This album was edited on Dec 26th, 2023
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Name: Tenchu 2 - Birth Of the Stealth Assassins | Name: Tenchu 2: Birth of the Stealth Assassins |
Alternative Titles: | Alternative Titles: 立体忍者活劇 天誅 弐 |
Year: | Year: 2000 |
Album Type: | Album Type: Gamerip |
Description: | Description: The game consists of controlling a character in a 3D environment through a third-person viewpoint. The player can use a variety of ninja tools and equipment and stealth to dispatch enemies and complete the game's missions. Missions are set in different locales at varying times of day, ranging from rural farmland, bamboo forests, mountainous regions, beaches, ships, villages and caverns. After the player completes a mission, they are given a rank depending on their accomplishments during that mission such as number of enemies killed, number of times spotted etc. High ranks are then used to unlock special gadgets that can be used in-game. One of the game's most acclaimed features was the Mission Editor. This gave the player the opportunity to create their own missions, including level layout, deciding which characters to place in it and mission objectives to complete. |
Developers: | Developers: Acquire |
Publishers: | Publishers: Acquire Activision |