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KHI offers video and PC game soundtracks for download in MP3 and lossless forms. Want to get your favourite game's OST? You have found the right place.

Total albums: 86,085
Total songs: 2,438,696
Total size: 28371 GB

KHInsider's archive contains both music extracted directly from games and converted into MP3 and lossless formats, as well as long lost albums that you can't even find on ebay.

A gamerip is a collection of music that has been extracted directly from the game, and sometimes it has been tagged with correct song names and numbers, and the songs have been looped for a better listening experience. Some gamerips are so good, they function as soundtracks.

An original soundtrack or OST is an album that has been either physically or digitally released by the game's developers. These albums have correct track lengths, loops, track names and numbers, but often are incomplete, as representing every sound in a game can be cumbersome.

Some enjoy a game's music so much, that they want to create their own take on it. These are uploaded as either arrangements, remixes or unofficial soundtracks. Some arrangements are official, as they are done by the game's creators.

Want to participate? You can upload your own albums, make requests or comment on albums in the forums.

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Latest Soundtracks rss_feed

February 1st, 2025

Album Platform Type Year
(K)night of catastrophe Windows Arrangement 2011
.with loving eyes / Milkychan PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2022
0-byou no Shuyaku Windows Arrangement 2017
001 Windows Arrangement 2022
002 Windows Arrangement 2022
003 Windows Arrangement 2023
09/09/19 Windows Arrangement 2019
10月26日、妖怪の山。 Windows Arrangement 2019
A CYBER'S WORLD?を東方風にしてみた Windows Arrangement 2021
a tenderly lie Windows Arrangement 2016
A Wizard's 3T. Windows Arrangement 2011
a-romatic PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
A.Manic Depressive Sadistic Garden Windows Arrangement 2010
Achievement Windows Arrangement 2023
Acidic Turquoise Windows Arrangement 2019
aim/Ravaged AREA 2011 Windows Arrangement 2015
Akyu's Toho Euro MEGAMIX Windows Arrangement 2021
Akyu's Untouched Eurobeat Vol. 1 web版 Windows Arrangement 2019
Akyu's Untouched Eurobeat Vol. 2 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2020
Akyuu's Lost Record Windows Arrangement 2018
ALIVE -東方風アレンジ Windows Arrangement 2022
ALTRA Windows Arrangement 2017
Ameagaru. Windows Arrangement 2009
Amplified Shooting Star Windows Arrangement 2013
Am︰Scarlet(Optimize) Windows Arrangement 2014
an experiment on dolls Windows Arrangement 2011
Anata ga Ikiru, Kono Sekai Windows Arrangement 2011
Ancient Memories Windows Arrangement 2014
Ancient Truth Windows Arrangement 2016
andante4 Windows Arrangement 2016
Anime Song Orchestra Anime Arrangement 2010
Anime Song Orchestra I 復刻盤 Windows Arrangement 2013
Anime Song Orchestra IV Anime Arrangement 2013
Anime Song Orchestra R35 Windows Arrangement 2014
Anime Song Orchestra V Arrangement 2015
Ano Hi no Shinkirou Windows Arrangement 2012
another good morning PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Another Sequence Windows Arrangement 2017
Approximation:花見酒 Windows Arrangement 2021
Arc Windows Arrangement 2023
Arichu de CHU! PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2006
AROUND THE SEASONS Windows Arrangement 2011
Around The Seasons ver.β Windows Arrangement 2010
Artistic disorder Windows Arrangement 2015
asterism PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
Astral Weeks -Strange Days From Another Star- PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Asymmetry Windows Arrangement 2021
At The Embrace In PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Aura Sphere Windows Arrangement 2024
axisY Windows Arrangement 2010
Ayatan Rock Windows Arrangement 2006
azure Windows Arrangement 2012
Azurite Windows Arrangement 2011
Barrage Fullcourse Windows Arrangement 2009
Bat LaDy's Windows Arrangement 2022
Beats in Space Windows Arrangement 2016
Beginnings EP Windows Arrangement 2019
behind glass PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2015
Best Premium of Melon 同人ソフト感謝祭 2020 SPRING Windows Arrangement 2020
Between life and death Windows Arrangement 2018
Beyond the Last Archive Windows Arrangement 2012
Blue Blossom's Flagments 5分咲き Disc Windows Arrangement 2007
BLUE CLIENT Windows Arrangement 2023
Blue Ocean Windows Arrangement 2021
Blue Regret Windows Arrangement 2013
Border Windows Arrangement 2016
Border EP Windows Arrangement 2016
Border Of Sanctuary PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
born in blood Windows Arrangement 2017
BOUNDARY -MIX UP "Project Shrine Maiden"- Windows Remix 2008
BREAK ME !!!/Hi-Speed Paranoia Windows Arrangement 2019
BREAK! PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
brickwall Windows Arrangement 2012
Bright green rain Windows Arrangement 2022
Bright Palette Windows Arrangement 2021
Broken Borders Windows Arrangement 2018
Buddhas ~ Myorenzi Monks Windows Arrangement 2013
bugdaughter Windows Arrangement 2016
Bullet Patterns Windows Arrangement 2021
Bullet Remedy PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2007
B♭ Scarlet Sequel Windows Arrangement 2019
Canvas of Sound ~ The SC-88 Pro Collection Windows Arrangement 2019
Catch the Clock Windows Arrangement 2021
Catchy Tunes Windows Arrangement 2019
CHAOS and LAW Windows Arrangement 2011
Chaoscillation Game PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2008
Chiasma Windows Arrangement 2012
CHILL NO WAVE Windows Arrangement 2013
Chill Touhou Hiphop Beats - Mix 1 Windows Arrangement 2018
Chocolate Pain Windows Arrangement 2012
CINDERELLA GIRL Windows Arrangement 2010
Circus Delight Windows Arrangement 2022
CLEAR TONE Windows Arrangement 2009
Clock Cellar Windows Arrangement 2010
clockwork PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Closed Session Windows Arrangement 2009
Closed Session 2 Windows Arrangement 2010
Closed Session(試聴版) Windows Arrangement 2009
colour score Windows Arrangement 2012
COMMENT OUT(NO TITLE) Windows Arrangement 2009
Compilation CD-BOOK Touhou Manyoshu [Limited Edition] PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
Compilation CD-BOOK 東方 玉手箱 -限定版- Windows Arrangement 2020
Convallaria. Windows Arrangement 2022
CORE Windows Arrangement 2021
Corner Cafeteria Windows Arrangement 2017
Corruption Maqam Windows Arrangement 2009
COUNTDOWN TO RED PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2006
Crazy Eternal Escape Windows Arrangement 2021
Crimson Glory Windows Arrangement 2008
Crimson Glory Remixies + Windows Remix 2008
Crimson Luna Windows Arrangement 2018
CRISIS CORE Windows Arrangement 2011
Cubism Single 2024
CUTIE DRINKERZ Windows Arrangement 2012
Cutie POP's Tone Windows Arrangement 2010
Dahlia is Cry Windows Arrangement 2013
Daisy Strategy Windows Arrangement 2010
Dark- Dark Heart / Tenshi Windows Arrangement 2013
Darkness Awakening Windows Arrangement 2018
DAYBREAK - Elle Touhou Arrange 2nd EP - Windows Arrangement 2023
daydreaming PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2016
Days Windows Arrangement 2016
Dear - Elle Touhou Arrange 1st EP - Windows Arrangement 2022
Dearest...from Windows Arrangement 2010
Death on The Chariot Windows Arrangement 2010
Deep Windows Arrangement 2021
Deep Down Utopia Windows Arrangement 2016
delight Windows Arrangement 2010
Denshi Miko no Mai Windows Arrangement 2009
Deranged Frolic Windows Arrangement 2018
Deviation Windows Arrangement 2011
DIARY Windows Arrangement 2016
Dimension of Bottom Windows Arrangement 2011
Dissonance Windows Arrangement 2016
Do Your Face Windows Arrangement 2012
DOLLY Windows Arrangement 2017
DOLLY MIXTURES Windows Arrangement 2018
Double Flower Windows Arrangement 2016
Double-Edge Windows Arrangement 2023
Downtime Sessions - Toho Relax Windows Arrangement 2015
Dramatic01 Windows Arrangement 2017
Dramatic02 Windows Arrangement 2019
Drawn Drones Drown Drone Windows Arrangement 2010
dreams. Windows Arrangement 2007
Dreamstate/ドリームステート Windows Arrangement 2020
Drench Vol. 1 Windows Arrangement 2018
Drench Vol. 2 Windows Arrangement 2018
Druma 'gus dord Windows Arrangement 2013
Dungeon & Danger Windows Arrangement 2009
D#: Scarlet Shift Windows Arrangement 2018
East side fragment Windows Arrangement 2005
East side material Windows Arrangement 2005
Eastern Retrograde Memories Windows Arrangement 2021
ecclesia magarum PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Egoistic Princess Windows Arrangement 2018
Eirin no Kikigusuri Windows Arrangement 2008
Electro Festival Windows Arrangement 2012
Elementary Particle Windows Arrangement 2015
EMERGENCE-001 Windows Arrangement 2011
EMERGENCE-001 ADVANCE Windows Arrangement 2011
EMERGENCE-002 Windows Arrangement 2011
Emergency Case Windows Arrangement 2017
EMOTIONALISM Windows Arrangement 2016
Enjoy Driving!! with Touhou Project Windows Arrangement 2008
Epilogue PC-98 Arrangement 2022
Episode Of Dear My Crimson Friends Windows Arrangement 2009
Equilibrium Windows Arrangement 2021
es PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
Escape From a Sky Windows Arrangement 2017
Eternal Esoteria- ~ Hifuu Anniversary Celebration Windows Arrangement 2023
Euphorbia Windows Arrangement 2009
Event Horizon Windows Arrangement 2019
EVER CRIMSON Windows Arrangement 2009
Ex:SignumCrucis PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
EXCELLENT Windows Arrangement 2012
EXLIPCE Windows Arrangement 2011
EYELESS EP Windows Arrangement 2016
Eyes On You Remix Compilation Remix 2021
F:Scarlet(Innocence) PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
FAIRY BREATH Windows Arrangement 2013
FAIRY BREATH -prevision- Windows Arrangement 2013
Faith of Format Windows Arrangement 2008
Fantasía de Conciertos Windows Arrangement 2010
Fantastic Panda World Windows Arrangement 2011
Far East MaqamⅡ Windows Arrangement 2010
FAREWELL -Melancholy And The Starry Sky- Windows Arrangement 2011
FEAR OF A FUNKY PLANET Windows Arrangement 2014
FEST Windows Arrangement 2019
Festa di primavera ~Orrery's universe planets-1~ Windows Arrangement 2012
Fire in pray Windows Arrangement 2019
First let down Windows Arrangement 2017
FLOWERING UNIVERSE Windows Arrangement 2010
FLOWERS Windows Arrangement 2018
focus and defocus PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
Foldable Windows Arrangement 2007
FOOLISH++ Windows Arrangement 2011
Four Seasons of Spring Windows Arrangement 2022
FreeStyle! -2006Summer Edition- NES, Windows Arrangement 2006
FULL OPEN Windows Arrangement 2012
FULL SWING! Windows Arrangement 2023
Future Origin Windows Arrangement 2014
G:Scarlet(Connect) Windows Arrangement 2013
Gabber Revolution 100%EP Windows Arrangement 2023
Genei Delusion Arrangement 2016
Genius! Suika's Ultra Super Deluxe Windows Arrangement 2009
Gensokyo 199X 2:Another Touhou 90's Album Windows Arrangement 2022
Gensokyo 199X Vol.3:One More 90's Touhou Album Windows Arrangement 2023
Gensokyo 199X: a 90's Touhou album PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2021
Gensokyo Electronic Shoegazer Windows Arrangement 2009
Gensokyo no Nichijo to... Windows Arrangement 2010
Gensokyo Style / Shingo Dj Windows Arrangement 2009
Gensou Sato no Fuyu wa Tsurai PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Gensou Sato no Kocha Hiyori Windows Arrangement 2010
Gensou Soushi PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2004
Gensou Tamate Bako Windows Arrangement 2009
Ghost Party! Windows Arrangement 2013
Ghost ride acceleration Windows Arrangement 2011
girl and half Windows Arrangement 2005
Girl Und Panzers Windows Arrangement 2017
Girl's apart Windows Arrangement 2010
Gothic Fiction Windows Arrangement 2015
GRACE OF FAITH Windows Arrangement 2017
GREATEST HITS (Yotei) Vol.1 Windows Arrangement 2011
Grindhouse EP Windows Arrangement 2012
GRUDGE Windows Arrangement 2023
GX-RateD PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
Haavemaa Windows Arrangement 2021
Hakutaku ribbon maji KIMO Keine Windows Arrangement 2009
half of Parley Windows Arrangement 2011
Hallo.Fogotten-music Windows Arrangement 2011
Hana ni Yuumei Yoru ni Murasaki PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Hanairo Contrast Windows Arrangement 2012
Harusaki no Nantoyara Windows Arrangement 2010
Hashi Nomi Master Spark ~first ignition~ Arcade, Windows Arrangement 2010
Haunted House Windows Arrangement 2013
HEADSHOT Windows Arrangement 2010
Healing Fantasia Vol.1 Windows Arrangement 2018
HEAVENLY PHOENIX Windows Arrangement 2019
Heavy Gauge Windows Arrangement 2015
HELLMAN'S YOUKAI GIRL Windows Arrangement 2019
Hexe EP Windows Arrangement 2017
Hidden Waveform in Four Channels Windows Arrangement 2018
Himitsu no Symphonic Suite Arrangement 2016
Hiphop Mix of UFO Windows Arrangement 2020
Hisui no Symphonic Suite Windows Arrangement 2016
HONNEY BEETS ~Oshiete Satorin~ Windows Arrangement 2010
Hopeless Desire Windows Arrangement 2018
Hoshiten no Yumemigusa Windows Arrangement 2012
Hourai-hime-tan Windows Arrangement 2008
Housework (''Mood Series'' Lead Single) Windows Arrangement 2023
i'll be counting on you Windows Arrangement 2018
I'm here with you Windows Arrangement 2012
IBUN KENBUN ROKU VOL.1 Windows Arrangement 2021
IBUN KENBUN ROKU VOL.2 Windows Arrangement 2021
ID Windows Arrangement 2013
idealism Windows Arrangement 2017
IGNORED Windows Arrangement 2017
Illegal Drugs Windows Arrangement 2018
Illuminated Fantasies Windows Arrangement 2023
Imperishable Night Windows Arrangement 2014
Imperishable Night EDM Vol. 1 Windows Arrangement 2017
Impulsive Dilusion Windows Arrangement 2012
IN A MIRROR WORLD Windows Arrangement 2023
In Decline Windows Arrangement 2021
In The Court Of The Scarlet Devil ~Dream will be my epitaph~ Windows Arrangement 2010
Inborn Nature Windows Arrangement 2011
Incantation Towards Youkai Mountain Windows Arrangement 2023
indi gen5ou Windows Arrangement 2009
Innocent Chain PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Instrumental Collection Vol.1 Windows Arrangement 2018
into the β Windows Arrangement 2016
Irreversible reaction Windows Arrangement 2017
It means a lot Windows Arrangement 2018
Jiangshi Beats Windows Arrangement 2020
Journey/The Space Windows Arrangement 2017
JOYful EP Windows Arrangement 2013
kairo II (early access) Windows Arrangement 2023
Kakouryuuryoku Elysion Soundtrack 2014
KanColle Orchestra Kai Arrangement 2014
KanColle Orchestra! Arrangement 2013
Kanga Matsuribayashi ~ Historical Mirage of Japan. -Eban's Music Collection vol.1- Windows Arrangement 2022
Kaze no Kurenai Windows Arrangement 2015
Kazune in Gensokyo ~ 沢渡和音東方アレンジ作品集 Windows Arrangement 2009
KEINE KAMISHIRASAWA Windows Arrangement 2012
Kikou Gensou Symphonica Windows Arrangement 2011
Kimi wo Yobu Koe Windows Arrangement 2011
Komachi Works Windows Arrangement 2006
Kurenai irono sohika Windows Arrangement 2009
Kuroshiro Windows Arrangement 2009
KYOTO HIFUU COMPLETE Windows Arrangement 2019
Kyouen Nostalgia Windows Arrangement 2011
lakeside★breeze PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2015
Länsimaa Windows Arrangement 2017
Lapis Lazuli Suiyou Toshokan PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2016
Last Lunar Eclipse Windows Arrangement 2019
LAST NIGHT ON Gensoukyou Windows Arrangement 2012
Legendary Tales OST VR, Windows Soundtrack 2024
life aftermath Windows Arrangement 2019
