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Lost Eden


Lost Eden Soundtrack
Lost Eden Original Soundtrack

Platforms: 3DO, CD-i, Windows
Year: 1997
Catalog Number: MMM-0197
Published by: Shooting Star

Number of Files: 13
Total Filesize: 95 MB (MP3), 288 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Mar 22nd, 2021   | Change Log
Album type: Soundtrack

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Citadel of Knowledge 6:57 12.70 MB 33.73 MB get_app
2. Thaa's Secret 2:58 5.72 MB 18.21 MB get_app
3. The Quest 4:15 8.32 MB 25.67 MB get_app
4. Lost Eden Theme 3:57 7.82 MB 24.93 MB get_app
5. Amazonia 4:22 8.61 MB 25.85 MB get_app
6. Brontosaurus 2:56 5.29 MB 16.98 MB get_app
7. Aquasaurus 1:38 3.09 MB 10.16 MB get_app
8. Castra's Harmonic Song 2:23 4.38 MB 12.97 MB get_app
9. The Magnificents 3:15 6.35 MB 21.05 MB get_app
10. Velociraptor Ride 3:28 6.47 MB 21.29 MB get_app
11. Mother of Energy 3:40 6.87 MB 23.13 MB get_app
12. Undead Soul 4:57 8.92 MB 23.29 MB get_app
13. Elemental 5:16 10.24 MB 30.67 MB get_app


The CD includes one unpublished title plus a data track featuring an interview of the composer Stéphane Picq and a Making-Of.

The game was released in 1995.

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Guest Reviewer

01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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i love it.
and the "flat" i heard was just like in the original. if you have the game listen to it. i think the whole female singing may have been stephane picq with modulation to,higher pitch.

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Hey guys, you notice there's an error on track 4?
Track 4 (theme) between 2:41 and 2:42, the keyboard imitating between a voice and a violin plays a totally out of tune flat there; a nice mood breaker in the music!

Just wanted to share this with you guys :)

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I first heard and played this game on an old Pentium 75Mhz back in 1996. It was barely capable of playing back this game.
It brought me many good memories of my youth!

Listening to the CD, it almost seems like the version I hear now is not as perfect as I heard it nearly 15 years ago.

You can hear it has been made with a synth, but has very few imperfections! Very well made music!
I decided to purchase this game again, for archiving purposes,since I used to have it, but it got lost over time!

A pitty most modern games come with the large encrypted Eden.dat file, which hosts the audio and visual files!
I wished they had several separate files, like older DOS games had, so you could play with the music files!

Great, great music, not fully appreciated by this generation growing up with popular music!

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Lost Eden is one of my favorites up to this day.
The music was so unique and such a big part of the whole experience that it's really the first thing I think of when I think of the game.
The soundtrack is really a work of art. I'll never get tired of listening to it.

Thanks for sharing.

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I have been searching years for this soundtrack. It set the mood of the game so convincingly. I'd aso welcome a remake or a sequal to Lost Eden!

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Iconic soundtrack, Picq's soundtrack on both Dune and Lost Eden brought the games to new heights. This soundtrack brought so much atmosphere and life into the game it should have been outlawed.

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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The Lost Eden game was a simple rpg and wasnt too hard to complete, although the graphics, for the time, were first class. The music for it was brilliant, we're missing the music from the end sequence with morcus rex. That might not have been by Stephen Picq though. An update to the game would be most welcome as I think my son would enjoy it, with its simplistic interface!
Its a pity not that many people have heard of Picq, even though his music was attributed to so many classic games.
The game itself helps with the understanding of the music.
My name is Eloy, and I'm Old, In my time........

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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whats the name of the song at the final battle?

its not in the soundtrack, as i know!

can anyone help me?

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Brings back old memories! In the old (DOS) days, sometimes the music was even better then the game!

High score for this one! (Like Monkey Island, to mention another!)

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Simply Sublime Piece of Composition.

Back in the day, this soundtrack defined the game Lost Eden and not the other way around.

It must be one of the most thought off musical scores in the gaming industry.

In Short, this is a great opus by Stephane Picq.

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Ahhhh.... lost Eden. Visually and gameplay restricted by the hardware of the time. The music is as fresh today as it was then. A game that could do with a new version. Rendered cutscenes and animations were superb as tracking flybys, but letdown by clunky and floaty animations on larger dinos. Impressive though none the less.

Graphics *9 (5) * = retro scored.
Music *8 (9) () = Scored now.

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Guest Reviewer

01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Ive been after this so long. Such a classic game and the soundtracks soars! Gorgeous - if you like Enigma or Deep Forest this is the one listen to!

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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one of the best game soundtracks and it fits with its new-age style the game very well. highly recommended!