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Block Tales [Demo 3] (Roblox)


Block Tales OST
Block Tales Soundtrack
Block Tales

Platforms: Android, iOS, MacOS, Mobile, Online, PS4, PS5, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
Year: 2024
Developed by: 1nicopatty, @AsepriteRico, @wheel_able, Ascorbine, AtLeastOneShrimps, BasicallySquids, Bluay, Buildingsssss, Campyfire, Civicus, DJH_Dylan, ffPrankster, i69N, Kyles45678, Maximum_ADHD, Maylonkaa, MidnightKrystal, NotMakos, PrimeFIRE94, SpacemanIgloo, TCtully, TeaEqualsSwag, thadumbgoose, UnknownNamedGuy, Xaie1326, xonae
Published by: Roblox, Spaceman Moonbase

Number of Files: 73
Total Filesize: 206 MB (MP3), 127 MB (OGG)
Date Added: Oct 31st, 2024   | Change Log
Album type: Gamerip
Uploaded by: AbelitoGamer

Download all songs at once: click to download (OGG+MP3)
  CD # Song Name MP3 OGG    
1 1. Main Menu 0:16 0.49 MB 0.25 MB get_app
1 2. Tutorial Terry 0:42 1.32 MB 0.74 MB get_app
1 3. Bizville Hotel 0:19 0.54 MB 0.31 MB get_app
1 4. Chapter Start 0:09 0.26 MB 0.16 MB get_app
1 5. Bizville 1:05 1.81 MB 0.80 MB get_app
1 6. Bizville Library 2:40 4.05 MB 2.09 MB get_app
1 7. The Iron Cafe 1:50 3.15 MB 1.89 MB get_app
1 8. Job Center 0:31 0.94 MB 0.48 MB get_app
1 9. Bizville Arcade 0:42 1.33 MB 1.04 MB get_app
1 10. Bizville Meadows 1:02 1.98 MB 0.89 MB get_app
1 11. ROBLOX HQ 1:43 3.33 MB 1.80 MB get_app
1 12. Weak Battle 1:59 3.75 MB 2.01 MB get_app
1 13. Battle Victory 0:07 0.22 MB 0.18 MB get_app
1 14. Red & Blue Noobs 0:55 1.71 MB 1.13 MB get_app
1 15. Noobador 1:29 2.78 MB 1.69 MB get_app
1 16. Chapter End 0:10 0.27 MB 0.17 MB get_app
1 17. Caves 0:43 1.17 MB 0.63 MB get_app
1 18. Icy Caves 0:42 1.18 MB 0.96 MB get_app
1 19. Supreme Ant 0:55 1.89 MB 1.02 MB get_app
1 20. Roadtown 2:34 4.39 MB 2.41 MB get_app
1 21. Penguin Land 1:07 1.99 MB 1.33 MB get_app
1 22. Mt. Blackrock 1:36 2.25 MB 1.22 MB get_app
1 23. Mobile Battle 1:29 2.66 MB 1.18 MB get_app
1 24. Snowy Thicket 2:08 3.45 MB 1.63 MB get_app
1 25. Blackrock Castle 1:15 2.23 MB 1.10 MB get_app
1 26. Sentient Statue 0:48 1.62 MB 0.85 MB get_app
1 27. Cruel King 1:22 2.40 MB 1.10 MB get_app
2 1. In the Cards 0:37 1.20 MB 0.91 MB get_app
2 2. Bizville Sewers 0:20 0.57 MB 0.32 MB get_app
