Platforms: PS4, PS5, Switch, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
Year: 2022
Developed by: Roll7
Published by: Private Division
Number of Files: 23
Total Filesize: 112 MB
Date Added: Mar 19th, 2022
Album type: Gamerip
OlliOlli World is a 2D-platforming skateboarding game. The game takes place in Radlandia, where the player can interact with the game's characters, and take on side quests. To get high scores, the player is required to chain together tricks in order to get combos. The player can ride walls and grind on rails to increase their score. OlliOlli World introduces elements new to the franchise, such as quarter pipes and branching paths. The game has a hand-drawn art style, in contrast to the pixel art of previous entries.
02:35 Jan 8th, 2023Offline