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Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts


Chō Makai-Mura

Platforms: SNES
Year: 1991
Developed by: Capcom
Published by: Capcom, Nintendo

Number of Files: 23
Total Filesize: 56 MB (MP3), 147 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Aug 23rd, 2019   | Change Log
Album type: Gamerip

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Capcom 0:05 0.08 MB 0.16 MB get_app
2. Princess Got Kidnapped! 0:31 0.54 MB 1.09 MB get_app
3. Map 0:06 0.12 MB 0.32 MB get_app
4. Haunted Graveyard 2:35 4.24 MB 10.58 MB get_app
5. Cockatrice 1:12 2.18 MB 5.79 MB get_app
6. Sea of Despair 2:36 2.87 MB 6.87 MB get_app
7. Giant Barnacle 1:30 2.86 MB 6.91 MB get_app
8. Crucible of Flame 2:12 3.49 MB 9.96 MB get_app
9. Mongolian Death Worms' Third Cousin 1:32 2.49 MB 7.82 MB get_app
10. Ghouls' Stomach 2:12 3.47 MB 9.46 MB get_app
11. Hydra 0:58 1.75 MB 4.60 MB get_app
12. Ice Forest 2:48 5.03 MB 13.43 MB get_app
13. Freon 1:00 1.77 MB 4.41 MB get_app
14. Castle of the Emperor 2:00 3.41 MB 9.94 MB get_app
15. Asutaroto and Nebiroth 1:00 1.54 MB 4.82 MB get_app
16. Sardius 1:30 2.54 MB 7.06 MB get_app
17. Level Finished 0:07 0.16 MB 0.43 MB get_app
18. Arthur Bites the Dust 0:04 0.05 MB 0.10 MB get_app
19. Game Over 0:09 0.17 MB 0.42 MB get_app
20. Continue 0:50 1.44 MB 2.93 MB get_app
21. Ending 1 0:37 1.07 MB 2.73 MB get_app
22. Ending 2 8:55 14.94 MB 37.26 MB get_app
23. Select Fanfare 0:03 0.04 MB 0.10 MB get_app

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+ Comment


06:51 Feb 3rd, 2025Offline

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"stiff holy cow controls"

I don't remember what curse word I used for that, but the censorship makes this hilarious.


07:40 Feb 2nd, 2025Offline

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Super Ghouls N' Ghosts soundtrack is fantastic. However, It's not something I'll listen to outside of the game. The game itself is great. Arthur still has his stiff holy cow controls from the last game which means you got the classic knockback, no mid-air controls, etc. However, Arthur does have a double jump in this game which is extremely useful and you gotta use it in order to beat the game. The weapons Arthur can use are fine with the classics returning such as The Knife, The Crappy Axe, the torch, etc. You also get some new weapons like the scythe and the crossbow which is pretty much the knife on steroids. You also get some new armors that make your weapons more powerful. One of which let's you do super attacks. The stages are fun and extremely f*cking hard. Don't think for a second that this game is easy because of Arthur's new weapons and his double jump. This game is extremely hard and you will need to have god like reflexes to beat this game. This game is one of the hardest games I've ever played in my life. It's harder then Ecco The Dolphin, Castlevania Dracula X, Transformers: Mystery Of Convey, and Super Mario Bros 2: The Lost Levels. I wouldn't say it's harder then games like Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship Of Doom or Life Force, but it comes pretty damn close. The bosses range from fun and challenging to extremely easy. By the way, you don't have unlimited continues in this game and you still have to beat the game twice in order to get the real ending. Which I did after screaming at my Wii U for 6 hours... Overall, Super Ghouls N' Ghosts is a great game with a fantastic soundtrack.
Game: 7.5/10.
Soundtrack: 6.8/10.

"stiff holy cow controls"


09:20 Jun 10th, 2022Offline

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Super Ghouls N' Ghosts soundtrack is fantastic. However, It's not something I'll listen to outside of the game. The game itself is great. Arthur still has his stiff holy cow controls from the last game which means you got the classic knockback, no mid-air controls, etc. However, Arthur does have a double jump in this game which is extremely useful and you gotta use it in order to beat the game. The weapons Arthur can use are fine with the classics returning such as The Knife, The Crappy Axe, the torch, etc. You also get some new weapons like the scythe and the crossbow which is pretty much the knife on steroids. You also get some new armors that make your weapons more powerful. One of which let's you do super attacks. The stages are fun and extremely f*cking hard. Don't think for a second that this game is easy because of Arthur's new weapons and his double jump. This game is extremely hard and you will need to have god like reflexes to beat this game. This game is one of the hardest games I've ever played in my life. It's harder then Ecco The Dolphin, Castlevania Dracula X, Transformers: Mystery Of Convey, and Super Mario Bros 2: The Lost Levels. I wouldn't say it's harder then games like Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship Of Doom or Life Force, but it comes pretty damn close. The bosses range from fun and challenging to extremely easy. By the way, you don't have unlimited continues in this game and you still have to beat the game twice in order to get the real ending. Which I did after screaming at my Wii U for 6 hours... Overall, Super Ghouls N' Ghosts is a great game with a fantastic soundtrack.
Game: 7.5/10.
Soundtrack: 6.8/10.


08:56 Apr 10th, 2021Offline

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Noticeable pops and clicks throughout these tracks.


04:53 Dec 24th, 2020Offline

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Ready to smash your SNES into half guys?

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01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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What a beautiful soundtrack. My favorite track is the Ice Forest. This one definitely deserves checking out.