Number of Files: 57
Total Filesize: 550 MB (MP3), 4,047 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Jan 30th, 2025
| Change Log
Album type: Gamerip
Uploaded by: eeveelover64, CKOnline
Path to Deicide is an album by GasGrass that features a tetralogy of Friday Night Funkin'-based songs that depict popular characters from a subset of the Sonic the Hedgehog community called EXEs. The album contains additional extras outside of the main story.
Change Log:
replaced cover art with higher-quality cover art, re-did some custom cover arts, added new & album mix tracks, replaced "the allocation (instrumental)" & "the interloper (instrumental)" with flp exports, re-did tetrabrachial flp export due to a genny sugar-up
Change Log:
fixed album name, re-vamped everything with flp exports, added majin rap only version of apochronal because i only now realised it had a rap lol
03:52 Jan 30th, 2025Offline