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Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor


Might and Magic 7

Platforms: Windows
Year: 1999
Developed by: New World Computing
Published by: 3DO

Number of Files: 19
Total Filesize: 78 MB (MP3), 215 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Mar 14th, 2025   | Change Log
Album type: Gamerip
Uploaded by: ViviVGM

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Song of the Pale Lady 2:17 4.19 MB 12.55 MB get_app
2. Song 2 2:59 5.22 MB 15.59 MB get_app
3. Song 3 2:26 4.02 MB 10.69 MB get_app
4. Song 4 3:25 5.66 MB 13.97 MB get_app
5. Song 5 2:58 4.87 MB 12.12 MB get_app
6. Song 6 2:45 4.61 MB 12.21 MB get_app
7. Song 7 2:04 3.52 MB 10.07 MB get_app
8. Succession War 2:11 3.51 MB 9.49 MB get_app
9. Song 9 2:15 3.99 MB 12.00 MB get_app
10. Song 10 2:23 4.20 MB 11.77 MB get_app
11. Song 11 2:24 4.12 MB 11.71 MB get_app
12. Song 12 2:04 3.38 MB 9.53 MB get_app
13. Song 13 2:01 3.66 MB 12.42 MB get_app
14. The Pig and the Whistle 1:59 3.45 MB 9.64 MB get_app
15. Song 15 2:08 3.69 MB 10.83 MB get_app
16. Song 16 1:42 2.86 MB 7.73 MB get_app
17. Song 17 2:19 3.99 MB 10.64 MB get_app
18. Waves of Time 2:49 4.83 MB 10.58 MB get_app
19. Song of Grass 2:02 3.73 MB 11.57 MB get_app


While much of the gameplay remains the same as it was in The Mandate of Heaven, a few improvements and changes were made to a number of prominent parts of the game. Character creation in Blood and Honor received an update from its predecessor by now allowing players to choose a race for each character - Dwarf, Elf, Goblin or Human - while also adding in three new classes to choose from alongside the pre-existing ones - Thief, Monk and Ranger. The skill system also received a major change, with the inclusion of new skills and a new level of expertise - Grandmaster - but also becoming more restrictive than that of the previous title; a character's class not only determines what skills they can learn but now also puts a cap on the level of expertise it can be trained to, meaning that while a Thief could become a Master of the Sword skill, a Knight can train the skill up to Grandmaster. The change to the skill system, also affects the Magic system of the game, in that while some spells have been removed and new ones included, a character's level of expertise in a school of magic determines what spells can be learned, with weaker spells gaining more bonuses upon training to higher levels of expertise; an example of this new system comes with the "Fly" spell, which only Masters of Air Magic can learn, but who can gain the benefit of not draining magic points upon attaining Grandmaster of Air. Along with these changes, the game includes an update to the graphical appearances of enemy sprites, character models and items.

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03:29 Mar 14th, 2025Offline

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This album was updated on 14th of March, 2025.

Change Log:
- Improved quality to lossless in FLAC.

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Guest Reviewer

01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I never even played any of the M&M games but I know they're classics. Discovering this soundtrack right now, and I can instantly tell it is gold.

It reminds me when I TRIED to play adventure / RPG games back in the nineties. I actually sucked bad at almost any game, but I loved good soundtracks and atmospheres, such as Riven or Lands of Lore.

Thank you for sharing this gem.

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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If you need to install this game on newer operative systems, I got it to work by installing MM7 Grayface patch 1.6.2. Then you need to config the .ini file and set mp3 music to 1 instead of 0. Then you need to create a folder called "Music". This is the good part. You can download the music from here and name them 2.mp3 - 20.mp3. Here it's 19 song's and it starts on 1. Add plus one to the song names and rename number 1 to 2.mp3 and number 19 as 20.mp3 and the same with the others. Then the music will work!

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Amazing music in a videogame! Makes me wanna play the game again :) I`m Trying to find the chords/tabs for the soundtracks on thee internet. (The pale lady) i think one song is called, but hard to find these songs :( Any clue, anyone?

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Simply the best. And I remember when i crossed the road with harpies there was such excellent music that, from time to time i visited that road again and again only to listen and experience that excitement...

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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love ya!!!! i was missing this game, and don't have the time to play it again nowadays, but i can hear the great songs now while i am studying ^^
thank you

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Well... thx for your great efforts... the music is excellent but thif quality of mp3 file is a bit bad...
Thx anyways for this great upload!

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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The naming here is a little awkward, though. Exploration Theme 1 should be Song of the Pale Lady, #8 should be Succession War, #13 should be Menu, #14 should be The Pig and the Whistle, #18 should be Waves of Time, #19 should be Song of Grass.
As for others... I'd say they should be named after the most apparent appearances: #2 could be Tularean Dungeon, #5 - Evermorn Island, #3 - Erathia etc.

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I agree! MM7 has definitely best soundtrack of all games! MM6 and MM8 are also excellent but this one is simply amazing!

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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i love the tracks 11 and 16, this game had one of the best soundtracks ever, thanks for posting these tracks.

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Been on a endless search for the Might and Magic soundtrack. Tried everything, searched everywhere. Here I find it and the feelings I have can't be described.

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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HOLY HELL this is one straight out of the classic vault i've had this game installed on every single pc i've ever owned played it through probably 50 times with every party combination and finaly had to call it a day wen i got my new vista pc i've missed these songs sooooooooooooooo bad thank u p.s im not insane just overjoyed! ^_^