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Half-Life 2 Soundtrack


Platforms: Linux, MacOS, Windows
Year: 2004
Catalog Number: 1295239144
Published by: Valve

Number of Files: 43
Total Filesize: 142 MB (MP3), 265 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Apr 25th, 2019   | Change Log
Album type: Soundtrack

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Hazardous Environments 1:25 3.24 MB 6.79 MB get_app
2. CP Violation 1:45 4.03 MB 8.24 MB get_app
3. The Innsbruck Experiment 1:08 2.58 MB 5.18 MB get_app
4. Brane Scan 1:41 3.85 MB 6.33 MB get_app
5. Dark Energy 1:33 3.54 MB 8.29 MB get_app
6. Requiem for Ravenholm 0:33 1.27 MB 2.21 MB get_app
7. Pulse Phase 1:10 2.66 MB 5.34 MB get_app
8. Ravenholm Reprise 0:53 2.02 MB 4.25 MB get_app
9. Probably Not a Problem 1:26 3.28 MB 3.56 MB get_app
10. Calabi-Yau Model 1:46 4.05 MB 5.05 MB get_app
11. Slow Light 0:45 1.71 MB 2.56 MB get_app
12. Apprehension and Evasion 2:18 5.26 MB 11.34 MB get_app
13. Hunter Down 0:15 0.59 MB 0.82 MB get_app
14. Our Resurrected Teleport 1:12 2.74 MB 3.44 MB get_app
15. Miscount Detected 0:48 1.84 MB 4.03 MB get_app
16. Headhumper 0:08 0.32 MB 0.45 MB get_app
17. Triage at Dawn 0:45 1.74 MB 2.49 MB get_app
18. Combine Harvester 1:25 3.26 MB 5.92 MB get_app
19. Lab Practicum 2:55 6.67 MB 9.99 MB get_app
20. Nova Prospekt 1:58 4.50 MB 7.18 MB get_app
21. Broken Symmetry 1:03 2.41 MB 2.84 MB get_app
22. LG Orbifold 2:52 6.58 MB 15.48 MB get_app
23. Kaon 1:11 2.72 MB 6.80 MB get_app
24. You're Not Supposed to Be Here 2:41 6.16 MB 15.64 MB get_app
25. Suppression Field 0:56 2.12 MB 2.01 MB get_app
26. Hard Fought 1:15 2.87 MB 7.84 MB get_app
27. Particle Ghost 1:40 3.83 MB 4.67 MB get_app
28. Shadows Fore and Aft 1:27 3.31 MB 5.83 MB get_app
29. Neutrino Trap 1:35 3.64 MB 6.92 MB get_app
30. Zero Point Energy Field 1:42 3.89 MB 6.99 MB get_app
31. Echoes of a Resonance Cascade 1:38 3.75 MB 5.19 MB get_app
32. Black Mesa Inbound 2:14 5.11 MB 7.13 MB get_app
33. Xen Relay 0:40 1.51 MB 2.48 MB get_app
34. Tracking Device 1:03 2.42 MB 5.77 MB get_app
35. Singularity 1:19 3.03 MB 5.62 MB get_app
36. Dirac Shore 1:27 3.31 MB 5.27 MB get_app
37. Escape Array 1:27 3.32 MB 4.95 MB get_app
38. Negative Pressure 1:58 4.49 MB 7.91 MB get_app
39. Tau-9 2:06 4.81 MB 10.46 MB get_app
40. Something Secret Steers Us 2:03 4.68 MB 11.58 MB get_app
41. Triple Entanglement 1:32 3.53 MB 6.00 MB get_app
42. Biozeminade Fragment 0:32 1.23 MB 2.29 MB get_app
43. Lambda Core 1:45 3.99 MB 11.47 MB get_app

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+ Comment


06:32 Mar 16th, 2024Offline

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FLAC seems to be lossy trancode.

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10:05 Sep 18th, 2023Offline

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so so good

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10:14 Apr 6th, 2022Offline

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i can't download it

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01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Half-Life 2 is the best game I have ever played. Its soundtrack is one of the best game soundtracks ever. Awesome game, awesome soundtrack!


01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Why is Hazardous Environments so damn catchy?

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01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Technically this has all the songs on the "Official Soundtrack", but then what about the other unreleased tracks that technically exist in the game files. i.e. CP Violation (remix) whose file name is HL2_song20_subm ix4.mp3

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01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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No game would be complete without a great soundtrack coming out of it.

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01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Half life's soundtracks and a lonly place in desert.. ;*

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Which track # is the one when the chopper is chasing you through the waterways?

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Half-Life 2 is one of my favorite games so thank you!!!

