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Playstation 3 System Sounds


PS3 System Sounds
PS3 Music

Platforms: PS3
Year: 2006
Developed by: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Published by: Sony Interactive Entertainment

Number of Files: 13
Total Filesize: 1 MB (MP3), 2 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Sep 25th, 2023
Album type: Gamerip
Uploaded by: Ejpj123

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Coldboot Stereo 0:10 0.26 MB 0.47 MB get_app
2. Coldboot Multi 0:10 0.26 MB 1.14 MB get_app
3. SND Cursor 0:00 0.00 MB 0.00 MB get_app
4. SND Decide 0:00 0.00 MB 0.00 MB get_app
5. SND Category Decide 0:00 0.00 MB 0.00 MB get_app
6. SND Option 0:00 0.00 MB 0.00 MB get_app
7. SND Cancel 0:00 0.00 MB 0.00 MB get_app
8. SND Oskenter 0:00 0.00 MB 0.00 MB get_app
9. SND Oskcancel 0:00 0.00 MB 0.00 MB get_app
10. SND System Ng 0:01 0.02 MB 0.02 MB get_app
11. SND System Ok 0:00 0.01 MB 0.01 MB get_app
12. SND Trophy 0:01 0.02 MB 0.04 MB get_app
13. SND Error 0:00 0.00 MB 0.00 MB get_app

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+ Comment

Kevin (Maycroft) Harvick

02:01 Sep 30th, 2023Offline

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All PS3s can play PS1 discs, as the PS1 BC was always emu. It's only PS2 BC that was HW, then partial HW, and then gone altogether.

I knew that! I must had forgotten that! thanks for the correction! I guess i posted about the PS3 Backwards Compatibly more towards the PS2 side!


12:24 Sep 28th, 2023Offline

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Kevin (Maycroft) Harvick

wait I thought the PS3 only had Disc Backwards Compatibility with the Launch Versions of the PS3 20 GB 40 GB and 60 GB models! I do have a PS2 in my Collection though Its a Sliver Japanese Unit! the PS5 however is if i'm not mistaken physically compatible with PS4 Physical Discs while PS1 PS2 & PS3 Games are all digital if i'm not mistaken!

All PS3s can play PS1 discs, as the PS1 BC was always emu. It's only PS2 BC that was HW, then partial HW, and then gone altogether.


04:50 Sep 27th, 2023Offline

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I agree, it's too bad we can't.

Kevin (Maycroft) Harvick

04:25 Sep 27th, 2023Offline

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Yes, you are correct.

that's what I thought! I really think the PS3 would had been a killer System if they allowed all their PS3 units to have Physical Backward Compatibility with PS2 & PS1 Discs I think there was a missed opportunity with the Backward Compatibility vs Digital Backward Compatibility of PS2 & PS1 on the PS3


02:50 Sep 27th, 2023Offline

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Kevin (Maycroft) Harvick

wait I thought the PS3 only had Disc Backwards Compatibility with the Launch Versions of the PS3 20 GB 40 GB and 60 GB models! I do have a PS2 in my Collection though Its a Sliver Japanese Unit! the PS5 however is if i'm not mistaken physically compatible with PS4 Physical Discs while PS1 PS2 & PS3 Games are all digital if i'm not mistaken!

Yes, you are correct.

Kevin (Maycroft) Harvick

02:25 Sep 26th, 2023Offline

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I've stuck with PS since the PS2 released. I currently have a PS3 and a PS5, so with their backwards compatibility, I can pretty much play any Sony game 😂

wait I thought the PS3 only had Disc Backwards Compatibility with the Launch Versions of the PS3 20 GB 40 GB and 60 GB models! I do have a PS2 in my Collection though Its a Sliver Japanese Unit! the PS5 however is if i'm not mistaken physically compatible with PS4 Physical Discs while PS1 PS2 & PS3 Games are all digital if i'm not mistaken!


01:40 Sep 26th, 2023Offline

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I've stuck with PS since the PS2 released. I currently have a PS3 and a PS5, so with their backwards compatability, I can pretty much play any Sony game 😂


01:38 Sep 26th, 2023Offline

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Kevin (Maycroft) Harvick

I see the PS3 Was the Black Sheep of the PlayStation Family I was a PS user till the PS Hack of 11' then i switched over to Xbox and haven't looked back

Traitor! 😂

Kevin (Maycroft) Harvick

08:12 Sep 25th, 2023Offline

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Ah I see. There were more files that existed, other than just the system sounds. There were graphics, xml files, etc. They were stored in a bunch of RCO files, so I extracted them using a tool. That's how I was able to get the files.

I see the PS3 Was the Black Sheep of the PlayStation Family I was a PS user till the PS Hack of 11' then i switched over to Xbox and haven't looked back


07:26 Sep 25th, 2023Offline

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Ah I see. There were more files that existed, other than just the system sounds. There were graphics, xml files, etc. They were stored in a bunch of RCO files, so I extracted them using a tool. That's how I was able to get the files.

Kevin (Maycroft) Harvick

07:20 Sep 25th, 2023Offline

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I also knew about RPCS3 just never was fluent in the Emulator more of Dolphin (Gamecube) Emulator yes its tricky to set up but once running its a blast to use

Kevin (Maycroft) Harvick

05:00 Sep 25th, 2023Offline

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No problem! I found this by digging into the files in RPCS3, a PS3 emulator, which has a feature that allows you to emulate the XMB.

Didn't know RPCS3 Allowed you to emulate the XMB I'm just curious were there any more files or what you found was it


03:44 Sep 25th, 2023Offline

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No problem! I found this by digging into the files in RPCS3, a PS3 emulator, which has a feature that allows you to emulate the XMB.

Kevin (Maycroft) Harvick

03:38 Sep 25th, 2023Offline

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Very impressive where did you find this thanks for uploading this!!!!