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Platforms: FDS, NES
Year: 1986
Developed by: Nintendo
Published by: Nintendo

Number of Files: 34
Total Filesize: 57 MB (MP3), 170 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Apr 7th, 2021   | Change Log
Album type: Gamerip

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  CD # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1 1. Title Theme (Mono) 1:36 1.60 MB 5.34 MB get_app
1 2. Samus Aran Fanfare (Mono) 0:07 0.16 MB 0.43 MB get_app
1 3. Brinstar (Mono) 1:38 1.74 MB 5.30 MB get_app
1 4. Norfair (Mono) 1:13 1.23 MB 3.27 MB get_app
1 5. Kraid's Lair (Mono) 1:32 1.43 MB 4.96 MB get_app
1 6. Lower Norfair (Mono) 0:54 0.81 MB 3.00 MB get_app
1 7. Item Room (Mono) 0:22 0.44 MB 1.00 MB get_app
1 8. Item Acquisition Fanfare (Mono) 0:05 0.13 MB 0.33 MB get_app
1 9. Tourian (Mono) 0:28 0.46 MB 1.35 MB get_app
1 10. Vs. Mother Brain (Mono) 0:15 0.42 MB 0.71 MB get_app
1 11. Escape (Mono) 2:10 2.04 MB 6.83 MB get_app
1 12. Ending Theme (Mono) 2:14 2.18 MB 7.71 MB get_app
1 13. Title Theme (Famicom Disk System ver.) [Mono] 1:36 1.53 MB 5.35 MB get_app
1 14. Samus Aran Fanfare (Famicom Disk System ver.) [Mono] 0:07 0.18 MB 0.44 MB get_app
1 15. Item Acquisition Fanfare (Famicom Disk System ver.) [Mono] 0:05 0.13 MB 0.33 MB get_app
1 16. Escape (Famicom Disk System ver.) [Mono] 2:10 2.04 MB 6.58 MB get_app
1 17. Ending Theme (Famicom Disk System ver.) [Mono] 2:14 2.22 MB 7.74 MB get_app
2 1. Title Theme (Stereo) 1:36 3.13 MB 9.40 MB get_app
2 2. Samus Aran Fanfare (Stereo) 0:07 0.31 MB 0.71 MB get_app
2 3. Brinstar (Stereo) 1:38 3.47 MB 9.58 MB get_app
2 4. Norfair (Stereo) 1:13 2.29 MB 5.49 MB get_app
2 5. Kraid's Lair (Stereo) 1:32 2.83 MB 8.87 MB get_app
2 6. Lower Norfair (Stereo) 0:54 1.56 MB 5.51 MB get_app
2 7. Item Room (Stereo) 0:22 0.71 MB 1.64 MB get_app
2 8. Item Acquisition Fanfare (Stereo) 0:05 0.19 MB 0.53 MB get_app
2 9. Tourian (Stereo) 0:28 1.06 MB 2.39 MB get_app
2 10. Vs. Mother Brain (Stereo) 0:15 0.64 MB 1.23 MB get_app
2 11. Escape (Stereo) 2:10 4.57 MB 12.39 MB get_app
2 12. Ending Theme (Stereo) 2:14 4.61 MB 14.03 MB get_app
2 13. Title Theme (Famicom Disk System ver.) [Stereo] 1:36 2.95 MB 9.52 MB get_app
2 14. Samus Aran Fanfare (Famicom Disk System ver.) [Stereo] 0:07 0.31 MB 0.72 MB get_app
2 15. Item Acquisition Fanfare (Famicom Disk System ver.) [Stereo] 0:05 0.22 MB 0.54 MB get_app
2 16. Escape (Famicom Disk System ver.) [Stereo] 2:10 4.57 MB 12.13 MB get_app
2 17. Ending Theme (Famicom Disk System ver.) [Stereo] 2:14 4.78 MB 14.40 MB get_app


Metroid is an adventure platformer released for the Famicom Disk System in 1986 and the NES in 1987. In this game, you play as bounty hunter Samus Aran on her first mission to defeat Mother Brain on planet Zebes.

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The Legend of Zelda (NES, Wii, Wii U, Switch) (gamerip) (1986)

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Metroid Fusion (GBA, Switch) (gamerip) (2002)

Metroid (FDS) (gamerip) (1986)

Mega Man 2 (NES, Family Computer) (gamerip) (1988)

Super Mario 64 Original Soundtrack (1996)

Metroid - Zero Mission Remastered (GBA) (2004)



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11:03 Apr 1st, 2024Offline

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Honestly, I blame the lack of a ingame map. Really hinders its accessibility these days. Otherwise it's a good game, if rough in a few areas.