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I love Half life as a series
the soundtrack is fitting but nothing you want to listen to as music

for every one who is interested though by downloading audiosurf from steam you get the whole orange box soundtrack
it even works with the demo version of audiosurf but the 10€ are good invested its a fun game :)

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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where's the download all button that's all I have to say

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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@sheist technically this is not techno it's a mix of ambient, intelligent noise, ambient noise, idm, breaks, and minimal. more convient just as vgm though. not trying to be an internet snob here but also, techno is not inherently repetitive. techno and electronica are often used incorrectly as catch-all terms for all electronic, while in fact they are there own very individual subgenres.

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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queston is where is the hl 2 part 2 on orange box when you highlight it

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Grea t game, I had riped various tracks of the gcf. those actually not appear in this list why???

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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This is all very nice to know, I don't really care about lists of the entire selection... just post the damn thing, alright? Less talking, more uploading.

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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the half life 2 sound track was amazing but you need too add hl2 ep 1 and hl2 ep 2

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Awesome. Wish the songs were in same order as the game plays them

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Half-Life 2 is great game in itself...the awesome! Kelly Bailey deserved the award. It is a MASTERPIECE! I can expect that HL3(or HL2 EP3) will be awe inspiring.

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Great collection But where is Highway 17, Radio and all the others. That and they're inconveniently unordered.

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I was able to download all the soundtracks except for:
47 - Sandtraps
Anyone knows where to find it? T_T

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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half life is a pretty cool guy, takes on a multi-universal enslaving alien superpower and hideous aliens and doesn't afraid of anythign

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Thank you peeps for giving me track names and stuff like that, were can i find the "Lost Tracks?"

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Where the hell can i get the "black mesa train system" start thing'o' where the chick is talking?

btw, what is the track called when alyx gets the shotgun in the hospital on hl2 ep1 (IT KICKS ASS!)

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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In the opening cinematic there's "Guard Down" from Episode 1 and "Nuclear Mission Jam" from HL and HL2.

What happened to Episode 1 and 2 soundtracks?! Add them here again, please!! I atleast need "What Kind of a Hospital Is This?" from Episode 1 and "Abandoned in Place", "Eon Trap", "Crawl Yard", "No One Rides for Free" and "Extinction Event Horizon" from Episode 2.

I would be so happy if you would add these!!

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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this is one of the best soundtracks on the world.. the put somuch love and fantesy in it thats just great... dont care of the missing files.. can wait to hear song 21 (makes me dreaming)

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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hey, mind uploading the amiences for each level? the hl2 ambience is great! besides im baing a flash game o hl2 and the ambience is much needed

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Half-Life is a pretty sweet game. I play it on the Orange Box and shoot people in the face with molten re-bar.


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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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In the opeining cinematic of Half life 2: Episode 2, what are the two peices of music playing in the background? Specifically the last one of them, that plays with imagery of the uprising and destruction of the Citidal.

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Best game music ever!!

Add music from epi. 1 and 2 soon!!

Listen to epi. 2 Sector Sweep and Vortal Combat, they are awesome and the best half-life music you can get

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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can anyone say me the official site of half life where i cand download these tracks? please T______T i can't find it on limewire and emule...

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Can someone tell me where I could sfind a place to teach me how to play The Half Life soundtracks..Like Triage at Dawn..

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Most of the tracks are just kinda gotta be playing the game at the same time to have the full effect. But then of course, it is techno

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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anybody got a link for "CP Violation (Remixed)" then?

mainly cos i dont know what a gcf is

and i couldnt get the tunes to rip in the first place

brill album though

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Will someone also include Half life 2 : episode 1 and episode 2 soundtrack, because they sounds very good too.

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Half Life 2 is the best FPS game i have ever played. and the soundtracks are awesome...mind-blowing...WOW...

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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How are the tracks extracted from the *.GCF files? The track in the Hospital with Alyx in HL2EP1 kicks ass! :o) thanks

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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This is a complete list of ALL the tracks...

For owners of the Half-Life 2: Official Soundtrack CD:

