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Super Bomb Survival (ROBLOX)


Roblox Super bomb Survival

Platforms: iOS, Linux, MacOS, Online, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
Year: 2014
Published by: Polyhex

Number of Files: 1
Total Filesize: 238 MB
Date Added: Jul 22nd, 2023
Album type: Soundtrack
Uploaded by: Ofek1

Download all songs at once: click to download
  # Song Name MP3    
1. Super Bomb Survival Full Soundtrack 1:44:11 238.45 MB get_app


The Roblox Super Bomb Survival ost game. It is a physics-based survival game where it's raining explosives from the sky! (:

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+ Comment


01:51 Nov 15th, 2024Offline

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03:22 Sep 29th, 2024Offline

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Guys this one sucks just listen to mine
Mine actually has separate songs bro mine is the GOAT


05:53 Jul 26th, 2023Offline

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0:00 - Lobby 1:18 - Lobby (Night) 3:10 - Explosive Forecast 5:20 - Title Screen

7:30 - Stinger 1-5 10:31 - Stinger 6-10 14:01 - Stinger 11-15 17:21 - Stinger 16-20 21:10 - Retro! 21:54 - Boom-yah! 22:31 - Symphony! 23:13 - Uncertainty 23:59 - Classy 24:49 - Rolling 25:25 - Jazzy 26:01 - Retro 2 26:41 - Encounter 27:22 - Crossover - H4A3 28:08 - 11,000 Volt 28:58 - Flight 29:48 - Arcade 30:39 - Bombtopia 31:29 - Breeze 32:20 - Comical 33:11 - Echoes 34:01 - Encounter 2 34:48 - Retro 3 35:37 - Symphony 2 36:27 - Throwback 37:14 - Volley

38:03 - Intense 1-5 41:28 - Intense 6-10 44:53 - Intense 11 45:38 - Intense 12 46:29 - Intense 13 47:35 - Funksplosion 48:17 - Exhilaration 49:02 - Tension 49:40 - Nuclear! 50:22 - Opener 51:03 - Perilous 51:39 - Mint 52:26 - Guitar 53:10 - Blast 54:00 - XenoBoom! 54:48 - Chaos! 55:38 - Buildup 56:28 - Chaser 57:18 - Clouds 58:06 - Counterfeit 58:53 - Dramatic 59:45 - Encounter 2 (Intense) 1:00:37 - Exhilaration 2 1:01:25 - Insanity 1:02:15 - Lunacy 1:03:05 - Neon 1:03:55 - Soaring 1:04:47 - Spicy 1:05:33 - Surreality 1:06:19 - Vacuum 1:07:02 - Vibrance 1:07:49 - Volcanic 1:08:38 - XenoBoom 2

1:09:30 - Watching the Bombs 1:10:24 - Blast Fortress 1:12:45 - Energetic Lobby 1:14:25 - Havin' A Blast 1:18:28 - Icicle Crash 1:19:56 - Kirakira 1:22:37 - Sparkling Skies 1:25:03 - Stargazing

LAST 30:
1:27:26 - Last 30 1:27:59 - Last 30 (Danger!) 1:28:32 - Last 30 (Intense)

1:29:05 - A Mission of Mischief (Bomb Head) 1:29:50 - Fog! 1:30:55 Dark Fog - 1:31:44 Thunder! - 1:32:44 Thunder! (Intense) - 1:33:54 Snowstorm! - 1:34:56 Coin Rain! 1:35:12 - Candy Rain! 1:35:49 - Missiles! 1:36:50 - Meteors! 1:37:56 - Meteors! (Intense) 1:38:56 - Aliens! (UFO event) 1:39:33 - Aliens? (Lava Pillars event) 1:40:10 - Very Good! (Giant Pizza event) 1:40:42 - Not Good! (Explosive Ducks event) 1:41:16 - Piano Rain! (Piano Rain event) 1:41:45 - Falling Fizz! (Charge Soda Rain event) 1:42:06 - Gales of the Cosmos (Low Gravity event) 1:42:44 - Spooky Zomb Survival (Zombies event) 1:43:51 - Invincible!!

(Yes, I copy and pasted this from the Youtube video. Note that it's placement first, song second!)

Myers Tuber

01:17 Jul 22nd, 2023Offline

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you had to slice the full soundtrack to tracks to make an actual soundtrack


10:30 Jul 22nd, 2023Offline

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why would i ever sit through 1 hour, 44 minutes and 11 seconds listening to a single MP3 file