The actual Full Version of Dash is in the music library. This is how to get to it if you use Windows.
this is great! 10 from me.things u didn't know :
if you play base after base with the sound off
the movement of your square works very well
with Thomas The Tank Engine.Also Frontlines from
geometry dash world for the app store (im pretty
sure its not for the play store or google play
i think)it works even better and its really cool
u know that a lot of tracks work with Thomas The
Tank Engine.Ha!
Doesn't have all songs, but it still is nice to listen to these songs while doing google fued. Ima going to suck an egg now while listening to etzer 8)
Amazing selection.
Gets you hyped.
I don't know what else to say.
IT'S JUST AMAZING!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
pritty much all but not all and not relaxing but coll I like cool and relaxing I like them both so I desided to rate average I'm MAB'V M means Myles A is for Adrien and B is Basiao and the least is V Versosa Hehe
Why isn't here Geometrical dominator from waterflame and Deadlocked from f-777 . It would make me very happy if the songs Geometrical dominator and deadlocked would be in this Album. Those are the last two songs from Geometry dash
10:58 Mar 15th, 2025Offline