1. Kelly Bailey - Hazardous Enviroments (1:24)
2. Kelly Bailey - CP Violation (1:45)
3. Kelly Bailey - The Innsbruck Experiment (1:07)
4. Kelly Bailey - Brane Scan (1:40)
5. Kelly Bailey - Dark Energy (1:32)
6. Kelly Bailey - Requiem For Ravenholm (0:33)
7. Kelly Bailey - Pulse Phase (1:09)
8. Kelly Bailey - Ravenholm Reprise (0:52)
9. Kelly Bailey - Probably Not A Problem (1:26)
10. Kelly Bailey - Calabi-Yau Model (1:46)
11. Kelly Bailey - Slow Light (0:44)
12. Kelly Bailey - Apprehension And Evasion (2:17)
13. Kelly Bailey - Hunter Down (0:15)
14. Kelly Bailey - Our Resurrected Teleport (1:11)
15. Kelly Bailey - Miscount Detected (0:48)
16. Kelly Bailey - Headhumper (0:08)
17. Kelly Bailey - Triage At Dawn (0:45)
18. Kelly Bailey - Combine Harvester (1:25)
19. Kelly Bailey - Lab Practicum (2:54)
20. Kelly Bailey - Nova Prospekt (1:57)
21. Kelly Bailey - Broken Symmetry (1:03)
22. Kelly Bailey - LG Orbifold (2:52)
23. Kelly Bailey - Kaon (1:11)
24. Kelly Bailey - You're Not Supposed To Be Here (2:41)
25. Kelly Bailey - Suppression Field (0:55)
26. Kelly Bailey - Hard Fought (1:15)
27. Kelly Bailey - Particle Ghost (1:40)
28. Kelly Bailey - Shadows Fore And Aft (1:26)
29. Kelly Bailey - Neutrino Trap (1:35)
30. Kelly Bailey - Zero Point Energy Field (1:42)
31. Kelly Bailey - Echoes Of A Resonance Cascade (1:38)
32. Kelly Bailey - Black Mesa Inbound (2:13)
33. Kelly Bailey - Xen Relay (0:39)
34. Kelly Bailey - Tracking Device (1:03)
35. Kelly Bailey - Singularity (1:19)
36. Kelly Bailey - Dirac Shore (1:26)
37. Kelly Bailey - Escape Array (1:27)
38. Kelly Bailey - Negative Pressure (1:57)
39. Kelly Bailey - Tau-9 (2:06)
40. Kelly Bailey - Something Secret Steers Us (2:02)
41. Kelly Bailey - Triple Entanglement (1:32)
42. Kelly Bailey - Biozeminade Fragment (0:32)
43. Kelly Bailey - Lambda Core (1:44)

For owners of the Half-Life 2: Official Soundtrack MP3 version:

HL1_song3 = 32. Kelly Bailey - Black Mesa Inbound (2:13)
HL1_song5 = 31. Kelly Bailey - Echoes Of A Resonance Cascade (1:38)
HL1_song6 = 30. Kelly Bailey - Zero Point Energy Field (1:42)
HL1_song9 = 29. Kelly Bailey - Neutrino Trap (1:35)
HL1_song10 = 43. Kelly Bailey - Lambda Core (1:44)
HL1_song11 = 1. Kelly Bailey - Hazardous Enviroments (1:24)
HL1_song14 = 41. Kelly Bailey - Triple Entanglement (1:32)
HL1_song15 = 40. Kelly Bailey - Something Secret Steers Us (2:02
HL1_song17 = 39. Kelly Bailey - Tau-9 (2:06)
HL1_song19 = 38. Kelly Bailey - Negative Pressure (1:57)
HL1_song20 = 37. Kelly Bailey - Escape Array (1:27)
HL1_song21 = 36. Kelly Bailey - Dirac Shore (1:26)
HL1_song24 = 35. Kelly Bailey - Singularity (1:19)
HL1_song25_REMIX3 = 34. Kelly Bailey - Tracking Device (1:03)
HL1_song26 = 33. Kelly Bailey - Xen Relay (0:39)
HL2_intro = 28. Kelly Bailey - Shadows Fore And Aft (1:26)
HL2_song1 = 27. Kelly Bailey - Particle Ghost (1:40)
HL2_song2 = 19. Kelly Bailey - Lab Practicum (2:54)
HL2_song3 = 5. Kelly Bailey - Dark Energy (1:32)
HL2_song4 = 3. Kelly Bailey - The Innsbruck Experiment (1:07)
HL2_song6 = 7. Kelly Bailey - Pulse Phase (1:09)
HL2_song7 = 8. Kelly Bailey - Ravenholm Reprise (0:52)
HL2_song12_long = 26. Kelly Bailey - Hard Fought (1:15)
HL2_song13 = 21. Kelly Bailey - Broken Symmetry (1:03)
HL2_song14 = 24. Kelly Bailey - You're Not Supposed To Be Here (2:41)
HL2_song15 = 23. Kelly Bailey - Kaon (1:11)
HL2_song16 = 22. Kelly Bailey - LG Orbifold (2:52)
HL2_song17 = 25. Kelly Bailey - Suppression Field (0:55)
HL2_song19 = 20. Kelly Bailey - Nova Prospekt (1:57)
HL2_song20_submix0 = 2. Kelly Bailey - CP Violation (1:45)
HL2_song23_SuitSong3 = 17. Kelly Bailey - Triage At Dawn (0:45)
HL2_song25_Teleporter = 15. Kelly Bailey - Miscount Detected (0:48)
HL2_song26 = 14. Kelly Bailey - Our Resurrected Teleport (1:11)
HL2_song28 = 13. Kelly Bailey - Hunter Down (0:15)
HL2_song29 = 12. Kelly Bailey - Apprehension And Evasion (2:17)
HL2_song30 = 10. Kelly Bailey - Calabi-Yau Model (1:46)
HL2_song31 = 4. Kelly Bailey - Brane Scan (1:40)
HL2_song32 = 11. Kelly Bailey - Slow Light (0:44)
HL2_song33 = 9. Kelly Bailey - Probably Not A Problem (1:26)
Ravenholm_1 = 6. Kelly Bailey - Requiem For Ravenholm (0:33)