2 3. Nirvana 1:54 3.30 MB 2.06 MB get_app
2 4. Plainstown 1:51 3.40 MB 2.18 MB get_app
2 5. Ant Hill 1:47 3.29 MB 2.18 MB get_app
2 6. Turitopulis 1:13 2.23 MB 1.02 MB get_app
2 7. Hotel Turitopulis 1:08 2.27 MB 1.68 MB get_app
2 8. Mudroads 1:00 1.86 MB 1.41 MB get_app
2 9. Rugged Rainforest 1:23 2.52 MB 1.41 MB get_app
2 10. Jungle Battle 2:46 4.96 MB 2.54 MB get_app
2 11. Komodo Dragon 2:09 3.95 MB 2.69 MB get_app
2 12. Griefer 1:20 2.47 MB 1.67 MB get_app
2 13. Bigfoot 2:03 3.90 MB 2.43 MB get_app
2 14. Sacred Hollow 1:54 3.50 MB 1.83 MB get_app
2 15. Bubonic Plant 1:20 2.64 MB 1.74 MB get_app
2 16. Panacea 2:02 3.61 MB 2.16 MB get_app
2 17. Mudroads (Arcade Version) 1:34 2.92 MB 2.06 MB get_app
2 18. Weird Battle 2:06 3.76 MB 1.88 MB get_app
3 1. Bizville Railways 2:14 4.24 MB 2.79 MB get_app
3 2. Bizville Railways (In-Game Version) 2:04 3.96 MB 2.49 MB get_app
3 3. Train Battle 2:22 4.47 MB 2.69 MB get_app
3 4. Train Battle (In-Game Version) 2:15 4.33 MB 2.56 MB get_app
3 5. Green & Purple Noobs 2:00 3.84 MB 4.77 MB get_app
3 6. Cemetery 1:12 2.16 MB 1.43 MB get_app
3 7. Spooky Battle 2:17 3.67 MB 5.61 MB get_app
3 8. Crypt 1:38 2.76 MB 1.69 MB get_app
3 9. Telamon Manor 1:24 2.57 MB 1.56 MB get_app
3 10. Telamon Manor (Alternate) 1:20 2.39 MB 1.61 MB get_app
3 11. Catacombs 2:54 4.90 MB 2.86 MB get_app
3 12. Turkey 2:08 3.89 MB 2.20 MB get_app
3 13. Slasher 1:11 2.00 MB 1.17 MB get_app
3 14. Funky Battle 2:10 3.82 MB 2.22 MB get_app
3 15. Greed 2:24 4.38 MB 2.74 MB get_app
3 16. Solitude 2:15 3.70 MB 2.29 MB get_app
3 17. Fear 3:17 6.19 MB 3.71 MB get_app
3 18. Hatred 4:21 8.35 MB 5.03 MB get_app
3 19. Redemption 1:53 2.94 MB 1.93 MB get_app
3 20. Spooky Battle (Old) 0:49 1.29 MB 0.55 MB get_app
4 1. Desert (Unfinished) 1:01 1.99 MB 1.13 MB get_app
4 2. Space Battle 1:51 3.21 MB 1.81 MB get_app
4 3. Turitopulis (Unknown Variant) 1:13 2.24 MB 1.28 MB get_app
4 4. Hotel Turitopulis (Variant - Unreleased Track 0) 1:08 2.22 MB 1.52 MB get_app
4 5. Unreleased Track 1 1:07 1.94 MB 0.90 MB get_app
4 6. Unreleased Track 2 1:25 2.36 MB 1.29 MB get_app
4 7. Unreleased Track 3 1:35 2.67 MB 1.65 MB get_app
4 8. Terminal Velocity (Earthbound remix) 4:01 7.53 MB 4.10 MB get_app


