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Top 12 Albums Developed by Creative Assembly

Castle Of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse

Shadow of the Beast

Microcosm (Amiga CD32)

Shadow of the Beast 2

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Albums Developed by Creative Assembly

Found 26 albums!

Album Platform Type Year
A Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia Linux, MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2018
A Total War Saga: TROY (Original Soundtrack) MacOS, Windows Soundtrack 2022
Castle Of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse Android, Family Computer, iOS, MacOS, Mobile, PS3, Windows, Xbox 360 Gamerip 2013
Cricket World Cup '99 Windows Gamerip 1999
EMPIRE: TOTAL WAR The Soundtrack Linux, MacOS, Windows Soundtrack 2009
Microcosm (Amiga CD32) 3DO, Amiga, FM Towns, Genesis / Mega Drive, MS-DOS Gamerip 1993
Napoleon: Total War (Original Soundtrack) Linux, MacOS, Windows Soundtrack 2010
Rugby PS2, Windows Gamerip 2000
Shadow of the Beast FM Towns Gamerip 1991
Shadow of the Beast 2 FM Towns Gamerip 1993
Stormrise Windows Gamerip 2009
Total War Attila [Deluxe Edition] Soundtrack 2024
Total War THREE KINGDOMS – The Furious Wild Original Soundtrack MacOS, Windows Soundtrack 2021
Total War: Attila Dynamics Soundtrack Showcase MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2015
Total War: Attila(Re-Arranged Collection) Linux, MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2015
Total War: Napoleon [Remastered] Soundtrack 2024
Total War: Pharaoh Windows Soundtrack 2023
Total War: Pharaoh (Original Soundtrack) [Deluxe Edition] MacOS, Windows Soundtrack 2023
Total War: Pharaoh - Mesopotamia Soundtrack 2024
Total War: Three Kingdoms (Original Soundtrack) [Deluxe Edition] MacOS, Windows Soundtrack 2019
Total War: Warhammer Linux, MacOS, Windows Soundtrack 2016
Total War: Warhammer 2 Linux, MacOS, Windows Soundtrack 2017
Total War: Warhammer 3 Linux, MacOS, Windows Soundtrack 2022
Total War:Rome II(Re-Arranged Collection) Linux, MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2013
Viking: Battle for Asgard PS3 Gamerip 2008
Viking: Battle for Asgard Xbox 360 Gamerip 2008