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Tekken Tag Tournament Direct Audio


鉄拳タッグトーナメント ダイレクト・オーディオ

Platforms: PS2
Year: 2000
Catalog Number: ZMCX-1094
Published by: Media Factory

Number of Files: 33
Total Filesize: 171 MB (MP3), 487 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Jan 30th, 2020   | Change Log
Album type: Soundtrack

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. OPENING MOVIE 1:16 3.26 MB 8.92 MB get_app
2. EMBU 0:40 2.20 MB 4.10 MB get_app
3. ARCADE MOVIE 0:27 1.87 MB 3.09 MB get_app
4. SELECT 0:49 2.46 MB 5.87 MB get_app
5. JIN 3:01 7.14 MB 20.52 MB get_app
6. PAUL 2:17 5.46 MB 17.21 MB get_app
7. HWOARANG 3:31 8.06 MB 24.27 MB get_app
8. EDDY 3:32 7.78 MB 24.87 MB get_app
9. YOSHIMITSU 3:17 7.13 MB 22.06 MB get_app
10. LEI 3:17 7.42 MB 22.31 MB get_app
11. OGRE 3:17 7.50 MB 22.46 MB get_app
12. LAW 2:23 5.27 MB 17.72 MB get_app
13. SCHOOL 3:04 7.02 MB 21.71 MB get_app
14. NINA 3:04 7.02 MB 23.91 MB get_app
15. XIAOYU 3:06 7.35 MB 20.13 MB get_app
16. KING 3:42 7.84 MB 27.57 MB get_app
17. HEIHACHI 3:17 7.16 MB 21.41 MB get_app
18. UNKNOWN 3:06 6.61 MB 19.79 MB get_app
19. UNKNOWN MOVIE 0:27 1.79 MB 2.88 MB get_app
20. ENDING REPLAY 1:07 3.14 MB 7.67 MB get_app
21. STAFF ROLL 3:06 7.13 MB 18.96 MB get_app
22. CONTINUE 0:33 1.99 MB 3.22 MB get_app
23. NAME ENTRY 0:42 2.39 MB 4.02 MB get_app
24. RANNYUU 0:05 1.10 MB 0.33 MB get_app
25. JOIN 0:06 1.11 MB 0.36 MB get_app
26. STRIKE 0:07 1.18 MB 0.61 MB get_app
27. SPARE 0:08 1.17 MB 0.56 MB get_app
28. MISS 0:09 1.19 MB 0.54 MB get_app
29. RESULT 1:36 3.83 MB 10.54 MB get_app
30. XIAOYU VS BKO (REMIX VERSION) 4:12 8.72 MB 27.89 MB get_app
31. KING VS U (REMIX VERSION) 4:17 9.00 MB 27.15 MB get_app
32. YOSHIMITSU VS SANODG (REMIX VERSION) 4:23 9.24 MB 24.89 MB get_app
33. LEI VS TOHYAMA (REMIX VERSION) 4:24 9.79 MB 29.01 MB get_app


30~33 are bonus remixes.

01, 04, 06, 10, 14, 22, 26~29, 33: Akitaka Tohyama
02, 07, 11, 15, 21, 30: Keiichi Okabe
03, 08, 12, 16, 18, 31: Yuu Miyake
05, 09, 13, 17, 32: Nobuyoshi Sano
19, 20: Yoshihito Yano
23: Satoru Kosaki
24: unknown (Nobuyoshi Sano, Keiichi Okabe)
25: Rio Hamamoto

01, 04, 06, 10, 14, 26~29, 33: Akitaka Tohyama
02, 07, 11, 15, 18, 21, 30: Keiichi Okabe
03, 08, 12, 16, 31: Yuu Miyake
05, 09, 13, 17, 32: Nobuyoshi Sano
19, 20: Yoshihito Yano
22~25: Satoru Kosaki

Vocoder: Akitaka Tohyama (01)
Chorus: Oyatsu Daijin (18)
Trumpet: Satoru Kosaki (26, 28)

Akitaka Tohyama
Keiichi Okabe
Nobuyoshi Sano
Yu Miyake
Satoru Kosaki
Yoshihito Yano

Production Assistance, Supervisor: NAMCO Ltd.

Executive Producer: Ken Sakamoto (MEDIA FACTORY)
General Producer: Tetsu Kayama (MEDIA FACTORY), Noriyuki Nishimura (MEDIA FACTORY)

Producer: Shintaro Takahashi (MEDIA FACTORY)

Coordinator & Director: 今井茂貴

A&R Director: Atsushi Yamamori (MEDIA FACTORY)

Coordinator: 青木充 (MEDIA FACTORY)

Sales Promotion: Keiko Kawagoe (Cross Entertainment Distribution), Hiroshi Waizumi (Cross Entertainment Distribution), Junichi Yoshinari (Cross Entertainment Distribution)

Promotion Planning: Shihoko Morita (MEDIA FACTORY)
PR: Yoshihisa Yamashita (MEDIA FACTORY), Reiji Sato (MEDIA FACTORY)

Product Design: Sayumi Iwata (MEDIA FACTORY), 福永浩司 (MEDIA FACTORY)