The gamerip soundtrack to Block Tales: Swords of Time, a multiplayer turn-based Roblox RPG inspired by Paper Mario 64 and Earthbound.

The game is playable on PC, mobile/tablet and console.

Almost all of the songs here are obtained directly from the game cache. (The "game files" equivalent of roblox), including songs that do NOT appear on the game nor UnknownNamedGuy's channel. Enjoy!

Note that "Unreleased Tracks" could perfectly be straight from other games, used as placeholders.

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+ Comment

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02:04 Feb 22nd, 2025Offline

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yoo!! this is a pleasant surprise!! i do have a (probably stupid) question though

is your software compatible with bloxstrap? i tried using it with the bloxstrap client and it was not finding anything at all, even with the right directory specified

Make sure it is in [ICODE]%Temp%\Roblox[/ICODE] instead of your Bloxstrap directory, Roblox saves to %Temp%\Roblox no matter what.
You can reset your cache directory in the settings and it should automatically find that folder, if it doesn't, make sure you have at least ran Roblox once.

I don't do testing on Windows anymore as I have moved to Linux, so if you are still running into issues, it would be helpful to have more info about it.


02:50 Feb 21st, 2025Offline

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Hi I am the creator of Roblox Assets Extractor, the software you have referenced in this thread.
I have stumbled upon this thread because I was searching across the internet for references for my software.
It seems like people actually use my software! Which is surprising! This feels like a lot of support for me
By the way, If you are running the old Python version, I have rewritten it in Rust with higher performance and better stability, I am planning to add many more features to that version, there are already tons of features like automatically renaming files for you, so you don't need to remember them every time you rip the OST

Also, related to this album, Unreleased Track 3 is from the Earthbound OST, named Deeper into Ness's Subconscious
I am a huge fan of EarthBound and Blocktales, and it is nice seeing the Blocktales community using my software to listen to the original music of the game.

yoo!! this is a pleasant surprise!! i do have a (probably stupid) question though

is your software compatible with bloxstrap? i tried using it with the bloxstrap client and it was not finding anything at all, even with the right directory specified

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09:37 Feb 18th, 2025Offline

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Hi I am the creator of Roblox Assets Extractor, the software you have referenced in this thread.
I have stumbled upon this thread because I was searching across the internet for references for my software.
It seems like people actually use my software! Which is surprising! This feels like a lot of support for me
By the way, If you are running the old Python version, I have rewritten it in Rust with higher performance and better stability, I am planning to add many more features to that version, there are already tons of features like automatically renaming files for you, so you don't need to remember them every time you rip the OST

Also, related to this album, Unreleased Track 3 is from the Earthbound OST, named Deeper into Ness's Subconscious
I am a huge fan of EarthBound and Blocktales, and it is nice seeing the Blocktales community using my software to listen to the original music of the game.


03:27 Jan 22nd, 2025Offline

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when I try to download the album it doesent show me the disc number and the number of the tracks for example in the picture according to the link: ( can you try to fix this?

I used to add the track numbers before, but I got lazy and removed them all to not have to keep track of them. Idk where the ones on the website are coming from; I didn't add any disc or track number to the metadata of the files. Maybe I'll try to add them back properly when I update this for demo 4, or the prologue, whatever comes first.

the game over track is missing (if it even has a song, every time i game over i hear some kind of song playing very quietly)

The game over thing is more of a fanfare than music, but if battle victory is there, I guess I should add it. I'll keep it in mind when adding the demo 4/prologue tracks.

Btw, my last edit was made on Oct 31st, 2024, so I have no idea who edited the description for this rip or renamed the Jungle Music whose name doesn't appear anywhere™ to - Turitopulis (Unknown Variant). I think im missing something here.

Anyway, I'll see y'all whenever the game gets updated with more bangers.


02:15 Jan 18th, 2025Offline

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block tales my beloved :D


09:03 Jan 13th, 2025Offline

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the game over track is missing (if it even has a song, every time i game over i hear some kind of song playing very quietly)


02:59 Dec 25th, 2024Offline

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when I try to download the album it doesent show me the disc number and the number of the tracks for example in the picture according to the link: ( can you try to fix this?

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02:03 Dec 6th, 2024Offline

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This is a comments thread for the following album:


[TABLE width="745px"] - [COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]Jungle Music whose name doesn_t appear anywhere


is just Turitopulis!


04:15 Oct 31st, 2024Offline

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This album was updated on 31st of October, 2024.

Change Log:
-Added Green & Purple Noobs
I ripped all the music again, and I couldn't find this one, no matter how hard I searched. So, this is the YouTube version. Maybe I'll find the actual OGG file when I rip demo 4


09:49 Oct 30th, 2024Offline

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peak has arrived numero dos


05:07 Oct 30th, 2024Offline

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Erm... it's missing the BEST song here... (cough cough Green and Purple Noobs...)

No way im going to have to go through the entire ost again how tf did i miss that


03:10 Oct 29th, 2024Offline

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Erm... it's missing the BEST song here... (cough cough Green and Purple Noobs...)


04:08 Oct 29th, 2024Offline

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This album was updated on 29th of October, 2024.

