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Castlevania: Dracula X / Vampire's Kiss


Akumajō Dracula XX

Platforms: SNES
Year: 1995
Developed by: Konami
Published by: Konami

Number of Files: 20
Total Filesize: 63 MB (MP3), 189 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Aug 21st, 2022   | Change Log
Album type: Gamerip
Uploaded by: OniiChan7765

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Overture 1:23 3.01 MB 9.10 MB get_app
2. Map 1:01 2.24 MB 5.89 MB get_app
3. Divine Bloodlines 3:08 6.59 MB 23.80 MB get_app
4. Vampire Killer 1:18 2.99 MB 9.02 MB get_app
5. Bloody Tears 2:20 4.90 MB 15.66 MB get_app
6. Cemetery 1:50 3.98 MB 11.29 MB get_app
7. Op.13 2:08 4.70 MB 15.21 MB get_app
8. Ghost Ship Painting 2:36 5.81 MB 18.71 MB get_app
9. Beginning 2:30 5.39 MB 18.02 MB get_app
10. The Nest 3:04 6.35 MB 21.45 MB get_app
11. Stage 1 Before the Boss Battle 1:14 2.39 MB 5.25 MB get_app
12. Dance in Phantasmic Hell 1:25 3.08 MB 8.66 MB get_app
13. Dance of Illusions 1:36 3.52 MB 9.90 MB get_app
14. Rescued 0:15 0.84 MB 1.53 MB get_app
15. Stage Clear 0:07 0.57 MB 0.64 MB get_app
16. Game Over 0:08 0.66 MB 0.83 MB get_app
17. Ending 0:19 0.93 MB 1.78 MB get_app
18. Staff Roll 1:52 3.83 MB 11.16 MB get_app
19. Chosen Fate 0:04 0.49 MB 0.29 MB get_app
20. Player Out 0:03 0.48 MB 0.37 MB get_app

People who viewed this also viewed

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS1, Saturn) (gamerip) (1997)

Akumajo Dracula X (1993)

Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (PC Engine CD) (TurboGrafx-16) (gamerip) (1993)

Castlevania: Bloodlines (Genesis) (gamerip) (1994)

Super Castlevania IV (SNES) (gamerip) (1991)

Castlevania (Arcade, Family Computer, FDS, NES) (gamerip) (1986)

Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Original Soundtrack (2007)


Castlevania II - Simon's Quest (NES) (gamerip) (1988)

Castlevania III - Dracula's Curse (NES) (gamerip) (1989)

Akumajo Dracula Gallery of Labyrinth Original Soundtrack (2007)

Akumajou Densetsu (VRC6 Chip) (Family Computer) (gamerip) (1989)


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10:10 Aug 4th, 2024Offline

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I honestly didn't know until now that this is a port of Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (I thought the name sharing was just a coincidence). But either way, these tunes sound just as good as the CD soundtrack in my opinion!

The only real similarities are that the songs are mostly the same and that it's about Richter rescuing girls from Dracula. The gameplay is notably separate from that of Rondo, as Richter is slower, the game is tougher, levels have been moved, replaced or cut, some item crashes are different, Shaft is gone, and Tera and Iris are gone too. The only girls you have to save are Maria (who isn't playable here) and Annette, and 3 different images will be shown in the credits depending on if you saved only one, both, or neither.


12:14 Dec 26th, 2023Offline

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I honestly didn't know until now that this is a port of Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (I thought the name sharing was just a coincidence). But either way, these tunes sound just as good as the CD soundtrack in my opinion!


12:52 Jun 19th, 2023Offline

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12:23 Aug 21st, 2022Offline

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This album was updated on 21st of August, 2022.


05:00 Jun 12th, 2022Offline

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Castlevania Dracula X isn't nearly as hard as Castlevania III. Unfortunately, I don't have a way to play the X68000 version or Castlevania Chronicles I should say because that game was ported to the Playstation one. By the way, if you use the axe on Dracula in Castlevania Dracula X, then the boss is a complete joke (Both forms).

Oh, ok... I was using holy water, maybe that's why...


08:27 Jun 12th, 2022Offline

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Euuuh... I don't know how you manage to find Castlevania Dracula X more difficult than Castlevania 3. I passed Castlevania Dracula X almost in the snap of a finger (except the last boss, where I almost gave up) while I worked hard and hard to finish Castlevania 3. By the way, if you are looking for the hardest Castlevania game, try: Castlevania (X68000). Personally I find it less difficult than Castlevania 3 but most people say it's the hardest!

Castlevania Dracula X isn't nearly as hard as Castlevania III. Unfortunately, I don't have a way to play the X68000 version or Castlevania Chronicles I should say because that game was ported to the Playstation one. By the way, if you use the axe on Dracula in Castlevania Dracula X, then the boss is a complete joke (Both forms).


11:16 Jun 11th, 2022Offline

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Ehhh... I disagree. Castlevania Dracula X is a fine game with some annoying enemy placement from time to time and the stages are either dull and boring or extremely irritating. I will say that I like Ricthers Backflip, The Bosses are some of the best of the Classicvania games, and the item crashes are fun and useful. However, compared to Super Castlevania IV and Castlevania Bloodlines, this game is a massive step down compared to those games.

Euuuh... I don't know how you manage to find Castlevania Dracula X more difficult than Castlevania 3. I passed Castlevania Dracula X almost in the snap of a finger (except the last boss, where I almost gave up) while I worked hard and hard to finish Castlevania 3. By the way, if you are looking for the hardest Castlevania game, try: Castlevania (X68000). Personally I find it less difficult than Castlevania 3 but most people say it's the hardest!


12:17 Jun 11th, 2022Offline

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Castlevania - Dracula X (Castlevania - Vampire's Kiss) (1995) (SNES) is a good game
My top 3 favorites songs are:
1. Illusionary Dance
2. Den
3. Boss

Ehhh... I disagree. Castlevania Dracula X is a fine game with some annoying enemy placement from time to time and the stages are either dull and boring or extremely irritating. I will say that I like Ricthers Backflip, The Bosses are some of the best of the Classicvania games, and the item crashes are fun and useful. However, compared to Super Castlevania IV and Castlevania Bloodlines, this game is a massive step down compared to those games.


06:48 Jun 10th, 2022Offline

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Castlevania - Dracula X (Castlevania - Vampire's Kiss) (1995) (SNES) is a good game
My top 3 favorites songs are:
1. Illusionary Dance
2. Den
3. Boss


04:14 Feb 7th, 2021Offline

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Castlevania Dracula X's Soundtrack Is Amazing! The Game Itself Is By Far The Hardest Castlevania Game I've Ever Played And Honestly It's My Second Least Favorite Castlevania Game I've Played.
Soundtrack:9/10. Game:5.6/10.

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01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Since I noticed the two reviews for this album have wildly different comments on the sound quality, I figured I'd put my two cents in: If there were any problems with the sound being messed up, they have since been fixed since "Guest" submitted their review. It sounds perfect. This is a good Castlevania sound track, recommended.

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01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I'll say myself, it sounds AWESOME and I can't believe how good the quality is! It sounds straight out of the SNES sound chip!

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01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Sound is messed up. Thank you for trying to get these at high quality though... But needs to be fixed. :-/