There are two more tracks sold separately from V Rising - Legacy of Castlevania Premium Pack. They are
[*]Bloody Tears (V Rising Adaptation)
[*]Simon’s Theme (V Rising Adaptation)
It seems like the .mp3 files are converted from the .wav files and lost fidelity in the process. Would it be possible for the original .mp3 files be added instead?
Нет, все файлы как-то странно уменьшаются в качестве при загрузке, наверное, админ считает, что музыка в хорошем качестве это пустая трата трафика. И нет, mp3 файлы не делались из WAV, их делает админ из FLAC файлов как я понял, потому что я загружаю только FLAC файлы на сайт
No, all files somehow strangely decrease in quality when downloading, probably the admin thinks that music in good quality is a waste of traffic. And no, mp3 files were not made from WAV, they are made by the admin from FLAC files, as I understand it, because I upload only FLAC files to the site
It seems like the .mp3 files are converted from the .wav files and lost fidelity in the process. Would it be possible for the original .mp3 files be added instead?
04:23 May 30th, 2024Offline