Change Log:
[*]Added Demo 3 OST
[*]Added Demo 3 Cover
[*]Renamed some Unreleased tracks to their official names/more acurrate names.
[*]Unreleased Track 6 --> - Terminal Velocity (Earthbound Remix)
[*]Unreleased Track 2 --> - Telamon's Manor
[*]Unreleased Track 1 --> - Desert (Unfinished)
[*]Remaining Unreleased Tracks had their numbers adjusted
[*]Updated developers (Not yet visible)
[*]Updated album name (Not yet visible)
[*]Block Tales (Demo 3) Roblox --> Block Tales [Demo 3] (Roblox)


12:15 Oct 29th, 2024Offline

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now we know that Unreleased Track 2 is Telamon's Mansion theme

Finally. A 'Unreleased Track' that is actually an Unreleased Track. I've won.

[IMG size="220x245"][/IMG]

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08:39 Oct 25th, 2024Offline

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now we know that Unreleased Track 2 is Telamon's Mansion theme


04:26 Oct 22nd, 2024Offline

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[IMG size="230x374"][/IMG]


08:47 Oct 22nd, 2024Offline

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Protip: read this post from the forum view of this website. Thanks.

Chapter 3 is out, and I won’t be able to play it for a while. While ripping the OST is quick, I want to experience it for the first time while playing, so be patient.


Unreleased Track #6 is actually just a placeholder song used by the devs way back when so the game wouldn't be just silence.. It's actually an Earthbound styled remix of a track from Sonic Colors, Terminal Velocity.

Very useful info, thanks, Noldrem.

Oh, and by the way, I got curious and went to the Block Tales Discord server to search the word "khinsider," and I think I found a familiar fella in there. 🤭
[IMG size="951x407"][/IMG]
I’ll say this again: I have no idea where the unreleased tracks are from. I had plenty of them removed with the Chapter 2 music drop because I found out they were literally Paper Mario music. If you know that an unreleased track is actually from another game, please tell me ASAP. I don’t want to look like a fool by having them uploaded here. 😵‍💫

Anyway, using khinsider's quick edit options, I’ve renamed "Unreleased Track 6" (formerly "Unreleased Track 9") to "Terminal Velocity (Earthbound remix)"
Even if it’s something campy put together just to keep the game from being completely mute during its early development, I still consider it an "original remix" somewhat related to the game, so it will stay.

Also, campyfire mentioned in the Discord server that "Unreleased Track 1" was actually an unfinished version of an official song, so at least ONE of them is actually Block Tales music. As such, "Unreleased Track 1" is now called "Desert (Unfinished)," using the same filename as the song uploaded by campy on Discord. The remaining Unreleased Track are also renamed to have their numbers make sense. I cant wait for someone to tell me that theyre obviusly from (insert game whose OST i have never heard) and embarass myself even more.

Meh, worth it.

These changes should be visible in a few days.
As i said in the beginning, be patient for the chapter 3 uploads, and stay safe. ;)


04:51 Oct 17th, 2024Offline

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This album was updated on 3rd of September, 2024.

Change Log:
Added all the demo 2 tracks.
I gave up trying to give these things a track number, so now they dont have any.
Also, i found that like, 3 of the "Unreleased Track" songs were just from Paper Mario 64, so uhhh. Yeah. Probably just placeholders. Those were removed. If you recognize any of the Unreleased Tracks, and are in fact, from other games, let me know.

Unreleased Track #6 is actually just a placeholder song used by the devs way back when so the game wouldn't be just silence.. It's actually an Earthbound styled remix of a track from Sonic Colors, Terminal Velocity.

The more you know...


02:14 Sep 8th, 2024Offline

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This album was updated on 8th of September, 2024.

Change Log:
Removed duplicated songs. Oops.


11:15 Sep 5th, 2024Offline

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peak has arrived



05:50 Sep 5th, 2024Offline

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It seems that my google drive with the songs had duplicates for some reason. Oops!
The duplicates should disappear within the next few days.


05:33 Sep 5th, 2024Offline

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Why the heck did some of them duplicate


03:07 Sep 3rd, 2024Offline

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peak has arrived


10:05 Sep 3rd, 2024Offline

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This album was updated on 3rd of September, 2024.

