Number of Files: 23
Total Filesize: 103 MB (MP3), 374 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Jan 21st, 2025
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Album type: Gamerip
Uploaded by: TheWispGuy, smallspud68
Did anyone ever notice that "Turn The Tables on Plankton" is an intense, fast-paced remix of "I'm A Goofy Goober"? I certainly didn't. (start singing the lyrics at around the 13-second mark.)
Didn't know that. Did with "I'm Ready Depression" but you just blew my mind. LOL
Did anyone ever notice that "Turn The Tables on Plankton" is an intense, fast-paced remix of "I'm A Goofy Goober"? I certainly didn't. (start singing the lyrics at around the 13-second mark.)
Unlike the other soundtrack that's offered, this one's actually complete (Minus Goofy Goober Rock). Only complaint is the two 15s so I had to manually change some numbers around.
04:55 Mar 20th, 2025Offline