナイト・オルゴール (Touhou Classic) Windows Arrangement 2021
フラワリング・ナイト・ギター (Touhou Classic) Windows Arrangement 2021
フラワリング・ナイト・ピアノ (Touhou Classic) Windows Arrangement 2021
ボーダー・ゲーム 〜ネタバレ探偵八雲紫の事件簿〜 Windows Arrangement 2019
ヨルダンの誘惑 Windows Arrangement 2019
リリーホワイト&ブラック合同CD Windows Arrangement 2007
ルナチックプリンセス Windows Arrangement 2009
ルナチックプリンセス リミックス Windows Arrangement 2009
レミリアとあそぼう! Windows Arrangement 2010
七つさやなる夜の縁 Windows Arrangement 2022
不可視(幻想) Windows Arrangement 2020
不思議の国の人形遣いと幻想の国の魔法遣い Windows Arrangement 2010
世界で一番愛された嘘つきの物語 Windows Arrangement 2011
二つの魂を剣に託して FAR EAST OF EAST -XIX- Windows Arrangement 2019
二輪草 Windows Arrangement 2022
亡き王女の為のセプテット Windows Arrangement 2009
仙花星涼 Windows Arrangement 2016
例大祭11 デモCD Windows Arrangement 2014
兎華繚乱 Windows Arrangement 2018
四男汚声 Windows Arrangement 2007
地下の国のアリス ~ Alice Under Ground Windows Arrangement 2020
地底温泉で湯治巡り Windows Arrangement 2017
境界上のクランクファルベ Windows Arrangement 2011
夜鳥撰集「A」 Windows Arrangement 2009
大人の感情の摩天楼 Healing Sax & Piano (Touhou Classic) Windows Arrangement 2021
天空の摩天楼 Windows Arrangement 2009
Windows Arrangement 2009
奇跡の平日 Windows Arrangement 2018
妖-AYAKASHI Windows Arrangement 2017
委曲委曲 Windows Arrangement 2006
寄せ集め図書館 Windows Arrangement 2009
幻想失楽園 -paradise lost- Windows Arrangement 2010
幻想郷大戦 -FINAL WARS- Windows Arrangement 2013
幻想郷深夜ドライブ Vol.1 Windows Arrangement 2018
広有射怪鳥事_Unreadable! remake Windows Arrangement 2022
排便幻想合同企画「otoHime」 Windows Arrangement 2010
日はまた昇る ~ the glow of the sky at sunset. Windows Arrangement 2011
旧阿迦奢記録 Glory of Deep Skies Original Soundtrack Windows Arrangement 2019
星の降る場所 Windows Arrangement 2018
星空をポケットにつめて Windows Arrangement 2019
時雨 Windows Arrangement 2016
月夜アルカディア Windows Arrangement 2018
月虹エンカウンター Windows Arrangement 2011
月虹少女 Windows Arrangement 2022
東方 CLUB ARRANGE COMPIRAION ”SPICE” Windows Arrangement 2010
東方 CLUB ARRANGE COMPIRAION ”SUGAR” Windows Arrangement 2010
東方A定食 Windows Arrangement 2007
東方CLUBBEATS Windows Arrangement 2013
東方CLUBTRONICA Windows Arrangement 2011
東方EUROBEAT CITY Windows Arrangement 2022
東方EUROBEAT CITY 2 Windows Arrangement 2023
東方EUROBEAT PARK 2018 MEGA MIX- Windows Arrangement 2018
東方EUROBEAT PARK VOL.3 Windows Arrangement 2022
東方EUROBEAT PARK VOL.3.5 Windows Arrangement 2022
東方Frosty Diaries Windows Arrangement 2021
東方IN-BeSTrance Windows Arrangement 2019
東方Mix Windows Arrangement 2007
東方SAMPLINGPARTY Windows Arrangement 2011
東方ULTRADRIVE Windows Arrangement 2012
東方UnderDream Windows Arrangement 2014
東方UPPERDRIVE Windows Arrangement 2015
東方☆GIRLS Windows Arrangement 2018
東方インストランス Windows Arrangement 2016
東方カルテット Windows Arrangement 2017
東方クラシックス3 未完の少女達 Windows Arrangement 2013
東方コーリングアンサー Windows Arrangement 2017
東方シンフォニア Windows Arrangement 2017
東方ダークネイション Windows Arrangement 2016
東方バイオリンロック -QUALIA- Windows Arrangement 2019
東方バイオリンロック 地-CHI- II Windows Arrangement 2018
東方バイオリンロック 秘-HI- Windows Arrangement 2019
東方バイオリンロック 紺-KAN- Windows Arrangement 2019
東方バイオリンロック 輝-KAGAYAKI- Windows Arrangement 2018
東方ファンタズム Windows Arrangement 2018
東方ブレイクビーツ Windows Arrangement 2010
東方ブレイクビーツ Vol.2 Windows Arrangement 2010
東方ボーカルアレンジアルバム サード・インパクト Windows Arrangement 2016
東方ラスタライト Windows Arrangement 2019
東方不思議攻撃 ~ Tôhô Implausible Attack Collection Windows Arrangement 2020
東方四重奏 Holy Windows Arrangement 2019
東方夢世代 Windows Arrangement 2007
東方妖幻奏 -先行版- Windows Arrangement 2010
東方幻奏箱 Windows Arrangement 2007
東方幻想サーフバンド ~ Tôhô Fantasy Surf Band Windows Arrangement 2020
東方幻想音樂集 ~肆方文月~ Windows Arrangement 2008
東方幻曲集 妖 Windows Arrangement 2018
東方幻曲集 永 Windows Arrangement 2018
東方幻曲集 紅 Windows Arrangement 2018
東方弦奏オーケストラ2 Windows Arrangement 2018
東方新世代 ~河童のにとりと夏休み~ (リマスタリング版) Windows Arrangement 2007
東方新海:Awakening Deep Mythos Windows Arrangement 2022
東方旅情綺譚 天空篇 Windows Arrangement 2022
東方旅情綺譚 山岳篇 Windows Arrangement 2019
東方旅情綺譚 弐 Windows Arrangement 2016
東方星楽園 ~ Wavering Oath in Arcadia (Demo) Windows Arrangement 2022
東方死奏曲 Windows Arrangement 2009
東方漸悟 Windows Arrangement 2018
東方秘封情報部 ~ Tôhô Spies and Private Eyes Windows Arrangement 2021
東方紅魔郷アレンジ(タイトルぼしゅうちゅう!)~プレビューディスク~ Windows Arrangement 2007
東方緋想天とらのあな初回購入特典CD Windows Arrangement 2008
東方詩循詩歌-marvelous three days- Windows Arrangement 2009
東方鐘静蒐 Sample Disc Windows Arrangement 2009
東方霜焼抄 Windows Arrangement 2008
東風吹かば Windows Arrangement 2017
Windows Arrangement 2017
桜前線のスワロウテイル Swallowtail in Cherry Blossom Front Windows Arrangement 2010
桜色のメランコリニスタ Melancholinista of Cherry Blossom Windows Arrangement 2011
椛~Fall of Fall~ Windows Arrangement 2018
椿 Windows Arrangement 2017
Windows Arrangement 2018
Windows Arrangement 2019
民族観光妖々夢の旅 Windows Arrangement 2014
永-TOKOSHIE Windows Arrangement 2017
永-TOWA Windows Arrangement 2018
漆黒のビューティフルライアー EXTRA REMIX Windows Arrangement 2011
瀧夜叉姫 Windows Arrangement 2020
烈風炎 Windows Arrangement 2008
無料配布デモCDin東方崇敬祭 Windows Arrangement 2009
現樂団の往古1.1 ~ 束方 廻怪綺談~ Windows Arrangement 2017
現樂団の往古2 ~ 束方懐幻想郷 ~ Windows Arrangement 2017
現樂団の往古3 ~ 束方 繪夢時空~ Windows Arrangement 2017
神々が恋したロックナンバー Windows Arrangement 2012
秘奏弦樂団 Windows Arrangement 2018
竹取永夜物語 Windows Arrangement 2015
箱庭幻界 Windows Arrangement 2011
紅き夢~Purpurnen Traum~ Windows Arrangement 2012
紺奏弦樂団 Windows Arrangement 2021
綺麗 Windows Arrangement 2022
習作 夢 0.5 Windows Arrangement 2022
花-MABOROSHI Windows Arrangement 2019
花天月地 Windows Arrangement 2010
Windows Arrangement 2017
Windows Arrangement 2019
Windows Arrangement 2018
Windows Arrangement 2018
Windows Arrangement 2019
褌祭~ふんどしまつり~ Windows Arrangement 2010
踊る風花 Windows Arrangement 2022
酩宴 Windows Arrangement 2008
革命の朝 Windows Arrangement 2010
風-KANDACHI Windows Arrangement 2021
風-KUROHAE Windows Arrangement 2022
風祝!アラヒトマンのうた Windows Arrangement 2012
騒想者たち Windows Arrangement 2015
魔法少女部活動報告 三報 Alfa Windows Arrangement 2015
魔理沙は大変ながいピアノ曲を弾きました (Touhou Piano) Windows Arrangement 2021
魔理沙をめぐる人々 Farther Chronicles of Fantasia Windows Arrangement 2012
Anaglywave 東方青赤波 web版 Windows Arrangement 2021
𝗰𝗹𝗲+𝗲𝗰+𝟭𝘃𝗲 Windows Arrangement 2022

February 21st, 2025

February 20th, 2025

February 19th, 2025

Album Platform Type Year
Al'tushka dlya skufa (Original Soundtrack) MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2024
Austin's Candy Quest OST Inspired By 2021
Ben 10 Alien Force: The Rise of Hex (XBLA) Wii, Xbox 360 Gamerip 2010
Block Tales : Chapter 1 DEMO (ROBLOX) Android, MacOS, Mobile, Online, PS4, PS5, VR, Windows, Xbox, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Soundtrack 2024
Block Tales Demo 2 ROBLOX Android, iOS, MacOS, Mobile, PS4, PS5, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Gamerip 2024
Break In Roblox MacOS, Mobile, Online, Windows, Xbox Soundtrack 2019
Burnout 3: Takedown PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360 Gamerip 2004
Catalog Avatar Creator Roblox MacOS, Mobile, Online, VR, Windows Soundtrack 2021
Classic Arcade Pinball Gamerip 2004
Color or Die (ROBLOX) Android, iOS, MacOS, Mobile, Online, PS4, PS5, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Gamerip 2023
Conquest of Elysium 5 Unofficial Soundtrack Windows Gamerip 2021
DayZ Official Soundtrack: A Journey through Survival Soundtrack 2024
DEADBOLT: Cross​-​Section Linux, MacOS, PS Vita, PS4, Switch, Windows Soundtrack 2018
Dexter's Laboratory - Mixmaster Online Gamerip 2003
Dr. Seuss' The Cat In The Hat: Official Game Boy Advance Soundtrack GBA Soundtrack 2003
Entry Point ROBLOX Android, iOS, MacOS, Mobile, Online, PS4, PS5, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Soundtrack 2017
EVE Online Original Soundtrack Windows Soundtrack 2004
Fairyland (2000) Windows Gamerip 2000
Friday Night Funkin' - VS MNSS Revived OST Windows Soundtrack 2024
Friday Night Funkin' - Vs. Bob's Reslaught Linux, MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2024
Ghostly Manor ROBLOX Android, iOS, MacOS, Mobile, Online, PS4, PS5, Windows, Xbox, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Soundtrack 2022
Heroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the East Gamerip 2007
Hitori Janain Dakara iOS Gamerip 2018
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Linux, Windows, Xbox One Gamerip 2015
