Platforms: Xbox
Year: 2002
Developed by: Media Vision
Published by: Microsoft Game Studios
Number of Files: 43
Total Filesize: 252 MB
Date Added: Jul 28th, 2024
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Album type: Gamerip
Uploaded by: MadeshaD, Mogboy77
A new gang of rats that has moved into the neighborhood has stolen food Apollo the mouse and his friends were going to take to a party. Now, Apollo and his friends must search for and fight the invading rats.
Each level is broken up into two sections. First, Apollo and the other mice will search for rat scouts, traveling from room to room along branching paths. Some rats will be in plain sight, but others will need you to move objects. After the rat scouts have been found, rat gangs will appear to fight you. Your companions will fight automatically, or you can order them to attack specific targets. In either case, combat is 3rd-person brawling.
06:33 Jul 28th, 2024Online