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Super Mario World 64


Super Mario World Genesis
Super Mario Bros. IV

Platforms: Genesis / Mega Drive
Year: 1997
Published by: Gamtec

Number of Files: 13
Total Filesize: 32 MB
Date Added: Nov 21st, 2020   | Change Log
Album type: Gamerip

Download all songs at once: click to download
  # Song Name MP3    
1. It's a me, Mario! 0:05 0.12 MB get_app
2. Title Screen 0:57 1.31 MB get_app
3. Stage 1 2:22 3.26 MB get_app
4. Stage 2 2:26 3.34 MB get_app
5. Stage 3 1:25 1.96 MB get_app
6. Stage 4 2:10 2.97 MB get_app
7. Stage 5 1:02 1.43 MB get_app
8. Stage 6 1:39 2.27 MB get_app
9. Stage 6 (Unused Version) 2:43 3.73 MB get_app
10. Underground 2:56 4.04 MB get_app
11. Iggy Boss 1:26 1.97 MB get_app
12. Final Boss 2:46 3.80 MB get_app
13. Ending 1:25 1.94 MB get_app

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Super Mario World (3DS, SNES, Switch, Wii, Wii U) (gamerip) (1990)

Super Mario 64 Original Soundtrack (1996)

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Super Mario 64 (N64, Switch, Wii, Wii U) (gamerip) (1996)

Super Mario Bros. (gamerip) (1985)

Super Mario World (1991)

Super Mario World Restored (2021)

New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii, Wii U) (gamerip) (2009)

Super Mario 64 Beta Tracks (Fanmade) (2020)


New Super Mario Bros. (DS) (gamerip) (2006)

Super Mario 64 - Remastered Soundtrack (N64) (gamerip) (1996)


+ Comment


03:35 Nov 30th, 2024Offline

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final boss kinda fire, what game is it from?

TailSpin's boss theme (Genesis version).


12:43 Aug 30th, 2024Offline

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final boss kinda fire, what game is it from?

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06:06 May 4th, 2022Offline

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Stage 1 theme kinda sounds like a tiger game


10:00 Sep 22nd, 2021Offline

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yep. and i am confused.

The game mainly consists of stolen tracks from other games.

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08:30 Sep 2nd, 2021Offline

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Did I just hear the Jeopardy theme?

yep. and i am confused.


09:10 Jul 10th, 2021Offline

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Did I just hear the Jeopardy theme?


10:53 May 24th, 2021Offline

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It is not Sega's fault, they would not even allow Mario on their console. This, my friend, is the work of bootleggers. Unlicensed games.


02:30 May 18th, 2021Offline

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08:45 Apr 24th, 2021Offline

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thanks for this info

its mario on segas system


10:53 Mar 4th, 2021Offline

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Thank you for following me

boody malak

i am following you two



07:02 Mar 1st, 2021Offline

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[HEADING=1]r/crappyoffbrands in a nutshell:[/HEADING]

Thank you for following me


02:38 Feb 28th, 2021Offline

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[HEADING=1]r/crappyoffbrands in a nutshell:[/HEADING]

boody malak

this game is stupid f*cked I will delete it


10:55 Feb 1st, 2021Offline

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Excerpting from the Sonic Gear Bootlegs Hub (the same applys to any other franchise):

TL;DR: There are these bootleggers who make unofficial products that are NOT approved by the license holder (i.e. Nintendo and others in this soundtrack's case) yet they bypass quality control one way or another. These bootlegs are cheap and can sometimes be unsafe to use. Bootlegs are commonly found on ebay but in reality can appear just about anywhere.

