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Grimoire of IOSYS - Touhou BEST ALBUM vol.1 -


Grimoire of IOSYS - 東方BEST ALBUM vol.1 -
Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night.
Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith.
Touhou Kaeidzuka ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism.
Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
Touhou Kaikidan ~ Mystic Square.
Touhou Gumon Shiki ~ Perfect Memento in Strict Sense.

Platforms: PC-98, Windows
Year: 2011
Catalog Number: IO-0191
Published by: IOSYS

Number of Files: 40
Total Filesize: 308 MB (MP3), 1,201 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Dec 7th, 2024
Album type: Arrangement
Uploaded by: ViviVGM

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  CD # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1 1. 魔理沙は大変なものを盗んでいきました 4:02 7.49 MB 31.00 MB get_app
1 2. あたしまりさ 3:46 7.43 MB 27.67 MB get_app
1 3. Border of extacy 4:19 7.75 MB 32.77 MB get_app
1 4. きゅうり味のビールを飲めばいいよ! 3:18 6.55 MB 26.70 MB get_app
1 5. 患部で止まってすぐ溶ける ~ 狂気の優曇華院 3:04 5.38 MB 22.90 MB get_app
1 6. ウサテイ 3:59 7.59 MB 32.08 MB get_app
1 7. 変身解除!キモけーね 3:59 7.66 MB 30.24 MB get_app
1 8. ハートフルネコロマンサー 4:19 8.22 MB 31.48 MB get_app
1 9. お嫁にしなさいっ! 2:33 5.07 MB 18.26 MB get_app
1 10. 株式会社ボーダー商事・社歌 4:00 7.93 MB 26.41 MB get_app
1 11. 月夜を隠さない程度の能力? 4:38 8.69 MB 33.71 MB get_app
1 12. ひれ伏せ愚民どもっ! 5:25 9.60 MB 41.03 MB get_app
1 13. チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室 4:37 8.76 MB 35.01 MB get_app
2 1. タイヨウノハナ 3:10 6.18 MB 22.60 MB get_app
2 2. 月夜を二人で抜け出す程度の能力 3:53 7.26 MB 26.87 MB get_app
2 3. 雪が恋しくて 5:37 10.41 MB 39.25 MB get_app
2 4. アーティフィシャル・チルドレン 5:37 11.42 MB 39.89 MB get_app
2 5. Phantasmagoria mystical expectation 4:46 8.55 MB 34.55 MB get_app
2 6. 神獣の名の下に 4:23 8.63 MB 30.33 MB get_app
2 7. 惑いて来たれ、遊惰な神隠し ~ Border of Death 4:41 9.00 MB 35.47 MB get_app
2 8. taboo tears you up 3:37 6.69 MB 27.82 MB get_app
2 9. 行列のできるえーりん診療所 3:25 6.78 MB 25.53 MB get_app
2 10. アリス→デレ 4:51 9.37 MB 37.65 MB get_app
2 11. Miracle∞Hinacle 3:21 6.51 MB 23.52 MB get_app
2 12. 博麗神社町内会音頭 5:04 9.41 MB 37.72 MB get_app
2 13. Pray 6:54 12.22 MB 41.78 MB get_app
3 1. 魔理沙は大変なものを盗んでいきました 2:09 3.42 MB 12.22 MB get_app
3 2. 患部で止まってすぐ溶ける ~ 狂気の優曇華院 3:04 5.40 MB 21.66 MB get_app
3 3. お嫁にしなさいっ! 2:31 4.06 MB 17.07 MB get_app
3 4. お賽銭ちょうだい 4:15 7.74 MB 30.42 MB get_app
3 5. きゅうり味のビールを飲めばいいよ! 2:43 5.20 MB 20.44 MB get_app
3 6. B・E・E・R 5:47 9.91 MB 40.94 MB get_app
3 7. 恋の呪文を唱える程度の能力 4:04 7.28 MB 29.29 MB get_app
3 8. 博麗神社町内会音頭 5:58 10.15 MB 38.05 MB get_app
3 9. タイヨウノハナ 2:49 4.82 MB 19.80 MB get_app
3 10. 記憶の系譜 ~ until the End of History 4:13 7.04 MB 25.36 MB get_app
3 11. チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室 4:34 7.91 MB 33.26 MB get_app
3 12. 有頂天マゾヒスティック 5:12 9.11 MB 39.16 MB get_app
3 13. ハートフルネコロマンサー 4:18 7.51 MB 29.16 MB get_app
3 14. 温泉賛歌 4:30 7.66 MB 32.14 MB get_app


