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Top 100 Albums Published by Headup Games

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Album Platform Type Year
Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap Android, iOS, Linux, MacOS, Mobile, PS4, PS5, Switch, Windows, Xbox One Gamerip 2017
SEUM - Speedrunners from Hell Linux, MacOS, PS4, Windows, Xbox One Gamerip 2016
Devils & Demons Android, iOS, Mobile, Windows Gamerip 2014
Toby: The Secret Mine Android, iOS, Linux, PS4, Switch, Wii U, Windows, Xbox One Gamerip 2015
Sledgehammer Windows Gamerip 2008
Slime-san Linux, MacOS, Switch, Windows Gamerip 2017
Slime-san: Blackbird's Kraken Linux, MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2017
Greed: Black Border Windows Gamerip 2010
Bridge Constructor Playground Android, iOS, Linux, MacOS, Mobile, Wii U, Windows Gamerip 2012
Shiny The Firefly Android, iOS, Linux, MacOS, Mobile, Wii U, Windows Gamerip 2013
Dr. Fetus' Mean Meat Machine PS4, PS5, Switch, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Gamerip 2023
Super Treasure Arena MacOS, Switch, Windows Gamerip 2018
Alarm for Cobra 11: Nitro Windows Gamerip 2006
Dead End Job iOS, Linux, MacOS, PS4, Switch, Windows, Xbox One Gamerip 2019
Gigapocalypse iOS, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Gamerip 2021
Solar Shifter EX Linux, MacOS, Windows, Xbox One Gamerip 2015
Windscape Switch, Windows, Xbox One Gamerip 2016
Grimmwood Windows Gamerip 2018
Scarlet Hood and the Wicked Wood Linux, MacOS, Switch, Windows Gamerip 2021
Typoman Android, iOS, Linux, MacOS, Mobile, PS4, Switch, Wii U, Windows, Xbox One Gamerip 2016
Skilltree Saga Linux, MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2014
In Between Android, iOS, Linux, MacOS, Mobile, PS4, Switch, Windows, Xbox One Gamerip 2015
Holy Avatar vs Maidens of The Dead Windows Gamerip 2013
Looterkings Windows Gamerip 2017
Soundtrack The Second Guest Windows Soundtrack 2012