Light a Fire EP Windows Arrangement 2016
Light Blue Windows Arrangement 2008
LINKAGE Windows Arrangement 2017
Liquidrum Windows Arrangement 2017
Little comet Windows Arrangement 2009
LOCK Windows Arrangement 2017
Lofi Mix of Cherry Blossom Windows Arrangement 2023
Lofi Mix of Scarlet Devil Windows Arrangement 2023
Loop Windows Arrangement 2019
Lost in the silent ocean EP Windows Arrangement 2012
Lotus Land St. Windows Arrangement 2012
Love-Colored Letters Soundtrack Windows Arrangement 2020
LOVELESS Windows Arrangement 2015
love★montblanc PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
LOWLIGHTS Windows Arrangement 2018
Lucid Dream Windows Arrangement 2016
Luna Flower Windows Arrangement 2018
Lunar Deity Windows Arrangement 2016
LUNAR TRIPS Windows Arrangement 2009
Lunatic Phaser Windows Arrangement 2006
Lune Windows Arrangement 2022
Lycoris. Windows Arrangement 2023
M PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
Magenta Spiral E.P. Vol.06 Windows Arrangement 2017
Magical Hazard vol.5 ~Visitor~ Windows Arrangement 2011
Maid of The Dead EP Windows Arrangement 2016
Mana Windows Arrangement 2023
MANDALLIUM EP2 Windows Arrangement 2018
Maple Fragrance Windows Arrangement 2019
Master of Shooting Windows Arrangement 2019
Masterpieces For Our Struggle Windows Arrangement 2013
Masterpieces For Our Struggle 2 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2014
MAZY LIGHTS Windows Arrangement 2017
Meditations Windows Arrangement 2023
Medley of the Unending Night Windows Arrangement 2019
Meiji 172-nen no Fiction Windows Arrangement 2009
Mekurumeku Dreamin' Arrangement 2014
melancholy Windows Arrangement 2019
Melodic Battle Windows Arrangement 2012
Melodic Procrastination Windows Arrangement 2019
MELON EL DRADO Windows Arrangement 2018
Melonbooks Music CD Fair <> Original CD PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2014
memento mori Windows Arrangement 2017
Memoria Arrangement 2013
Memorial Windows Arrangement 2011
memories PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2014
memories II PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2016
Memories of a Town Windows Arrangement 2021
MERVEILLES Windows Arrangement 2013
Metamorphosis of Danmaku Windows Arrangement 2021
MG Matome Music Collection Part 1 Windows Arrangement 2009
MiD-BOSS Windows Arrangement 2011
MIGHTY YOUKAIS (Touhou Project Covers) Windows Arrangement 2022
Million Stars PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2018
Mirage Windows Arrangement 2019
Mirage ~夜奏幻樂団 Windows Arrangement 2005
Miscellaneous Fragment Windows Arrangement 2008
Mismatch of Direction Windows Arrangement 2021
Missing Windows Arrangement 2017
MN-logi Okagesama BEST Windows Arrangement 2016
MN-logi Okagesama BEST ~ Okawari!! PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2017
Moon And Her Embrace Windows Arrangement 2008
Moonlight Feast EP Windows Arrangement 2014
Mosaic Arrangement 2018
Motif Windows Arrangement 2018
Motif II Windows Arrangement 2019
Mountain of Faith ~Kamigami no Shinkou~ Windows Arrangement 2007
Mugen Kidou PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2008
Myosotis. Windows Arrangement 2023
Myosotis. 限定盘 Windows Arrangement 2023
Mysteries of Eastern Creatures Demo Windows Arrangement 2019
Mystic Pocket Watch Windows Arrangement 2018
Mystic Square Windows Arrangement 2022
NAGATOMO 1st Demo C80 Windows Arrangement 2011
Nami Haven Guitar EP PC-98, PS1 Arrangement 2022
NANI SORE AKAI Windows Arrangement 2009
Natural☆High Windows Arrangement 2009
Nebula Windows Arrangement 2019
need Windows Arrangement 2014
Neko Mix 2 -Best Of Fullpack- Soundtrack 2015
NEO SHEOL Windows Arrangement 2018
Never Silence Windows Arrangement 2008
NEVER TOUCH YOU Windows Arrangement 2019
New Age Swager Windows Arrangement 2014
New WORLD order Windows Arrangement 2016
Nexus 8 Windows Arrangement 2012
Night Bird / My Lorelei Windows Arrangement 2017
Niji Kawa Ke PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2006
Nine Music Drink 2 – 東方九音酒 Windows Arrangement 2012
Nine Music Drink 3 - 東方九音酒 Windows Arrangement 2012
No i'll be R ! Windows Arrangement 2014
NO LIFE, NO BOMB, GRAZE!! Windows Arrangement 2007
Nostalgic Innovation Windows Arrangement 2015
NoTRick, NoTRack Windows Arrangement 2010
Nowadays, Windows Arrangement 2018
Nuclear Blast Windows Arrangement 2009
nyanco PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
OAR Windows Arrangement 2011
Object Arrangement 2013
OER toho REWORX vol.1 Windows Arrangement 2010
OER toho REWORX Vol.1+2 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
ON'gaeshi! ~vol.1~ Windows Arrangement 2010
ON'gaeshi! ~vol.2~ Windows Arrangement 2011
ON'gaeshi! ~vol.3~ Windows Arrangement 2012
One Step Closer Windows Arrangement 2018
Open up your Heart Windows Arrangement 2017
Opium and Purple haze EP Windows Arrangement 2014
Ore no Satori ga Konnani Metal na Wake ga Nai Windows Arrangement 2010
Oriental Happy Party -Touhou Koufukutou- Windows Arrangement 2010
ORIENTAL-GIRLFRIEND Windows Arrangement 2018
Orrery's universe ~Galactic Ceremony~ Windows Arrangement 2011
OSUSHI PROJECT ① Windows Arrangement 2014
OTAKU-ELITE New Summer Release Preview Single Windows Arrangement 2009
OTAKU-ELITE's Crystal DISCO Windows Arrangement 2011
Otenba koro mushume. Arrangement 2008
Ougentou Kiwami Windows Arrangement 2009
Oumagatoki Windows Arrangement 2011
ourselves vol.1 Windows Arrangement 2016
OUT OF COURT PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Over and over again Windows Arrangement 2018
OVER END WORLD Windows Arrangement 2011
P-S-Y-R-E-N Windows Arrangement 2011
Panacea Windows Arrangement 2017
PARTICLE Windows Arrangement 2017
past, now, future Windows Arrangement 2019
pavement Windows Arrangement 2017
Perfect Pachouli Windows Arrangement 2010
Perpetual Stuff Windows Arrangement 2017
Persica. Windows Arrangement 2023
Petit-Kami Romantica Windows Arrangement 2012
Phant0m Windows Arrangement 2018
Phantasm Encounter Windows Arrangement 2012
Phantasmagoria of Dim Dream Windows Arrangement 2023
Phantom Cruel Project vol.1 UNIAXIALISM Windows Arrangement 2019
Phantom Cruel Project vol.2 DIPOLARITY Windows Arrangement 2019
PHOENIX Project - 東方 Hard Rock Arrange Album “cult” Windows Arrangement 2017
Phosphorus Windows Arrangement 2018
Photograph of Phantasmagoria Windows Arrangement 2006
Photoshop CS9 Windows Arrangement 2009
Piano Chronicle: Introduction of DOJIN PIANO Windows Arrangement 2008
piano del volto Windows Arrangement 2013
piece e.p. Arrangement 2016
Play of Light Windows Arrangement 2017
PONPOKORIN Windows Arrangement 2011
Poptrick Windows Arrangement 2012
Power OF Drink Windows Arrangement 2008
Prac's Cinematic Collection Vol. 3:Gravitation Windows Arrangement 2022
Pre-Innocence Windows Arrangement 2010
Pre-Innocence II Windows Arrangement 2011
Presence∝fTVA SP3 東方 POWER PIANO Windows Arrangement 2014
Presence∝fTVA SP4 『Denko old styles』 Windows Arrangement 2014
Presence∝fTVA the 9th side-B Windows Arrangement 2015
Presence∝fTVA the Best Ⅱ side A Windows Arrangement 2010
Pretty☆Shooter Windows Arrangement 2011
PRIMARY COLORS Windows Arrangement 2015
prism seal Windows Arrangement 2003
Prismatic Windows Arrangement 2010
Project X Windows Arrangement 2020
Project.S 2nd stage おまけCD Windows Arrangement 2009
Prunus Subhirtella Windows Arrangement 2008
PS Windows Arrangement 2013
Purge Windows Arrangement 2011
Purple and Cherrypink Windows Arrangement 2008
Q.E.D Windows Arrangement 2023
QUEEN'S TROOPS Windows Arrangement 2016
RADIANT Windows Arrangement 2020
RAINDANCE Windows Arrangement 2017
rainy days PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2014
Raison d’etre Windows Arrangement 2011
Re-birth Windows Arrangement 2016
Re-create Windows Arrangement 2022
Re:alize Windows Arrangement 2011
Re:incarnation PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Re:sonance Windows Arrangement 2011
Re:Starting Over Windows Arrangement 2010
Record of one's Travels Windows Arrangement 2014
Red and White Windows Arrangement 2012
RED! Douchuu!! Windows Arrangement 2009
Redimus Windows Arrangement 2023
Refill Windows Arrangement 2019
Refuse to Stagnate Windows Arrangement 2017
REGRESSION Windows Arrangement 2015
REGRESSION Windows Arrangement 2023
ReiMei Windows Arrangement 2011
ReiMei 2 Windows Arrangement 2012
ReiMei 3 Windows Arrangement 2012
ReiMei 4 Windows Arrangement 2014
Reincarnation Windows Arrangement 2008
ReiRei's Bizarre Adventure Windows Arrangement 2023
Relaxing Tape Windows Arrangement 2022
ReM Windows Arrangement 2015
Remains ~Gensou Kaikyou~ Windows Arrangement 2009
Remilia / Shoujo Satori Windows Arrangement 2016
REMOVER PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Renegade Buns Windows Arrangement 2018
Renegade Buns Promo Windows Arrangement 2018
RENOVATION Windows Arrangement 2016
RESISTANCE Windows Arrangement 2022
Resolution PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2018
Resolution Trigger SNES Arrangement 2007
Resurrection Ballad Windows Arrangement 2009
Retro Reveries of Mysticism PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2023
Reunion Bloom Windows Arrangement 2010
Revelations - 異聞 Windows Arrangement 2019
Reverberation Windows Arrangement 2018
Reveries Windows Arrangement 2022
Reverse Identity Windows Arrangement 2015
Re:Do Windows Arrangement 2013
Rinne Tensei Windows Arrangement 2007
Rough Sea (The Remixes) Windows Remix 2022
Ruby and Aquamarine Windows Arrangement 2009
Saku-Love communication Windows Arrangement 2013
Sakura Sakura japanese dream the lost Sea of hope Windows Arrangement 2020
Sakurairo Filament Windows Arrangement 2010
Samayou SOUL Windows Arrangement 2023
sanae telegraph Windows Arrangement 2010
saukko Windows Arrangement 2020
Scarlet Devil Rising Windows Arrangement 2011
Scarlet Inferno Windows Arrangement 2009
Scarlet Innocence (Demo Version) Windows Arrangement 2012
Scarlet Isolation Arrangement 2011
Scarlet Resonance Windows Arrangement 2015
Scarlet Scenery PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
SCARLET ZONE Windows Arrangement 2023
Scenic petite suite "Symphonietta, snow or cherry petal" Windows Arrangement 2005
Second Illusion Windows Arrangement 2011
Selections from PoFV - Akyuu's Short Music Collection 0.5 Windows Arrangement 2017
SELENE Windows Arrangement 2023
Senshibankou PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
SEVEN COLORS Windows Arrangement 2016
Shingetsu Toshi ~ Abyssal Abandoned Metropolis. -Eban's Music Collection vol.2- Windows Arrangement 2023
Shiny Windows Arrangement 2017
Shirahae Nabiite Kumo no Mine PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Shooting Star Windows Arrangement 2015
Shoujo wa Denki Kappa no Yume wo Miru Windows Arrangement 2010
Side by Side Windows Arrangement 2019
Side material "FLOW" Windows Arrangement 2009
Silent Majority Windows Arrangement 2016
SIMLACRUM Windows Arrangement 2017
Sky Cruise Windows Arrangement 2010
SKYFALL Windows Arrangement 2016
slave Windows Arrangement 2011
Sleeping For Rest Windows Arrangement 2010
Sleepless Night PC-88, Windows Arrangement 2009
SMACK Windows Arrangement 2015
SMALL IS BIG! Windows Arrangement 2015
SNOW PRINT-in the fairy tale- Windows Arrangement 2008
Snowdrop Actress Windows Arrangement 2016
SO WHAT? Windows Arrangement 2013
so-matic PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Solar Deity Windows Arrangement 2017
Sommertrip - Frozen Starfall Windows Arrangement 2023
Songs of a Spring Night ~Piano Arrangements from Project Shrine Maiden~ Windows Arrangement 2009
Songs of Eastern Goddess Windows Arrangement 2017
Sonic Phantasm Original Soundtrack Ver.0.9 Windows Arrangement 2023
Sora no Baroque Melonbooks Shop Bonus Original Drama CD Windows Soundtrack 2018
Sora no Tomoshibi to Utau Densou Gengaku Windows Arrangement 2008
Sorairo no Symphonic Suite Arrangement 2016
Sougetsuki Music Collection ~Touhou Sougetsuki Original Soundtrack~ Windows Soundtrack 2006
Soul Grinder Windows Arrangement 2017
soulline Windows Arrangement 2008
Sound Vision ~Genshi Chouritsu~ PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2007
Sousou Houmuru ~ Lunasa main live PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Spade and Diamond EP Windows Arrangement 2014
SPECIOUS BLUE OCEAN Windows Arrangement 2021
SPECTOR KILLER Windows Arrangement 2011
Spectrum Windows Arrangement 2017
Spectrum Energy PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2004
Spider Lily PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Spookmanor Windows Arrangement 2010
Star Dust Little Box PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2007
Star Guide Literacy PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
STARDUST BROOM Windows Arrangement 2009
STARDUST MELODY Windows Arrangement 2010
Stardust Reverie Windows Arrangement 2003
starlight PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
Starlight Memoria Windows Arrangement 2013
Starting Over Windows Arrangement 2010
Steel of Scarlet Windows Arrangement 2007
stereoscopic Windows Arrangement 2008
Stopped Worlds In The Finder Windows Arrangement 2017
STORM BRINGER Windows Arrangement 2008
Strada vs Annemaddox the Compilation Windows Arrangement 2011
Strada vs Annemaddox the Compilation Comsept Samplers Windows Arrangement 2011
Strange Bloom Windows Arrangement 2016
Stromatolite Windows Arrangement 2010
SUGOIALBUM Windows Arrangement 2014
SUI-TEN Windows Arrangement 2017
Suimitsutou Windows Arrangement 2010
Sunday Lounge Windows Arrangement 2009
suzukaze*dream Windows Arrangement 2011
Swail Windows Arrangement 2009
Sweet Beat TV Windows Arrangement 2012
Sweet Embrace Windows Arrangement 2012
Sweet Orchid / Hourai Performance Doll PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2008
Sweetest Scare (A Gensokyo 199X Halloween) Windows Arrangement 2023
Swing of Lunatic Kingdom Windows Arrangement 2022
Symphonic Suite of Cherry-Blossom Color Windows Arrangement 2018
Symphonic Suite of Eternal Night Windows Arrangement 2022
Symphonic Suite of Lapis Lazuli Windows Arrangement 2015
Symphonic Suite of Scarlet Windows Arrangement 2019
Symphonic Suite of the Dream Arrangement 2017
Symphonic Suite of the Hell Windows Arrangement 2017
Symphonic Suite of Wind Windows Arrangement 2019
Symphony of Scarlet Windows Arrangement 2013
Techno Android PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
Ten Oritachite Kami to Miyu Windows Arrangement 2016
Ten'i Muhou Windows Arrangement 2008
Terra Incognita Windows Arrangement 2021
testes Windows Arrangement 2011
th17 and chill Windows Arrangement 2019
the Best Ⅰ & 2009 spring Windows Arrangement 2009
THE BOSS Windows Arrangement 2023
The Butterfly Effect PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
the cherry blossom tree Windows Arrangement 2023
the cosmic recognition PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
the Fool and the Lovers PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
The Genesis Windows Arrangement 2022
The god doesn't do the dice Windows Arrangement 2009
The Great Ice Party Windows Arrangement 2012
The Green Label E.P. Windows Arrangement 2011
The Grimoire Of Alice PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2008
The Grimoire of Luna Child Windows Arrangement 2022
The Lounge Map 1 - morning coffee set Windows Arrangement 2012
The Lounge Map 2 - afternoon tea set Windows Arrangement 2013
The Lounge Map 3 - evening caffellatte set Windows Arrangement 2013
The Lounge Map Extra - night latte macchiato set Windows Arrangement 2014