Change Log:
Added all the demo 2 tracks.
I gave up trying to give these things a track number, so now they dont have any.
Also, i found that like, 3 of the "Unreleased Track" songs were just from Paper Mario 64, so uhhh. Yeah. Probably just placeholders. Those were removed. If you recognize any of the Unreleased Tracks, and are in fact, from other games, let me know.


07:45 Sep 1st, 2024Offline

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The demo 2 OST has now been sent to revision. Just wait for the admin to approve them and they should appear here.


could i perhaps............ get the program name.......?

Don't ask me on specifics on how to make it work because honestly i don't even remember how i did it, but you needed some dependencies or things like that. Aside from that, have this:


03:15 Sep 1st, 2024Offline

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I used a program from github that dumps the cache that roblox saves in some appdata folder i cant recall right now into a different folder with their respective formats. This way, i basically obtain the original, full quality, same thing you hear in-game, file. Then i have to listen to every single audio file dumped to find the songs, because their filenames are just random letters (probably IDs).

could i perhaps............ get the program name.......?


08:52 Aug 30th, 2024Offline

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unreleased track 9 must be some boss fight

My original theory was that Unreleased Track 9 was going to be Chapter 2 boss music. But nope. Im curious about where its going to be used


08:35 Aug 30th, 2024Offline

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how'd you even manage to get access to the game's cache???
through dev console or smth???

I used a program from github that dumps the cache that roblox saves in some appdata folder i cant recall right now into a different folder with their respective formats. This way, i basically obtain the original, full quality, same thing you hear in-game, file. Then i have to listen to every single audio file dumped to find the songs, because their filenames are just random letters (probably IDs).


08:32 Aug 30th, 2024Offline

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man, how long is it gonna be until demo 2 downloads
do you have a release date or something

I've been neglecting this ngl, I'll get to it around this weekend.

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07:30 Aug 12th, 2024Offline

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unreleased track 9 must be some boss fight


03:44 Jul 31st, 2024Offline

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how'd you even manage to get access to the game's cache???
through dev console or smth???

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01:47 Jul 28th, 2024Offline

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I can wait, eventually.


06:03 Jul 20th, 2024Offline

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man, how long is it gonna be until demo 2 downloads
do you have a release date or something


06:59 Jul 19th, 2024Offline

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me waiting for the Komado Dragon music:

same lol


06:14 Jul 11th, 2024Offline

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they erm mightve updated the game with a whole new demo

me waiting for the Komado Dragon music:


06:03 Jul 11th, 2024Offline

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This album was updated on 1st of July, 2024.

Change Log:
Added 2 new tracks, and renamed a few of them to be more faithful. Also, modified the metadata "Track number" on all released tracks to adjust for "Icy Caves" being added.

Can you add the new Demo 2 tracks?


03:47 Jul 9th, 2024Offline

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they erm mightve updated the game with a whole new demo


04:37 Jul 1st, 2024Offline

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This album was updated on 1st of July, 2024.

Change Log:
Added 2 new tracks, and renamed a few of them to be more faithful. Also, modified the metadata "Track number" on all released tracks to adjust for "Icy Caves" being added.


03:49 Jun 26th, 2024Offline

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These are pretty good uploads, but this soundtrack only has the old versions of Spooky Battle and Caves.

A new version of Spooky Battle exists?
Edit: Damn. I just checked UnknownNamedGuy channel. Seems like i have to update this.


03:20 Jun 20th, 2024Offline

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These are pretty good uploads, but this soundtrack only has the old versions of Spooky Battle and Caves.
(The new version is renamed to Icy Caves, but I don't know if that means the Caves in-game will be scrapped or reused in a different chapter. I'll ask a developer for confirmation at a later date and then respond back here.)

Alright, then! Icy Caves is a new track, and the regular Caves track is not going to be scrapped.


01:08 Jun 18th, 2024Offline

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These are pretty good uploads, but this soundtrack only has the old versions of Spooky Battle and Caves.
(The new version is renamed to Icy Caves, but I don't know if that means the Caves in-game will be scrapped or reused in a different chapter. I'll ask a developer for confirmation at a later date and then respond back here.)