Infect-Ed Online Gamerip 2002
Innovation Inc. Spaceship ROBLOX Android, iOS, MacOS, Mobile, PS4, PS5, VR, Xbox, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Gamerip 2015
Malice PS2, Xbox Gamerip 2004
Matsurika no Kei -kEi- Tenmeiin Iden Switch Gamerip 2024
My Friend Pingu Windows Gamerip 2008
Pingu's Crazy Sledging Windows Gamerip 2003
Samurai Shodown II (Original Soundtrack) Arcade, Neo Geo Soundtrack 2016
Sewer Shark Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1992
Smile Soundtrack 2011
Snake Bite (Rocks'n'Diamonds) Linux, MacOS, Windows Compilation 2005
SpongeBob and the Clash of Triton MacOS, Online, Windows Gamerip 2010
SpongeBob SquarePants : Legends of Bikini Bottom Online Gamerip 2015
Star Fox Restored Soundtrack SNES Arrangement 2024
THE IDOLM@STER DREAM SYMPHONY 02 Akizuki Ryo DS Arrangement 2009
The King of Fighters (J2ME) Mobile Gamerip 2003
The Real Ghostbusters GB Gamerip 1993
The Sims Bowling Mobile Gamerip 2007
Time Stripper FM Towns, PC-98, Windows Gamerip 1996
Top Rank Tennis GB Gamerip 1993
Torcano - Music from the Game PaTaank 3DO Soundtrack 1994
Tourist Trophy ++ PS2 Soundtrack 2006
Treasures of the Deep Android Gamerip 2013
Urban Myth Dissolution Center Original Soundtrack PS5, Switch, Windows Soundtrack 2025
VARIOUS DAYLIFE Original Soundtrack iOS Soundtrack 2020
Wolfenstein Symphony (music inspired by WOLFENSTEIN 3D) Inspired By 2024
WWF King of the Ring GB Gamerip 1993

February 18th, 2025

February 17th, 2025

Album Platform Type Year
1000 Bornes DS Gamerip 2010
46 CHORDER Windows Arrangement 2016
A Boy and His Kite DEMO MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2015
Atelier Rorona ARRANGE TRACKS 3DS, PS3 Arrangement 2015
Atelier Series Vocal Collection Volkslied 3 Arrangement 2010
Battleship Chess Windows Gamerip 2004
Bird Flu (J2ME) Mobile Gamerip 2007
Bouyuu Toukaidou ~ Retrospective 53 minutes -ZUN's Music Collection vol.4- Windows Arrangement 2006
Bridge Training DS Gamerip 2008
Bubble Odyssey Windows Gamerip 2006
California Super Sports (DSiWare) DS Gamerip 2013
Color Commando (DSiWare) DS Gamerip 2013
Cookie Chef Windows Gamerip 2006
Crime Puzzle Windows Gamerip 2007
Crusaders of Space 2 Windows Gamerip 2006
Crusaders of Space Open Range Windows Gamerip 2004
Curling World Championship (DSiWare) DS Gamerip 2011
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 1 & 2 OST PS3, Xbox 360 Compilation 2009
Dungeons and Degenerate Gamblers Soundtrack Windows Soundtrack 2024
Enseki Hakubutsushi ~ Dr. Latency's Freak Report -ZUN's Music Collection vol.8- Windows Arrangement 2016
Europa Universalis IV: South East Asia Music Pack Linux, MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2021
Europa Universalis IV: West African Music Pack Linux, MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2021
Fashion Tycoon DS Gamerip 2010
Ferryman Puzzle (DSiWare) DS Gamerip 2011
Forgotten Legions (DSiWare) DS Gamerip 2013
FunnyPizzaLand Windows Gamerip 2001
Gangstar West Coast Hustle Android, iOS, Mobile Gamerip 2009
Gidyy PC-98 Gamerip 1991
Hourai Ningyou ~ Dolls in Pseudo Paradise -ZUN's Music Collection vol.I- PC-98, Windows Soundtrack 2002
House set of Double Dealing Character Windows Arrangement 2014
Hyper Echelon Switch, Windows Gamerip 2021
Ice Hockey Slovakia 2011 (DSiWare) DS Gamerip 2011
Illusion CG Collection Vol. 1 - Soft-Skin Bishoujo FM Towns, Windows Gamerip 1995
Interactive Drama CD "Watashi no Omoi, Anata ni Todoke--" PS Vita, PS3, PS4, Switch, Windows Soundtrack 2021
Izanagi Busshitsu ~ Neo-traditionalism of Japan. -ZUN's Music Collection vol.7- Windows Arrangement 2012
Just Sing! DS Gamerip 2010
K3 en de Vrolijke Noten DS Gamerip 2011
K3 Fashion Party DS Gamerip 2012
Kakunetsuzoushin Hisoutensoku ~ Touhou Hisoutensoku ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK Windows Soundtrack 2009
Kanzenhyoui Discography ~ Touhou Hyouibana ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK Windows Soundtrack 2018
Kids Learn 2 Think: A+ Edition DS Gamerip 2009
Kids Learn Math: A+ Edition DS Gamerip 2009
Kids Learn Music: A+ Edition DS Gamerip 2010
Kids Learn Spelling and Grammar: A+ Edition DS Gamerip 2009
Kyuuyaku Sakaba ~ Dateless Bar "Old Adam". -ZUN's Music Collection vol.9- Windows Arrangement 2016
La-Mulana Sound Collection ~Final Version~ Linux, MacOS, PS Vita, Wii U, Windows Gamerip 2023
Learn Science DS Gamerip 2009
Let's Play Garden DS Gamerip 2010
Lua FM Towns, MacOS, PC-98, Windows, X68000 Gamerip 1993
Magicmaker OST Windows Soundtrack 2014
Make-Up & Style DS Gamerip 2011
Matchbox Caterpillar: Adventures in Time Windows Gamerip 2000
Mega Man Remade Family Computer, NES, Online Arrangement 2013
Mein eigener Tierbaby-Zoo DS Gamerip 2009
Mein Paradies für Hunde DS Gamerip 2008
Michi no Hana, Michi no Tabi -ZUN's Music Collection vol.5.5- Windows Arrangement 2011
My Hero: Doctor DS Gamerip 2009
Nadia Megafun Land DS Gamerip 2008
NewHome Underground Airport Windows Arrangement 2019
Nijiiro no Septentrion -ZUN's Music Collection vol.9.5- Windows Arrangement 2021
Oozora Majutsu ~ Magical Astronomy -ZUN's Music Collection vol.5- Windows Arrangement 2006
Oppai Baka -Oppai Igai wa Mitomenai!!- Windows Gamerip 2007
Pizza Dude Windows Gamerip 2005
Porsche 40 Jahre - Rock and Pop Compilation 2003
Project Remix (ROBLOX) Android, iOS, Linux, MacOS, Mobile, PS4, Windows, Xbox One Gamerip 2023
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords DS Gamerip 2007
Quiz Taxi DS Gamerip 2009
Rec Room Games DS Gamerip 2011
Reijou Monogatari FM Towns, MacOS, PC-98, PC-9821, Windows Gamerip 1995
Rendaino Yakou ~ Ghostly Field Club. -ZUN's Music Collection Vol.2- Windows Arrangement 2003
Rendezvous Arcade, PS2 Arrangement 2007
Retro Arcade Toppers DS Gamerip 2010
RoboWarrior Original Soundtrack NES Soundtrack 1987
Save the Turtles (DSiWare) DS Gamerip 2010
Shadow of the Beast (Atari Lynx) Gamerip 1992
Shadow of the Beast 2 FM Towns Gamerip 1993
Shadow of the Beast 2 (Sega CD) Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1994
Shinpiteki Gakkyokushuu: Usami Sumireko to Himitsu no Bushitsu Windows Soundtrack 2015
Signs Windows Arrangement 2014
Space Hen Windows Gamerip 2003
SpikeTV Video Game Awards Hits Vol. 1 (Best of Video Game Music) Compilation 2004
Star Sweep (Namco System 11) Arcade Gamerip 1997
Style Lab: Jewelry Design DS Gamerip 2009
Super Life of Pixel Soundtrack PS Vita, PS4, Switch, Windows Soundtrack 2023
Super Mario Bros. CD February C3 Demo SNES Gamerip 2025
Tetra Blocks Windows Gamerip 2000
Th44θ▽△ Windows Arrangement 2016
The Aquarium of Luck (DSiWare) DS Gamerip 2011
The Girl and the Robot Original Soundtrack PS4, Wii U, Windows Soundtrack 2017
There Was a Piano in the Scarlet Devil Mansion? Windows Arrangement 2009
THINK Logik Trainer: Think Again DS Gamerip 2008
Titeuf Megafun Land DS Gamerip 2008
Topoloco (DSiWare) DS Gamerip 2012
Torifune Iseki ~ Trojan Green Asteroid -ZUN's Music Collection vol.6- Windows Arrangement 2012
Touhou Denpatou Windows Arrangement 2009
Transformers Earth Wars Android, iOS, Mobile, Windows Gamerip 2015
Triple Play 2000 N64 Gamerip 1999
Vibration of Womb Windows Arrangement 2009
Where's the Blanket, Charlie Brown? MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2002
Yami no Ryousen [INCOMPLETE] PC-98, PC-9821, Windows Gamerip 1994
Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana Original Soundtrack PC-88, PS4, PS5, PSP, Switch, X68000 Soundtrack 2024
Yumetagae Kagaku Seiki ~ Changeability of Strange Dream -ZUN's Music Collection vol.3- Windows Arrangement 2004
Yuuko Monogatari PC-98 Gamerip 1990

February 16th, 2025

Album Platform Type Year
A Fairy Tale (DSiWare) DS Gamerip 2011
Ace Mathician (DSiWare) DS Gamerip 2012
Aliens in the Attic DS Gamerip 2009
Alloy (Demo) GBA Gamerip 2006
Angry Birds 2 (Original Game Soundtrack) Android, iOS, Mobile, Windows Soundtrack 2017
Angry Birds Dream Blast Holiday Season 2024 Android, iOS Soundtrack 2024
Angry Birds Dream Blast Magician Season 2024 Android, iOS Soundtrack 2024