The Love Songs of Night and Day PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2008
THE NEWEST SFC SOUNDTRACK ~幻想郷編~ Windows Arrangement 2011
The Nightless Castle Resistance Windows Arrangement 2023
The Scarlet Square Windows Arrangement 2015
THE SLAVELATION Windows Arrangement 2013
The Steady Song EP Windows Arrangement 2009
the Touhou set Windows Arrangement 2010
Thou art such a(n) ____ Windows Arrangement 2015
thousand mirage Windows Arrangement 2013
Time Unlimited Windows Arrangement 2011
Time Will Tell Windows Arrangement 2019
To Aru Mahou no Mori Metal Windows Arrangement 2010
Toby Fox氏の東方風自作曲をピアノアレンジしてみた Windows Arrangement 2023
Toho Windows Arrangement 2017
TOHO ARRANGE BEST ALBUM fragments P2 Windows Arrangement 2011
TOHO BEATRONIC - orchid bloom - Windows Arrangement 2010
TOHO BEATRONIC - oriental blue - Windows Arrangement 2009
TOHO BEATRONIC - red purple - Windows Arrangement 2009
TOHO BEATRONIC ver.Red Windows Arrangement 2009
TOHO EURO FLASH Vol.1 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
TOHO EURO FLASH Vol.2 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
TOHO EUROMACH Remixies+ PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
TOHO FANTASY -ADVENT CIRNO- GAIDEN ~ Ice Sword Legend NES, PC-98, PS1, SNES, Windows Arrangement 2007
TOHO FANTASY -ADVENT CIRNO- Imaginary ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK Disc2 PC-98, PS1, SNES, Windows Arrangement 2006
Toho Fuukitan / Kourin Windows Arrangement 2009
Toho PartyBox Hakurei Shirine Ver. Windows Arrangement 2016
Toho PartyBox Hakurei Shirine Ver.02 Windows Arrangement 2017
Tone Box Windows Arrangement 2010
Tonight Seiga Windows Arrangement 2016
Tou-Hop Vol 1 Windows Arrangement 2013
Tou-Hop Vol 10 Windows Arrangement 2020
Tou-Hop Vol 2 Windows Arrangement 2014
Tou-Hop Vol 3 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2014
Tou-Hop Vol 5 Windows Arrangement 2016
Tou-Hop Vol 7 Windows Arrangement 2020
Tou-Hop Vol 8 Windows Arrangement 2020
Tou-Hop Vol 9 Windows Arrangement 2020
Toufuu no Matsu ~ Lotus from orient PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou - Game Theme Collection Windows Arrangement 2016
Touhou 69 Rock PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou 8bit+Band+Dance ArrangeCD ~Kirisame Mahou-ten~ Windows Arrangement 2014
Touhou Afrobeats Windows Arrangement 2022
Touhou Arrange ...Dattara ii na... Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou BATTLE METALER Windows Arrangement 2011
Touhou Boot Windows Arrangement 2021
Touhou Boushuen ~Age of Ethanols~ Theme Kyoku & BGM-shuu Windows Soundtrack 2011
Touhou check mate!! Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Chousen Shoten Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Chronicle Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Cla-Gui Shuu Ha ~Classical Guitar no Tame no Touhou Sakuhinshuu~ Arrangement 2011
Touhou Cla-Gui Shuu Jo ~Classical Guitar no Tame no Touhou Sakuhinshuu~ Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Compilation CD Suiseisou PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2017
Touhou Compilation CD-BOOK Suiseisou 2 Arrangement 2018
Touhou Dandandou Windows Arrangement 2007
Touhou Dekiru Toiina☆ Windows Arrangement 2006
Touhou Denonsai Windows Arrangement 2014
Touhou Drum & Bass Arena 2018 Windows Arrangement 2018
Touhou Fan Game Project Windows Arrangement 2020
Touhou Fangame Jam 3- Sumireko's Roach Stomping Mafia OST and Mima's New Life OST Windows Arrangement 2019
Touhou Genso Rensa Original + Arrange Soundtrack "Genso Chikuonkan" Windows Soundtrack 2006
Touhou Goa Trance Family Vol.1 Windows Arrangement 2017
Touhou Goa Trance Family Vol.2 Windows Arrangement 2018
Touhou Goa Trance Family Vol.3 Windows Arrangement 2019
Touhou Goa Trance Family Vol.4 Windows Arrangement 2020
Touhou Goa Trance Vol.5 Windows Arrangement 2021
Touhou Hyouchien Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou illusions Windows Arrangement 2022
Touhou Jewel Windows Arrangement 2005
Touhou Kaiki ~ Tsuki ga Ochitekuru PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2004
Touhou Kamimaduki Windows Arrangement 2008
Touhou Koukyouroku Vol. 1 Windows Arrangement 2015
Touhou Koukyouroku ~Dainishuu~ Windows Arrangement 2017
Touhou Koumadan ~ Best Regards, Master Spark PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2005
Touhou Moon Child Windows Arrangement 2011
Touhou Mount Rush PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2008
Touhou Nekojarashi Returns Arcade, PC-98, Windows Soundtrack 2016
Touhou Nyohanbo Windows Arrangement 2008
Touhou Party Box Windows Arrangement 2015
Touhou Party Box 02 Windows Arrangement 2016
Touhou Party Box 03 Windows Remix 2016
Touhou Pirates Metal! Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou ROMANTIC GOTHIC Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Satisfaction ~ the Excitation of Scarlet Sonic. Windows Arrangement 2004
Touhou Stratocaster Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Symphonic Best Windows Arrangement 2019
Touhou Thesaurus Windows Arrangement 2005
Touhou Tsuzuraori PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2021
Touhou Yukkuri Black Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Yume Tsurusou Windows Arrangement 2010
TOUHOU ~ Ultimate Sound~ Windows Arrangement 2023
Touhou- I'll Never Lose to Cock! OST Windows Arrangement 2019
Touhou- Phantasm of Eternity Windows Arrangement 2017
TouhouGenesis VOL.1 Windows Arrangement 2022
Touhou:Fading Illusion vol. 1 Windows Arrangement 2022
Touhou:Fading Illusion vol. 2 Windows Arrangement 2023
Touhou:Game Theme Collection, Vol. 2 Windows Arrangement 2016
TOYBOX Anniversary!! Windows Arrangement 2016
TRAIL Windows Arrangement 2012
TRAIL II Windows Arrangement 2015
TRAIL III Windows Arrangement 2019
Trance for Treasureship Windows Arrangement 2009
Treasures of the Labyrinth with the Magicians and Vampires. ~悪魔と魔女と迷宮の秘宝~ Windows Arrangement 2012
Tri-Emblems of Memories Windows Arrangement 2012
TriAngle mind Windows Arrangement 2011
Tropical Vacation Windows Arrangement 2021
Tsuioku no Symphonic Suite Windows Arrangement 2016
Tsukuyomi and Amateras Windows Arrangement 2009
twilight Windows Arrangement 2021
Twisted Windows Arrangement 2020
Two-Tone Arrangement 2016
Udongein X Soundtrack Windows Arrangement 2021
UFOPORNO Yöllä Taivaalla Windows Arrangement 2019
UKIHANA PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
ultramarine Windows Arrangement 2013
UltraViolet E.P. Windows Arrangement 2010
UN IVY Windows Arrangement 2010
Unconscious Step Windows Arrangement 2011
UNDECIMBER:404 Windows Arrangement 2014
UNDEFINED E.P. Windows Arrangement 2014
UnFOrtunate Windows Arrangement 2009
Unidentified Satanick Object Windows Arrangement 2023
UNKNOWN CLIMAX PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Unknown Legacy of The moon Windows Arrangement 2020
Unreleased Beats Windows Arrangement 2020
Up to Death -Touhou Project Arrange CD- Windows Arrangement 2005
VAIN CRY PS2, SNES, Windows Arrangement 2005
veleta de flores ~βver Windows Arrangement 2012
VERMILION Windows Arrangement 2016
Vernacular Windows Arrangement 2007
verticality Windows Arrangement 2010
VIA Windows Arrangement 2014
VIA HORIZON Windows Arrangement 2016
Video Games Sega Mega Collection 2 Windows Arrangement 2023
Violetium 2 Windows Arrangement 2017
Violetium 3 Windows Arrangement 2018
Vivid Blue Sky Windows Arrangement 2022
Void Ocean/Heavy Rain Windows Arrangement 2019
Volatile Vacuity Windows Arrangement 2009
Voltage Ignition Soundtrack 2012
Wachhund PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Wasted Neverland PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2020
WEIRD ADORABLE WAVE Windows Arrangement 2009
White Embrace Windows Arrangement 2005
White Patchouli Windows Arrangement 2023
window on the world Arrangement 2010
With Tears In Your Eyes ...a sequel to White Embrace Windows Arrangement 2010
Without Chlorpromazine Windows Arrangement 2017
X Windows Arrangement 2020
X-Cipher Windows Arrangement 2016
X-RateD - Back 2 Back 90's - Windows Arrangement 2010
YABAIALBUM Windows Arrangement 2016
Yasashiku Hikaru Kaede no Ki Windows Arrangement 2011
Yellow Cake Windows Arrangement 2009
Yotogibanashi no Kamikakushi Arrangement 2011
You Shoot, I Move Windows Arrangement 2010
Youjo Satori ~ 3 Years Old Windows Arrangement 2009
YOYOMU PICTURE Windows Arrangement 2011
Yukari Telegraph Windows Arrangement 2014
Yume to Maboroshi to Awa to Kage PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Yuuto Ichika's One Time Wonder OST Windows Arrangement 2018
Zen Windows Arrangement 2022
Zeroin Arrangement 2011
ZERO* Windows Arrangement 2011
Zoku Shoujo wa Denki Kappa no Yume wo Miru Windows Arrangement 2011
[ In the Moonlight | Touhou ] Beauty PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2007
ξ・∀・) Merupo Tsuttara Gah Windows Arrangement 2005
⑨性!グルーブ中毒 プレビュー版 Windows Arrangement 2009
★☆★☆★☆★ Windows Arrangement 2012
「祝祭」音楽集 Windows Arrangement 2022
『spill over』feat.Chata Windows Arrangement 2018
あなただけ映せたら Windows Arrangement 2019
いい旅・能美気分 〜 Rural Retrospective Rhapsody Windows Arrangement 2022
うたかたステップ Windows Arrangement 2017
うたたねステップ Windows Arrangement 2017
えとせとら:参 Windows Arrangement 2022
えとせとら:弐 Windows Arrangement 2021
お歳暮のお餅ですよ。 Windows Arrangement 2020
お試し、橋呑み Windows Arrangement 2012
お詫び 01 Windows Arrangement 2022
ご~じゃすぱわ~ Windows Arrangement 2012
それじゃ、さよなら Windows Arrangement 2018
ぶんぶんまるしんぶんのうた Windows Arrangement 2013
まりスペ Marisa Special Windows Arrangement 2005
ゆうベストセレクション「13 years 2004-2018」 Windows Arrangement 2018
アキコイシ Windows Arrangement 2022
アリス・マーガトロイドの日2019! Windows Arrangement 2019
オヴジェ2 Windows Arrangement 2015
カケラ Windows Arrangement 2009
グレーテルの森 Windows Arrangement 2015
ココロドロップス Windows Arrangement 2010
サクラアゲイン Windows Arrangement 2012
シンメトリズム Windows Arrangement 2022
ティンホイッスルのうた~Song of the Tin Whistle~ Windows Arrangement 2017
トウホウミュー! Windows Arrangement 2014
ネクロファンタジアをアンダーテール風にアレンジしてみた Windows Arrangement 2021
ネコトハムスタァ Windows Arrangement 2014
ノーザンストーム - Vintage Mix Windows Arrangement 2021
ハッピー×ウッド×イリーガル Windows Arrangement 2019
ファミコン実機音源で「東方妖々夢」第1集 Windows Arrangement 2019
ファミコン実機音源で「東方永夜抄」第1集 Windows Arrangement 2020
フォーリンバッドヤクチューン Windows Arrangement 2015
フォールミステリー 〜 Pandemic Dualisms. 体験版 Windows Arrangement 2022
ボステーマを東方鬼形獣風に作曲してみました Windows Arrangement 2024
マヨヒガダンス Windows Arrangement 2014
メグリメグルモノガタリ Windows Arrangement 2011
ヤンデレの小野塚小町に魅入られて Windows Arrangement 2021
ヽノ十 Windows Soundtrack 2006
丸見え Windows Arrangement 2009
令和時代好奇心 〜 Otherworldly Paradox Windows Arrangement 2020
冬景色、春模様 Windows Arrangement 2016
冷たく咲いた花は幽かに揺れて Windows Arrangement 2017
北方铁路 EP Windows Arrangement 2016
原稿戦士ネコハム2 ネコトハムスタァ 逆襲のハムスタァ Windows Arrangement 2014
厭世サウダアジ Windows Arrangement 2012
古明地的收音机(komeiji's Radio) Windows Arrangement 2021
古珀街のlore Jam Windows Arrangement 2010
古都三世 〜 Perfect Romance and Whimsical Diary Windows Arrangement 2022
向日葵アンティール Windows Arrangement 2012
地獄の八咫烏 Windows Arrangement 2011
変革の宣告 Windows Arrangement 2021
夜に翔ける Windows Arrangement 2018
夜の帳に架かる夢 Windows Arrangement 2022
夢想文楽 Windows Arrangement 2009
天空戯曲 Windows Arrangement 2010
寄 ~ Across the river Windows Arrangement 2022
少女作業中 〜 Imperishable Night Windows Arrangement 2022
少女作業中 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom Windows Arrangement 2022
少女作業中 ~ Shoot the Bullet Windows Arrangement 2021
少女作業中 ~ Subterranean Animism Windows Arrangement 2021
少女作業中 ~ Ten Desires Windows Arrangement 2021
少女作業中 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil Windows Arrangement 2023
少女作業中 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object Windows Arrangement 2020
少女作業中 ~ Mountain of Faith.2 Windows Arrangement 2023
幻想と電子の落書き帳 Windows Arrangement 2009
幻想パラノイア Windows Arrangement 2012
幻想メガ☆ラバ Windows Arrangement 2007
幻想四少女 Windows Arrangement 2017
幻想的東方小品集 参考音源 Windows Arrangement 2007
幻想簇出〈一〉風見幽香 Windows Arrangement 2013
張リ子唄 Windows Arrangement 2021
彼岸による花 Windows Arrangement 2018
忘れられない寒さ ~ Christmas Of Unforgettable Paradise Windows Arrangement 2023
恋・罠・虹フランドール Windows Arrangement 2017
愁夏手帖 〜 Unsustainable Emotion Windows Arrangement 2023
成るように成れ!おまけRemixCD Windows Arrangement 2009
新約フランの異常な愛情 Windows Arrangement 2020
星ト雲ノ子 Windows Arrangement 2020
春宵パラレルライン Windows Arrangement 2016
暁月クラウン Windows Arrangement 2016
月ノ雫 Windows Arrangement 2015
望夜儚月 ~ Lunatic far dawn Windows Arrangement 2008
東​方​ス​テ​ッ​プ Windows Arrangement 2017
東の方からこんにちわ Windows Arrangement 2010
東方 Compilation CD-BOOK 萃星霜 参 Windows Arrangement 2019
東方 Hard Rock Arrange Album 2 “scar” Windows Arrangement 2018
東方 vs DS-10 ~ 十六小節の幻想郷ツアー Windows Arrangement 2008
東方beats to relax-study to Windows Arrangement 2019
東方chipdisk Windows Arrangement 2016
東方Drum'n'Bass, Drill'n'Bass合同 Windows Arrangement 2017
東方PARTYBOX -instrumental- Windows Arrangement 2017
東方PARTYBOX RE-ARRANGE ex Windows Arrangement 2021
東方アレンジザ・無断転載ベスト+α Windows Arrangement 2023
東方クロニクル Windows Arrangement 2015
東方サイバーノート vol.0.5 Windows Arrangement 2015
東方スタイル Windows Arrangement 2018
東方ノイジーエレクトロ Windows Arrangement 2009
東方リミックス -Scarlet Mist- Windows Arrangement 2020
東方今朝羅半 Windows Arrangement 2019
東方副都心 Windows Arrangement 2012
東方廻桜録 Windows Arrangement 2013
東方懐風堂 Windows Arrangement 2011
東方月詠草 Windows Arrangement 2007
東方月詠謡 Windows Arrangement 2020
東方無封地帯 Breaking the Category Windows Arrangement 2016
東方無封地帯-Break the Chain- Windows Arrangement 2017
東方神世界 ~ Twilight Zone Above the Clouds (Pre-Release OST) Windows Arrangement 2023
東方神海宮 ~ Submarine Dragon Windows Arrangement 2021
東方空 I=i Windows Arrangement 2009
東方紅幻燈 Windows Arrangement 2007
東方錫の風 Windows Arrangement 2013
東方錫の風2~おてんば恋娘の大冒険~ Windows Arrangement 2019
東方錫の風2~すずのかぜセカンド(仮βほんとの5)~夏のボーナスおまけつき Windows Arrangement 2018
東方電舞奏~東方キャラテーマ曲アレンジ紅魔郷編~ Windows Arrangement 2023
東方非現実~Human Desires Greed Windows Arrangement 2022
東方風神録のテーマによるアコースティックのための Windows Arrangement 2008
東方魔法戦 ~ Endless Arena Windows Arrangement 2022
桜華永在 ~ Limitless F/h Windows Arrangement 2009
歪形弦奏録 Windows Arrangement 2017
残響アシッドボイス/幾度目かの紅い月 Windows Arrangement 2009
氷宴 Windows Arrangement 2008
永い夜と共に Windows Arrangement 2017
永夜へ Windows Arrangement 2018
滸にて Windows Arrangement 2015
煙月と在る Windows Arrangement 2019
爆裂剥霊 Windows Arrangement 2018
珍時怪異 Windows Arrangement 2009
現世メランコリイ Windows Arrangement 2012
紅の宴 Windows Arrangement 2016
紅宴 Windows Arrangement 2008
紅緋 Windows Arrangement 2018
紅葉は木に咲く花のように Windows Arrangement 2013
紫宴 Windows Arrangement 2007
綺想遊戯 Windows Arrangement 2007
緋色の郷愁 Windows Arrangement 2008
花の塔 -東方風アレンジ Windows Arrangement 2022
英雄戯曲 Windows Arrangement 2012
蛙宴 Windows Arrangement 2009
血塗過去剣 ~ Across the 24 Generals Windows Arrangement 2022
追忆幻想乡 Windows Arrangement 2021
追忆幻想乡 MineCraft幻想乡九周年纪念CD Windows Arrangement 2021
遠景Landscape Windows Arrangement 2019
那由多の想いは旭日の上に──。 Windows Arrangement 2006
鏡廻セレナーデ Windows Arrangement 2023
陰陽珠玉 Windows Arrangement 2006
霧雨魔法典 2 Windows Arrangement 2015
霧雨魔法典3 Windows Arrangement 2015
風と舞う紅 Windows Arrangement 2018
風なびく情景 Windows Arrangement 2017
風宴 Windows Arrangement 2008
風神ノ詞 ~かぜのうた~ Windows Arrangement 2009
風神霊地 Windows Arrangement 2009
風詠神楽 Windows Arrangement 2014
駆け飛ぶ天狼星 Windows Arrangement 2023
魂のネキシー Windows Arrangement 2020
魔法の森の音楽祭 Windows Arrangement 2009
魔理沙とパチュリーのテーマによるアコースティックのための Windows Arrangement 2009
鳥獣伎楽コンサート紀行 Windows Arrangement 2021
黎明ドミネーション Windows Arrangement 2017
黒宴 Windows Arrangement 2007
:Continue Windows Arrangement 2016

