Twisted Edge Snowboarding
Platforms: N64
Year: 2019
Published by: Barry Leitch (Bandcamp), Kotobuki System, Midway Home Entertainment
Number of Files: 17
Total Filesize: 86 MB (MP3), 159 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: May 22nd, 2024
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Album type: Inspired By
Uploaded by: Kevin (Maycroft) Harvick
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Nintendo 64 Twisted Edge Snowboarding TWO Unreleased Soundtracks from 1996
by Barry Leitch
Twisted Edge Snowboarding Race 9 00:00 / 02:42
Written in 1996 / 97, in between Top Gear Rally for the N64 and Rush 2 on the N64, I wrote not one but TWO soundtracks for Twisted Edge Snowboarding. The first version was more electronic in style, taking heavy influences from Underworld, and trance style music which was becoming popular at the time,(and ultimately what continued on into the Rush 2 and Rush 2049 games) and then I had been asked to make it MUCH heavier. This led to the 2nd version being written featuring some cool guitar work by the talented Keith Sawka. In the end they decided that they wanted to go in another direction and go with a "Priumus" style soundtrack - and sadly got... more
The electronic style melodies are definitely a pre-cursor to Rush 2 & Rush 2049 in style. Heavily influenced by Underworld, and the like. While they contain some melody, I was definitely trying to steer away from having too much melody due to the repetitive nature of gaming, although there are a couple of tracks where the melody takes priority. While not super interesting to listen to they do make fun background music to play games or work on a task.
The metal soundtrack was written over a few weeks with Keith Sawka strumming away on his guitar and me spending weeks trying to cut up what we'd recorded into small useable chunks because as usual, no memory..
My favorites of the metal track are definitely Race 4 with its chill reggae breaks and Race 6 which eventually became a full song.
Written in 1996 / 97, in between Top Gear Rally for the N64 and Rush 2 on the N64, I wrote not one but TWO soundtracks for Twisted Edge Snowboarding. The first version was more electronic in style, taking heavy influences from Underworld, and trance style music which was becoming popular at the time,(and ultimately what continued on into the Rush 2 and Rush 2049 games) and then I had been asked to make it MUCH heavier. This led to the 2nd version being written featuring some cool guitar work by the talented Keith Sawka. In the end they decided that they wanted to go in another direction and go with a "Priumus" style soundtrack - and sadly got someone else to write the one that ended up in the finished product. So both of these ended up relegated to a folder on my hard drive for the last 22 years.
The Electronic version of the soundtrack consists mostly of tracks that are 6-10 channels of wavetable samples. The Heavy metal version is only 6 channels and most of the memory used is consumed by those large guitar samples. The music footprint of both soundtracks are really quite small and would have fit in 1-2 megabytes at most.
I've included a bonus track of the Japanese version of the Top Gear Rally Title tune. The US version had a slower more dramatic piano themed piece.
In the end Twisted Edge Snowboarding was beaten to market by 1080 snowboarding which was a much better game, and T.E.S wasn't a commercial success
07:35 May 22nd, 2024Offline