Angry Birds Dream Blast Wizard Season 2025 Android, iOS Soundtrack 2025
Angry Birds Epic Official Soundtrack Android, iOS, Mobile Soundtrack 2014
Angry Birds Evolution (Original Game Soundtrack) Android, iOS Soundtrack 2017
Angry Birds Friends Mystery Island 2024 Android, iOS, Mobile, Windows Single 2024
Angry Birds Transformers (Original Game Soundtrack) (Extended Edition) Android, iOS, Mobile Soundtrack 2017
Another World SNES Gamerip 1992
Ara: History Untold (Complete Soundtrack) Windows Soundtrack 2024
archeage Windows Soundtrack 2012
Art of Ink (DSiWare) DS Gamerip 2011
ATHENA THE MUSIC Arcade, NES, PS2 Soundtrack 2006
Backyard Baseball '10 DS Gamerip 2010
Batman Returns (Sega CD) Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1992
Battle Submarine 9 X68000 Gamerip 1992
Beast III Dramatic Music Collection Vol.2 PC-98 Arrangement 1993
Bibi & Tina: Die grosse Schnitzeljagd DS Gamerip 2009
Bibi Blocksberg: Das gestohlene Hexbuch DS Gamerip 2011
Bibi Blocksberg: Neustadt im Hex-Chaos DS Gamerip 2008
Blue Almanac Genesis / Mega Drive Arrangement 1991
Blue Tear Windows Gamerip 2016
Blue Wings: The Special Airforce X68000 Gamerip 1991
Bodhidharma Hehebereke X68000 Gamerip 1994
Bomberman Pinball (J2ME) Mobile Gamerip 2005
Brain Drain (DSiWare) DS Gamerip 2010
Burst Fighter Windows Gamerip 2017
Captain Tsubasa - Ougon Sedai no Chousen GC Soundtrack 2002
Car Troller iOS Gamerip 2010
CHERNOBYL 8-bit MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2017
Choukou Gasshin Xardion SNES Soundtrack 1992
ColonyQuest: Jamestown Time Window IBM PC/AT Gamerip 1993
CrossFire EX X68000 Gamerip 1994
Das Magische Labyrinth DS Gamerip 2010
Dead Rising 2: 2025 Complete Edition Windows, Xbox 360 Compilation 2011
Dead Rising 2: Case West Xbox 360 Gamerip 2010
Dead Rising 2: Case Zero Xbox 360 Gamerip 2010
Deal or No Deal: The Banker is Back! DS Gamerip 2008
Dekamori Senran Kagura Shoujotachi no Dekamori File ~Visual Book + Zenkyoku Iri Omori Soundtrack CD~ PS Vita Soundtrack 2014
Die Neue Horizont Inspired By 2024
Die Neue Horizont (Unified Mix) Single 2024
Disney Princess: Magical Jewels DS Gamerip 2007
Dora the Explorer: Animal Adventures MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2003
Dora the Explorer: Backpack Adventure MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2002
Dora the Explorer: Lost City Adventure MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2002
Emio – The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club Switch Gamerip 2024
Emio – The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club Special Soundtrack Switch Soundtrack 2024
Escape from New York Windows Gamerip 2018
F-15 Strike Eagle GB Gamerip 1993
Flipper (DSiWare) DS Gamerip 2010
Football Director DS DS Gamerip 2008
Fort Boyard: Casse-tete & Enigmes DS Gamerip 2009
Freddi Fish: ABC Under the Sea DS Gamerip 2008
Friday Night Funkin' - Find Us Online, Windows Single 2024
Friday Night Funkin' - Math Pattern Baldness Windows Compilation 2023
Friday Night Funkin': Rhythmic Revolution Linux, MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2024
Frozen: Olaf's Quest DS Gamerip 2013
GAME MUSIC BEST of DiGiTAL WiNG Windows Arrangement 2024
Geometry Dash: The Tower Android, iOS, MacOS, Mobile, Windows Gamerip 2023
Goblins 3 IBM PC/AT, MS-DOS Gamerip 1993
Gold of Empire Android, Mobile Gamerip 2014
GoPets: Vacation Island DS Gamerip 2008
Hammerin' Harry Arcade Gamerip 1990
Het Huis Anubis: De Donkere Strijd DS Gamerip 2011
Hop: The Movie Game DS Gamerip 2011
Hot Wheels Arcade Online Gamerip 2006
I Love Kittens! Windows Gamerip 2007
Kagerou / ARTERY VEIN PSP Soundtrack 2012
Kaitou Saint Tail: Saint Tail to One, Two, Three! (Pico) Gamerip 1995
Kangofu-san Pico: Yasashiku o-Teate Pico Clinic! Gamerip 2001
KatataK Original Soundtrack Android, iOS, Mobile Soundtrack 2014
Kikoriki (J2ME) Mobile Gamerip 2012
Kingdom Come: Deliverance – OST Atmospheres & Additionals PS4, PS5, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Gamerip 2018
Kinniku Banzuke: Kimero! Kiseki no Kanzen Seiha GBA Gamerip 2001
Kiteretsu Daihyakka: Edo ni Itte Kiteretsusai-sama ni Au nari (Pico) Gamerip 1994
Lalaloopsy DS Gamerip 2011
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Vol. 3) [No Ambience] Android, iOS, MacOS, PS3, Wii, Windows, Xbox 360 Gamerip 2007
Lipstick Adventure 3 PC-98 Gamerip 1993
Lipstick Adventure 3 X68000 Gamerip 1993
Lost Aria Soundtrack 2021
Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics Soundtrack PS4, Switch, Windows, Xbox One Gamerip 2024
Mega Mindy DS Gamerip 2009
Metal Dragon (MSX2+, Moonsound) MSX2 Gamerip 2021
Metal Dragon (MSX2+, MSX-AUDIO) MSX2 Gamerip 2021
Metal Dragon (MSX2+, MSX-MUSIC) MSX2 Gamerip 2021
Metal Dragon (MSX2+, MSX-MUSIC+MSX-AUDIO) MSX2 Gamerip 2021
Mia's Reading Adventure: The Search for Grandma's Remedy MacOS, Windows Gamerip 1999
MIG-999 (Retro Arcade) Android, Mobile Gamerip 2015
Mixed Messages (DSiWare) DS Gamerip 2009
Motor Mayhem PS2 Gamerip 2001
Moxie Girls DS Gamerip 2011
My Reading Tutor DS Gamerip 2009
Nyan Cat: Lost In Space Android, iOS, Mobile, Switch, Windows Gamerip 2015
Oneechanbara Original Soundtrack - Dressed in "Red", Cure Killer PS2, Xbox 360 Soundtrack 2006
PANOSSONIC Android, Mobile Gamerip 2013
PANTELEEV Video game Android, Windows Gamerip 2014
Partial Axiom X68000 Gamerip 1993
Paruru X68000 Gamerip 1992
Paruru Part 2 X68000 Gamerip 1993
Photo Genic (OPN) PC-98 Gamerip 1997
Pillow Pets DS Gamerip 2011
Pinkalicious: It's Party Time DS Gamerip 2011
Polar Bowler DS Gamerip 2009
Princess in Love DS Gamerip 2009
Prinzessin Lillifee: Meine Liebsten Freunde DS Gamerip 2009
Prinzessin Lillifee: Meine wunderbare Welt DS Gamerip 2008
Puzzle Time DS Gamerip 2010
Puzzler Collection DS Gamerip 2008
Revenge of the Boxer: Moscow Criminality Windows Gamerip 2007
Rock'em Sock'em Robots Arena PS1 Gamerip 2000
Salamander X68000 Gamerip 1988
Senran Kagura ESTIVAL VERSUS -Shoujotachi no Sentaku- PS VITA Nyuunyuu DX Pack Arrange Soundtrack & Drama CD PS Vita Arrangement 2015
Senran Kagura ESTIVAL VERSUS -Shoujotachi no Sentaku- PS4 Nyuunyuu DX Pack PREMIUM Arrange Soundtrack & Drama CD PS4 Arrangement 2015
Senran Kagura Original Soundtrack -Shin'ei/Guren/Shinku- 3DS Soundtrack 2014
Senran Kagura SHINOVI VERSUS -Shoujotachi no Shoumei- Nyuunyuu DX Pack PS Vita Arrangement 2013
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate Linux, MacOS, PS4, PS5, Switch, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Soundtrack 2022
Silverlicious: Sweet Adventure DS Gamerip 2012
Solitaire: Ultimate Collection DS Gamerip 2008
Space Channel 5 planet dance [the world's greatest club hits] Dreamcast, PS2 Soundtrack 2000
Space Dogs Windows Gamerip 2010
Space Dogs: Adventure to the Moon Windows Gamerip 2014
SpongeBob SquarePants: Plankton's Robotic Revenge DS Gamerip 2013
SpongeBob's Surf & Skate Roadtrip DS Gamerip 2011
Star Cruiser II -The Odysseus Project- PC-98 Gamerip 1993
STAR HEROES CLICKER Android, Mobile Gamerip 2016
Star Trek: The Next Generation GB Gamerip 1993
StarFox Adventures Original Soundtrack GC Gamerip 2002
Sudoku Ball Detective DS Gamerip 2009
Super Animal Royale Official Soundtrack MacOS, PS4, PS5, Switch, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Soundtrack 2018
Superkids: Memory Training Windows Gamerip 2007
Survivor DS Gamerip 2008
Survivor DS Gamerip 2009
Take a Break's Puzzle Bonanza DS Gamerip 2010
Take a Break's Puzzle Master DS Gamerip 2009
Tetris 2 + BomBliss LT MacOS, Windows Gamerip 1998
The Amazing Spider-Man vs. the Kingpin (Sega CD) Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1993
The Battle of Olympus Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1989
The Book of Masters Windows Gamerip 2009
The Flintstones: Burgertime in Bedrock (GBC) GB Gamerip 2000
The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures Grand Performance Recording 3DS, Android, iOS Soundtrack 2015
The King of Fighters XIII Android, iOS, PS3, PS4, Switch, Windows, Xbox 360 Gamerip 2011
The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II - Soundtrack PS4, PS5, Windows Soundtrack 2025