January 31st, 2025

Album Platform Type Year
Bang! Tick... Tick... Soundtrack 1997
Beat Sketcher PS3 Gamerip 2010
beatmania ANI-SONGS MIX featuring TOKYO MOVIE Arcade Arrangement 2000
Bloxy Tower OST Family Computer, Online, Windows Gamerip 2024
Capcom Music Generation Progear no Arashi Original Soundtrack Arcade Soundtrack 2003
Chambers of Shaolin Amiga Gamerip 1989
ChooChoo Heroes Android, Mobile Gamerip 2016
ChuChu Rocket! Dreamcast Gamerip 1999
Club Drive Atari Jaguar Gamerip 1994
Darklands OST MS-DOS Soundtrack 1992
DERBY OWNERS CLUB Perfect Audio Collection - History of DOC~DOC ONLINE - Arcade, Windows Soundtrack 2006
EcoQuest: The Search for Cetus MS-DOS Gamerip 1991
Final Nights 3: Nightmares Awaken Gamerip 2015
Flashback Atari Jaguar Gamerip 1995
Food Battle: The Game Android, iOS, MacOS, Mobile, Windows Gamerip 2014
Ford Racing PS1, Windows Gamerip 1999
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball Saturn Gamerip 1996
Friday Night Funkin' - Scarlet Melopoeia Linux, Windows Gamerip 2021
Friday Night Funkin' - SONIC PARTY HARD OST Windows Gamerip 2025
Friday Night Funkin' - You Can't Run (GhostLab Mix) Single 2023
Friday Night Funkin': Big Swingin' Sister Linux, MacOS, Online, Windows Gamerip 2022
Friday Night Funkin': Cosmic Awareness | KiloByte One Shot Windows Gamerip 2024
Girls Make the World Go 'Round -SEGA Vocal Traxx- Wii Soundtrack 2011
GOLDEN AXE I & II Genesis / Mega Drive Soundtrack 2016
Goron City (Remix) N64 Remix 2022
IDOLA PHANTASY STAR SAGA -Original Soundtrack- Android, iOS Soundtrack 2019
iStunt 2 Android, iOS, Mobile Gamerip 2011
JAZZBAR 'SCARLET' Windows Arrangement 2010
Let's TAP SOUNDTRACK Wii Soundtrack 2009
Links LS 2000 Windows Gamerip 1999
Mama Don't Cry... Windows Gamerip 2005
Mega Man Zero GBA Gamerip 2002
Microsoft Flight Simulator X Windows Soundtrack 2007
Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition 3DS Gamerip 2017
Mortal Kombat II Amiga Gamerip 1994
Nebulous: Fleet Command Windows Gamerip 2021
NFL Quarterback Club '96 Saturn Gamerip 1995
PlayStation Broadband Navigator PS2 Gamerip 2002
Rockman The Puzzle Battle Mobile Gamerip 2011
Ryu ga Gotoku 4 Densetsu wo Tsugumono Original Soundtrack Vol.1 PS3 Soundtrack 2010
Ryu ga Gotoku 4 Densetsu wo Tsugumono Original Soundtrack Vol.2 PS3 Soundtrack 2010
Savage Amiga Gamerip 1989
Sea of Stars Original Soundtrack (Physical Release) PS4, PS5, Switch, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Soundtrack 2023
Sega Saturn Magic Knight Rayearth Original Soundtrack Saturn Soundtrack 1995
Sengoku Taisen Music Collection Arcade Soundtrack 2012
Shaq-Fu Amiga Gamerip 1994
SHINOBI III: RETURN OF THE NINJA MASTER Genesis / Mega Drive Soundtrack 2015
Space Channel 5 Part 2 Ukiuki★Non Stop Megamix Dreamcast, PS2 Arrangement 2002
SpongeBob SquarePants: Idea Sponge (V.Flash, V.Smile Pro) Gamerip 2006
STREETS OF RAGE Genesis / Mega Drive Soundtrack 2015
Super Mario Bros. Wonder Switch Gamerip 2023
SVC Chaos: SNK Vs. Capcom Xbox Gamerip 2004
Technictix Remix Vol.3 Remix 2009
Test Drive 6 Dreamcast Gamerip 1999
Test Drive 6 Windows Gamerip 1999
Tetris DX GB, GC Gamerip 1998
The Amazing World of Gumball : Dino Donkey Dash Linux, MacOS, Online, Windows Gamerip 2012
The Fast and the Furious: Drift Arcade Gamerip 2007
The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition GC Gamerip 2003
THE REVENGE OF SHINOBI Genesis / Mega Drive Soundtrack 2017
The Rub Rabbits!/Kimishine & Akadoko LIVE+ DS Arrangement 2020
The Town With No Name Amiga, MS-DOS Gamerip 1992
VibinVendetta Windows Gamerip 2025
Virtua Striker & Virtua Striker 2 Arcade Soundtrack 1997
WAYFAIR Terraria Soundtrack Linux, MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2024
Whip Rush!!3 ~Castlevania Hard Rock Arrange Album~ Arcade, GB, NES, PS1, Saturn, SNES, X68000 Arrangement 2007
Wipeout: in the Zone Xbox 360 Gamerip 2011

