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Castlevania II - Simon's Quest


Dracula II: Noroi no Fūin
ドラキュラII 呪いの封印
Dracula II: The Seal of the Curse

Platforms: NES
Year: 1988
Developed by: Konami
Published by: Konami

Number of Files: 9
Total Filesize: 9 MB (MP3), 23 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Apr 4th, 2022   | Change Log
Album type: Gamerip

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. The Silence of The Daylight 1:10 1.37 MB 3.38 MB get_app
2. Bloody Tears 1:17 1.46 MB 3.76 MB get_app
3. Monster Dance 0:57 1.12 MB 2.71 MB get_app
4. Dwelling of Doom 1:00 1.20 MB 2.90 MB get_app
5. Within These Castle Walls 0:48 0.89 MB 2.16 MB get_app
6. Last Boss 0:27 0.51 MB 1.20 MB get_app
7. Game Over 0:06 0.11 MB 0.27 MB get_app
8. Message of Darkness 0:50 0.92 MB 2.19 MB get_app
9. A Requiem 1:32 1.63 MB 4.40 MB get_app

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+ Comment

Toan Cloud

07:49 Oct 3rd, 2024Offline

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Um, no... Bias exists. If you watch a YT video criticizing a game and play the game in question immediately afterwards, of course you will see the game in a negative light. (Also, James Rolfe also claimed that the game was "okay", and the video was just meant to be a comical exaggeration. Some people didn't get that though.)

But wouldn't it also be bias to assume that everyone who dislikes the game watched that video? Personally, I disliked the game long before I ever had interest in AVGN.

Plus, the opinions of others doesn't always effect how people see a game. Just recently I played Fester's Quest for the NES. I went into the game expecting it to be the biggest piece of garbage ever like everyone says, but besides the weapons being trash and the gameplay being a little too slow, I thought it was passable.

People aren't completely moldable slates that change their opinion with everything they are told. You can agree with an opinion without having stole it.


05:23 Oct 2nd, 2024Offline

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Toan Cloud

Um, yeah... It's called playing the game. Just because someone has the same opinions as someone else doesn't mean they just stole those opinions.

Um, no... Bias exists. If you watch a YT video criticizing a game and play the game in question immediately afterwards, of course you will see the game in a negative light. (Also, James Rolfe also claimed that the game was "okay", and the video was just meant to be a comical exaggeration. Some people didn't get that though.)

Toan Cloud

10:13 Oct 1st, 2024Offline

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But would you have known about that if you didn't watch the AVGN video?

Um, yeah... It's called playing the game. Just because someone has the same opinions as someone else doesn't mean they just stole those opinions.


09:08 Oct 1st, 2024Offline

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But would you have known about that if you didn't watch the AVGN video?

There's plenty of other YouTubers who has reviewed the game since the Nerd made his original episode. If one person didn't mention those flaws about the subject they're reviewing because their review was rushed or they have a bias towards the game, then another person would come along to note those flaws in their review. I know this might sound crazy to you, but there's other game reviewers out there besides the Nerd. Even then, there's a little thing called "Experiencing the media yourself to form your own opinions."


06:44 Sep 30th, 2024Offline

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I think the game is mediocre and it suffers from boring bosses, lack of bosses (only three in the whole game), repetitive enemies (count the numbers of times they recolor and reuse the Skeleton enemy), and it's way too cryptic to the point where a guide is mandatory to beat the game due to poor translation or some of the NPC's just straight up lying to you. I think this game needs the Haunted Castle Revisited treatment because all the material is right there for this to be one of the best Castlevania's if the execution was better.

But would you have known about that if you didn't watch the AVGN video?

Toan Cloud

11:13 Sep 29th, 2024Offline

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I am 99% sure half of Castlevania 2 haters are also AVGN fans

Honestly fair.


10:44 Sep 29th, 2024Offline

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I am 99% sure half of Castlevania 2 haters are also AVGN fans

I think the game is mediocre and it suffers from boring bosses, lack of bosses (only three in the whole game), repetitive enemies (count the number of times they recolor and reuse the Skeleton enemy), and it's way too cryptic to the point where a guide is mandatory to beat the game due to poor translation or some of the NPC's just straight up lying to you. I think this game needs the Haunted Castle Revisited treatment because all the material is right there for this to be one of the best Castlevania's if the execution was better.


03:13 Sep 28th, 2024Offline

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I am 99% sure half of Castlevania 2 haters are also AVGN fans

Toan Cloud

06:37 Nov 26th, 2023Offline

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As the follow up to the first Castlevania, I appreciate it trying to do something a little different and more open. But in a lot of ways, it fails in doing this. Technically being the first Castlevania game to be a Metroidvania, Castlevania II: Simon's Quest tries its hand at having a more open world style of gameplay. The goal is to gather the parts of Dracula to resurrect him and then kill him. Not for fun like one would assume, but to lift the curse put on poor Simon. As for the gameplay, you go around the map looking for these parts, killing monsters and buying items in villages. Monsters will drop hearts you need to buy things, but every item you can purchase is way too expensive, so most of the gameplay will be grinding to get hearts. The game also has a day and night cycle, which is pretty innovative for the time. Now, many games that take on a more Metroidvania style have secrets and puzzles, and so does Castlevania II. The only problem is, the puzzles in this game are way too convoluted. Like having to crouch in random corners with specific items equipped and wait for a minute. If that sounds ludicrous, you would be correct. The villagers will tell you things, but they rarely make any sense, and some of them are straight up lies. Castlevania II is what we would call a "Guide Game" due to these reasons. The soundtrack of the game is pretty solid. My favorite Castlevania song, Bloody Tears, first appeared in this game, so good stuff. Overall Castlevania II: Simon's quest is a good example of how not to make a Metroidvania style game, and can come off as too grindy and convoluted.


05:34 Aug 6th, 2022Offline

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来須 蒼真

What a wonderful day to have a good ost

What a terrible night to grind for hearts.

来須 蒼真

04:56 Aug 4th, 2022Offline

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What a wonderful day to have a good ost


04:46 Jan 31st, 2021Offline

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Castlevania II: Simon's Quest has A amazing Soundtrack and it also introduced bloody tears which will also be remixed a million times. The game itself goes for a adventure style but fails because The Town's People Don't Help And Give vague or sometimes lies about the game, & Not knowing where to go 99% of the time. Overall the Soundtrack is great but the game is a mediocre miss. Soundtrack:9./10. Game:5.4/10.

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02:26 Nov 8th, 2020Offline

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What A horrible night to have a curse.. Love all of these soundtracks and this game

Hey I Just 3334

01:18 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Dwelling of Room is easily my favorite track from this game, and all other Castlevania games.

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Guest Reviewer

01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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the game itself sucks but hearing this music it give me some nostalgic memories

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Guest Reviewer

01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Ok, i founded it, forget my last comment please, congratulations for you, I love the song of town!!

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Guest Reviewer

01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Excellent, BUT, Forgot the town song, 1 of my favorite!!!

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Guest Reviewer

01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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This rules and that's all you need to know.