Platforms: Arcade
Year: 1998
Developed by: Psikyo
Published by: Psikyo
Number of Files: 17
Total Filesize: 27 MB (MP3), 69 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Jul 3rd, 2023
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Album type: Gamerip
Uploaded by: NotToBugMe, riheko3606
There are seven stages in each game loop (two loops total). The first three stages are randomly chosen from possible four. At the second loop, enemies fire denser bullet patterns moving at faster speeds. Stage 2-1 takes place at the only stage not available in 1st loop, instead of the 1-1 counterpart. After completing the first loop with only one player, player can choose one of two choices for a wish with magic potion, with unique ending for each choice. If 1st loop is completed with two players, a combination-specific ending is played.
12:33 Jul 3rd, 2023Online