Production Coordinator: Yukari Ito (MEDIA FACTORY)

Art Direction, Design: 高橋俊之 (ragtime)

Booklet Editor: Shusuke Motomiya (ONEUP), 依田智雄 (ONEUP)

Mastering Engineer: Yoei Hashimoto (Tokyo CD Center)
Mastering Studio: Tokyo CD Center

CD-Extra Project Planner: 伊澤寛宣 (コンセプト), 池田賢治 (コンセプト)

Mail Character Production
Program: 高橋呉明 (デュアル), 高野務 (デュアル), 松岡三郎 (デュアル)
Graphic: 谷迫優子 (デュアル), 菅原真由美 (デュアル), 石垣実香 (デュアル), 藤田砂矢住 (デュアル)

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+ Comment

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06:03 Jun 20th, 2021Offline

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Yoshimitsu’s song. Enough said😎

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01:18 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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This phooey is straight up fire, love this game

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01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I can't seem to find the character ending music.

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01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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with one of the music of Tekken Bowl Tournament that missed the throw is that when i throw the bowling ball that the side are the peopole the narrator will say K.O. then below the Miss sign theres a funny quote say "Don't try this at home"

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01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Thanks to NAMCO For this Awesome Game and so brilliant sound!!

I'm A huge (A REAL HUGE) fan of Tekken Tag Tournament 1

All songs are good but my favorites are:
1. Select ( 10/10) Really Love it..
2. Unknown (10/10) Really love it..
3. Ogre (9/10)
4. Yoshimitsu (9/10) {No Eyes, No ears, no shake, no shake and repeat}

If I would by Asked what you want Tekken Tag Tournament 1 or Tekken Tag Tournament 2
So I will definitely choose Tekken Tag Tournament

T hank to NAMCO.......... . Thanks you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! !

Rating to Album (10/10)

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01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Great soundtrack. My faves are King (quite hardcore but in a good way) and Ogre (serene but not slow)

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01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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To whoever asked who the producer was, his name is Sanodg. Check out his other works on YouTube he's a god

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01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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King's music and really unique flavor to many of the songs

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01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Unknowns is the best still sends shivers up my spine everytime I listen to it!

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01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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prame nagar jayega batlo o tage bale

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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@ the person who asked where the ending song is: it's actually a part of the staff roll song, comes in at around 2 minutes into the song.

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Ahhh memories! Especially Yoshimitsu's theme. It's nice to hear some of these tracks reworked in Tekken Tag Tournament 2, like the School theme.

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Agree... unknown's theme is top three. Number one in my list . But top three overall

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I love all the soundtracks to all of the Tekkens.
I also really like Unknown's track, But there seems to be something missing from the track. It sounds like one of the underlying tones is missing for some reason.

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Can anyone tell me how to put these songs on an ipod using a PS 3?

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I Love These Tracks, My Favorites Are


Hwo arang's

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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who composed music for "cristal mathod" and "lunatic calm" composed music for T3

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Whoever said unknown's beat is trash it crazy that music is sick lol

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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this is tekken 3 = best soundtracks in my opinion.
favorites : king, eddy, unknown, xiaoyu

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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i'm 100% bewildered that people have REALLLY dont like Unknown's music! It's actually one of my favorites on the entire game! BEsides this, king, yoshimitsu, and one other song i can't recall the name of, Unknown is my favorite! Anyways, high (enough) bitrate, not 320 or anything, more closer to 256, but that's not bad at all, you know. crisp clear, and level bass- not bad audio quality.

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Wich one is the Music From the Cutscene WHen you beat the game? i cant find it,thats the dopest one!

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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i love whole tekken series and my fav. is tag and tekken 5 and also it's sound track........
i m big fan of dis game and musiccccc......
great work

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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We need Tekken TAG 2 to continue the reputation that TAG 1 did with the music. TAG 1 will always have the best music pieces in Tekken history! Thumbs up to Namco all the Way!!!
Tekkenf b368

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Perfect music to listen to when its late at night on the highway.

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Thank you so much for posting this soundtrack; it is one of the most infectious, and atmospheric ones out there!

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Simply the best video game music ever made !
Gave me lot of incredible souvenirs during fighting sessions with friends !
Thanks to the site for this !

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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i love the beats. good old fashion techno music sets the tone for the whole game and motivates u to win.

thank Namco for producing such brilliant song 10/10

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Favourite track on this is Hwoarang's

The only proplem with the soundtrack was Unknown's music, which is pure crap

Otherwise, perfected

The best Tekken music ever

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Whoever did the music for TTT needs to be hired again. This one has a lot of catchy tunes in a unique, unobtrusive style, exactly the type of thing that video game music lovers like, or come to like.

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Tekken is the greatest fighting series ever made, and the music only justifies my statement.

I've won a lot of money in this game(King+ Kazuya= Unbeatable)

Thanks for this site!

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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eddy's beat was mean it gave me a flashback of my dream last night I give it 10outOF10 but the unknown music on track 18 was crap bad beat bad sound yeah

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Xiaoyu's music is the best one there, great beat and so full of happieness. But my fav PC has to be King, his combo's rock ass.