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Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom


忍者龍剣伝III 黄泉よみの方

Platforms: Family Computer, NES
Year: 1991
Developed by: Tecmo
Published by: Tecmo

Number of Files: 29
Total Filesize: 33 MB (MP3), 79 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Nov 12th, 2022   | Change Log
Album type: Gamerip
Uploaded by: NotToBugMe

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Introduction I 0:22 0.41 MB 0.93 MB get_app
2. Introduction II 0:35 0.68 MB 1.74 MB get_app
3. Introduction III 1:12 1.45 MB 3.63 MB get_app
4. Twist of Fate 0:02 0.04 MB 0.12 MB get_app
5. Stage 1-1, 5-1 1:05 1.39 MB 3.38 MB get_app
6. Battlefield 1:19 1.86 MB 3.76 MB get_app
7. Cinema Display I 0:39 0.81 MB 1.58 MB get_app
8. Cinema Display II 1:31 2.57 MB 3.66 MB get_app
9. Stage 2-1, 7-2 1:08 1.36 MB 3.34 MB get_app
10. Cinema Display III 0:04 0.07 MB 0.17 MB get_app
11. Cinema Display IV 0:24 0.51 MB 1.21 MB get_app
12. Stage 2-2, 5-2 1:05 1.29 MB 3.44 MB get_app
13. Cinema Display V 1:46 2.21 MB 4.96 MB get_app
14. Cinema Display VI 0:58 1.07 MB 2.79 MB get_app
15. Stage 3-1, 6-2 1:08 1.35 MB 3.26 MB get_app
16. Cinema Display VII 0:26 0.50 MB 1.31 MB get_app
17. Cinema Display VIII 0:03 0.06 MB 0.17 MB get_app
18. Stage 3-2, 6-1 1:04 1.35 MB 3.21 MB get_app
19. Cinema Display IX 1:14 1.59 MB 3.63 MB get_app
20. Stage 4-1, 7-1 2:26 2.91 MB 7.78 MB get_app
21. Cinema Display X 0:57 1.17 MB 3.13 MB get_app
22. Stage 4-2, 7-3 1:52 2.18 MB 5.66 MB get_app
23. Cinema Display XI 0:30 0.56 MB 1.23 MB get_app
24. Cinema Display XII 0:17 0.36 MB 0.98 MB get_app
25. Cinema Display XIII 0:11 0.22 MB 0.60 MB get_app
26. Stage 7-5, 7-6 0:45 1.01 MB 2.10 MB get_app
27. Epilogue 1:39 1.98 MB 5.14 MB get_app
28. Credits 1:53 2.26 MB 5.96 MB get_app
29. Game Over 0:03 0.06 MB 0.16 MB get_app

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04:28 Feb 5th, 2023Offline

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Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship Of Doom's soundtrack is Incredible and it has so many great tunes, but the first game still beats it in terms of music. As for the game itself, it's a decent game with so many things I hate about it. The first, being the crappy story with one of my most hated things in any story ever, doppelgangers. If your gonna impersonate Ryu Hayabusa, just make sure that the real one isn't out there and alive doing whatever he wants. That and the game has the same ending like the last two which ended with the sun rising with Ryu and Irene watching from a distance. Also like the last two games, it has anime as hell cutscenes which look great, so at least the horrible story is presented nicely, so that's all that matters. As for the game itself, it's alright. The stages range from hard and challenging to absolutely insane with enemies everywhere with little room to dodge them. Speaking of which, I hate every enemy in this game because they're placed in the most irritating spots in video game history. On top of that, all enemies now do 2-3 bars of damage and some of them, do 5 bars of damage. Anyways, back to the stages. Like the second game, Ninja Gaiden III has stage hazards such as a rain stage, a lava stage with rising fire, a sand stage, a section in stage 7 where you have to rush to the other side with the Resistance pushing you back, and so on. On top of hard stages, the game's checkpoints are brutal and the game has LIMITED CONTINUES which are a "great" edition to a game that's hard as hell. Like the first two games, Ninja Gaiden III has the same weapons expect this time, we now have the art of the vacuum wave which is pretty useful in some stages. Unfortunately, the Shadow Clones from Ninja Gaiden II have been removed. As for the bosses, they're extremely easy with the only hard one being the final boss... somewhat. Overall, Ninja Gaiden III is a mixed bag with good stages, a great soundtrack, a horrible story, brutal check points with LIMITED CONTINUES, easy bosses, annoying enemies, and fun weapons. Ironically, it's the most expensive of the three and it now goes for 110-150 bucks, so good luck getting a physical copy of it.
Soundtrack: 7.5/10.
Game: 5.7/10.
Note: I've covered these games on my YouTube Channel, so if you want to see my full reviews on these games, you can go to my channel and watch them.

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09:53 Nov 12th, 2022Offline

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This album was updated on 12th of November, 2022.


10:37 Feb 18th, 2021Offline

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Ninja Gaiden III's Soundtrack is even better than the first two games. The Game Itself is the Hardest Video I've Ever Played & Beaten. Unlike the other two installments this one doesn't have unlimited continues so, Expect to get launched all the way back to the title screen. This Game Is My Least Favorite of the NES trilogy because of it's insane Difficulty and Limited continues. Soundtrack:9/10. Game:5.5/10.

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01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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All my childhood memories are here oh my god they are excellent !

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Guest Reviewer

01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Its from the NES game BUT the whole tune is broken up with part of it in the background and drowned out. maybe its my device but it could also be the uploader or site is having issues.

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Guest Reviewer

01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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So nostalgic, finally I can listening my favourite background music of every stage :)