LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Vol. 1) [No Ambience]
Platforms: Android , iOS , MacOS , PS3 , Wii , Windows , Xbox 360
Year: 2007
Developed by: Traveller's Tales
Published by: LucasArts
Number of Files: 33
Total Filesize: 124 MB
Date Added: Sep 15th, 2023
| Change Log
Album type: Gamerip
Uploaded by: GoombaOdyssey
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This is all the level music for the first three episodes of the Complete Saga but without the ambient sound effects. What I just did was take the soundtracks from the prequels (also the Episode 1 Ultimate Edition soundtrack) and edit them to match how they sound in-game. As a bonus I included the Title Screen, Cantina Band and Status Screen. The Original Trilogy levels will be on another album.
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