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Fairyland (2000)


Волшебница (RU)

Platforms: Windows
Year: 2000
Developed by: GameOver-Games
Published by: Alawar Entertainment, Buka Entertainment, Egmont Polska, Msd-Japan, Salva Corporation

Number of Files: 3
Total Filesize: 31 MB (MP3), 95 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Feb 19th, 2025   | Change Log
Album type: Gamerip
Uploaded by: Nilogin Saturn

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Running On The Sun 6:23 10.78 MB 33.79 MB get_app
2. FairyLand Electro Remix 5:39 10.35 MB 30.29 MB get_app
3. Fly Away 5:24 9.58 MB 30.86 MB get_app


Fairyland is an unofficial remake of Taito's The Fairyland Story (1986), released in 2000 for Windows computers. Alawar Entertainment published the digital version. The retail versions were only released in Russia (by Buka Entertainment, as a part of an unknown collection), Poland (by Egmont Polska, as a demo for CyberMycha 05/2002) and Japan (by MSD-JAPAN and Salva Corporation, as a standalone full version).
As in the original, the player controls Ptolemy the witch and uses a magic spell as the main weapon to turn enemies into cakes. This version contains 150 levels with the last one the main boss Red Dragon to defeat.
The remake differs by enhancing graphics and music.
Music by Valery "Butch" Belozercev.
P.S. Credits go to TremiRodomi, who ripped the music. Extra thanks to MasterOfRemakes64 and MasterOfRemakes Interactive Games.

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+ Comment

Nilogin Saturn

03:52 Feb 19th, 2025Online

comment graphic

Imagine if the game could be better… this didn't work!
MasterOfRemakes, a leader of the MasterOfRemakes group, said the music is good, calm and nostalgic (especially FairyLand Electro Remix) and it looks like a 2004-2006 Game Boy Advance game with Shin'en Multimedia music. But he criticized controls and level design. MasterOfRemakes64 and MasterOfRemakes Interactive Games were disappointed as well. Instead of playing the clone, MasterOfRemakes64 prefered TOSE's Famicom port of the original, while MasterOfRemakes Interactive Games (formerly MasterOfRemakes Interactive) refused to publish the game because it's unable to work on new computers.