Back then, the manual told you to draw your own map as you played. Or you could've also bought a guide with a map in it, which you can do easily now by just searching it up. I personally ended up doing neither. I wanted to play it without any outside help, outside of my prior knowledge of the game, and since I played it on the Switch and would sometimes play it away from home, I didn't feel like grabbing a pencil and a piece of paper. Anyway, I just played the game and tried to remember the layout in my head, and most of the time I was fine. And even if I did get lost, it wasn't that hard to find my way again. An in-game map would probably be nice, but I don't think it's necessarily required.
I think the main thing that causes people to get lost is that there's a lot of rooms that look identical, especially in Norfair and Kraid's Lair. That's obviously a technical limitation though.

Really the only thing I don't like about the game is the farming. Having to farm energy every time you die is a bit rough. Otherwise, it's a fun game. Now, I have to figure out how to beat it in under an hour and get the best ending.

BTW, it's kind of dumb when people treat Metroid: Zero Mission as a replacement to the original. I haven't played it, but like, you're not gonna get the experience of playing the original game by playing Zero Mission. They're basically 2 different games.


04:06 Mar 31st, 2024Offline

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Listening to this OST inspired me to try playing the original Metroid again, and the game finally clicked with me this time. This game is actually really good, and it's sad that it gets a bad rep nowadays.


11:50 Mar 6th, 2024Offline

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The Smash Bros remix of Escape is amazing. It made me appreciate that song alot more.

I've never listened to most Smash remixes in general so...


06:19 Mar 1st, 2024Offline

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BTW, I did not know this game's OST was so good.
Top 5 songs:
5. Kraids Lair
Idk. I really like this one particularly because of the 0:31. I love the triangle wave.
4. Escape
It's pretty great. It's interesting that the original Japanese FDS only had the first 2 sections of the song, but for the regular NES version, the composer decided to extend the song.
3. Brinstar
The iconic Metroid theme. Obviously it's one of the best.
2. Title (Both versions)
It's beautiful. The FDS version is the best, but the NES version is still awesome.
But easily the best song in this OST is...
1. Ending (Both versions).
Both versions are so overwhelmingly beautiful. Not even kidding. Like the Title theme, the FDS is the best, but the NES version is also amazing.


04:42 Mar 1st, 2024Offline

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Is it me, or do the mono versions sound way better than the stereo versions?
Most of these songs do not hit the same with the square channels on different sides. The mono versions sound so much more harmonic with all the channels playing in the same place.
The exceptions here are the songs where the other square channel is only used for an echo/reverb effect (Kraid's Lair, Item Room, Title [FDS version]). It works well with stereo. The other exception is Ending [FDS ver.]. I think it's because both of the square waves act more like secondary instruments because of the FDS synth, but the stereo works well.

But everything else, honestly, just sounds empty compared to the original mono versions. Just saying.

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09:33 Dec 7th, 2023Offline

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It's ok, man! We all make mistakes on a daily basis.

Thank you!


05:27 Dec 6th, 2023Offline

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Yeah. I heard the same music when watching a YouTube video. Sorry about that.

It's ok, man! We all make mistakes on a daily basis.

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12:54 Dec 6th, 2023Offline

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but wasn't it the same theme as the Item Acquisition Fanfare? I have replayed the game for that question, and it seems like nothing is changed there (i played both the NES version and the NES Classic version).

Yeah. I heard the same music when watching a YouTube video. Sorry about that.


10:44 Dec 4th, 2023Offline

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Can someone upload the Missile Acquisition Fanfare for this game? I can't find it anywhere...

Sorry to burst your bubble, but wasn't it the same theme as the Item Acquisition Fanfare? I have replayed the game for that question, and it seems like nothing is changed there (i played both the NES version and the NES Classic version).

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11:08 Jan 20th, 2023Offline

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Can someone upload the Missile Acquisition Fanfare for this game? I can't find it anywhere...

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01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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interesting to hear the western nes port and the famicom soundtrack side by side, you can really hear the improvement in harmonic content on the famicom ones

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01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Appears to be missing all the higher notes when compared to original game.