A Touhou Suukeisai 2 & 東方嶺水祭 release.

Event Price: 2500 yen
Shop Price: 2625 yen

Presented by: IOSYS
Mastering: uno
Jacket Illustration: Mota (motor home)
Package Design: JiNG*da*LaW
Original Composition: ZUN (Team Shanghai Alice)

Individual track credits

DISC 1 - Chapter of DENPA
01. Marisa Stole the Precious Thing
arrangement: ARM
vocals: Karin Fujisaki
lyrics: ARM with "loving" YOUNO
original title: Doll Judgement ~ The Girl Who Played with People's Shapes
source: Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
original release: Touhou Otomebayashi

02. Me, Marisa
arrangement: void
lyrics: Hikura
vocals: Izabel
original title: Love-Colored Master Spark
source: Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night.
original release: Toho Bubbling Underground

03. Border of extacy
vocal arrangement: ARM
sound arrangement: RoughSketch (Sapporo Hardcore Channel)
lyrics: Lettuce Shichijou
vocals: miko (Alternative ending), Mao Enokidu
original title: Necrofantasia
source: Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
original title: Border of Life
source: Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
original release: TOHO MAKASHINSAI

04. Wouldn't Cucumber-Flavored Beer Be Nice to Drink!
arrangement: void
vocals: Chihiro Kannami (Studioどらごんめいる)
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
original title: The Gensokyo the Gods Loved
source: Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith.
original title: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend
source: Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith.
original release: Touhou Kasokusouchi

05. Stops at the affected area and immediately dissolves ~ Lunatic Udongein
arrangement: ARM
vocals: miko
lyrics: Hakase with "mad" YOUNO
voice: miko, quim, Shatyou
original title: Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon
source: Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night.
original release: Toho Tsuki Toro

06. Usatei
arrangement: myu314 (とどのつまり亭), beatMARIO (COOL&CREATE)
original title: White Flag of Usa Shrine
source: Touhou Kaeidzuka ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
original title: Cinderella Cage ~ Kagome-Kagome
source: Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night.
original release: Touhou Suisuisusu

07. Cancel Transformation! Gross Keine
arrangement: D.wat (KKproject)
vocals: Ayu (KKproject)
lyrics: Lettuce Shichijou & Megane Rokujou [六条メガネ] (KKproject)
original title: Plain Asia
source: Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night.
original release: Toho Tsuki Toro

08. Heartful Necromancer
arrangement: ARM
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
vocals: 3L
cast: Narrator: Shyuichi Tatsunami
    Satori: Ayu
original title: Corpse Voyage ~ Be of good cheer!
source: Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism.
original release: Toho Bubbling Underground

09. Make Us Your Brides!
arrangement: ARM
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
vocals: miko, Yuka, Mari [まり]
voice: 安田陽子
original title: The Doll Maker of Bucuresti
source: Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
original title: Love-Colored Master Spark
source: Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night.
original title: Oriental Dark Flight
source: Touhou Kaeidzuka ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
original release: Touhou Suisuisusu

10. Public Holdings Firm Border Inc. - Company Song
arrangement: D.watt
lyrics: Lettuce Shichijou
vocals: miko, Ayu, Saki [咲希]
original title: Necrofantasia
source: Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
original release: Touhou Suisuisusu

11. Special Power of Exposing Moonlight Nights?
arrangement: ARM
vocals: miko
lyrics: Hikura with "loving" YOUNO
original title: Maiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle
source: Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night.
original release: Toho Tsuki Toro

12. Bow Down, You Ignorant Fools!
arrangement: ARM
vocals: miko
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
voice: miko, quim, ARM
original title: Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess
source: Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night.
original release: Toho Tsuki Toro Safe!