The Naked Brothers Band: The Video Game DS Gamerip 2008
The Overworld Part I - Nightingale City [Celeste Mod] Windows Gamerip 2025
The Unseen Fears: Fortune's Consequence Collector's Edition Soundtrack Windows Soundtrack 2024
The Woodleys: Summer Sports DS Gamerip 2008
Theme Park World PS1 Gamerip 2000
ThinkSmart: Labyrinth DS Gamerip 2011
tommy boy silver label: space channel 5 mexican flyer Dreamcast, PS2 Remix 2000
Touhou Mohofu r40 Mod PSP Gamerip 2019
Toy Golf Windows Gamerip 2005
Tropix! DS Gamerip 2008
UaZzz Android, Mobile Gamerip 2015
Vampire High School FM Towns, MacOS, Windows Gamerip 1994
Virtual Pool MacOS, PS1, Windows Gamerip 1995
Wai Wai Jockey Arcade Gamerip 1993
Winter's Tail DS Gamerip 2009
Winx Club: Magical Fairy Party DS Gamerip 2012
Winx Club: Saving Alfea DS Gamerip 2014
Wolfenstein 3D Atari Jaguar Gamerip 1994
YOUR MAJESTY Original Soundtrack Android, iOS, Mobile Soundtrack 2023
YOUR MAJESTY Ⅱ Original Soundtrack Android, iOS, Mobile Soundtrack 2024
Zankyou wa Nariyamazu / Omoi ga Rekishi ni Kawaru Toki / Tamashii no Katari ni Michibikarete / Youyoumu no Gotoku Arrangement 2017

February 15th, 2025

Album Platform Type Year
'22! A Year In 2s ~ Part 1 Windows Arrangement 2022
2 chain PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
2 da Night [Sound CYCLONE Preview CD vol.2] PS2, Windows Arrangement 2008
2021! YTBC's Year Collection Windows Arrangement 2021
3rd Sphere Windows Arrangement 2010
A Couple of Time PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
A Tribute to the East Vol.2 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2008
A Tribute to the East Vol.3.5 Windows Arrangement 2011
Abstract Windows Arrangement 2009
Aggregate Windows Arrangement 2014
Akaki Koiuta ni Someta Kisenjou Windows Arrangement 2015
Akyu's Retro Score Vol. 1 Windows Arrangement 2021
Alchemy Windows Arrangement 2022
Alcohol of Madness Windows Arrangement 2022
ALL TIME BEST Windows Arrangement 2023
Amaoto Cross Road Windows Arrangement 2013
Ameigibun -Kero-chan Fuuhyouhigai ni Magezu- Windows Arrangement 2008
ameilir redrum Windows Arrangement 2010
Amorphous PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Angel Bell Windows Arrangement 2021
Aoki Utakata no Aria ~ Piano Arrange Collection Vol.2 Windows Arrangement 2020
arete Windows Arrangement 2008
Atomic Heartbreak Windows Arrangement 2015
Avidya Windows Arrangement 2011
AYAKASHI Windows Arrangement 2008
A~YA feat.「SWING HOLIC」 sample CD Windows Arrangement 2009
Beasts of Creation Windows Arrangement 2020
Beats of ORACLE Windows Arrangement 2013
BEHIND THE DEAD STOCK Windows Arrangement 2021
Best Wishes.. C76 Event Disc Windows Arrangement 2009
Best Wishes.. Touhou Project Arrange Music Lab. -Vocal Collection- Windows Arrangement 2009
BEYOND THE DOOR Windows Arrangement 2010
Beyond The Infinite PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2008
Bishamon Tiger Windows Arrangement 2021
BLACK ALBUM Windows Arrangement 2021
BLACK or WHITE PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Blaze Windows Arrangement 2005
Blazin' Beat Anthem Windows Arrangement 2012
Blind Cage EP Windows Arrangement 2010
Blooming Apparitions Windows Arrangement 2009
Blue Constellations PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2006
Blue Lycoris PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2007
BlurStar Windows Arrangement 2015
Bres Windows Arrangement 2016
Broken Phantasm Windows Arrangement 2014
BUN Windows Arrangement 2010
BURST HALLUCINATION Windows Arrangement 2019
Byakuran-Aika Windows Arrangement 2009
C76予定東方アレンジプレリリース版 Windows Arrangement 2009
Cadaverous Bloom [EP] Windows Arrangement 2009
Cage Windows Arrangement 2014
CALL ME AGAIN! Windows Arrangement 2011
Capriccio ~ Gensokyo Kisoukyoku Arrangement 2007
Captain Anchor Windows Arrangement 2021
Cat's House Windows Arrangement 2013
Cat's Walk Windows Remix 2011
Cerejeira Windows Arrangement 2012
Chaos Bringer PC-98 2017
CHEESE FACTORY Windows Arrangement 2015
Childish ALBUM Windows Arrangement 2021
CHILLS DOWN YOUR SPINE - EP Windows Arrangement 2021
CHILLS DOWN YOUR SPINE 2 ~ Single Windows Arrangement 2022
CHILLY BOSSA Windows Arrangement 2013
CHIREI Windows Arrangement 2017
Chiriyuku Kakera Windows Arrangement 2009
CimeRaticka Windows Arrangement 2012
COMTE Windows Arrangement 2013
Conclusion PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Confirmed Kart Racing - OST Windows Arrangement 2022
Cradle -Touhou Gengaku Shiten- Windows Soundtrack 2004
Cradle Re:BOOT -Touhou Gengaku Shiten- PC-98, Windows Soundtrack 2014
Cradle2 Windows Arrangement 2009
Cranberry Doll PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Crescent Moon Windows Arrangement 2010
CRIMSON BULLET HELL Windows Arrangement 2009
Crimson Violet Windows Arrangement 2011
Cross Hair E.P. Windows Arrangement 2014
Crossing Touhou Project Arrange Music Lab. "Touhou Fuujinroku" -FUSION Style- Rev.A Windows Arrangement 2009
Cyber Collapse Vol.1 Windows Arrangement 2019
Cyber Collapse Vol.2 Windows Arrangement 2020
Cyber Collapse Vol.3 Windows Arrangement 2021
Cycles of the Nuclear Sun Windows Arrangement 2020
C大调木管五重奏 ''射命丸文'' Op.11 Windows Arrangement 2021
DANA BLUE Windows Arrangement 2010
DARK OF RUIN Windows Arrangement 2023
Dark Sleeper PC-98 Arrangement 2014
Day of the Dead Windows Arrangement 2016
Deadline Windows Arrangement 2016
DEATH ENGAGE Windows Arrangement 2019
Deathscythe Windows Arrangement 2019
Demoniac Religion Windows Arrangement 2014
Desert Moon Windows Arrangement 2019
Desire Driver Windows Arrangement 2015
Diffusion Windows Arrangement 2015
Diverse Disconation PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
diversity Windows Arrangement 2011
Divine Windows Arrangement 2012
Divine Catastrophe Windows Arrangement 2018
DIVIT - Touhou Project -Touhou Youyoumu- Arrange Music Lab. Windows Arrangement 2008
DIVIT -Appendix- Windows Arrangement 2008
Double Spoiler Windows Arrangement 2013
Dream & Reality Windows Arrangement 2015
Dream Diary Windows Arrangement 2019
Dreams Windows Arrangement 2014
Drops Windows Arrangement 2009
DUGEM WONDERLAND 5 Windows Arrangement 2023
EAST METAL CORESTAR Windows Arrangement 2013
EAST METAL DEATH STAR Windows Arrangement 2013
EAST METAL POPSTAR PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
EASTLAND FREAKERZ PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
EBF Vol.6 ごめんなさい CD Windows Arrangement 2018
Eien to Shunsoku no Hourousha Windows Arrangement 2013
EIYA Windows Arrangement 2014
Eiya Gakusou Windows Arrangement 2010
Endless dream ~Tsuioku no Rinne~ Windows Arrangement 2021
Endless Seeker Windows Arrangement 2010
Energy Breaker Windows Arrangement 2012
Envy You All Men! Windows Arrangement 2010
Epitaph Windows Arrangement 2022
EPOISSES Windows Arrangement 2011
equation.10.00 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2016
Eternity PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2006
Ethereal Distortion Windows Arrangement 2017
Eurobeat Festival Vol. 20 Windows Arrangement 2023
EUROBEAT FESTIVAL VOL.1 Windows Arrangement 2016
EUROBEAT FESTIVAL VOL.10 Windows Arrangement 2019
EUROBEAT FESTIVAL VOL.11 Windows Arrangement 2019
EUROBEAT FESTIVAL VOL.12 Windows Arrangement 2019
EUROBEAT FESTIVAL VOL.13 Windows Arrangement 2020
EUROBEAT FESTIVAL VOL.14 Windows Arrangement 2021
EUROBEAT FESTIVAL VOL.15 Windows Arrangement 2021
EUROBEAT FESTIVAL VOL.16 Windows Arrangement 2022
Eurobeat Festival Vol.17 Windows Arrangement 2022
EUROBEAT FESTIVAL VOL.18 Windows Arrangement 2022
EUROBEAT FESTIVAL VOL.19 Windows Arrangement 2023
EUROBEAT FESTIVAL VOL.2 Windows Arrangement 2016
EUROBEAT FESTIVAL VOL.3 Windows Arrangement 2017
EUROBEAT FESTIVAL VOL.4 Windows Arrangement 2017
EUROBEAT FESTIVAL VOL.5 Windows Arrangement 2017
EUROBEAT FESTIVAL VOL.5.5 Windows Arrangement 2018
EUROBEAT FESTIVAL VOL.6 Windows Arrangement 2018
EUROBEAT FESTIVAL VOL.7 Windows Arrangement 2018
EUROBEAT FESTIVAL VOL.7.5 Windows Arrangement 2018
EUROBEAT FESTIVAL VOL.8 Windows Arrangement 2018