January 30th, 2025

Album Platform Type Year
2 In 1 - Street Dance + Hit Mouse - Hit Mouse Family Computer, NES Gamerip 2002
2 In 1 - Street Dance + Hit Mouse - Street Dance Family Computer, NES Gamerip 2008
Angry Birds Star Wars 3DS, Android, iOS, MacOS, PS Vita, PS3, PS4, Wii, Wii U, Windows, Xbox 360, Xbox One Gamerip 2012
Arknights EP Collection (2024) Android, iOS Soundtrack 2024
Arknights EP Collection (2025) Android, iOS Soundtrack 2025
Ashes: Hard Reset (Original Game Soundtrack) Windows Soundtrack 2024
Atlantis no Nazo Family Computer, NES Gamerip 1986
Blue Archive Kizuna Dialogue Vol.6 "Miyako" (CV: Akane Fujita) Android, iOS Single 2024
Castlevania Chronicles 3: Dracula's Curse OST (2024) Online Soundtrack 2024
Castlevania Chronicles II: Simon's Quest OST Online Soundtrack 2023
Castlevania The Adventure: Masque of Retribution Original Soundtrack (2024) Online Soundtrack 2024
Choujou Kessen Saikyou Fighters SNK VS. CAPCOM Neo Geo Soundtrack 2000
Cook Serve Forever (Original Game Soundtrack) PS4, Windows, Xbox One Soundtrack 2023
CookieRun: Tower of Adventures Android Gamerip 2024
Create Astral (Original Game Soundtrack) Windows Soundtrack 2023
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down – Team Sabre Mobile, PS2, Windows Gamerip 2004
Destroy All Humans 2 JUKEBOX Songs PS4, PS5, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Compilation 2022
F-Zero X Expansion Kit N64 Gamerip 2000
Far From Land ROBLOX Android, iOS, Mobile, Online, PS4, PS5, VR, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Gamerip 2023
Friday Night Funkin' - Fatality (Invasion Mix) I & II Compilation 2022
Friday Night Funkin' - Path To Deicide OST (Mod) Windows Gamerip 2023
Friday Night Funkin' - Vest Bambi Mod Windows Gamerip 2022
Gazillionaire Deluxe Windows Gamerip 1996
Genshin Impact - Fountain of Belleau Mobile, PS4, PS5, Windows Soundtrack 2023
Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki Original Soundtrack & Drama CD PSP Soundtrack 2012
Jimmy White's 2: Cueball Dreamcast, Windows Gamerip 1998
Kirby's Airride Business trip Sound Test GC Soundtrack 2003
LOVE TOGETHER ~Parappa The Rapper Mix~ Anime Soundtrack 2001
Mario is Missing! NES Gamerip 1993
Max & Ruby: Toy Parade Online Gamerip 2007
Mercenaries 2 Achievements PS2, PS3, Windows, Xbox, Xbox 360 Compilation 2008
My Boo - Virtual Pet Simulator Android, iOS, Mobile Gamerip 2013
Natsu-Mon! 20-seiki no Natsuyasumi Original Soundtrack Switch, Windows Soundtrack 2023
Neighbours From Hell SMG4 Mod Hardcore Reload Windows Soundtrack 2024
NES Remix Pack Wii U Gamerip 2014
Nickelodeon GUTS SNES Gamerip 1994
Quilts and Cats of Calico Soundtrack MacOS, Windows Soundtrack 2024
Radiant Dawn / AISHA PS4, PS5, Windows Single 2024
Samsung Galaxy Note II Mobile Gamerip 2012
SECRET PIE ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK Family Computer Soundtrack 2021
SNK vs. CAPCOM: Gekitotsu Card Fighters Neo Geo Soundtrack 1999
Sounds of San Francisco PS3, Wii, Windows, Xbox 360 Soundtrack 2011
Star Fetchers: Escape from Pork Belly Soundtrack Windows Soundtrack 2024
Sunflower Land Linux, Windows Gamerip 2023
Super Donkey Kong 3 Mysterious Kremis Island Original Soundtrack SNES Soundtrack 1997
Super Spy's Breakfast: Sea Cruise Windows Gamerip 2010
Super What Word Windows Gamerip 2005
SVC Chaos: SNK Vs. Capcom PS2 Gamerip 2003
Symphonic Suite Dragon Quest VIII Sorato Umito Daichito Norowareshi Himegimi Arrangement 2005
Tanita: A Plasticine Dream Windows Gamerip 2006
The Legend of Tianding Soundtrack Soundtrack 2021
Tohai Densetsu Akagi Original Soundtrack Anime Soundtrack 2006
UNBEATABLE: FUTURE PEOPLE PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Single 2024
Uuhhh.wav ROBLOX Android, iOS, Linux, MacOS, Mobile, Online, PS4, PS5, VR, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Gamerip 2018
Vietcong Soundtrack Collection PS2, Windows, Xbox Compilation 2005
WireWay DS, iOS Gamerip 2009

January 29th, 2025

January 28th, 2025

Album Platform Type Year
"Sotsu Omeshiki" "Jikuuchou Jikuu 1-ka" "Tokyo Tokkyo Kyo Kyokakyoku Kyokuchou!!" Taiko no Tatsujin Original Soundtrack Arcade Soundtrack 2014
A Traveler's Respite: Piano Tribute to the Octopath Series PS4 Arrangement 2024
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Soundtrack (Season 5 by Steve Ouimette) Soundtrack 2024
College Football: Fight Songs (Original Soundtrack) PS5, Xbox Series X/S Soundtrack 2024
DIGITAL DEVIL SAGA ~Avatar Tuner~ 1&2 Original Soundtrack PS2 Soundtrack 2024
Famison 8BIT☆iDOLM@STER 01 Yayoi Takutsuki / Ami & Mami Futami Arcade, NES, Xbox 360 Arrangement 2008
Famison 8BIT☆iDOLM@STER 02 Haruka Amami / Miki Hoshii Arcade, Xbox 360 Arrangement 2008
Famison 8BIT☆iDOLM@STER 03 Azusa Miura / Ritsuko Akizuki Arcade, Xbox 360 Arrangement 2008
Famison 8BIT☆iDOLM@STER 04 Makoto Kikuchi / Yukiho Hagiwara Arcade, Xbox Arrangement 2008
Famison 8BIT☆iDOLM@STER 05 Chihaya Kisaragi / Iori Minase Arcade, Xbox 360 Arrangement 2008
Famison 8BIT☆iDOLM@STER BEST ALBUM Arcade, Xbox 360 Soundtrack 2011
FANTASYLAND / Yu-Peng Chen Inspired By 2024
Flock OST PS4, PS5, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Soundtrack 2024
Game Sound Museum ~Namcot Edition~ 01 Galaxian / Galaga / Pac-Man NES Soundtrack 2004
Game Sound Museum ~Namcot Edition~ 03 Mappy / Mappy-Land / Mappy Kids NES Soundtrack 2004
Game Sound Museum ~Namcot Edition~ 04 The Tower of Druaga / The Quest of Ki NES Soundtrack 2004
Game Sound Museum ~Namcot Edition~ 05 Star Luster NES Soundtrack 2004
Game Sound Museum ~Namcot Edition~ 06 Valkyrie no Bouken Tokinokagidensetsu NES Soundtrack 2004
Game Sound Museum ~Namcot Edition~ 07 Dragon Buster / Dragon Buster II NES Soundtrack 2004
Game Sound Museum ~Namcot Edition~ 08 Family Series: Family Jockey / Family Tennis / Family Circuit NES Soundtrack 2004
Game Sound Museum ~Namcot Edition~ 09 Youkai Douchuki NES Soundtrack 2004
Game Sound Museum ~Namcot Edition~ 10 Rolling Thunder NES Soundtrack 2004
Game Sound Museum ~Namcot Edition~ S1 Dig Dug / Dig Dug II NES Soundtrack 2004
Game Sound Museum ~Namcot Edition~ S2 Babel / Sky Kid / Metro-Cross NES Soundtrack 2004
Game Sound Museum ~Namcot Edition~ S3 Genpei Toumaden NES Soundtrack 2004
Game Sound Museum ~Namcot Edition~ SP Mindseeker / Kerunaguru NES Soundtrack 2004
Game Sound Museum ~Special Edition~ UG Quinty NES Soundtrack 2005
Genpei Toumaden SOUND CHRONICLE Special Disc Arcade Arrangement 2017
Neptunia Riders Vs Dogoos Soundtrack Switch Gamerip 2024
Payday 3 Original Soundtrack Vol. 1 PS5, Windows, Xbox Series X/S Soundtrack 2024
Project Woolgatherer - A Promise of Dreams Mobile, Windows Soundtrack 2024
Puzzle & Dragons Battle Tournament Original Soundtrack Arcade Soundtrack 2014
PUZZLE & DRAGONS ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK 2 -itoken limited- Android, iOS Soundtrack 2017
PUZZLE & DRAGONS ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK 3 -6th Anniversary Special Edition- Android, iOS Soundtrack 2018
RUSH: The Music of EVO 2024 Soundtrack 2024
SCHiM (Original Game Soundtrack) Windows Soundtrack 2024
Taiko no Tatsujin Original Soundtrack "girls pop mania" 3DS Soundtrack 2014
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - Remixes PS3, Xbox 360 Remix 2012
THE IDOLM@STER ANIM@TION MASTER 06 Anime Soundtrack 2011
THE IDOLM@STER ANIM@TION MASTER Namassuka Special 01 Anime Arrangement 2012
THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS STARLIGHT MASTER 11 AnKira!? Kyousoukyoku Android, iOS Soundtrack 2017
THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS STARLIGHT MASTER 14 Jounetsu Fun Fanfare Android, iOS Soundtrack 2017
THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS STARLIGHT MASTER 17 Nothing but You Android, iOS Soundtrack 2018
THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS STARLIGHT MASTER 37 Needle Light Android, Anime, iOS Soundtrack 2020
THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA MASTER 011 Miho Kohinata Soundtrack 2013
THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA MASTER 013 Airi Totoki Soundtrack 2013
THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA MASTER 014 Mizuki Kawashima Soundtrack 2013
THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA MASTER 017 Miria Akagi Soundtrack 2013
THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA MASTER 034 Kanade Hayami Soundtrack 2015
THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA MASTER 038 Shiki Ichinose Soundtrack 2015
THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA MASTER 041 Yui Ohtsuki Soundtrack 2016
THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA MASTER 063 Natalia Soundtrack 2022
THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA MASTER 3chord for the Dance! Mobile Soundtrack 2020
THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA MASTER Cool jewelries! 001 (COCX-38251) Anime Soundtrack 2013
THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA MASTER Cute jewelries! 001 (COCX-38253) Anime Soundtrack 2013
THE IDOLM@STER Jupiter Xbox 360 Soundtrack 2011
THE IDOLM@STER MASTER ARTIST 06 Ami & Mami Futami Arrangement 2007
THE IDOLM@STER MASTER ARTIST 2 Prologue Xbox 360 Soundtrack 2010
THE IDOLM@STER MASTER ARTIST 3 02 Hibiki Ganaha Anime, PS3 Soundtrack 2015
THE IDOLM@STER MASTER ARTIST 3 04 Miki Hoshii Anime, PS3 Soundtrack 2015
THE IDOLM@STER MASTER ARTIST 3 05 Iori Minase PS3 Soundtrack 2015
THE IDOLM@STER MASTER ARTIST 3 10 Yayoi Takatsuki Anime, PS3 Soundtrack 2015
THE IDOLM@STER MASTER SPECIAL 01 Anime, PS2, PSP Arrangement 2009
THE IDOLM@STER MASTER SPECIAL 03 Anime, PSP Arrangement 2009
THE IDOLM@STER MASTERPIECE 04 Arcade Soundtrack 2006
THE IDOLM@STER MASTERWORK 02 Xbox 360 Soundtrack 2007
THE IDOLM@STER PLATINUM MASTER 01 Miracle Night PS4 Soundtrack 2016
THE IDOLM@STER STARLIT SEASON 04 PS4, Windows Soundtrack 2022
The Remixes Collection THE IDOLM@STER TO D@NCE TO !! Vol.1 Arcade Remix 2020
The Remixes Collection THE IDOLM@STER TO D@NCE TO !! Vol.2 Arcade Remix 2020
The Remixes Collection THE IDOLM@STER TO D@NCE TO !! Vol.3 Arcade Remix 2021
The Remixes Collection THE IDOLM@STER TO D@NCE TO Arcade Remix 2014

January 27th, 2025

Album Platform Type Year
America's Greatest Arcade Hits 3D MacOS, Windows Compilation 1999
ANTONBLAST Switch, Windows Gamerip 2024
ANTONBLAST One Blast Demo Linux, MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2024
Apeirophobia ROBLOX Android, Family Computer, iOS, Linux, MacOS, Mobile, Online, PS4, PS5, VR, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Soundtrack 2022
Art Academy First & Second Semester 3DS, DS Gamerip 2009
Art Academy: Home Studio Wii U Gamerip 2015
Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone! 3DS Gamerip 2012
Before We Leave Original Game Soundtrack MacOS, PS4, PS5, Switch, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Soundtrack 2021
Boxing Champions PS2 Gamerip 2002
DeviceROM 2000 / DeviceHigh Windows Single 2000
Disney Art Academy 3DS Gamerip 2016
Disney Learning: Phonics Quest Windows Gamerip 2001
Disney's Activity Center: The Emperor's New Groove Windows Gamerip 2001
Elvandia Story Original Soundtrack PS2 Soundtrack 2007
Fight Songs: The Music of Team Fortress 2 Classic Windows Gamerip 2014
Friday night funkin' - One Shot Mania Windows Soundtrack 2023
Frogge ROBLOX Android, Family Computer, iOS, MacOS, Mobile, Online, PS4, PS5, VR, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Gamerip 2020
Frusion Breakfast Brawl Soundtrack Online Gamerip 2007
Gal's Panic Arcade Gamerip 1990
Jimmy Neutron vs. Jimmy Negatron Windows Gamerip 2002
Killzone Trilogy (Complete Soundtrack) PS3 Soundtrack 2024
Kingdom Hearts Mobile [Unofficial Soundtrack] Mobile Gamerip 2008
michigan ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK PS2 Soundtrack 2004
Party Time: Gonta the Diver 2 Arcade Gamerip 1995
Pokémon Red & Green Super Music Collection GB, GBA Soundtrack 2016
QV Original Soundtrack Soundtrack 2021
Shin Megami Tensei II (Super Famicom version) Original Soundtrack SNES Soundtrack 2023
Startling Odyssey Original Album TurboGrafx-16 Soundtrack 1993
SYNTHETIK 2 Windows Gamerip 2021
Synthetik Ultimate Switch, Xbox One Gamerip 2020
The Amazing World of Gumball : Remote Fu Android, Family Computer, iOS, MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2017
White Album Original Sound Track Windows Soundtrack 1998
Windows Vista Windows Gamerip 2007