13. Cirno's Perfect Math Class
arrangement: ARM
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
vocals: miko
voice: quim
original title: Tomboyish Girl in Love
source: Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
original release: Toho Hyosetsu Kashu

DISC 2 - Chapter of GACHI
01. Flower of the Sun
vocal arrangement: D.watt
sound arrangement: ARM
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
vocals: 3L
original title: Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
source: Touhou Kaeidzuka ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
original release: Toho Soyu Shinpi

02. Special Ability to Sneak Out Together on a Moonlit Night
arrangement: D.wat.
vocals: Karin Fujisaki
lyrics: kiku, D.wat.
bass: D.wat.
original title: Maiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle
source: Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night.
original release: Touhou Otomebayashi

03. The Snow I Miss So Much
arrangement: ARM
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
vocals: Asana
original title: Tomboyish Girl in Love
source: Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
original release: Toho Hyosetsu Kashu

04. Artificial Children
arrangement: ARM
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
vocals: miko
original title: Romantic Children
source: Touhou Kaikidan ~ Mystic Square.
original title: Alice in Wonderland
source: Touhou Kaikidan ~ Mystic Square.
original release: Touhou Suisuisusu

05. Phantasmagoria mystical expectation
arrangement: ARM
vocals: Yu Anri
lyrics: kiku, Yoshimi Youno
guitar & bass: ARM
original title: Wind God Girl
source: Touhou Kaeidzuka ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
original release: Phantasmagoria mystical expectation

06. Under the Name of the Divine Beast
vocal arrangement: D.watt from KKproject
sound arrangement: Team.Nekokan[Neko]
lyrics: Lettuce Shichijou from KKproject
vocals: Ayu, nyanyannya (Team.Nekokan[Neko])
original title: Plain Asia
source: Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night.
original release: TOHO MAKASHINSAI

07. Bewildering Impending Spiriting Away ~ Border of Death
arrangement: ARM
vocals: 3L
voice: ARM
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
guitar: ARM
original title: Necrofantasia
source: Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
original release: Touhou Otomebayashi

08. taboo tears you up
lyrics: Ken Miyato, REDALiCE (HARDCORE TANO*C)
original title: The Young Descendant of Tepes
source: Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
original title: Septette for a Dead Princess
source: Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
original title: The Centennial Festival for Magical Girls
original title: U.N. Owen Was Her?
original release: Touhou Suisuisusu

09. Eirin's Clinic That People Queue Up For
vocal arrangement: D.watt
sound arrangement: Yuma Mizonokuchi (Innocent Key)
lyrics: Lettuce Shichijou
vocals: 3L
original title: Gensokyo Millennium ~ History of the Moon
source: Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night.
original release: TOHO MAKASHINSAI

10. Alice→Dere
arrangement: ARM
vocals: miko
lyrics: Hikura
original title: The Doll Maker of Bucuresti
source: Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
original title: Doll Judgement ~ The Girl Who Played with People's Shapes
source: Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
original release: Touhou Kasokusouchi

11. Miracle∞Hinacle
arrangement: void
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
vocals: 3L
original title: The Road of the Misfortune God ~ Dark Road
source: Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith.
original title: Dark Side of Fate
source: Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith.
original release: Toho Soyu Shinpi

12. Hakurei Shrine Neighborhood Association Marching Song
vocal arrangement: ARM
sound arrangement: Loser Kashiwagi (Denkai Laboratory)
lyrics: Hikura
vocals: miko (Alternative ending)
original title: Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly ~ Ancients
source: Syu-so-gyoku
original release: TOHO MAKASHINSAI

