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Top 100 Albums Published by Time Warner Interactive

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Album Platform Type Year
Namco Video Game Graffiti 3DO, 3DS, Amiga, Anime, Arcade, CD-i, Commodore 64, Dreamcast, DS, Family Computer, FDS, Genesis / Mega Drive, MSX, MSX2, Neo Geo, NES, Online, PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5, PSP, SNES, Switch, TurboGrafx-16, Wii, Wii U, Windows, X68000, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Arrangement 1986
Sylvester and Tweety in Cagey Capers Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1994
Prince of Persia PC-98, PC-9821, X68000 Gamerip 1990
Rise of the Robots CD-i Gamerip 1994
Area 51 Arcade Gamerip 1995
Red Zone Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1994
Red Zone (HD) Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1994
Primal Rage SNES Gamerip 1994
Race Drivin' a Go! Go! PS1 Gamerip 1996
The Lawnmower Man Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1994
Primal Rage PS1 Gamerip 1995
Time Warner Interactive's VR Virtua Racing Saturn Gamerip 1995
Primal Rage Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1995
Rise of the Robots Amiga Gamerip 1994
Battlecorps (SCD) Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1994
Rise of the Robots MS-DOS Gamerip 1994
Primal Rage Saturn Gamerip 1995
Return Fire PS1 Gamerip 1995
Race Drivin' Saturn Gamerip 1995
Soulstar (SCD) Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1994
Shinrei Jusatsushi Taroumaru Saturn Gamerip 1997
Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars SNES Gamerip 1995
Kawasaki Superbike Challenge Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1994
Super RBI Baseball SNES Gamerip 1995
Kawasaki Superbike Challenge SNES Gamerip 1995
Power Drive Rally Atari Jaguar Gamerip 1995
Endorfun Windows Gamerip 1995
Mega SWIV Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1994
Zero Divide PS1 Gamerip 1995
Tama: Adventurous Ball in Giddy Labyrinth PS1, Saturn Gamerip 1994