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Top 100 Albums Published by Sony Computer Entertainment

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Album Platform Type Year
Crash Bandicoot - PS1 Soundtrack Collection PS1 Gamerip 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
Bloodborne Mini Soundtrack PS4 Soundtrack 2015
Twisted Metal: Black PS2 Gamerip 2001
Patapon 3 Original Soundtrack PSP Soundtrack 2011
Twisted Metal: Head-On PSP Gamerip 2005
Patapon Original Soundtrack PSP Soundtrack 2011
Patapon 2 Original Soundtrack PSP Soundtrack 2011
Killzone Original Soundtrack PS2 Soundtrack 2004
Amplitude Original Game Audio PS2 Soundtrack 2003
PaRappa the Rapper PS1 Gamerip 1996
White Knight Chronicles LEVEL-5 × PlayStation Special Soundtrack PS2, PS3, PSP Soundtrack 2008
Mickey's Wild Adventure PS Vita, PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP Gamerip 1996
Deka Voice PS2 Gamerip 2003
PaRappa the Rapper PS4, PSP Gamerip 2006
Futari no Fantavision PS2 Gamerip 2002
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs PS2 Gamerip 2002
Fantavision (Japan) PS2 Gamerip 2000
Bloodborne Full Extended Soundtrack PS4 Arrangement 2015
The Getaway PS2 Gamerip 2002
The Last Guy PS3 Gamerip 2008
Porsche Challenge PS1 Gamerip 1997
Dead or Alive PS1 Gamerip 1998
ModNation Racers: Road Trip PS Vita Gamerip 2012
TVDJ Official Soundtrack PS2 Soundtrack 2000
Slipstream 2 - the Music from wipE'out'' Remix 2012
Trash Panic PS3 Gamerip 2009
Sports Champions 2 PS3 Gamerip 2012
NBA ShootOut PS1 Gamerip 1996
Slipstream - the Music from wipE'out'' Remix 2012
NBA ShootOut '97 PS1 Gamerip 1997
Gran Turismo Skills Online Gamerip 2009
MLB 06: The Show PS2, PSP Gamerip 2006
Beat Sketcher PS3 Gamerip 2010
Knack's Quest Mobile Gamerip 2013