Austin's Candy Quest: Deceiving Sweets
Year: 2021
Published by: Super Dup Productions
Number of Files: 50
Total Filesize: 149 MB (MP3), 800 MB (WAV)
Date Added: Feb 19th, 2025
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Album type: Inspired By
Uploaded by: SuperDupYT
These are the demo versions for a planned game called Austin's Candy Quest: Deceiving Sweets which I think was only able to be uploaded in the first place due to the album existing somewhere else. These are "demo versions" which mean this won't be how it sounds in game or on other platforms, but improved versions of the Bandlab made versions may exist in the final game. It was originally planned to be made in Dreams, but due to new limitations, the project has been moved to hopefully publishing it on Steam, though that is not a promise.
Bandlab description: "Whether this will be in an actual game is impossible to predict, but hopefully this shows how good the @Bandlab instruments are if you use them right."
03:28 Feb 19th, 2025Offline