Platforms: PS3, Windows, Xbox 360
Year: 2012
Developed by: Monolith
Published by: Gotham City Impostors
Number of Files: 65
Total Filesize: 63 MB
Date Added: Jul 6th, 2024
Album type: Gamerip
Uploaded by: peterdao
Gotham City Impostors was playable by, at the most, 12 players simultaneously. Players could customize their costume, gadgets and other aspects of the game. It featured a colorful and over-the-top visual style, including such settings as an amusement park. In addition to guns and knives, the players could use other gadgets such as grappling hooks, glider wings, roller skates and explosives. The game included both conventional guns and outlandish weapons, including a grenade fashioned like a jack-in-the-box and a rocket launcher made of PVC piping.