HL2_song0 = 44. Kelly Bailey - Entanglement (0:39)
HL2_song8 = 45. Kelly Bailey - Highway 17 (0:59)
HL2_song10 = 46. Kelly Bailey - A Red Letter Day (0:39)
HL2_song11 = 47. Kelly Bailey - Sand Traps (0:34)
HL2_song20_submix4 = 48. Kelly Bailey - CP Violation (Remix) (1:45)
HL2_song26_trainstation1 = 49. Kelly Bailey - Trainstation PT. 1 (1:30)
HL2_song27_trainstation2 = 50. Kelly Bailey - Trainstation PT. 2 (1:12)
radio1 = 51. Kelly Bailey - Radio (0:39)


Artist: Kelly Bailey
Year: 2004
Genre: Soundtrack
Album: Half-Life 2: Official Soundtrack


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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Hi, I'm the first reviewer of this album who came back to comment on the "lost tracks".

The Half-Life 2 Official Soundtrack has NO missing music. It has only 43 tracks.

The other tracks which are not included in the album can be taken from other sources (including HL2's own GCF files):

44. Entanglement
45. Highway 17
46. A Red Letter Day
47. ?
48. CP Violation (Remixed)
49. Trainstation Part 1
50. Trainstation Part 2
51. Radio

All the above tracks are short (around 1 minute in length) except the remixed CP Violation which continues the part left behind by track 2 of the original album and the Trainstation music which are simply the ambience music which plays in - you guessed it - the trainstation! They are all still composed by Kelly Bailey and are consistent with the other 43 tracks in the original album.

The Radio (track 51) is simply the music playing from the TV (showing the GMan image before th TV just shuts off) after the Citadel nearly chomped dow on you.

I'm not very sure if we should begin including Half-Life 2: Episode One music in. Episode One music centre around a main theme repeated in nearly all tracks which is _MORE_ boring than the HL2 soundtracks. Episode One musis lost its fast pace inherited from the original tracks.

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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There are some missing, otherwise, good music. The sound quality is great, although it suits the game better.

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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half-life 2 has very good music but when you are not actually playing it doesn't seem any where near as good as it does when you are in the game

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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hey ... plz note that the sound tracks which i got from the STEAM official website is all here:
1. Hazardous Environments
2. CP Violation
3. The Innsbruck Experiment
4. Brane Scan
5. Dark Energy
6. Requiem for Ravenholm
7. Pulse Phase
8. Ravenholm Reprise
9. Probably Not A Problem
10. Calabi-Yau Model
11. Slow Light
12. Apprehension and Evasion
13. Hunter Down
14. Our Resurrected Teleport
15. Miscount Detected
16. Headhumper
17. Triage at Dawn
18. Combine Harvester
19. Lab Practicum
20. Nova Prospekt
21. Broken Symmetry
22. LG Orbifold
23. Kaon
24. You’re Not Supposed to Be Here
25. Suppression Field
26. Hard Fought
27. Particle Ghost
28. Shadows Fore and Aft
29. Neutrino Trap
30. Zero Point Energy Field
31. Echoes of a Resonance Cascade
32. Black Mesa Inbound
33. Xen Relay
34. Tracking Device
35. Singularity
36. Dirac Shore
37. Escape Array
38. Negative Pressure
39. Tau-9
40. Something Secret Steers Us
41. Triple Entanglement
42. Biozeminade Fragment
43. Lambda Core

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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The HL2 soundtrack can be ripped directly from the game itself in MP3 form, though some tracks will be missing.

The soundtrack's main genre is techno, and recorded using heavy electronic instruments that may not fit everyone's taste. The tracks emphasize ambience and action where appropriate as the player progresses through the game. However since you are not playing the game while listening, you do not get the real feel.

Not all tracks are new. Many toward the end are simply remastered version of the few tracks in HL1 that Valve saw fit to be reused in HL2, from tracks 29 to 43. I will try and add the appropriate names to the soundtracks in this album if I have the time.

Most tracks can be boring at times or after listening to a few times because of the constant repetition and the 'sharpness' of the instruments. There are however some tracks which are good like CP Violation, Brane Scan, Apprehension and Evasion that are mainly action and do not repeat that as much as Pulse Phase and Dark Energy do.

The rest may be appropriately used as ambience music somewhere, like Lab Practicum and Nova Prospekt. Kaon from this album is used as the background music during reviews and intervals between matches during the WCG 2007.