January 26th, 2025

Album Platform Type Year
Animusic HD - Stunning Computer-Animated Music Soundtrack 2010
Apple Chess Family Computer, NES Gamerip 2005
Aria's Story Unofficial Soundtrack Windows Gamerip 2018
Beat 'n Box (Unlicensed) Family Computer, NES Gamerip 2000
BOOM! Buster Original Soundtrack [Kickstarter DEMO] Windows Soundtrack 2024
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Soundtrack (Season 4 by Walter Mair) PS4, PS5, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Soundtrack 2024
Choro Q Works PS2 Gamerip 2005
Clickolding Windows Soundtrack 2024
Cosmic Trip Soundtrack Soundtrack 2017
Disney Phineas And Ferb Kart DS (Fanmade) 3DS, DS, Wii U Remix 2021
Disney Phineas And Ferb: Across The 1st And Second Dimensions 3DS, Anime, DS, Movie, PS Vita, PS3, PS4, PS5, PSP, Wii, Wii U, Windows Soundtrack 2011
Disney Phineas And Ferb: Across The 2nd Dimension Song Sampler 3DS, Anime, DS, Movie, PS Vita, PS3, PS4, PS5, PSP, Wii, Wii U, Windows Soundtrack 2011
Disney Phineas And Ferb: Songs From The Hit Disney TV Series 3DS, Anime, DS, MacOS, PS Vita, PS3, PS4, PS5, Wii, Wii U, Windows, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Soundtrack 2009
Disney Phineas And Ferb: The Transport-inators Of Doooom! MacOS, Movie, Windows Gamerip 2010
Disney SPEEDSTORM ORIGINAL VIDEO GAME SOUNDTRACK Android, iOS, PS4, PS5, Switch, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Soundtrack 2024
Dune: Spice Wars (Soundtrack) Windows, Xbox Series X/S Soundtrack 2023
Froggo's Adventure: Verdant Venture Windows Soundtrack 2024
G-SAVIOUR for PS2 Original Soundtrack PS2 Soundtrack 2000
GORN Soundtrack Soundtrack 2019
Halo 3 Windows, Xbox 360 Gamerip 2007
Hollow Knight: Gods & Nightmares PS4, Switch, Windows Soundtrack 2018
IRONBOTTOM SOUND Online Arrangement 2013
Jeopardy! PS3 Gamerip 2012
Kanon 16bit Arrangements Windows Arrangement 2024
LEVELS VS Original Soundtrack Arcade Soundtrack 2021
Melody of a Distant Day / Yukie Nakama PS1, Saturn Soundtrack 2002
METALLIC CHILD Original Soundtrack PS4, Switch, Windows Soundtrack 2021
Miracle Space Race PS1 Gamerip 2003
Motocross Championship (32X) Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1995
MSN TV Soundtrack 2001
New Super Mario Bros Restored 3DS, DS Arrangement 2006
Northbury Grove Gamerip 2019
Nuclear Option Original Soundtrack Windows Soundtrack 2024
Plastic Memories PS Vita, Windows Gamerip 2016
Ratatouille PS3, Xbox 360 Gamerip 2007
Riven (Original Game Soundtrack) [Remastered 2024] Soundtrack 2024
Rogue Company PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Gamerip 2020
Shades (Original Game Soundtracks, Part 2) Android, iOS Soundtrack 2024
Space Pirate Trainer Soundtrack VR Soundtrack 2017
SQUARE ENIX JAZZ -FINAL FANTASY VII- at Billboard Live TOKYO PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5 Arrangement 2020
Star Fetchers : Escape from Pork Belly Windows Gamerip 2024
Super Mega Runners Android, iOS, Mobile Gamerip 2014
The Star Named Eos Soundtrack MacOS, PS5, Switch, Windows, Xbox Series X/S Soundtrack 2024
Toughman Contest (32X) Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1995
Tower Defense X (Roblox) Android, iOS, MacOS, Mobile, Windows Gamerip 2023
Unknown Bride Original Soundtrack Android, iOS Soundtrack 2020
Unnatural Selection Online Gamerip 2012
Welcome to GAMECUBE WORLD!! GC Gamerip 2001
Wheel of Fortune PS3 Gamerip 2012
Zenless Zone Zero - BITE! Android, iOS, PS5, Windows Soundtrack 2024
[Chilla's Art] Parasocial | パラソーシャル Gamerip 2023

