This really needs a better MP3 rip. The music in the Main Title has popping in the earlier parts of the track that really detract from this. Please rip a new upscaled MP3?
Nothing more I can say that has not been said already but yes, when this game came out it was the time of the voodoo cards and with that combination this game was way ahead of it's time. The games name says it all. Literally an Unreal experience playing this game. Beautiful graphics and sound tracks and effects were and still are truly amazing. Especially for the time.
This is the Best Game Soundtrack I've ever heard, and one of the Best Games I've ever played. Thanks to Michiel van den Bos for this awesome soundtrack and Cliff Bleszinski for this absolute unique game.
Unreal is really ..... unreal. Best game I played ever. Absolutely perfect and massive locations. Awesome graphics and unbeatable soundtrack! First time it took me 6 months to finish the game. Nowadays all games have photo-realistic graphics, but no story and it take few days only to finish a game. Unreal is the top of all FPS!
Most favourite FPS of all time. Countless times playing through this masterpiece of a game. Absolutely loved the sequel and the Unreal Tournament series, but the original Unreal was as it's called UNREAL. The music was astounding too and listening to it here brings back great memories.
Unreal didn't only give us one of the best FPS from the "90 but also had the best music a FPS could ever have! I really enjoy listening to these tracks.
Out of all the FPS of the 90's, Unreal's soundtrack truly is the best. It gives even more atmosphere to the Planet and I pity the Guest who played it without Music as he/she lost about 30% of the experience.
This is truly fantastic!
I played the 1st Unreal in 1998. The game music was absolutely stunning (umx through MMX-optimized sound engine). It is just great to see the mp3s!
Every UNREAL game has an outstanding soundtrack.Back in the days I was amazed by the graphics and now I still am amazed by the music.
Congrats for the composer!
First game I ever played, best game I ever played. The dark story behind the planet Na Pali, mixed with the epic music and soundeffects make this game a unique experience.
This game is an absolute classic First Person Shooter that drastically raised the bar for it's genre back in the day, and a cherished childhood memory. :D
I can't believe that played through whole game without music (I had incompitable soundcard)! Soundtrack is awesome. Dark, very atmospheric and also great electronic music. It's one of the greatest electronics I've ever heard in a game.
Lone Gunz 03
06:30 Oct 17th, 2021Offline