13. Pray
vocal arrangement: ARM
sound arrangement: ARM
lyrics: Hikura
vocals: 3L
violin: RICO (地下室とシャンパン)
guitar: Shinsuke Sumitomo [住友真介] (Office Clear Tone)
original title: Faith Is for the Transient People
source: Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith.
original release: TOHO MAKASHINSAI

DISC 3 - Chapter of KARIUTA
01. Marisa Stole the Precious Thing
arrangement: ARM
vocals: Karin Fujisaki
lyrics: ARM with "loving" YOUNO
original title: Doll Judgement ~ The Girl Who Played with People's Shapes
source: Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
original release: Touhou Otomebayashi

02. Stops at the affected area and immediately dissolves ~ Lunatic Udongein
arrangement: ARM
vocals: miko
lyrics: Hakase with "mad" YOUNO
voice: miko, quim, Shatyou
original title: Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon
source: Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night.
original release: Toho Tsuki Toro

03. Make Us Your Brides!
arrangement: ARM
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
vocals: miko, Yuka, Mari [まり]
voice: 安田陽子
original title: The Doll Maker of Bucuresti
source: Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
original title: Love-Colored Master Spark
source: Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night.
original title: Oriental Dark Flight
source: Touhou Kaeidzuka ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
original release: Touhou Suisuisusu

04. Donations♥Please
arrangement: yohine (Innocent Key)
vocals: miko
lyrics: GIGYO
original title: Maiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle
source: Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night.
original title: Spring Lane ~ Colorful Path
source: Touhou Kaeidzuka ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
original release: Touhou Kasokusouchi

05. Wouldn't Cucumber-Flavored Beer Be Nice to Drink!
arrangement: void
vocals: Chihiro Kannami (Studioどらごんめいる)
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
original title: The Gensokyo the Gods Loved
source: Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith.
original title: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend
source: Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith.
original release: Touhou Kasokusouchi

07. Special Ability To Sing A Love Spell
vocal arrangement: ARM
sound arrangement: ARM
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
vocals: miko (Alternative ending), Jenya
guitar: ARM
original title: Voile, the Magic Library
source: Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
original release: TOHO MAKASHINSAI

08. Hakurei Shrine Neighborhood Association Marching Song
vocal arrangement: ARM
sound arrangement: Loser Kashiwagi (Denkai Laboratory)
lyrics: Hikura
vocals: miko (Alternative ending)
original title: Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly ~ Ancients
source: Syu-so-gyoku
original release: TOHO MAKASHINSAI

09. Flower of the Sun
vocal arrangement: D.watt
sound arrangement: ARM
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
vocals: 3L
original title: Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
source: Touhou Kaeidzuka ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
original release: Toho Soyu Shinpi

10. Geneology of Memories ~ until the End of History
arrangement: ARM
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
vocals: miko
voice: Jonathan Lee
original title: Japanese Saga
source: Touhou Gumon Shiki ~ Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
original title: Child of Are
source: Touhou Gumon Shiki ~ Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
original release: Toho Soyu Shinpi

11. Cirno's Perfect Math Class
arrangement: ARM
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
vocals: miko
voice: quim
original title: Tomboyish Girl in Love
source: Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
original release: Toho Hyosetsu Kashu

12. Ecstasy Masochistic
arrangement: ARM
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
vocals: miko (Alternative ending)
voice: quim
original title: Catastrophe in Bhavaagra ~ Wonderful Heaven
source: Touhou Hisouten ~ Scarlet Weather Rhapsody.
original release: Toho Bubbling Underground

13. Heartful Necromancer
arrangement: ARM
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
vocals: 3L
cast: Narrator: Shyuichi Tatsunami
    Satori: Ayu
original title: Corpse Voyage ~ Be of good cheer!
source: Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism.
original release: Toho Bubbling Underground

14. Hot Spring Hymn
arrangement: ARM
lyrics: Hikura
vocals: Dummy, nyanyannya (Team.Nekokan[Neko])
original title: Energy Daybreak ~ Future Dream...
source: Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism.
original title: Awakening of the Earth Spirits
source: Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism.
original release: Toho Bubbling Underground

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