Some generic examples of bootleg things include, but are not limited to:
[*]T-Shirts, they're too easy to make and whip up for them, they usually "steal" designs off of the internet and slap it on the shirt with no credit whatsoever.
[*]Video Games (like this one), similar process to the shirts, except they either hack or steal things from other carts with little to no credit. Multicarts (a.k.a. #-in-1) also fall in this category. Sometimes these bootlegs CAN be remanufactured homebrew.
[*]Food and Drink, they either knock off a popular food brand (like Detos vs. Doritos) or they make their own food. I advise you don't eat any of these foods/consume any drinks, as you'll never know where they came from!
[*]Movies, easy to knock off, just burn any movie onto your computer, edit it as much as possible, then scan it back on a disk/disc! Usually they also make fake box-art for their bootlegged films.
[*]TV Shows, similar process to movies/films.
Now for some red flags to protect you from being scammed:
[*]Copyright - At least look for the copyright holder's logo or copyright string anywhere. (i.e. (c) 2xxx Company Name. All rights reserved.) If you can't see it from a certain image, try finding a closer image or a higher quality one.
[*]Personalization - Usually 100% a fake. Enough said.
[*]Miscolors - Common on T-Shirts, they will sometimes miscolor the art to try and make what they bootlegged less obvious... which doesn't really help anything. Always inspect the details and make sure it is NOT miscolored!
[*]Odd IP mashup - Remember that infamous Obama Harry Potter Sonic 10 Backpack? That's what I am talking about for this point. If they are mixing IPs VERY HIGH chances are it's a fake!
[*]Tiny missing details - Sometimes they will copy nearly everything from the real thing they want but then miss things (i.e. on the title screen of this game, they tried removing Yoshi behind Birdo, but they kept his tail and boots.) They will also usually put typos where they shouldn't be, and more.
Hope this helped @TailsIsCute!


For making my head exploding


04:38 Feb 1st, 2021Offline

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Excerpting from the Sonic Gear Bootlegs Hub (the same applys to any other franchise):

TL;DR: There are these bootleggers who make unofficial products that are NOT approved by the license holder (i.e. Nintendo and others in this soundtrack's case) yet they bypass quality control one way or another. These bootlegs are cheap and can sometimes be unsafe to use. Bootlegs are commonly found on ebay but in reality can appear just about anywhere.

Some generic examples of bootleg things include, but are not limited to:
[*]T-Shirts, they're too easy to make and whip up for them, they usually "steal" designs off of the internet and slap it on the shirt with no credit whatsoever.
[*]Video Games (like this one), similar process to the shirts, except they either hack or steal things from other carts with little to no credit. Multicarts (a.k.a. #-in-1) also fall in this category. Sometimes these bootlegs CAN be remanufactured homebrew.
[*]Food and Drink, they either knock off a popular food brand (like Detos vs. Doritos) or they make their own food. I advise you don't eat any of these foods/consume any drinks, as you'll never know where they came from!
[*]Movies, easy to knock off, just burn any movie onto your computer, edit it as much as possible, then scan it back on a disk/disc! Usually they also make fake box-art for their bootlegged films.
[*]TV Shows, similar process to movies/films.
Now for some red flags to protect you from being scammed:
[*]Copyright - At least look for the copyright holder's logo or copyright string anywhere. (i.e. (c) 2xxx Company Name. All rights reserved.) If you can't see it from a certain image, try finding a closer image or a higher quality one.
[*]Personalization - Usually 100% a fake. Enough said.
[*]Miscolors - Common on T-Shirts, they will sometimes miscolor the art to try and make what they bootlegged less obvious... which doesn't really help anything. Always inspect the details and make sure it is NOT miscolored!
[*]Odd IP mashup - Remember that infamous Obama Harry Potter Sonic 10 Backpack? That's what I am talking about for this point. If they are mixing IPs VERY HIGH chances are it's a fake!
[*]Tiny missing details - Sometimes they will copy nearly everything from the real thing they want but then miss things (i.e. on the title screen of this game, they tried removing Yoshi behind Birdo, but they kept his tail and boots.) They will also usually put typos where they shouldn't be, and more.
Hope this helped @TailsIsCute!

thanks for this info


01:12 Jan 29th, 2021Offline

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I do not get the concept of bootlegs...