EUROBEAT FESTIVAL VOL.9 Windows Arrangement 2019
EUROBEAT HOLIC PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2017
EUROBEAT HOLIC EX - NON-STOP MEGA MIX - / SOUND HOLIC Vs. Eurobeat Union PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2020
Eurobeat Holic EXII -Non-Stop Mega Mix- Windows Arrangement 2023
EUROBEAT HOLIC II PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2018
EUROBEAT HOLIC III PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
EUROBEAT HOLIC IV Windows Arrangement 2022
EUROBEAT HOLIC' -THE ARCADE- Windows Arrangement 2021
EUROBEAT SPECIAL VOL.1 Windows Arrangement 2023
EUROMEAT Windows Arrangement 2023
evanescence Windows Arrangement 2011
Everlasting Hope Windows Arrangement 2019
Ex.Infinite Vol.3 ~RMX!!~ Remix 2010
Experimental Section PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
EXTRA BOSS PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2018
Exuberance Windows Arrangement 2005
Fairies Windows Arrangement 2014
Faith Manufacturer Windows Arrangement 2016
Faithless Planet Windows Arrangement 2021
Fanatic Old Prietress Windows Arrangement 2021
fandasy Windows Arrangement 2011
Fantasia ~ Gensoukyo Gensoukyoku Windows Arrangement 2008
Fatal Contamination Windows Arrangement 2011
feat.RIZE Windows Arrangement 2009
Fictional Fiction Windows Arrangement 2019
FIFTH BOSS PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
First Step in Paradise Windows Arrangement 2018
Flat Line Windows Arrangement 2014
Flower Buster Windows Arrangement 2011
Flower Garden Windows Arrangement 2009
Follia Windows Arrangement 2008
For Strong Ears EP Windows Arrangement 2018
for TemperamenT Windows Arrangement 2019
For you Windows Arrangement 2023
FORBIDDEN GOTTA Windows Arrangement 2007
Forsaken Windows Arrangement 2009
FORTUNE Windows Arrangement 2017
Fragile memory Windows Arrangement 2018
FragmentS Windows Arrangement 2011
Fragments of memory PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2021
FragmentS00 Windows Arrangement 2011
FragmentS2 Windows Arrangement 2011
FragmentS3 Windows Arrangement 2012
FragmentS4 Windows Arrangement 2013
Franc east M3 Windows Arrangement 2010
FRIENDSHIP × ICICLE Windows Arrangement 2015
Fright Night Flight Windows Arrangement 2015
From the Eastern Horizon PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Frozen Freezer Windows Arrangement 2014
FUU Arrangement 2015
FUUJIN Windows Arrangement 2012
Gametal XIV Online Inspired By 2025
garden variety beets Windows Arrangement 2020
Garnet Revolution PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Gensokyo no Hoshisame Biyori Windows Arrangement 2010
Gensokyo ~ Classicalized Scenery PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Gensou a la Mode Windows Arrangement 2012
Gensou a la Mode II Windows Arrangement 2013
Gensou a la Mode III Windows Arrangement 2014
Gensou a la Mode IV Windows Arrangement 2015
Gensou Sawarhythm Windows Arrangement 2012
Gensou Toshokan 2012
GIRL A ~幻想に消えた少女~ Windows Arrangement 2011
Glow / Spacelectro Android, iOS Soundtrack 2021
Gnomus Windows Arrangement 2011
GO EAST ~東方の地へ~ Windows Arrangement 2006
GOLDEN RADIANCE Windows Arrangement 2009
Gone With Windows Arrangement 2019
GothicLolita ORCHESTRION 2012
gray thaumaturge Windows Arrangement 2011
Green-Eyed Black Jealousy: A Tribute to the East Vol.2.5 Windows Arrangement 2009
Groove in to the Night NES, Windows Arrangement 2009
Guuzou Armageddon Windows Arrangement 2019
Gyakkou -Silhouette of the Sound- Windows Arrangement 2008
Hakoniwa suite overture Windows Soundtrack 2016
HAKUREI Windows Arrangement 2016
HANA Windows Arrangement 2009
HANATABA PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2020
Happiness MIX Windows Arrangement 2007
Haru no Shishuu Windows Arrangement 2023
Haruna Song Windows Arrangement 2022
Heartfelt Fancy Windows Arrangement 2010
Heavenly Sequence PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Heavenly Sequence Promotion Disc PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Hell's Chicken: Touhou 17 Metal Medley Windows Arrangement 2019
Henkyoku Onpu -Hourai no Hitogata- PC-98 Arrangement 2009
Hetare TOHO Music side:G vo1.2β Windows Arrangement 2006
Hibiku Yozora no Tooku Windows Arrangement 2010
HIFUU Arrangement 2018
Hifuu Club Activity Record ~ The Sealed Esoteric History -Moon- ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK Soundtrack 2016
Higan Windows Arrangement 2021
HIKARI Windows Arrangement 2014
HIME Windows Arrangement 2013
HORIZON Windows Arrangement 2014
HOSHI Windows Arrangement 2010
Hoshi no Gensou Gakkyoku-shu 2.5+ Windows Arrangement 2010
Hotaru Shirube Windows Arrangement 2019
Hydrangea Windows Arrangement 2009
I'll be right here Windows Arrangement 2016
Identity. Windows Arrangement 2018
IKA Switch, Windows Arrangement 2017
Imagination∞BLUE Windows Arrangement 2022
Immaterial Strength Windows Arrangement 2017
Immortal Smoke Windows Arrangement 2022
Imprecisely Rendered Windows Arrangement 2021
Impulse EP Windows Arrangement 2017
in vitem et mortem Windows Arrangement 2019
In Walked Cat's Windows Arrangement 2014
Indecent Faith Windows Arrangement 2012
Into Space EP Windows Arrangement 2018
Ishiki Gensoutan Arrangement 2010
Isolation of Lethal Fantasy Windows Arrangement 2021
Issen Windows Arrangement 2017
IZAYOI Windows Arrangement 2016
Jazz Drive Windows Arrangement 2017
JeaLouticka Windows Arrangement 2013
Jinja kara Hajimaru Daisoudou Windows Arrangement 2010
Journal of an Autumnal Equinox Windows Arrangement 2007
Just Push Play PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
KAEI Windows Arrangement 2016
Kagetsuyoru Windows Arrangement 2014
KAI PC-88 Arrangement 2014
Kaihou no Koku Windows Arrangement 2010
KAKARI Windows Arrangement 2020
KAMUI Windows Arrangement 2012
KAN Windows Arrangement 2015
Kardia Windows Arrangement 2011
KAZE Windows Arrangement 2007
Ketsubetsu no Tabi Windows Arrangement 2014
Kimi no Uta to Boku no Chiisana Koi PC-98 Arrangement 2011
KOCHIYA Windows Arrangement 2018
KONPAKU PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2017
Kouhaku Kukeiraku PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2008
Kouhaku no Utage -MAIDEN'S FESTIVAL- PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
KOUMA Windows Arrangement 2015
KUNI Windows Arrangement 2009
Kuon no kioku Windows Arrangement 2007
Kuso AKA Kx $ 0 the Mixtape: ''God of Darkness, breathing clouds in the fantasy landscape, etc.'' Windows Arrangement 2021
Kyouran Ongakushitsu -LUNATIC JUKEBOX- Windows Arrangement 2012
Kyouya no Utage PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2007
L'hiver de hana Windows Arrangement 2020
L5 Na no Desu☆ Windows Arrangement 2008
LAST BOSS Windows Arrangement 2017
LAST RESORT Windows Arrangement 2019
Least Connected Marketeer Windows Arrangement 2021
Let's Change The World's End Windows Arrangement 2019
Let's Start The World Anew Windows Arrangement 2022
Light Leaction Windows Arrangement 2009
Little Wonderland - Toho Project Arrange Album Arrangement 2008
Live A-Round PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Lotus Windows Arrangement 2009
Lotus Butterfly Windows Arrangement 2022
love PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
LOVE Windows Arrangement 2013
Love affair Windows Arrangement 2008
Love best PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Love Buzz ! PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Love Game PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Love Hearts? PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Love=ALL PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Lunatic - Touhou Metal Windows Arrangement 2023
Lunatic AriA Windows Arrangement 2017
Lunatic Heavens Windows Arrangement 2012
M3 2019秋 Windows Arrangement 2019
MABORO PC-98 Arrangement 2012
Maple Wind Windows Arrangement 2014
MARKS OF SIN PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2018
Mashpell Volume 1 Windows Arrangement 2022
Meisou Paradise Windows Arrangement 2013
Melty E.P. Windows Arrangement 2013
Merry Ring Windows Arrangement 2018
