Platforms: GC, PS2, Windows, Xbox
Year: 2002
Published by: Infogrames
Number of Files: 51
Total Filesize: 214 MB (MP3), 667 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Nov 3rd, 2022
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Album type: Soundtrack
Uploaded by: AsteroidBK
Long ago, somebody contacted 1 of the 4 composers of Zapper, Matt Black, and asked him for the original files of the music. A while later, in late September of 2022, he sent them to that person, and shortly after I got a copy of them too, which is what these files are. Unfortunately, Attract, Hasta la Vista Magpie, and all of the unused tracks except the Voodoo and Rockface unused tracks, as well as Finish Level 1/3 and Magpie Alternate (which were actually never in the game unused, and only came from these files) were missing from the files, so they were ripped from the PS2 version of the final game, and for most unused tracks from the Xbox prototype.
01:35 Nov 4th, 2022Offline