January 25th, 2025

Album Platform Type Year
#TOHO_SEAWAVES Windows Arrangement 2015
1.5 ~ NIGHT FESTIVAL OF TEN-THOUSAND DEMONS Windows Arrangement 2020
10/TENSHI Windows Arrangement 2015
1st Step's Beat VIP Windows Arrangement 2020
2 ~ CREATE TO DESTROY Windows Arrangement 2022
22c [Press Edition] Soundtrack 2004
365 Windows Arrangement 2022
864 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2015
864 Instrumental PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2015
99YEN Windows Arrangement 2014
9/9/2019 demo Windows Arrangement 2019
> TOHO EDM < Windows Arrangement 2012
Aboriginal Calling Windows Arrangement 2023
absolut shIt musics Windows Arrangement 2023
abyss Gatekeeper Windows Arrangement 2017
Acid Travel Windows Arrangement 2009
Across Phantasm Windows Arrangement 2014
again EP Windows Arrangement 2016
AGGRESSIVE MAIDENS PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Aggressive Maidens Re:boot PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2021
Aja PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2015
Akazome no Cross ~ Brilliant Blood Bless Windows Arrangement 2010
Angraecum Windows Arrangement 2019
Angraecum Rebloom Windows Arrangement 2020
Anisong o Sugoi Opera Koe de Utattemita Anime, Xbox 360 Arrangement 2008
Another Windows Arrangement 2018
AnswerSky-空の彼方- Windows Arrangement 2016
AQUA Windows Arrangement 2009
aquaim Windows Arrangement 2011
Arawashi Tsuki Kouji Windows Arrangement 2012
Artifact Princess PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2015
Assorted Works 2016~2018 Windows Arrangement 2018
Attractive Reverie PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2015
Aya on the Precipice Windows Arrangement 2024
B1 Windows Arrangement 2010
B2 Windows Arrangement 2010
Bauxite ga Soko o Tsuita Kudan Arrangement 2014
Bayside Beat Windows Arrangement 2015
Beadyllusion Windows Arrangement 2017
behoi_me! Windows Arrangement 2011
Believe in my little intention Windows Arrangement 2012
BEMANI×Touhou Project Ultimate MasterPieces Arcade Arrangement 2015
Bewitching Dream Chapter - Sumizakura Windows Arrangement 2010
Black Fantasy ~ The Extra Stage Windows Arrangement 2016
Black Magic Girl Windows Arrangement 2018
Blood Boilin' Archeosisters Preview Windows Arrangement 2011
BLUE faith PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
bou-kyu Windows Arrangement 2014
BRAIN BLEND(デモ) Windows Arrangement 2009
Brightness Twilight REMASTERED Windows Arrangement 2019
Bring Back the '98! PC-98 Arrangement 2012
Broken Moon Windows Remix 2010
BULLET WIND Windows Arrangement 2011
C82 OmakeCD Windows Arrangement 2012
Calm Windows Arrangement 2010
Card Collectors EP Windows Arrangement 2021
Cherry Blossom Windows Arrangement 2023
Chinjufu ni Chakunin Shita Kedo Shitsumon Aru? Arrangement 2013
Cirno Project Windows Arrangement 2009
CMYK Windows Arrangement 2008
Cobaltout Windows Arrangement 2020
Collection of Dreams Windows Arrangement 2015
Comic market Resurrection Windows Arrangement 2021
Comic Market74 限定77枚 ヒソウ特典CD Windows Arrangement 2008
COMICMARKET76 OMAKE CD Windows Arrangement 2009
Conspiracy of Nuclear Terror Windows Arrangement 2017
Cosmic Phantasm Windows Arrangement 2014
Countless Nights Vol. 1 Windows Arrangement 2020
Coure Windows Arrangement 2007
CRADLE FOR~ Windows Arrangement 2012
CRAZY BEAT SHOCK!! Windows Arrangement 2015
Crazy Hill Drive PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2021
Crimson Layer Windows Arrangement 2010
Cruzeiro - Genzai Kara Kako e to Sakanoboru Funatabi e PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Crystal Ending PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2014
CYAN Windows Arrangement 2014
D4WN Windows Arrangement 2014
Damage Control Windows Arrangement 2015
Darkest Nights & Brightest Smiles Windows Arrangement 2012
Daybreak (HD001) PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2018
daydream Windows Arrangement 2012
deadly poison Windows Arrangement 2018
Dear My Friends Windows Arrangement 2019
Death and Rebirth PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2015
Decade of Locked Emotions Windows Arrangement 2019
Demo little while Windows Arrangement 2015
Demo#1 Windows Arrangement 2019
Desire Love Windows Arrangement 2015
Deutschland no Shingeki Android, iOS Arrangement 2018
DIGNITILLUSION Windows Arrangement 2015
Distant Again PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
distribution Windows Arrangement 2011
Do You Like Rabbit? Windows Arrangement 2008
DOUBLE NINE Windows Arrangement 2010
Doukoku no Saki ni Windows Arrangement 2015
DOZED OFF Windows Arrangement 2010
Dream art the collection Windows Arrangement 2022
DREAM TO MUSIC TOHO Windows Arrangement 2016
Dreams of Yesterday Windows Arrangement 2017
Dying E.P. Windows Arrangement 2014
Eastern Transjunction Windows Arrangement 2023
Eden's Pattern Windows Arrangement 2012
Embody My Brave Windows Arrangement 2011
Eternal -Kaihou- Windows Arrangement 2009
Eternal Star Windows Arrangement 2016
Eternize Windows Arrangement 2012
ether Windows Arrangement 2015
EthnoMagica Anime Arrangement 2012
Eurus Windows Arrangement 2021
EVe Windows Arrangement 2019
Everlasting Wonderland Windows Arrangement 2013
Everyone's Perfect Cirpa Heaven - Cirno's Perfect Math Class Cover Album - Windows Remix 2019
fade Windows Arrangement 2016
Famicom CD Classic NES Arrangement 2006
FAMICOM CDDX NES Arrangement 2005
Fancy Snow Windows Arrangement 2014
FAR EAST BEAT Windows Arrangement 2009
Far East Collapse Assault Windows Arrangement 2012
FEATHER Windows Arrangement 2013
Festival Celebrating Summer Resonance (official soundtrack) Windows Arrangement 2020
Fifteen Days Diary Windows Arrangement 2010
First Encount Windows Arrangement 2010
FLAME OF DELIVERANCE Windows Arrangement 2022
FlashBack 3rd Windows Arrangement 2023
Follow the destiny PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
FOREVER DUSK Windows Arrangement 2015
FOUR BEATS Windows Arrangement 2009
FOUR STEP JUMP!!! Windows Arrangement 2018
fragment Windows Arrangement 2005
FUMBLE FUN Windows Arrangement 2010
Future and Past Windows Arrangement 2018
Future In The Past PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2018
Fuyu Hotaru Windows Arrangement 2012
Galactic Destroyer Windows Arrangement 2020
GAME!! GB, SNES, Windows Arrangement 2009
Gameholic Windows Arrangement 2015
Garden Of Ashes Windows Arrangement 2023
Geki Oko ☆ Meigasu Windows Arrangement 2013
Gekikawa☆Vampin Windows Arrangement 2013
Gekka Bishin Windows Arrangement 2010
Genbushiki -The wind has shifted to East- Windows Arrangement 2007
Genso Suikoden × JAGMO -Hoshimi no Shirabe- PS1, PS2 Arrangement 2019
Genso Suikoden × JAGMO -Kagayaku Tate no Shirabe- PS1, PS2 Arrangement 2018
Genso Suikoden × JAGMO -Kuroki Yaiba no Shirabe- PS1, PS2 Arrangement 2018
Genso Suikoden × JAGMO -Shinnaru Kaze no Shirabe- PS1, PS2 Arrangement 2019
Genso Suikoden × JAGMO -Tsukiyo no Shirabe- PS1, PS2 Arrangement 2019
GENSOKYO DEMPA EXPO -IOSYS Touhou Compilation vol.23- Windows Arrangement 2015
Gensokyo ni Koishita Muse Windows Arrangement 2011
Gensokyo Odyssey Windows Arrangement 2021
Gensokyo Party Vol. 1 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2020
Gensokyo Party Vol. 3 Moriya Barista PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2022
Gensokyo Party Vol. 4 DJ Koishi PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2023
Gensokyo Popolkanto Windows Arrangement 2008
Gensou Crisis PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2018
Gensou Gekkashou Windows Arrangement 2018
Gensou MindBlast Windows Arrangement 2009
GENSOU MURDER PARTY Windows Arrangement 2022
Gensouon Hatoji Windows Arrangement 2018
Gensouon Hatoji Vol.2 Windows Arrangement 2019
Genspookyo Windows Arrangement 2020
Genspookyo Part II Windows Arrangement 2021
Girls Lost in Time PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Give Back Windows Arrangement 2011
Glamorthick Windows Arrangement 2013
Glorious Servant ~ For Master ~ Windows Arrangement 2016
Gokurakuchou no Mau Oka de Windows Arrangement 2010
GOM-TAO Touhou Hands Up Best Windows Arrangement 2023
Gothic Cherry Blossom - Trial Version Windows Arrangement 2016
Grand Slam Extra Version Windows Arrangement 2016
GUITAR ODYSSEY ~IRON ATTACK! Instrumental BEST~ PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
H.J.Freaksの神妙旅楽団 Vol.1(REMASTERED) Windows Arrangement 2019
H.J.Freaksの神妙旅楽団 Vol.4 天空Show! Windows Arrangement 2018
Hakugyokurou No. 08 ~ Neo Super-Express (official soundtrack) Windows Arrangement 2021
HAKUREI RAVE 01 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
HAKUREI RAVE 01 EXTENDED Windows Arrangement 2010
HAKUREI RAVE 02 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
HAKUREI RAVE 03 Windows Arrangement 2011
Halozy Alternative Outside 2010 Winter Windows Arrangement 2010
Halozy Best Vol.2 Windows Arrangement 2014
Halozy FM C89 Special Windows Arrangement 2015
Happily N'Ever Before Windows Arrangement 2009
Hard Night Sleep Tight Windows Arrangement 2016
Harukaze Sentimental Windows Arrangement 2011
Haunted Halloween Town Windows Arrangement 2015
Heart Seeking Disorder Windows Arrangement 2022
Helianthus Windows Arrangement 2010
Helical Addiction Remix 2012
HELLO WORLD AGAIN Arrangement 2012
Herbivora Windows Arrangement 2012
HIEROGLYPH Windows Arrangement 2011
Hifu Kikai Isan 1 Windows Arrangement 2019
Hifuugatari Arrangement 2019
HIgh TEnsion NIght!! Windows Arrangement 2005
HIGH TENSION ♂ TOHO 2 Windows Arrangement 2017
Hisoh Windows Arrangement 2008
Hollow Mellow -Tangled Knot- Soundtrack 2013
HOLMGANG OV GENSOKYO Windows Arrangement 2019
Homecoming E.P. Windows Arrangement 2016
Hontou wa Kowai Touhou Sekai Windows Arrangement 2017
Hope of Uplifting Tranquility Windows Arrangement 2019
Hoshi no Aki PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Hoshihuru Noa ~ Stardrop Noa's ark Windows Arrangement 2009
I Love You, Granny! Hag-Ridden Touhou Arrangements PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
ichigoichie Windows Arrangement 2011
Ignition Windows Arrangement 2013
Il Regno Del Sogno Invernale Windows Arrangement 2019
Illusion Shuffle Windows Arrangement 2013
Imprisoned Game Windows Arrangement 2010
Inferiority Windows Arrangement 2019
Inferno de Invierno Windows Arrangement 2019
INFINITY Windows Arrangement 2014
Innocent Key the Best PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
InnocentKey The Best3 Windows Arrangement 2016
Inocent Euro Vol.4 Windows Arrangement 2021
Inocent Euro Vol.5 Windows Arrangement 2022
Inocent Euro Vol.6 Windows Arrangement 2022
Inocent Euro Vol.7 Windows Arrangement 2022
Interstellar Voyager Windows Arrangement 2023
Invisible Windows Arrangement 2006
IOSYS Meat Eating Festival 2014 autumn Arcade Soundtrack 2014
IOSYS Otoge Best Toho Arrange Edition Windows Arrangement 2016
IOSYS TOHO MEGAMIX - GENSOKYO IKYOKU EDITION - Mixed by DJ sada Windows Arrangement 2019
IOSYS TOHO MEGAMIX - GENSOKYO SUGOIKYOKU EDITION - Mixed by DJ sada Windows Arrangement 2020
iris PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2006
Isshoukenmei Windows Arrangement 2012
Italian White Windows Arrangement 2011
Itteyo CD Terawarosu Soundtrack 2005
Itteyo CD Terayabasu Soundtrack 2005
IZMIZM Guest Works vol.1 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2015
Japonism PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
JiNG*2 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2008
K points PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2007
Kachou Fuugetsu Windows Arrangement 2009
Kalanchoe tomentosa Windows Arrangement 2009
KAMIKAZE Windows Arrangement 2009
Karin Windows Arrangement 2012
kasukano tamayura Windows Arrangement 2013
kaze atsume no ŝalmo Windows Arrangement 2009
Kaze Kaoru Faith ~ One Thousand Breeze Windows Arrangement 2011
Kekkai Gensouroku - Oto Windows Arrangement 2008
Kimi ga Mitsumeru Sora no Saki ni Soundtrack 2010
King for Another Day:Jerry's Encore Windows Arrangement 2020
Komeiji Club Windows Arrangement 2014
Komorebi no Eden Android, iOS Arrangement 2017
KrasterのささやかなオマケCD Vol.10 Windows Arrangement 2011
KrasterのささやかなオマケCD Vol.3 Windows Arrangement 2009
KrasterのささやかなオマケCD Vol.5 Windows Arrangement 2010
KrasterのささやかなオマケCD Vol.6 Windows Arrangement 2010
KrasterのささやかなオマケCD Vol.7 Windows Arrangement 2010
Labyrinth with Vampire Windows Arrangement 2020
laglange point Windows Arrangement 2014
Last Layer Windows Arrangement 2010
Last Layer 2 Windows Arrangement 2012
LAST SPHERE -ALIVE- Windows Arrangement 2008
Lasting of Large illumination Windows Arrangement 2017
Layer Free M3-2012SP Windows Arrangement 2012
Leonovsky7 - Beats by Touhou Windows Arrangement 2022
LET'S HAVE FUN! Windows Arrangement 2015
Lies a Rise Windows Arrangement 2017
Like a rabbit live show in Toho Soureisai Windows Arrangement 2009
LILA'C RECORDS BACK TRAX Windows Arrangement 2015
LiLA'c Records SAMPLER 01 Windows Arrangement 2010
Lilac Mist Windows Arrangement 2011
Little Daybreaker Windows Arrangement 2020
Little Mystery Windows Arrangement 2022
Liz Triangle - GRAY Windows Arrangement 2017
Locked Windows Arrangement 2022
lol project 044:Eastern Phantasm Windows Arrangement 2021
Lot of Life impact Windows Arrangement 2014
Love​-​Colored MASTER SPARC700 Windows Arrangement 2023
LR First Strike! Windows Arrangement 2009
LSS:First Windows Arrangement 2009
Lucky 7 Windows Arrangement 2016
Lullaby from Hell Windows Arrangement 2009
Lullby to Hades Windows Arrangement 2014
Luminous flare Windows Arrangement 2020
Lunatic Gate Premium CD C71 Edition Windows Arrangement 2006
Lunatic Layer Windows Arrangement 2012
M4D ESSENCE Windows Arrangement 2011
MADE in KYUN-CTUARY☆ Soundtrack 2016
MAGENTA Windows Arrangement 2014
Magus Expulsion Windows Arrangement 2019
Majo to Ringo to Samayou Kimi to PC-98 Arrangement 2012
Mariage Windows Arrangement 2012
Mato Gensou Monogatari Windows Arrangement 2017
MAZE of gradation Windows Arrangement 2021
Mei-getsu Windows Arrangement 2014
Meikyou Shinsui Windows Arrangement 2009
Melty Kiss Windows Arrangement 2010
Mémoire Windows Arrangement 2011
MEMORIA Windows Arrangement 2010
miko BEST Toho of IOSYS Windows Arrangement 2013
Miko-Magician Windows Arrangement 2019
Milky Milky Way Windows Arrangement 2018
MIRACLE TO MUSIC TOHO Windows Arrangement 2016
miraieigou Windows Arrangement 2010
MissFortune Windows Arrangement 2011
MISTYFIELD Windows Arrangement 2014
Mitsu no Asa Windows Arrangement 2012
Monosugoi Best Special Inst CD Windows Arrangement 2013
Moonlight Windows Arrangement 2018
Mujou Gensoushi Windows Arrangement 2010
Mysterious Words Windows Arrangement 2017
Mystical Chain OST+ "MYSTIC RECORDS" Windows Soundtrack 2010
Mystique Concerto Arrangement 2017
Mythology Windows Arrangement 2023
Nanairo Angel Windows Arrangement 2015
Nanairo Destiny Windows Arrangement 2017
Nanairo Kaleidoscope Windows Arrangement 2017
Nanairo Mirage Windows Arrangement 2015
Nanairo Philosophia Windows Arrangement 2016
Nanairo Splash Windows Arrangement 2016
Nanairo Symphony Windows Arrangement 2017
NANCHU PHONKY Windows Arrangement 2022
Nature "LiLA'c Records 2008-2012" Windows Arrangement 2012
Nature2 "LiLA'c Records Best 2008-2015" Windows Arrangement 2015
Naughty Eyes Windows Arrangement 2011
Necro Revival Windows Arrangement 2019
NEGLECTWORLD Windows Arrangement 2011
Nekobserver Windows Arrangement 2019
New Sky Windows Arrangement 2010
NewWorld Windows Arrangement 2015
NEXTRA Windows Arrangement 2009
NEXTRA 2 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2015
Night Blind Windows Arrangement 2023
Night Zealot ― Touhou JAZZZROCK2 ― Windows Arrangement 2014
Nights Rebel PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
Nisegensou Kyokushuu - Another Eastern world PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
No genre 2 Lunatics' reQuiem Windows Arrangement 2005
No genre 3 if Windows Arrangement 2005
NO LOSER, NO WINNER Windows Arrangement 2021
No-nai Paradise PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
NOTHING BUT THE TOHO EDM Windows Arrangement 2014
Nue Houjuu Ableton Improv Album Windows Arrangement 2022
objection Windows Arrangement 2015
OhDrearyWearyRedEyes E.P Windows Arrangement 2017
OLD CITY POP Windows Arrangement 2023
Once Upon a Time Windows Arrangement 2020
one for all Windows Arrangement 2018
One Hundred Lives of Ink​-​black Cherry Blossoms ~ Nameless Border, Cast off by Life Windows Arrangement 2023
Orphan Windows Arrangement 2019
Other place Windows Arrangement 2014
Ouka Houyou - Cherry Blossoms Party PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Ouka Kenran Windows Arrangement 2004
Oukashou Windows Arrangement 2009
OUKI ROUKAKU Windows Arrangement 2012
OUTBREAK Windows Arrangement 2010
Over the sky PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2004
PARAMOUNT FEVER!!!!!!!!!!11111 Soundtrack 2010
Pathfinder Windows Arrangement 2020
Perfume Of Silence PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2020
Petal Storm Windows Arrangement 2019
PETALDANCE Windows Arrangement 2013
PHANTASM-TRINITY Windows Arrangement 2013
Phantasmagoria of Endless Treasure Windows Arrangement 2016
Phantom Windows Arrangement 2015
photoframefiction PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2017
PLASTIC MIND PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
Prank Masters! Windows Arrangement 2014
Preview CD vol.1 Windows Arrangement 2007
PROJECT E.P. Windows Arrangement 2019
Project TouHou - Till When Windows Arrangement 2021
PUNK IT! TOUHOU! PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
PUNK IT! TOUHOU! 3 -IOSYS HITS PUNK COVERS- Windows Arrangement 2015
PUNK IT! TOUHOU!2 -IOSYS HITS PUNK COVERS- Windows Arrangement 2014