Metallic Sanctus Windows Arrangement 2014
Metallic Vampire Windows Arrangement 2011
Metallical Animism Windows Arrangement 2013
Metallical Astronomy Windows Arrangement 2010
Metallical Remasters Windows Arrangement 2019
metropolitan Windows Arrangement 2019
Midnight Glow-Resurrection Windows Arrangement 2022
Midnight Snow Rain Windows Arrangement 2008
MIMOLETTE Windows Arrangement 2010
Mind Reverser Windows Arrangement 2016
Mirage PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Mirage 2 Windows Arrangement 2014
Mirage 3 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2017
Mirage 4 Windows Arrangement 2022
miscellaneous non-album tracks Windows Arrangement 2022
Missing Link Windows Arrangement 2023
Mist of Scarlet Windows Arrangement 2023
Monochrome Anachronism PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Moon Crusher Windows Arrangement 2012
MOONYNIGHT Windows Arrangement 2011
Mugen Kaiitan Windows Arrangement 2008
Mumei no Rakuen ~ Piano Arrange Collection Vol.1 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2016
Mysterious Driver Windows Arrangement 2011
Mythology Windows Arrangement 2012
Nameless CD Windows Arrangement 2010
NANA HOLIC PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2016
NANA HOLIC II PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2018
NANA HOLIC III PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
NANA HOLIC IV PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2020
NANA HOLIC V Android, Arcade, iOS, PC-98, Windows Soundtrack 2022
NATURAL Windows Arrangement 2009
NEW SOUNDS Windows Arrangement 2017
NIGHT AIR Windows Arrangement 2022
Night Flight E.P. [Team Shanghai Alice BGM Arrange] Windows Arrangement 2006
Nitori's Garage Windows Arrangement 2015
NOBLE SAVAGE Windows Arrangement 2015
NOSTALGIA PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Nostalgic Jealousy Windows Arrangement 2017
occulta - Touhou Project -Touhou Eiyashou- Arrange Music Lab. Windows Arrangement 2007
ocden-rate Windows Arrangement 2006
Ode to a Vlad Ⅲ Windows Arrangement 2023
OFFENSIVE ALGORITHM Windows Arrangement 2018
Ogre's HARDCORE Windows Arrangement 2012
Old Earth Windows Arrangement 2013
Omnia Windows Arrangement 2013
OMOI Windows Arrangement 2009
ONGEKI Sound Jewelry 01 Arcade Soundtrack 2024
Ongyoku Windows Arrangement 2010
ONI PC-98 Arrangement 2016
Oriental Groove Windows Arrangement 2008
Oriental Groove 02 Windows Arrangement 2009
Oriental Groove 03 Windows Arrangement 2009
Oriental Groove 04 Windows Arrangement 2010
Oriental Groove 3.5 Windows Arrangement 2010
Origin to Infinity Windows Arrangement 2010
Original Eurobeat Windows Arrangement 2017
Ortensia Windows Arrangement 2009
over PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Party & Screaming Windows Arrangement 2011
Party Time LP Windows Arrangement 2010
Payback E.P. Windows Arrangement 2015
PC-98 EP Windows Arrangement 2019
Perfect Cherry Blossom Windows Arrangement 2010
PHANTASIEN Windows Arrangement 2011
Phantasm Literature Windows Arrangement 2012
Phantasm Literature Instrumental Windows Arrangement 2012
Phantom Windows Arrangement 2010
Phantom -extra- Windows Arrangement 2010
Phantom Dreamer Windows Arrangement 2009
philos sophia Windows Arrangement 2007
Pray Windows Arrangement 2018
Prince of the Moon Windows Arrangement 2022
PROJECT D:03 Windows Arrangement 2019
PROJECT D:04 Windows Arrangement 2020
PROJECT D:05 Windows Arrangement 2021
PROTEST THE HEROINE III Windows Arrangement 2020
PROTEST THE HEROINE IV Windows Arrangement 2020
PROTEST THE HEROINE V Windows Arrangement 2021
PROTEST THE HEROINE VI Windows Arrangement 2021
PROTEST THE HEROINE Ⅰ Windows Arrangement 2019
PROTEST THE HEROINE Ⅱ Windows Arrangement 2019
Q and...! Windows Arrangement 2021
quirk Windows Arrangement 2005
Rainbow Party Full Album Windows Arrangement 2023
Rapsodia of the Musical Sky Windows 2016
Raven Inscribe Windows Arrangement 2010
RE:RICOTTA Windows Arrangement 2011
Re:volution PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Rebellion Windows Arrangement 2021
Rebirth PC-98 Arrangement 2004
ReBirth Windows Arrangement 2013
Reflection Windows Arrangement 2016
Refractile Wonderland Arrangement 2012
REGAIN Windows Arrangement 2017
REIWA PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
Remilia under the toadstool Windows Arrangement 2017
Replica* PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
REST TIME vol.1 Windows Arrangement 2011
REST TIME vol.2 Windows Arrangement 2012
REST TIME vol.3 Windows Arrangement 2018
Retrospective Game Box PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2008
ReUnion-Ebony- Windows Arrangement 2014
ReUnion-Ivory- Windows Arrangement 2014
Reverie of Infinitude Windows Arrangement 2020
REVIVAL BEST EX PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2018
REVIVAL BEST I Windows Arrangement 2015
REVIVAL BEST II Windows Arrangement 2016
REVIVAL BEST III PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2017
REVIVAL BEST IV PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
RHYTHM GAME SELECTION+ Windows Arrangement 2022
RICOTTA Windows Arrangement 2009
ROMANTIC TOUHOU SOUND SERIES #1 Windows Arrangement 2018
Ryouzakura ni Nemuru Windows Arrangement 2014
Sadistic Scarlet Sister<BR>+ Windows Arrangement 2011
Saimu Windows Arrangement 2015
Sakura Kaze no Chikai PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2017
Sakuramai ~Innumerable Aube~ Windows Arrangement 2011
Satellite Iced Coffee Windows Arrangement 2020
Satori no Dungeon Oukoku -The Heart Of Crossed Memory- ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS Windows Soundtrack 2013
Satori no Dungeon Oukoku 2 -The Heart Of Masked Memory- ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS Windows Soundtrack 2013
Savage Flame Windows Arrangement 2022
Scabiosa Windows Arrangement 2022
Scarlet House Windows Arrangement 2008
Scarlet Shooter Windows Arrangement 2011
Scherzo ~ Gensokyo Kaigyakukyoku Arrangement 2007
SEASONS Windows Arrangement 2018
Secret Emit Vol.1 Windows Arrangement 2019
Secret Hunter Arrangement 2016
SEEKING PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Seigetsu Tragicomedy Windows Arrangement 2017
Seiun Shuugetsu Windows Arrangement 2015
Sen no Yukari Windows Arrangement 2016
Senkou ~Verita~ Windows Arrangement 2010 Touhou Arrange Collection I Windows Arrangement 2011 Touhou Arrange Collection II Windows Arrangement 2013 Touhou Arrange Collection III PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2014 Touhou Arrange Collection IV PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2015 Touhou Arrange Collection V Windows Soundtrack 2016
Setsugen Tír na nÓg Windows 2015
SEVENTH HEAVEN PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
SHAMEIMARU PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
ShavaCover Windows Arrangement 2010
Shinsei Rakuraku Windows Arrangement 2016
show me your love PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Shrine Maiden PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Shrine Maiden Promotion Disc Windows Arrangement 2010
Shunshou Kasoukyoku Windows Arrangement 2023
Silhouette Windows Arrangement 2007
Sins of the Fossil World Windows Arrangement 2023
sixth sense Windows Arrangement 2014
skepticism Windows Arrangement 2018
SKETCH THE FANTASY Windows Arrangement 2009
SKYHIGH prototype Windows Arrangement 2011
SM NonStop 2013 Windows Arrangement 2013
SM NonStop 2014 Windows Arrangement 2014
SM NonStop 2015 Windows Arrangement 2015
Snake Eyes Windows Arrangement 2016
Soar Dance Intense Moon Flower ALBUM Windows Arrangement 2021
SOLARIS Windows Arrangement 2023
Solitude Windows Arrangement 2022
SOS with strings Windows Arrangement 2016
Sougetsu no Zangeshi ~ Universal Nemesis Windows Arrangement 2015
SOUND HOLIC MEETS TOHO ~Touhouteki Henkyoku Ongenshuu~ Windows Arrangement 2006
SOUND HOLIC MEETS TOHO ~Touhouteki Mugen Rekkashou~ Windows Arrangement 2006
SOUND HOLIC MEETS TOHO ~Touhouteki Muten Gensouten~ Windows Arrangement 2007
SOUND HOLIC MEETS TOHO ~Touhouteki Yuugen Soukyokushuu~ Windows Arrangement 2006