Excerpting from the Sonic Gear Bootlegs Hub (the same applys to any other franchise):

Remember, you vote with your money...any buying of fake junk only supports and encourages them to make more. Wouldn't you rather have awesome official items? Wouldn't you rather enjoy cool good quality stuff you know you can depend on? If you want the real deal, bootlegs are never the way to go.
Remember what a 'bootleg' item is:
It is an unofficial or unlicensed product being sold to the fans- by NON FANS. These can be home-made or made in a factory. They are not approved by the company who holds the license and are NOT made to any standard. The quality is usually low, leading to items which may break or wear out. Fake items may also be unsafe. Remember, bootleg makers are only after your money. They don't care at all about Sonic the hedgehog and are only out for a quick buck. Don't waste your money! Buy official SEGA Sonic things only, look for copyrights, and demand the real deal.

TL;DR: There are these bootleggers who make unofficial products that are NOT approved by the license holder (i.e. Nintendo and others in this soundtrack's case) yet they bypass quality control one way or another. These bootlegs are cheap and can sometimes be unsafe to use. Bootlegs are commonly found on ebay but in reality can appear just about anywhere.

Some generic examples of bootleg things include, but are not limited to:
[*]T-Shirts, they're too easy to make and whip up for them, they usually "steal" designs off of the internet and slap it on the shirt with no credit whatsoever.
[*]Video Games (like this one), similar process to the shirts, except they either hack or steal things from other carts with little to no credit. Multicarts (a.k.a. #-in-1) also fall in this category. Sometimes these bootlegs CAN be remanufactured homebrew.
[*]Food and Drink, they either knock off a popular food brand (like Detos vs. Doritos) or they make their own food. I advise you don't eat any of these foods/consume any drinks, as you'll never know where they came from!
[*]Movies, easy to knock off, just burn any movie onto your computer, edit it as much as possible, then scan it back on a disk/disc! Usually they also make fake box-art for their bootlegged films.
[*]TV Shows, similar process to movies/films.
Now for some red flags to protect you from being scammed:
[*]Copyright - At least look for the copyright holder's logo or copyright string anywhere. (i.e. (c) 2xxx Company Name. All rights reserved.) If you can't see it from a certain image, try finding a closer image or a higher quality one.
[*]Personalization - Usually 100% a fake. Enough said.
[*]Miscolors - Common on T-Shirts, they will sometimes miscolor the art to try and make what they bootlegged less obvious... which doesn't really help anything. Always inspect the details and make sure it is NOT miscolored!
[*]Odd IP mashup - Remember that infamous Obama Harry Potter Sonic 10 Backpack? That's what I am talking about for this point. If they are mixing IPs VERY HIGH chances are it's a fake!
[*]Tiny missing details - Sometimes they will copy nearly everything from the real thing they want but then miss things (i.e. on the title screen of this game, they tried removing Yoshi behind Birdo, but they kept his tail and boots.) They will also usually put typos where they shouldn't be, and more.
Hope this helped @TailsIsCute!


10:32 Jan 27th, 2021Offline

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I do not get the concept of bootlegs...

the concept of bootlegs is illegal and low quality ports of successful games and adding worse new stuff inside it


04:32 Jan 26th, 2021Offline

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No, this was released in 1997.

Me too! ;)

Also, I was the one who uploaded this soundtrack.

I do not get the concept of bootlegs...


01:47 Jan 20th, 2021Offline

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Ich bin gegen covid 19. Was ist deine Meinung? mituns

Translation: I am against covid 19. What is your opinion?

Answer: I don't know, lol.

Übersetzung: Ich weiß nicht, lol.

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03:14 Jan 19th, 2021Offline

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Ich bin gegen covid 19. Was ist deine Meinung? mituns


01:09 Jan 19th, 2021Offline

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wait if this is a bootleg then how is there a mega drive compressed version of mario 64's opening this game was probs made like in 1989 about idk
7 years before mario 64.

No, this was released in 1997.

I love bootlegs.

Me too! ;)

Also, I was the one who uploaded this soundtrack.


09:55 Jan 15th, 2021Offline

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wait if this is a bootleg then how is there a mega drive compressed version of mario 64's opening this game was probs made like in 1989 about idk
7 years before mario 64.


03:23 Nov 23rd, 2020Offline

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I love bootlegs.