R3D ANTHEM Windows Arrangement 2011
Rainyllusion Windows Arrangement 2018
Rayer Windows Arrangement 2010
Re6-R- Windows Arrangement 2009
Re:solution Windows Arrangement 2010
Re:Write Windows Arrangement 2005
rebirth era Remix 2011
Recite Frustration Windows Arrangement 2019
Recollection Windows Arrangement 2018
RED 4 SPEED Windows Arrangement 2014
RED AND WHITE Windows Arrangement 2009
RED justice PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
Redye Debilitation Windows Arrangement 2020
RED特典 (萃華香仙BGM) Windows Arrangement 2018
ReFact Anthem Windows Arrangement 2011
Reflections Windows Arrangement 2018
refrain/shall we dance? Windows Arrangement 2011
Reimagine Desolation Windows Arrangement 2018
Reirou Reiu Windows Arrangement 2013
Rekkaden OST PC-98, Windows Soundtrack 2006
Remembrance Windows Arrangement 2021
Resin Windows Arrangement 2021
Retouched Score ~ Story of Eastern Wonder Windows Arrangement 2016
Retribution/Lamentation Windows Arrangement 2021
RETURNER Windows Arrangement 2022
reunion Windows Arrangement 2011
REVIVE 2 ARCADIA PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2014
Re:Seihou Project ~ Kioh Gyoku Windows Arrangement 2022
Re:​​Seihou Project ~ Shuusou Gyoku Windows Arrangement 2022
Rhapsodia Windows Arrangement 2012
Rhythm Windows Arrangement 2009
ROCKIN'ON TOUHOU The Best Windows Arrangement 2017
ROCKIN'ON TOUHOU VOL.3 Windows Arrangement 2014
ROCKIN'ON TOUHOU VOL.4 Windows Arrangement 2015
ROCKIN'ON TOUHOU VOL.6 Windows Arrangement 2018
ROCKIN'ON TOUHOU VOL.7 Windows Arrangement 2018
ROCKIN'ON TOUHOU VOL.8 Windows Arrangement 2019
roomside Windows Arrangement 2017
RoughSketch TOHO WORKS 2007-2012 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
Royal×Royal ~ 紅魔館主と月の姫があら大変 Windows Arrangement 2011
Rumour Windows Arrangement 2022
Rune Girl in My Mind Windows Arrangement 2011
S-G OST Windows Arrangement 2021
S4U Windows Arrangement 2010
Sacred Beatz PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
SAILING DESTINY ~IRON ATTACK! vocal. BEST~ PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
Sakura Heart Windows Arrangement 2008
Sakura Resurrection Windows Arrangement 2014
Sakura, Sakura Windows Arrangement 2006
Salvia Windows Arrangement 2014
SANCTIFY Windows Arrangement 2012
SANGOKUSHI NOW DA! Arcade, Dreamcast Arrangement 2007
SANGOKUSHI NOW DA! ver.2.99 Arcade Arrangement 2007
Sanka Windows Arrangement 2009
Scarlet (JinX) Windows Arrangement 2014
Scarlet Devil Chapter Windows Arrangement 2009
Scarlet furor Windows Arrangement 2014
Scarlet Grace Windows Arrangement 2018
Scarlet Keisatsu Soushuuhen Haru no Tokubetsu Keikai Special Arcade, Windows Soundtrack 2022
Scarlet Rampage Windows Arrangement 2022
Scarlet † LoverS Windows Arrangement 2009
Scarlets Windows Arrangement 2016
Seasons PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2022
Secondo Windows Arrangement 2014
Seeds Of The New Stream Arrangement 2014
Seihou Crusade, Vol. 1 Windows Arrangement 2022
Seiten Hekireki PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010
she melted indoor E.P. Windows Arrangement 2022
Shichinin no Togabito PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2018
Shieldmaiden Ov Former Hel Windows Arrangement 2022
Shinra Banzou Windows Arrangement 2016
Shinra Banzou 2 Windows Arrangement 2018
shinso diver Windows Arrangement 2016
Ship of Stars Windows Arrangement 2010
Shochuu Mimai MIX 2016 Windows Arrangement 2016
Shoukei Shoumu PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
sick girl triangle Windows Arrangement 2017
Silent Bloom Windows Arrangement 2023
Silent Night, Magus Night Windows Arrangement 2015
single collection Windows Arrangement 2018
Sister's Windows Arrangement 2011
SKY PHILIA Arrangement 2010
Skyrocket to Harmony Windows Arrangement 2019
Skyruin EP Windows Arrangement 2016
SKYSCRAPER (LVCD-02) Windows Arrangement 2010
Snow Fantasia Windows Arrangement 2012
Snow Melody Instrumental Windows Arrangement 2012
Songs of Aya Windows Arrangement 2012
SOUND VOLTEX ULTIMATE TRACKS -Youyoumu & Kishinjou REMIX- Arcade Soundtrack 2016
SOUND VOLTEX x Touhou Project ULTIMATE COMPILATION REITAISAI 13th Arcade Soundtrack 2016
SOUND VOLTEX×東方Project TOHOMATION PARADISE MIX vol.1 Windows Arrangement 2019
Sovereign Shepherds of Corpse Shore Windows Arrangement 2022
Sparking for You!! PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Sparking for You!! 特典CD Windows Arrangement 2009
Spectacular Windows Arrangement 2016
Spiritual Spellers Windows Arrangement 2007
Splash Trigger 2 Soundtrack 2019
Split Personality Windows Arrangement 2022
Spring Flower Windows Arrangement 2011
Sprit DJ Mix -BLACK- Windows Arrangement 2017
Sprit DJ Mix -RED- Windows Arrangement 2017
STAR GAZE Windows Arrangement 2010
Stardust Windows Arrangement 2012
Stardust Windows Arrangement 2015
Stardust Magic Windows Arrangement 2012
Stargazer Windows Arrangement 2022
Stargazing Windows Arrangement 2017
STARRY MAGIC Arrangement 2013
STARTER LIZ TRIANGLE BEST Windows Arrangement 2022
Stellalusion Windows Arrangement 2023
Stories Told in Endless Rain Windows Arrangement 2019
Strawberry_Cranberry PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2005
Strumming 春、幻想郷にてピアノをかき鳴らしてみれば Windows Arrangement 2011
Summer Rest Windows Arrangement 2014
Super Stronger Icicle Dance Windows Remix 2017
Suwako de gowasu SNES, Windows Arrangement 2009
SYMPATHY QUARTETTO Windows Arrangement 2008
Symphony Orchestra of Gensokyo vol.1 PC-88, Windows Arrangement 2020
Syu-Gyoku Windows Arrangement 2013
Tenku Candy☆Star Windows Arrangement 2018
Termination Road Windows Arrangement 2008
TH REMIX -lol style- vol.1 Windows Arrangement 2011
TH REMIX -lol style- vol.2 Windows Arrangement 2012
Thalassophobia Windows Arrangement 2021
The Afterlogue Windows Arrangement 2016
The Extra Tracks Windows Arrangement 2016
The Last Hours Windows Arrangement 2014
The promised Land Windows Arrangement 2023
The Rare Emotions~幻想眾神創世經 Windows Arrangement 2014
The Secret Music Festival Windows Arrangement 2019
the sign of IV PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
THE UDONGEM@STER ウドンゲマスター Windows Arrangement 2006
Thousand Onis OST Windows Arrangement 2023
Three Days of Darkness Windows Arrangement 2021
THUNDERCRACK Windows Arrangement 2013
TO LIVE TO DIE Windows Arrangement 2010
TO-HOU! Windows Arrangement 2009
Toaru Juusha e no Tsuioku Windows Arrangement 2011
Tobira Windows Arrangement 2009
TOHO BOOTLEGS Windows Arrangement 2019
TOHO BOOTLEGS 2 Windows Arrangement 2019
TOHO BOOTLEGS 3 Windows Arrangement 2020
TOHO BOOTLEGS 4 Windows Arrangement 2021
TOHO BOOTLEGS 5 Windows Arrangement 2022
TOHO BOOTLEGS 6 Windows Arrangement 2023
TOHO BOOTLEGS 7 Windows Arrangement 2023
TOHO DANCE NIGHT Windows Arrangement 2015
TOHO DUALITY Windows Arrangement 2015
TOHO EURO MISSION Presents K2E Cradle × Takanashi Koubou Windows Arrangement 2022
Toho Euro Trigger Vol. 22 Windows Arrangement 2023
TOHO EURO TRIGGER VOL.01 Windows Arrangement 2019
TOHO EURO TRIGGER VOL.02 Windows Arrangement 2019
TOHO EURO TRIGGER VOL.03 NON-STOP BEST Windows Arrangement 2019
TOHO EURO TRIGGER VOL.04 Windows Arrangement 2019
TOHO EURO TRIGGER VOL.05 Windows Arrangement 2020
TOHO EURO TRIGGER VOL.06 Non-Stop BEST Windows Arrangement 2020
TOHO EURO TRIGGER VOL.07 Windows Arrangement 2020
TOHO EURO TRIGGER VOL.08 Windows Arrangement 2020
TOHO EURO TRIGGER VOL.09 Windows Arrangement 2021
TOHO EURO TRIGGER VOL.10 Non-Stop BEST Windows Arrangement 2021
TOHO EURO TRIGGER VOL.11 Windows Arrangement 2021
TOHO EURO TRIGGER VOL.12 Windows Arrangement 2021
TOHO EURO TRIGGER VOL.13 Windows Arrangement 2021
TOHO EURO TRIGGER VOL.14 NON-STOP BEST Windows Arrangement 2022
TOHO EURO TRIGGER VOL.15 Windows Arrangement 2022
TOHO EURO TRIGGER VOL.16 Windows Arrangement 2022
TOHO EURO TRIGGER VOL.17 Non-Stop BEST Windows Arrangement 2022
TOHO EURO TRIGGER VOL.18 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2022
TOHO EURO TRIGGER VOL.19 Windows Arrangement 2023
TOHO EURO TRIGGER VOL.20 Windows Arrangement 2023
TOHO EURO TRIGGER VOL.22 Anime, Windows Arrangement 2023
TOHO EXTRA ATTACK!!! Windows Arrangement 2015
TOHO HANDZ UP WILL NEVER DIE!! Windows Arrangement 2021
TOHO PLAY BALL Windows Arrangement 2016
TOHO R&B HOUSE Party Vol.1 Windows Arrangement 2013
TOHO R&B HOUSE Party Vol.1 EXTENDED Ver. Windows Arrangement 2013
TOHO R&B HOUSE Party Vol.2 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
TOHO R&B HOUSE Party Vol.2 EXTENDED VERSION PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
TOHO R&B HOUSE Party Vol.3 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2014
Toho Saigensyu Windows Arrangement 2009
Toho Schranz Windows Arrangement 2010
TOHO SPEED -Vertex Tuned 2- Windows Arrangement 2016
TOHO SPEED -Vertex Tuned- Windows Arrangement 2016
TOHO SPEED 01 Windows Arrangement 2013
TOHO SPEED 02 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2014
TOHO SPEED 04 Windows Arrangement 2015
TOHO SPEED 05 Windows Arrangement 2016
TOHO SPEED BEST TRAX Windows Arrangement 2017
Toho-Hibarishou Windows Arrangement 2010
TOHO-HYOSETSU-DAIKANSHA Windows Arrangement 2017
Toho-Ugetsutan Windows Arrangement 2009
TOHORANMANKA Windows Arrangement 2009
TOU-KYOU Windows Arrangement 2005
Tougenkyo Windows Arrangement 2023
Touhou Animism Windows Arrangement 2012
TOUHOU Crossover with SQUARE -The Lotus Land's Variant Soundscape- PS1, SNES, Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Dangankyou Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Engo ~ Changeablility of Hidden Masquerade Windows Arrangement 2015
Touhou Gendai Sekai ~ Imperfect Otherworldly Border Windows Arrangement 2015
Touhou Gensou Shiten "banquet" Windows Arrangement 2006
Touhou Gensou Shiten 2 "Canon" Windows Arrangement 2006
Touhou Gensoukyoku -lol nonstop mix #04- Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Kenkyuujo Sumai Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Komainu Kachou Windows Arrangement 2020
Touhou Philharmonic Windows Arrangement 2013
Touhou Pianoforte ~ Scarlet suite Windows Arrangement 2021
TOUHOU POLICE DEPARTMENT Windows Arrangement 2014
Touhou Project acoustic arranged instruments Windows Arrangement 2011
Touhou Project acoustic arranged instruments2 Windows Arrangement 2016
Touhou Project acoustic arranged instruments3 Windows Arrangement 2016
Touhou Project Gochamaze Irish-fuu Preview-ban Gakkyoku CD Windows Arrangement 2010
Touhou Project Gochamaze Irish-fuu Preview-ban Gakkyoku CD -Part 3- Windows Arrangement 2012
Touhou Project Gochamaze Irish-fuu Preview-ban Gakkyoku CD -Part 4- Windows Arrangement 2013
Touhou Project pops arranged instruments Windows Arrangement 2011
Touhou Project pops arranged instruments 8 PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2017
Touhou Project pops arranged instruments2 Windows Arrangement 2012
Touhou Project pops arranged instruments3 Windows Arrangement 2012
Touhou Project pops arranged instruments4 Windows Arrangement 2013
Touhou Project pops arranged instruments5 Windows Arrangement 2014
Touhou Project pops arranged instruments6 Windows Arrangement 2015
Touhou Project pops arranged instruments7 Windows Arrangement 2015
Touhou Project pops arranged instruments9 Windows Arrangement 2018
Touhou Remixes Windows Arrangement 2021
Touhou Renbusou - Dance Music Arrange Windows Arrangement 2009
Touhou Utau Chireiden Windows Arrangement 2012
Touhou vs Core Vol. 01 Windows Arrangement 2015
Touhou vs Core Vol. 02 Windows Arrangement 2016
Touhou Yaminabe PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Touhou Yume Utamonogatari PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2014
Touhou Yume Utamonogatari 2 Windows Arrangement 2015
TOUHOU∀KB PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Touyouraku Windows Arrangement 2010
TOWARDS THE RISING PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2012
TOWARDS THE RISING -Bonus Disc- Windows Arrangement 2012
TOXiC TRAX 01 Soundtrack 2011
Trace Windows Arrangement 2008
TRACKS Windows Arrangement 2013
Traveling Mood Windows Arrangement 2014
TRIANGLE Windows Arrangement 2017
TSVT Appendix Windows Arrangement 2016
TWELVE Windows Arrangement 2016
Unknown Flowers PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2018
V-ROCK TOUHOU Windows Arrangement 2014
Vague Insanity Windows Arrangement 2012
Vampiric rage Windows Arrangement 2010
Vanitas vanitatum Windows Arrangement 2012
Vengeance from dark PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
Vengeance to the humiliation Windows Arrangement 2016
Vernal PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2013
We Are Gensou Bangers Vol.1 Windows Arrangement 2018
We Are Gensou Bangers Vol.2 Windows Arrangement 2019
We Are Gensou Bangers Vol.3 Windows Arrangement 2021
While the Shooting Star Ends EP Windows Arrangement 2014
White - Piano & Vocal Album - Windows Arrangement 2023
White Lotus... Windows Arrangement 2009
Wild and Wonderful World PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
Winter of Hope Windows Arrangement 2021
Winter Pile Windows Arrangement 2012
with GOD Windows Arrangement 2012
YamaTai★Night Party Arcade Soundtrack 2014
YELLOW Windows Arrangement 2016
Yose Schranz Wars Windows Arrangement 2010
Yougaku no Utage PC-98 Arrangement 2010
Youkashi no Mahoroba Windows Arrangement 2012
Yukari Gohan β Windows Arrangement 2010
Yumemizuki Windows Arrangement 2008
⇒Prick Trick Windows Arrangement 2013
「カエルキャノコ」 新作「スワコデゴワス」先行配信CD Windows Arrangement 2008
「心風」イベント特典CD 枚数限定なんだからねっ!! Windows Arrangement 2008
いのたま Windows Arrangement 2014
お嬢様とメイドの72時間 Windows Arrangement 2009
くらすたーのささやかなオマケCD Vol.4 Windows Arrangement 2009
げきぴょす☆パペット Windows Arrangement 2014
さくらさくら ~ Japanize Dream (Remix) Windows Arrangement 2016
たかが38万キロのボヤージュ Windows Arrangement 2022
たすけて!おつかれさとり様 Windows Arrangement 2021
とある科學の化肥添加劑 -The Golden Phantasy- Windows Arrangement 2009
ときにやさしく、ときにかわいく Windows Arrangement 2012
ふわふわ☆げんそうきょう Windows Arrangement 2012
まじかる★ジゴワット Windows Arrangement 2015
アナスタシア Windows Arrangement 2021
アニソンをすごいオペラ声で歌ってみた+ Windows Arrangement 2018
イノキー ザ ベスト2 Windows Arrangement 2014
イノセントキーVS虎 Windows Arrangement 2013
インモータル フィロソフィー Windows Arrangement 2015
オトノアト Windows Arrangement 2015
カラスとウサギ Windows Arrangement 2013
カラフルノート Windows Arrangement 2017
ケセドフォビア Windows Arrangement 2022
サイレントムジカ Windows Arrangement 2023
サークルトリップ Windows Arrangement 2016
テクノ⑨チルノ Windows Arrangement 2009
デザイアドライブ Desire Drive (j-core remix) Windows Arrangement 2016
トウホウタイムショック Windows Arrangement 2008
ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (5KiLOBYTE Remix) Windows Arrangement 2021
ヒミツパビリオン Windows Arrangement 2016
プレイバックフォーユー Windows Arrangement 2019
ポーカーフェイサー Windows Arrangement 2013
ライン - Piano & Vocal Version - Windows Arrangement 2023
レッツゴー!東方 Windows Arrangement 2019
レミリアのわんだー紅魔館 Windows Arrangement 2011
ロリータコンプレッサーVol.3 Windows Arrangement 2015
ロリータコンプレッサーVol.5 Windows Arrangement 2016
ワン・ストーリー・ザット・ナレーテッド Windows Arrangement 2016
ワールドレコード Windows Arrangement 2014
东方雾音帖 Windows Arrangement 2010
东方雾音帖Ⅱ雾の春 Windows Arrangement 2011
东方雾音帖Ⅲ Windows Arrangement 2012
六畳半 Windows Arrangement 2022
冥道迷夢 Windows Arrangement 2017
受精卵曰く「燃えよ赤灯 Red Satellite CD」Z Windows Arrangement 2012
命蓮BEST Windows Arrangement 2022
四面楚歌 Windows Arrangement 2021
夜のサーカス - Piano Inst - Windows Arrangement 2022
大正義幻想郷動的音画大系 Windows Arrangement 2014
妖夢の節 Windows Arrangement 2009
幻想少女 Windows Arrangement 2011
幻想電気楽奏 Windows Arrangement 2022
心風 Windows Arrangement 2008
恋の弾幕ストラックアウト Windows Arrangement 2009
新訳:ミラへの方舟 Windows Arrangement 2023
明日、極彩色の雨が降っても Windows Arrangement 2017
春だよ!イオシス大集合! 2012年版 Windows Arrangement 2012
東奔西走 Windows Arrangement 2009
東方 project arrange album ''jamming bit 06'' Windows Arrangement 2007
東方イノセントキーの電気ッ! Windows Arrangement 2014
東方ウサミク定食 Windows Arrangement 2008
東方サンギート Windows Arrangement 2006
東方デスボール Windows Arrangement 2010
東方フリースタイル弾ジョン Rec7 Windows Arrangement 2017
東方侵略盤 ~Barrage for the Floor~ Windows Arrangement 2023
東方同位録 Windows Arrangement 2023
東方同位録2 Windows Arrangement 2023
東方外來韋編 Strange Creators of Outer World. 2018 Spring! Special CD Windows Arrangement 2018
東方外來韋編 Strange Creators of Outer World. 2019 Autumn! Special CD Windows Arrangement 2019
東方外來韋編 Strange Creators of Outer World. 参 Special CD Windows Arrangement 2017
東方外來韋編 Strange Creators of Outer World. 壱 Special CD Windows Arrangement 2015
東方外來韋編 Strange Creators of Outer World. 弐 Special CD Windows Arrangement 2016
東方外來韋編 Strange Creators of Outer World. 肆 Special CD Windows Arrangement 2017
東方天アンビシャス Windows Arrangement 2017
東方奏々歌 - Synthesized Vocal Arrange Album Windows Arrangement 2011
東方旧神社道 - Traditions of the Old World Windows Arrangement 2023
東方最封珠 Windows Arrangement 2008
東方狛犬歌帖 Windows Arrangement 2020
東方略絵想 ~ Filmograph Reverie Windows Arrangement 2023
東方空想歌 Windows Arrangement 2011
東方絃月譚歌 Windows Arrangement 2009
東方自作アレンジ Windows Arrangement 2018
東方霧幻境 Windows Arrangement 2010
東方音津波~Sound Tidal Wave~ Windows Arrangement 2015
東方麗魅嬢 ~Toho Remilia~ Windows Arrangement 2009
死にたい夜にかぎって Windows Arrangement 2021
死体論 Windows Arrangement 2018
湖上の乙女子 Windows Arrangement 2019
燃えろ!東方ブラスバンド生 Windows Arrangement 2012
百鬼夜行 Windows Arrangement 2016
砕月 (j-core remix) Windows Arrangement 2016
紅い月が欠けるとき Special Sound Track Windows Arrangement 2010
紅い花散るまで Windows Arrangement 2011
絢爛パーティランプ Windows Arrangement 2022
聖徳伝説~True Administrator Windows Arrangement 2021
花蝶風月 -preview- Windows Arrangement 2009
花詠み 夢日和 Windows Arrangement 2013
蓮華花火 -Piano & Vocal Version- Windows Arrangement 2022
薫る限定特典CD Windows Arrangement 2011
Windows Arrangement 2007
頽廃インテリジェンス Windows Arrangement 2023
鬼ノ奏 Windows Arrangement 2015
鬼形獣BEST Windows Arrangement 2024