SOUND HOLIC MEETS TOHO ~Touhouteki Yuuyuu Butougeki~ Windows Arrangement 2007
SoundChaos C74突発CD Windows Arrangement 2008
SoundChaos Preview Version PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Sound:World Windows Arrangement 2023
Space Jumper PC-98 Arrangement 2015
Spacerując Ulicami Byłego Piekła Windows Arrangement 2016
Sparkle! Windows Arrangement 2012
SPARKLING GIRL Windows Arrangement 2011
Star Traveler Windows Arrangement 2013
Stardust Motion Windows Arrangement 2011
Starfaring Fantasia Collection Windows Arrangement 2007
StarlessTrilogy Windows Arrangement 2018
StarlessTrilogy II Windows Arrangement 2022
STARLIGHT SPARK Windows Arrangement 2016
Starlight Vision Windows Arrangement 2011
Starry Sequence Windows Arrangement 2007
Static World - 限定CD 02 深度睡眠 Windows Arrangement 2022
STRAIGHT FOR TWO Windows Arrangement 2015
STRaWBeRRY Windows Arrangement 2019
Streichen Arrangement 2006
Streichen2 Windows Arrangement 2010
strobonation Windows Arrangement 2009
stroboregister Windows Arrangement 2009
STYLE US Windows Arrangement 2011
SUPER ULTIMATE INFINITY TOHO MIX 3.0 Windows Arrangement 2011
Suzu no Onshokan PC-98 Arrangement 2020
Sweet Dead Noise Windows Arrangement 2017
Sweet Dreams, Good Night Windows Arrangement 2017
Sweet Sugar Windows Arrangement 2009
Sweet Witch craft Windows Arrangement 2011
Symphonic Cookie☆ (交响神社) Op.7 Windows Arrangement 2020
SYNCHRONICITY Windows Arrangement 2017
TEC BOX Ex.1 "Interlude" Windows Arrangement 2009
TEC BOX Ex.2 "Triple Time Party!!" Windows Arrangement 2009
Tec Box Vol.2 ~ Kouma Style!! Windows Arrangement 2008
TEN Windows Arrangement 2018
TENDER SMILE Windows Arrangement 2016
Tenei ~Immovable thought~ Windows Arrangement 2010
THE BEST OF RECENT WORKS Windows Arrangement 2021
THE BEST SELECTION PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2017
THE DANGER IN MY HEART Windows Arrangement 2019
The Empire of Corpses PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
The Fabricated Revolution Windows Arrangement 2021
THE GIRL WHO CRIED GOD Windows Arrangement 2020
The Lord of the Rings Return to Moria Soundtrack Soundtrack 2024
The PURPLE Exchange Windows Arrangement 2010
The Time When Madder Red Burns E.P. Windows Arrangement 2008
the uncertain midnight Windows Arrangement 2010
The Yama King Windows Arrangement 2022
Third Avenue ALBUM Windows Arrangement 2020
THIRD ENSEMBLE: BLEU Windows Arrangement 2010
Third Eye Windows Arrangement 2021
Time will reveal... Windows Arrangement 2022
To The Death Windows Arrangement 2016
TOHO 100EDM Windows Arrangement 2023
Toho Eurobeat Arrange Windows Arrangement 2017
TOHO EUROBEAT ARRANGE Vol. 1.1 Windows Arrangement 2012
TOHO INST EDM3 Windows Remix 2016
TOHO JAZZY VOCAL I Windows Arrangement 2013
Toho Kotetsu Imu Windows Arrangement 2009
Toho Koutetsu Kumikyku Windows Arrangement 2009
TOHO PIANISM I Windows Arrangement 2009
TOHO PIANISM II Windows Arrangement 2015
TOHO PIANISM III PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2016
TOHO PIANISM IV PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2018
TOHO PIANISM V Windows Arrangement 2019
TOHO PIANISM VI Windows Arrangement 2020
Toho Project Side Story: Hosi no kioku Soundtrack Soundtrack 2008
TOHO TEMPEST II Windows Arrangement 2007
TOHO TEMPEST III Windows Arrangement 2008
Toho Vocal EDM Windows Arrangement 2013
TOHO VOCAL EDM 8 PC-98 Arrangement 2023
tohomania ⅡDX 13 Ghost Revival Windows Arrangement 2013
TOKOSHIE Windows Arrangement 2008
TOMAYOI Windows Arrangement 2020
Touhou Ambient Project Windows Arrangement 2018
Touhou Ambient Project - Windows Arrangement 2023
Touhou Ambient Project - 8 Windows Arrangement 2020
Touhou Ambient Project - IX Windows Arrangement 2020
Touhou Ambient Project - Семь Windows Arrangement 2020
Touhou Ambient Project - <<XVI>> Windows Arrangement 2023
Touhou Ambient Project -XIII Windows Arrangement 2022
Touhou Ambient Project 2 Windows Arrangement 2018
Touhou Ambient Project III Windows Arrangement 2018
Touhou Ambient Project III.V Windows Arrangement 2019
Touhou Ambient Project IV Windows Arrangement 2019
Touhou Ambient Project NQ Windows Arrangement 2019
Touhou Ambient Project XII Windows Arrangement 2021
Touhou Ambient Project {XIV} Windows Arrangement 2022
Touhou Ambient Project {Одиннадцать} Windows Arrangement 2021
Touhou Ambient Project ~X~ Windows Arrangement 2021
Touhou Ambient Project 六 Windows Arrangement 2019
Touhou Anaeiga Anime, Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Arcadia PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
TOUHOU ARRANGE - 2022 SPRING - Windows Arrangement 2022
Touhou Blackout PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Chiptune Kou ~Douchuu-hen~ Windows Arrangement 2010
touhou chiptune vol.1 Windows Arrangement 2021
touhou chiptune vol.2 Windows Arrangement 2021
Touhou Dual Rectifier PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
TOUHOU EDM NON STOP MIX Windows Arrangement 2018
TOUHOU EDM NON STOP MIX 2 Windows Arrangement 2018
Touhou Extra Bosses Fusion Collab Windows Arrangement 2022
Touhou Funk Love Windows Arrangement 2015
Touhou Fuurinkazan Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Gensou Shiten 10 "Kalpa" Windows Arrangement 2012
Touhou Gensou Shiten 11 "Libretto" Windows Arrangement 2015
Touhou Gensou Shiten 3 "Deary" PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Gensou Shiten 4 "Excess" Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Gensou Shiten 5 "Fable" Windows Soundtrack 2010
Touhou Gensou Shiten 6 "Grimoire" PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Touhou Gensou Shiten 7 "Harmonia" Windows Arrangement 2011
Touhou Gensou Shiten 8 "Idea" PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
Touhou Gensou Shiten 9 "Joker" PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
TOUHOU INST EDM11 Windows Arrangement 2019
TOUHOU INST EDM12 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
TOUHOU INST EDM15 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2021
TOUHOU INST EDM5 Windows Arrangement 2017
Touhou Konka ~The first acceleration~ PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Koutetsu Gakudan PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Touhou Koutetsufu Windows Arrangement 2008
Touhou Koutetsugeki PC-88, Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Koutetsuka PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Koutetsuka Ni Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Koutetsuka San Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Koutetsuma PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Koutetsutan PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2008
Touhou Koutetsuya PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2008
Touhou Metal Zone PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Touhou MoonKiller MiniAlbum Windows Arrangement 2020
Touhou Mugenkan Windows Arrangement 2020
Touhou Music I Windows Arrangement 2019
Touhou PC98 (Remastered 2022) Windows Arrangement 2022
Touhou PC98 Extra Boss Windows Arrangement 2022
Touhou PC98 Final Bosses Windows Arrangement 2022
Touhou Piano Trio Windows Arrangement 2013
Touhou Project Vol​.​1 Windows Arrangement 2022
Touhou PVD 5 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
TOUHOU REMIX EDM3 Windows Arrangement 2018
TOUHOU REMIX EDM4 PC-98, Windows Remix 2021
TOUHOU REMIX EDM5 Windows Remix 2021
Touhou Scarlet Sisters Windows Arrangement 2023
Touhou Shunyuuki Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou SoundArk Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou SoundArk Two Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Tributes Windows Arrangement 2021
Touhou Twilightning PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Touhou Uijinroku Windows Arrangement 2009
TOUHOU VOCAL EDM7 Windows Arrangement 2019
Touhou Weird 8 bit Project Windows Arrangement 2018
Touhou Weird VIII bit Project II Windows Arrangement 2019
Touhou Youenrou Windows Arrangement 2009
touhougentouren ~the snow stays through the blind~ Windows Arrangement 2008
