Thank you for ripping the music! If anyone's curious what are name of the music in this game I'll list it down in order (Please note that the level names are actually named like that in the game):
Title Screen/Opening - Track 1
Across the gorges (Stage 1) - Track 8
Through the wilderness (Stage 2) - Track 5
Plains of old sharptooth (Stage 3) - Track 9
Plains of old sharptooth (Sped-Up version, I'm sure this is used when the Sharptooth gets closer to Littlefoot if the player isn't fast enough) - Track 10
A narrow escape (Stage 4) and Grandpa to the rescue (Stage 9, final level, both levels share the same theme) - Track 15
The lake (Stage 5) - Track 7
Uphill (Stage 6) - Track 6
Sledding away (Stage 7) - Track 2
Going home (Stage 8) - Track 11
Ending/Credits - Track 3
Level Complete - Track 12
Extra Life(?) - Track 13
Death - Track 14
02:54 Jun 21st, 2020Offline