Number of Files: 18
Total Filesize: 235 MB (MP3), 1,052 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Dec 4th, 2024
| Change Log
Album type: Arrangement
Uploaded by: PorcusGrunzus
Change Log:
Updated to 1.1 on 01.12.2024
Declipped and declicked everything
Some other general mastering improvements like less noisy parts (Dragon Canyon Intro) and more pronounced vocals (Burning Depths)
Renamed Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Theme Suite to Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Theme Medley
New cover art
cant hear difference in the race of ages for example
The track is longer than on the official OST and also has the intro part mixed as a beginning into it. In between there can also be slight changes like certain sequences are differently stitched together or corrected clicking and clipping errors. This goes for pretty much all tracks in this release.
10:35 Dec 4th, 2024Offline