TouhouWave - 【Bad Dream Incident】 Windows Arrangement 2018
Touhou2次創作ゲームサントラインストアルバム/Booth DL版 Windows Arrangement 2021
Tragedy Windows Arrangement 2015
Translucent Street Corner Windows Arrangement 2008
Trois Bleu PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2008
TSUKI Windows Arrangement 2011
tumbling down the rabbit hole Windows Arrangement 2017
Turning Windows Arrangement 2016
TwiliteTone Windows Arrangement 2009
Undead Rock Windows Arrangement 2022
UNION Windows Arrangement 2013
UNION II Windows Arrangement 2017
UNION Ⅲ Windows Arrangement 2019
Unreal Invader PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2018
Untangle Windows Arrangement 2017
Vacabond PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Vagus nerve 迷走神经 Windows Arrangement 2021
VALENCAY PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
Vermilion Autumn Windows Arrangement 2010
Vocal Collection Vol.1 Windows Arrangement 2020
Vocal Collection Vol.2 Windows Arrangement 2022
Vocal Collection Vol​.​2 Windows Arrangement 2022
VOCALO EDM10 HEAVY Windows Arrangement 2022
VOCALO EDM10 SWEET Windows Arrangement 2022
Volume II PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2022
W ~Snow Blossom~ Windows Arrangement 2011
wandering hereafter Windows Arrangement 2022
WBaWC Medley Windows Arrangement 2020
Weiβ Schwarz Windows Arrangement 2018
WELCOME TO THE FEAR Windows Arrangement 2015
Where is Love PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
white clear PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
Wind Gazer Windows Arrangement 2009
Wind Shower Windows Arrangement 2010
X-prototune- Windows Arrangement 2010
X_TUNE Windows Arrangement 2022
Yamiumi Regret Windows Arrangement 2014
YEK Inst project vol.Ⅱ Windows Arrangement 2018
Youkai - Touhou Metal Windows Arrangement 2020
YOUMU Windows Arrangement 2013
Youyou Kengeki Musou Original Sound Tracks Windows Soundtrack 2012
YTBC:Cirno's Takeover Windows Arrangement 2020
Yukyu no Gekkomonogatari Windows Arrangement 2021
Yukyu no Kioku Windows Arrangement 2010
YUME PC-98 Arrangement 2013
Zekkei Epilogue Arrangement 2018
zikeez PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2018
¥/0 U TR Y T00 HA RD T0 3E C00|_: T0UH0U LXIX Windows Arrangement 2020
して☆しろ!しやがれ! Windows Arrangement 2012
しよーにんッ!あたし達の遊び相手になってよ! Windows Arrangement 2020
ぽっぷ!EP? Windows Arrangement 2010
もうCV水橋かおりにしか聞こえない Windows Arrangement 2008
イヤシノオト Windows Arrangement 2011
シエステールの再放送 [Darkside] Windows Arrangement 2012
シン・東方モテタイ Windows Arrangement 2022
チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室 (Re-work) Windows Arrangement 2023
トーホーロボット対戦⑨ おまけCD Windows Arrangement 2009
ホシノマタタキ Windows Arrangement 2012
ボカロEDM Windows Arrangement 2014
ボカロEDM11 Windows Arrangement 2023
ボカロEDM2 Windows Arrangement 2015
ボカロEDM3 Windows Arrangement 2016
ボカロEDM4 Windows Arrangement 2017
ボカロEDM5 Windows Arrangement 2018
ボカロEDM6 Windows Arrangement 2019
ボカロEDM7 Windows Arrangement 2019
ボカロEDM8 Windows Arrangement 2020
ボカロEDM9 Windows Arrangement 2021
ロックオペラ メリー Windows Arrangement 2014
不倶戴天 Windows Arrangement 2018
东方桨灯影 会场限定无料CD Windows Arrangement 2018
东方第七 ''辉针城'' 交响组曲 Op.10 Windows Arrangement 2021
东方第五 ''花映塚'' 交响组曲 Op.8 Windows Arrangement 2021
东方第八 ''永夜抄'' 交响组曲 Op.15 (Touhou Symphonic Suite) Windows Arrangement 2023
人類の落日 Windows Arrangement 2022
刀光剣影 Windows Arrangement 2019
喧喧囂囂寂滅譫妄 ~ Catharsis of Delirium ~ Windows Arrangement 2023
地獄から子守歌 -Lullabies From Hell- Windows Arrangement 2016
声卡交响乐团 - 室内乐与交响乐单曲合集 Windows Arrangement 2021
声卡交响乐团 单曲与整活曲目合集 Windows Arrangement 2021
夏天的回忆 Windows Arrangement 2023
夕陰魔道逸書 Windows Arrangement 2008
夕陰魔道逸書 古書DISC Windows Arrangement 2008
夢憶靈音 Windows Arrangement 2012
天空海闊 Windows Arrangement 2017
天魔ノ天狗 Windows Arrangement 2021
妖 ~あやかし~ Windows Arrangement 2007
客星狂想曲集 Windows Arrangement 2009
客星狂想曲集 Preview Windows Arrangement 2009
幻跡蜃星 Windows Arrangement 2018
幽世の夢/空花乱墜 Windows Arrangement 2023
彼岸にて泡沫は咲き~Spider Lily~ Windows Arrangement 2018
心庭荧彩 Windows Arrangement 2019
春にして君を離れ Windows Arrangement 2019
春宵一刻 Windows Arrangement 2016
月临寐乡 Windows Arrangement 2022
月溯莲台 Windows Arrangement 2017
末紀天穹 Windows Arrangement 2017
朱落秋乡 Windows Arrangement 2018
東方 Ghost Box Windows Arrangement 2017
東方 ~ palettes Windows Arrangement 2016
東方EUROBEAT ARRANGE BEST2016 Windows Arrangement 2016
東方Eurobeat Arrange Vol. 8 Windows Arrangement 2016
東方EUROBEAT ARRANGE Vol.4 Windows Arrangement 2014
東方EUROBEAT ARRANGE Vol.5 Windows Arrangement 2014
東方EUROBEAT ARRANGE Vol.6 Windows Arrangement 2015
東方EUROBEAT ARRANGE Vol.7 Windows Arrangement 2015
東方pfH1 Windows Arrangement 2011
東方Ryona & Beats #1-羽もぎ- Windows Arrangement 2019
東方Ryona & Beats #1.5 - 羽もぎ - Instrumental Windows Arrangement 2020
東方Ryona & Beats #2-恋と脳とアイスクリーム- Windows Arrangement 2019
東方Vocal1 Windows Arrangement 2010
東方アレンジVol.1 Windows Arrangement 2010
東方インストEDM Windows Arrangement 2014
東方インストEDM10 Windows Arrangement 2018
東方インストEDM13 Windows Arrangement 2019
東方インストEDM14 Windows Arrangement 2020
東方インストEDM16 Windows Arrangement 2021
東方インストEDM17 Windows Arrangement 2022
東方インストEDM2 Windows Arrangement 2014
東方インストEDM4 Windows Arrangement 2016
東方インストEDM6 Windows Arrangement 2017
東方インストEDM7 Windows Arrangement 2017
東方インストEDM8 Windows Arrangement 2018
東方インストEDM9 Windows Arrangement 2018
東方ダンジョンダイブ OST Windows Arrangement 2021
東方ベストEDM Windows Arrangement 2016
東方ベストEDM2 Windows Arrangement 2018
東方ベストEDM3 Windows Arrangement 2020
東方ボカロEDM2 Windows Arrangement 2014
東方ボカロEDM3 Windows Arrangement 2017
東方ボカロEDM4 Windows Arrangement 2020
東方ボーカルEDM Festival Mix Windows Arrangement 2020
東方ボーカルEDM Festival Mix2 Windows Arrangement 2022
東方ボーカルEDM2 Windows Arrangement 2014
東方ボーカルEDM3 Windows Arrangement 2017
東方ボーカルEDM4 Windows Arrangement 2017
東方ボーカルEDM5 Windows Arrangement 2018
東方ボーカルEDM6 Windows Arrangement 2019
東方モテタイ Windows Arrangement 2011
東方モテタイ2012 Windows Arrangement 2012
東方リミックスEDM Windows Arrangement 2015
東方リミックスEDM BEST Windows Arrangement 2022
東方リミックスEDM2 Windows Arrangement 2015
東方乃百縁 第二幕 Windows Arrangement 2007
東方久交承 ~ Rainbow Ashes, Smoke and …… Windows Arrangement 2023
東方夢幻律 Windows Arrangement 2009
東方幻星録 Windows Arrangement 2009
東方星夜宴 Windows Arrangement 2009
東方星騒録 ~ Orient Rock Battle!! ~ Windows Arrangement 2016
東方西走 Windows Arrangement 2007
東方覚夢境会场限定CD Windows Arrangement 2019
東方踊楽式 ~the Imagination of Scarlet Dance~ Windows Arrangement 2008
柊野文庫 ~ Crypto-porticus in Memory Windows Arrangement 2023
桜花爛漫 Windows Arrangement 2020
森羅万象 Windows Arrangement 2016
歪んだギター音があんまり無い2バスドカドカアレンジインストアルバム/紅魔編Booth版 Windows Arrangement 2021
残夏 Windows Arrangement 2009
氷精 -CIRNO- Windows Arrangement 2023
永夜 ~ながいよる~ Windows Arrangement 2008
永遠と瞬息の放浪者(2015 remaster) Windows Arrangement 2015
泡沫夢幻 Windows Arrangement 2017
片道切符 Windows Arrangement 2006
狂気瞳術 Windows Arrangement 2022
獅子奮迅 Windows Arrangement 2019
理想郷 Windows Arrangement 2018
瑶山百灵东方翻唱专辑 TOUHOU PLUS Windows Arrangement 2011
疾風怒濤 Windows Arrangement 2019
疾風迅雷 Windows Arrangement 2016
白黒分明 Windows Arrangement 2023
秋光流萤 Windows Arrangement 2023
秘密 Windows Arrangement 2021
空想小路へようこそ Windows Arrangement 2011
紅楼Jazz2018 Windows Arrangement 2019
紅音 ~あかいおと~ Windows Arrangement 2009
純情横恋慕 Windows Arrangement 2008
紫電一閃 Windows Arrangement 2023
終日-Hinemosu- Windows Arrangement 2023
絢爛キネトスコープ Windows Arrangement 2019
緋華-hibana- Windows Arrangement 2015
編曲音符 ―ホウライノヒトガタ― Windows Arrangement 2009
繋宙歌 Windows Arrangement 2022
腐乱人形の夢 Windows Arrangement 2022
花妖譚 Windows Arrangement 2017
花映 ~はなうつり~ Windows Arrangement 2009
虹 -NIJI- Windows Arrangement 2023
蜃景1 Windows Arrangement 2014
豪華絢爛 Windows Arrangement 2021
追想ノ月 Windows Arrangement 2013
追憶の耳鳴 Windows Arrangement 2022
邯鄲之夢 Windows Arrangement 2018
鈴仙 -REISEN- Windows Arrangement 2022
镜水澄音 Windows Arrangement 2016
雪桜花 Windows Arrangement 2021
霧雨喫茶店 ~Welcome to Marisa's Cafe~ Windows Arrangement 2016
風光明媚 Windows Arrangement 2023
風月無辺 Windows Arrangement 2017
風林火山 Windows Arrangement 2018
風林火山 -序- Windows Arrangement 2018
馆中舞会邀请函 Windows Arrangement 2023
驚天動地 Windows Arrangement 2018
鸣凤月谣 Windows Arrangement 2020