Platforms: Arcade
Year: 1993
Developed by: Data East
Published by: Data East
Number of Files: 154
Total Filesize: 73 MB (MP3), 204 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Jul 14th, 2023
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Album type: Gamerip
Uploaded by: riheko3606
Fighter's History uses a six-button control configuration similar to Street Fighter II and its iterations, with three punch buttons and three kick buttons, each for different strength levels (light, medium, and heavy). There are a total of nine playable characters, as well as two non-playable boss characters at the end of the single-player tournament. The final boss and sponsor of the tournament is revealed to be Karnov, the protagonist of the Data East action game of the same name.
06:41 Jul 14th, 2023Online