Platforms: Android, iOS Year: 2016 Number of Files: 25 Total Filesize: 176 MB (MP3), 807 MB (FLAC) Date Added: Jan 15th, 2021
Minecraft Soundtrack - Volume Alpha and Beta (Complete Edition) (2011, 2013, 2019)
Death Road to Canada (gamerip) (2016)
Plants vs. Zombies Original Soundtrack (2009)
EarthBound (SNES) (gamerip) (1994)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017)
Super Mario Bros. (gamerip) (1985)
Mario Kart Wii (Wii) (gamerip) (2008)
Super Mario 64 Original Soundtrack (1996)
Mother 3 (GBA) (gamerip) (2006)
Pokémon Black and White (DS) (gamerip) (2010)
Geometry Dash (Android, iOS, MacOS, Mobile, Windows) (gamerip) (2013)
+ Comment
01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline
Update: Although it really misses some great OST, those are just a few. Also, it comes with the correct Metadata (I don't think it comes with an album cover, but anyways). The quality is great. Nice
Hmm, it misses some great ost, like City of Lost Hope, for example. It shoulnd't, as it's pretty easy to get the files directly from the game folder
01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline